Route 3 East Sunoco Gas Station in Secaucus, NJ
Received Monday, June 2, 2008
Incident: Sunday, (6/1) at about 7:00 PM, a boy about 3 years of age, pants pulled down peeing into grass with mother's assistance outside the A+ convenience stop which has 2 bathrooms. I know this was the mommy because as we were getting gas, watching your son pee along with everyone else at the crowded station, he was calling you mommy.Your male companion/father/whatever was driving a black Dodge SXT with Maryland Tag # 2DP XXX. Mom had brown straight hair, shoulder length and was wearing a checkered sleeveless dress with yellow/tan/brown. The guy with you had dark short hair, didn't see what he was wearing. I would like to know why anyone would let their son pee in the grass in full view of everyone on the side of a busy highway where God knows who could be watching, taking pictures or getting their jollies. Don't you know there are some sick people in this world, and your son's image could be circulating through the hands of thousands of perverts by now. I could see if there was no bathroom available, but there were at least two in plain view of the open door not 20 steps from where you had your boy relieving himself. Not to mention that no one in my family wanted to look at your kid taking a piss. I hope people you know see this and you are thoroughly ashamed. Why a mother would treat her kid like a dog and let him go in the grass is beyond me!
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Sounds like you were doing quite a bit of looking yourself!
Not to mention that you posted their license plate number!
Talk about an invasion of privacy! There is no reason whatsoever to post someone's license plate number. Maybe the bathrooms were being used and that little boy was going to go all over himself--you have no idea what the situation was. Sounds to me like you need some better things to do with your time, like get a life, OP.
Amazing how people constantly get upset by TOO much id for a child/parent, but not for a nanny. Even for some of the same things. Be consistent people.
The liscence plate doesnt really end in XXX! Jane posted it that way.
If both bathrooms were occupied and the kid was about to wet his pants that's why the mom would let the kid pee in the grass. This isn't rocket science, OP, it's common sense. Better the child pee on the side of the highway than have to sit in the car with wet pants.
Jane: Do you excercise any editorial restraint or do you just publish anything people send you?
My god do you need to get a life
same goes for all of you other "reporters", how can you care so much? get a REAL hobby instead, pathetic.
Kate, you're not bright. Deal with that.
This post was posted in the comment section last night around 7. It had about 5 responding comments to it. So if Jane didn't post it from there, it would look bad, now wouldn't it.
Dont talk about things you dont know about. If you are concerned about children's private parts in public, then you should be concerned across the board, not just when nanny lets him pee on a tree@
I think this is disgusting for the simple reason that I know this area well (It's about a 15 mnute drive from where I live) And the woman could have at least taken the child behind the building, out of plain sight.
OP, you are right in posting this to shame the parents. This heavily populated, metropolitan area is no place to have a child bearing their private parts in full view. There are just too many sickos out there and many people have cell phone cameras. We as parents need to think before we do things, it's a different world out there today.
And I seem to remember a nanny getting blasted on here for letting her charge pee in public.
This is getting out of control. A 3yo had to pee and mom let him go in the grass. Big deal. Yes, there are pedophiles in the world. There are also murderers, kidnappers, and thieves. I still let my kids go outside, even though there *might* be someone with bad intentions around. I have also let my kids pee on the side of the road in the occasional emergency. This is just not that big a deal, and certainly not worthy of a public shaming and post on ISYN.
I would like to begin by saying I think this site does a fantastic job. We check it frequently as my wife and I employ an afternoon sitter. I am pleased to report she was spotted on here, with a smiley face, as a good nanny sighting! We sent the sighting link to all our friends we were so happy. Thank you Jane Doe.
As an officer of the law, I also have to comment on this particular sighting. Parents and caregivers, it is illegal to relieve yourself in public view. Depending on the town, you can face a hefty fine and this applies to parents who allow children, even toddlers to do this. In an emergency, we officers will look the other way, but in this case, I would have likely written this woman a summons for the very reason Manhattan Mamma pointed out. She likely made no attempt to use the toilet, and obviously didn't make any attempt at privacy for the child. This is unhealthy for the public and not safe for the child. As an officer, I can attest, a little boy urinating in public is a pedophiles dream come true. Please don't put your child in the position of becoming fodder for some sick collector of kiddie porn. Many of these web sites deal and trade in pictures that are taken without the parents knowledge and are innocent enough. Children swimming with no clothing on in lakes and ponds, getting a diaper changed on the beach and urinating in public.
One last note. As a father of both a boy and a girl past the potty training stage, I must disagree with those who would defend this action as an emergency. These "emergencies" rarely seem to occur where little girls are concerned. I rarely see little girls urinating in public. For some reason, people seem to think it's OK for a boy to this. In my experience, it's laziness on the parents part more than any real emergency. Just my two cents.
Yes, it happens. It happens whether you are a nanny in the park or a parent at a gas station.
Have you seen the condition of some of those gas station restrooms? Personally, I don't find this to be a big deal. I think it would have read better as a rant written by the author who has every right to have and share her opinion about what she observed.
As for editorial restraint, if I published only those things I deemed problematic and questions I found of interest, would you even be here now?
Thank you officerandy for your comment and for your perspective on this post.
I totally agree with Jane's comment about the condition of these restrooms. They are often very dirty and sometimes attract lots of bugs. My kids will at times simply refuse to go inside one of these bathrooms and, when I've physically carried them inside, it has led to a huge meltdown and wetting themselves. They are terrified of bugs and no way they could relax to urinate while flies are buzzing into them or a spider is hovering over their head. And to officerandy, this I have a boy and girl too and it has happened to me just as much with one as the other. Maybe you were lucky and had kids with great foresight and bladder control. Many of us do not and until you've had a child like this, it's kind of hard to judge others who have - sort of like a bad sleeper or a picky eater.
Thanks Jane. I see your site very much like a forum where a lot of very different people come together and discuss what is on their minds. Thanks for being fair.
Jane, you are doing a great service, keep up the good work.
I don't think my kids were any different from anyone else's. We used inexpensive portable "potties" which are available in almost any big box or sporting goods store and are designed specifically for use on long (or short) car trips. They make them for both boys and girls.
My purpose wasn't to argue with anyone, just to point out the darker side of mankind and how innocent children can be exploited without ever being touched. I'm sure no parent here wants to think that their child could possibly be this week's main attraction on some child pornography site. By exposing your child in public, even in the most innocent of ways, they could be. It's incomprehensible to the normal mind what can turn these people on. Unfortunately, I've had the misfortune to deal with them directly. It is important we think before we act. For the sake of our children.
Jane, you are doing a great service, keep up the good work.
I don't think my kids were any different from anyone else's. We used inexpensive portable "potties" which are available in almost any big box or sporting goods store and are designed specifically for use on long (or short) car trips. They make them for both boys and girls.
My purpose wasn't to argue with anyone, just to point out the darker side of mankind and how innocent children can be exploited without ever being touched. I'm sure no parent here wants to think that their child could possibly be this week's main attraction on some child pornography site. By exposing your child in public, even in the most innocent of ways, they could be. It's incomprehensible to the normal mind what can turn these people on. Unfortunately, I've had the misfortune to deal with them directly. It is important we think before we act. For the sake of our children.
Oh please.....This is so ridiculous.....He was about THREE...Probably about to wet his pants AND sometimes the public restroom are hazardous to your health!...He was not pooping in the grass.
OP stop being so high and mighty. With a plate number now anyone watching or reading this can find that family. How is that giving the child any privacy? And maybe the kid was potty training and the bathrooms were full or broken. He is a boy that had to pee. Beside where does a nanny get off telling a parent what to do with her own kid. I thought this site was I saw your NANNY. Not abuse or neglect to let your kid pee on the grass. Just that you think it was in poor taste.
How is pee unhealthy for the public. Pee is actually sterile and does not contain any pathogens. Check out your facial lotion, urea is in there. Dogs pee on the sidewalk and leave poop smears and where are the tickets for that. Sure people pick up after their dogs but toddler pee is harmless. I guess if it was a choice of ticket or toddler wetting their pants I would take the ticket and let the kid pee.
calm down 222-
why would anyone try to find the family? and with half a plate? puleaze. you should be worried that if a stranger could take down all of this information and see the child, well so could a perv. maybe he was interested in the kid. maybe he follows the family. dont dangle your children out there for the pervs that are out there. just do not do it.
Remember guys, when one is dealing with small children day in and day out, we tend to become a bit desensitized to issues regarding nakedness and excrement. When you are personally aiding another human being with every single one of their potty needs and cleaning up after them, it really becomes no big deal...second nature. I would think a mom of a three year old might just consider it a natural occurrence and not even stop to think about pedohiles snapping photos at a time like that. However, it is sadly time that we need to start. Too bad creeps have taken yet another aspect of innocence away form small children.
EWWWWWW! If a bathroom is available, use it! That includes for diaper changes. That's just downright lazy and disgusting. EWWWW! EWWWW! EWWW!
Oh come on--this is so not worth the brain power or lack thereof being wasted on it.
mm..once are wrong and way out and officer randy both need a reality check.
I am so happy to know that while drug dealers and muderers are out there running the streets, our tax payers dollars are going to be spent ticketing a mommy, daddy or nanny who chooses to allow a toddler to pee in the grass!thats just fabulous!!
You both are so misguided when it comes to toddlers ......officer randy,little girls are usually much easier to potty train than little boys..thus the lack of their emergencies.
so, officerrandy,is it legal for the op to post a partial L.Plate Number,along with a description of all adults, the car and the state on a public website?
so, officerrandy,is it legal for the op to post a partial L.Plate Number,along with a description of all adults, the car and the state on a public website?
tell you all of that find this so might want to stop for just a moment and think about why it's offensive??
Are you that threatened by a toddlers penis or pee??
what gives
BTW if I had to pee, I'd go in the graas too..ever been to those bathrooms??
I have been reading this site for months for sheer entertainment value -- have had friends who nanny, and I help teach a summer camp, but have no kids/nanny of my own (yet!).
I've just gotta post about this one.
I think the whole reason it was offensive to OP was the lackadaisical attitude of the mother.
sure, urine is sterile.
sure, the bathroom could've been gross.
but what if EVERYONE peed in the grass instead of bothering with a restroom?
as a former punk rock kid, I never thought I'd be saying -- well, typing -- this, but American society has gotten way too lax.
people do whatever they want, whenever and however they want to do it.
you wouldn't believe the "private" phone conversations I've overheard from folks gabbing on their cells while shopping -- stuff about divorce court, surgeries, gossip, etc. that I can't help but over hear when I'm in line at the grocery store.
people show up for movies, job interviews, and nice dinners dressed in clothes I wouldn't wear to wash my car.
I was at a friend's kid's school function 2 weeks ago, and the parents in the front rows yielded video cameras with fold-out viewfinders that blocked the sight line for all of us in back. annoying, but what irked me even more were the moms next to me who simply stood in their kids' chairs or plopped their asses down on the teacher's desk to get a better view.
yeah, the pedophiles are something to worry about, but I also just want to see parents show a little common sense, and restrain from doing everything out in the open. breast feeding is one thing; changing your kid's diaper on the table of a restaurant (yes I have seen this happen -- they left the dirty diaper along with a $2 tip) is something else entirely.
we all pee, we all poo, but we close the bathroom door first. if you've got to go in public, at least go around the back of the building.
or maybe I'm just becoming Howard Hughes...
To the dumbass who asked about legality of posting a partial plate,
Yes dumb ass!
To answer the question. Anytime you step out into public, or into a private place open for public use, you and anyone you are with or anything you have with you can be recorded or photographed published. Including your license plate.
And all I ask is that you keep that in mind, especially where your kids are concerned. You would not believe the stuff that can be done with a photo of a child and photoshop.
OP I'm with you. This is gross.
And those of you saying urine is sterile, do you wash your hands after going?
Urine is sterile, but the bacteria in and on the genital area is not. Ever hear of the instructions to give a clean catch sample?
I don't let my kids pee anywhere they please. I'm not saying I haven't pulled over to a bush on a long road trip on occasion, but in public? In full view? No way. I carry alcohol in a small spray bottle and wipe down the toilet seats for my kids to go. And I had never thought of getting the little portable urine bottles Officer Andy suggested but I will from now on.
hey suck on this 430..what is your problem?Go away..all you ever try to do is pick a fight..I have you pegged, overweight, mean,vindictive ex-wife, bleach-blonde ,fake nails, always nagging friend who rents a trailer in the dumpiest mobile home park in town who needs to get a life!
go back to your soaps and oatmeal creme pies and let the rest of us blog!
I cannot IMAGINE what it must be like to be SOO uptight!!
Officerrandy, RO, MM and the rest of all need to count to ten, maybe take a vacation or have some really great sex with your sweethearts and then lighten up...this is not an abusive nanny sighting and it is most certainly NOT an issue deserving of this much attention..a kid's not the end of the world..relax..enjoy life and smile a little
and to the poster who says"peeing behind a bush is okay..but not in public..honey, if its outdoors on the side of the freeway..its in public, just because you are hiding does not make a difference
stealing a penny is still stealing!
you either think it is ok or you don't!
5:02 HONEY, I didn't say letting my kids pee behind a bush was OK, I just admitted I'm not as perfect as you think you are. And from the sound of your post you would have a hard time finding anyone to have sex with you.
Wouldn't it be nice if we thanked this police officer for coming forward and trying to educate us and perhaps open our eyes to something we might not have thought about until today.
He has made me think about something I had never considered before. Since he is on the front lines everyday dealing with all sorts of criminals he probably sees all kinds of things we can't imagine.
Thank you sir.
As for the OP, I agree with you. This mother should have made soem attempt to conceal her child if the bathroom was out of the question for whatever reason.
anon 506..good job honey..can't defend your post so you change the subject by attacking the poter. Shame on you!
next time..give yourself a little time and try to come back with something a little more wittier than a common put down and while your at it try to make a case for your weak post!
public is public and peeing in it is peeing in it!
what?? it's ok just because YOU are on a long don't know the boys situation..maybe he was on a long trip too and could hardly make it out of the car let alone to a bathroom 10 feet away. This is a toddler not a grown up with bladder control sweetheart!
come on now..give me something good..make me come back for more!
oohh..451 you are a wee bit touchy or is that a wee bit bitchy....your post is conflicting..which is it>
To pee in public or no to pee in public?
Is it just okay if you are traveling a long distance?
Is it just okay if it is you?
5:14 yes, because afterall that little boys bare ass was just offeding everyone!!
How uber ridiculous!
poster 4:51..contradict= to state the contrary
Please don't feed the trolls 5:06 or anyone else.
My parents used to have us pee in empty McDonald's cups when we took road trips. I think I would have rather gone by the side of a gas station.
No one knows for sure why the little boy was peeing outside. Maybe there was a huge line for the bathroom, maybe the bathroom was out of order, Maybe it was filthy and stunk so bad it made you want to barf. Assuming it was for any reason other than the parents being lazy, I think we should give them a break. Yeah, there are some sick people out there, everyone agrees on that. But how are you going to explain to a toddler that he has to ride 3 hours to Grandma's house with wet pants because there could have been a pervert around.
"Why a mother would treat her kid like a dog and let him go in the grass is beyond me!"
Here's why.
Because we're so fucking tired.
sue, you are always so vulgar and crass! really..why even bother posting?
You do realize that it is NOT a requirment to use profanity when posting here right? Because you do it ALL the time!
Just to let you know the bathrooms were very clean as I had just used them myself with my kids when we arrived.
There was no line for at least one bathroom. The door was ajar as it was when we got there.
The mother was simply too damn lazy. She got out of her car, walked her kid to the grass and let him pee. She wasn't in a hurry, she stopped with the boy to ask her male companion if he wanted anything from the store. Then, she simply stopped in front of my car and helped her kid drop his pants and pee. Many people made comments to her and she just smiled.
I heard and saw everything because our car was next to theirs and facing where she took her kid to relieve himself. My kids had no choice but to watch her kid pee as they were secured in their booster seats.
I don't care what anyone says I think it's disgusting to let your children pee in a public place when you are about 20 steps from a clean restroom.
That website to post bad drivers and their plate numbers is so funny! There were a ton from my town. I was happy that my plate wasn't there b/c I'm not exactly a good driver. I don't see why people get so upset about plate numbers. It is not like you can get a credit card with it.
Thanks OP for posting again they have been kind of rough on you.
I will fess up and have let my charge make water off in the brush at the park when the restrooms are closed off season. But not when there's an available restroom.
OK where did all the comments from last night on this go?
Calimom, the trolls ate them for snack.
On the beach last week we were subjected to a mother changing her baby's very smelly. messy diaper on the beach towel. It was nasty for those of us trying to enjoy our picnic on the beach. Completely unnecessary as well since they offer a spacious restroom with an attendant and a baby changing area. Of course the mother left the diaper in the sand at the end of the day. In a plastic bag bit still. Nasty! Uncomfortable for the baby too I would imagine as sand gets everywhere!
828 apples & oranges dear!
754..that site sounds funny..could youtell those of us interested how to find it?
Did I overlook it on an above post? Some people really need to pull the sticks out of their orifices. If the mom had changed the diaper on YOUR towel 8:28 you'd have reason to gripe but as it is...pull your nose out of other people's babies' diapers. Littering is always wrong but I'm guessing the mom did not realise she had left the diaper behind.
The website about bad driver's is 4:30's post that says "suck on this." If you click on suck on this it takes you to the site.
get a life, he had to go to the bathroom, he is a little boy they LOVE to go outside.
Calimom perhaps you missed the part where 8:28 said the mother left the diaper in a plastic bag on the beach when they left. Or do you condone littering and polluting our ocean's as well?
Sorry oceans, before you jump all over my mistake.
10:29, Calimom did notice, but she tried to make some lame excuse like the mom forgot. I guess they forgot all the other trash they left behind as well. The stuff from their lunch, their broken beach chair, etc.
Parents may find this hard to believe but some of us don't want to be exposed to the wonderful smells of your baby's crap while we are eating our lunch 10 feet away on a crowded beach. Use the baby changing station. That's what it's there for.
9:17 my husband likes to walk around nude, should he?
We can't all do what we like, that's why there are rules and laws. I can't condone urinating in public with toilets readily available, regardless of the age of the person doing it. And I think people should be courteous and thoughful and if your baby has a diaper full of offending matter, you should go someplace privately to attend to it, if at all possible. But that's just how I was raised. To be considerate of others.
"offending matter"? love it! lol. now THAT's a considerate way of wording it!
btw, hey friend!
That reminds me of the guy who sat across from me at the airport (I later saw him sitting in FIRST CLASS) who used one of the handles of his glasses to clean loads of gunky earwax out of his ears while my stomach began doing flips. I tried not to look after giving him one of my deathray glares, but I was just so incredulous that this well dressed man in a suit was grossing his fellow passengers out. People do need to be considerate of others in delicate matters like this and the above.
8:28, what beach do you go to where they have an attendant in the bathroom? The beaches I go to have sand covered concrete floors, toilets with no seats on them so you are forced to just sort of "hover", and no soap or paper towels to dry your hands. I always have to walk into the surf directly after being in one just to help stifle the urge to throw my flip flops immediately into the garbage. (And this is a comparitively NICE beach that I go to)
Officer, THANK YOU for your valuable insight. We (most of us) appreciate your having taken the time to provide a valuable, first hand, warning to those who may not have considered what can happen.
Cali mom,
I know some people are attacking you for your post about being "f****** tired," but my husband and I are enjoying a good laugh over it. Isn't it the truth sometimes!? Really moms, you have to at least know where she's coming from!
I think that was Sue Do with the f***ing remark. CaliMom endures enough grief from her posts without taking credit for someone else!
Officer Randy, to me, said all that need be said.
Yikes! you're right Sprak! At least I was COMPLIMENTING her on the comment!
Sue, thanks for the laugh!
You're very welcome my dear.
Can you all just take a moment and remember how exhausting those first few years were?
There's a huge difference between being a bad person and having a moment. I've had moments and it would have been nice for the women around me to lift me up.
So many of them did.
The rest of them had to listen to the F word.
A MAN almost died when he stopped for a roadside toilet break and was bitten by a deadly snake - on the end of his manhood.
The poisonous brown snake darted between his legs and dived at his penis as he crouched on the roadside near Cairns, Australia, before fleeing.
Emergency workers rushed to the scene and wrapped the man's member in plastic in case it was infected with poison.
Umm, the person who posted this is silly. Don't you realize all guys like to pee outside? I really doubt anyone wants to really stare at a little boy's fireman and if they do that's their problem.
Umm, the person who posted this is silly. Don't you realize all guys like to pee outside? I really doubt anyone wants to really stare at a little boy's fireman and if they do that's their problem.
Um, Right, 8:28. Just like you"forgot" to include all the other details of how offensive and unmannered the mom was until someone called you on your ridiculous objection to having to share a public beach with other people.
I guess you "forgot" the part where I DID say littering is always wrong. It is. Changing your child's diaper on your own beach towel is NOT. If you are that offended by other human beings functioning on a daily basis, sit in your living room 24/7. That's what it's there for.
I do agree with Sue Doe on that, mom and sprak!
calif nanny here...I am the nanny to 2 boys and my other 2 families have girls. My girls would never, and have never peed outside..but they tell me that they have to potty, but they can wait...boys tell you they have to potty and they mean like right now! I have been a nanny for 10 yrs and I have to say all my boys have at one time or more pee'd outside or in a cup in the car. If you gotta go you gotta not a big deal....
I am a nanny of twin 3 year olds and a 4 year old. Just yesterday we were on our way home from school when one of the three year olds had to pee. I quickly pulled into a parking lot and drove around to the back of Target so he could pee in the grass. Sure, I could have unstrapped everyone from their carseats, dragged them into the store, listend to the four year old try to convince me to buy her something, told the three year olds not to touch anything, taken them all into the bathroom, then dragged them back through the store and through the parking lot, and strapped them into their carseats, but I was tired, they were cranky, and it was just so much easier to let him pee in the grass. No big deal.
Calimom or perhaps 8:28 was just posting the facts she or he thought was relevant to the topic until you jumped in, as ususal, to pick a fight. I am so sick of the self ASSigned "Truth Police" on this site
Then that was pure laziness on your part.
What is that teaching the little boy?
That the world is his toilet?
Wrong, very wrong.
But at least you had the good sense to go behind a store where no one could've seen you .....
but even THAT could've been dangerous!
Hey You know Me! :D
Nannyneedsanap, I can see where taking the route you took would be tempting given your circumstances. At least you took him behind the store.
My husband will never pee outside again. Here's why. When he was 12 he stopped while biking along a country road to relieve himself. He chose the wrong area however, as the stream disturbed a hornets nest. A passerby drove him home and his mother rushed him to the ER. He spent several days quite swollen and tender. He says he would rather tie a knot in it then risk pissing off some hornets again (Pun intended) Another Reason Roadside Peeing Is No Good reminded me of that story my husband told me years ago.
Great story!
as a mommy of 3 a former nanny and a human being with the good sense that God gave me, I have to say that this is by far the most ridiculous post I have ever read.
lets see so far allowing a child who obviously has to pee do so in the grass is "something officer randy would write a citation for, dangerous,gross,lazy,disgusting,
offensive,unhealthy and only okay if you are poster 457 and hide while you are doing it...
really folks, this is going too far.
There are kids out there that truly are abused, neglected and in need of help and this kind of nonesense makes me think that there are more kids out there in danger than we know..afterall, if people get this uptight and riled up over a kid peeing in the grass..what else do their poor children have to deal with everyday!
lets save the blogs for what they are intended for..abusive nanny sightings and good nanny sightings.
11:51, thank God someone like Jane runs the blog then and not yourself. This way everyone's opinion gets to be heard and not just those she thinks are right or worthy.
You do have another option besides reading posts that offend your higher level of intelligence. You can pick and choose what you read. If you exercise freedom of choice, you don't have to waste time and energy reading and commenting on posts that are beneath you.
as you all know, no one is more against public urination than i am, but really! this is worthy of an eye roll at most, imho.
i'm just amazed at how so many people seem to think the world is just teaming with pedophiles waiting eagerly to get a glimpse of their kids or charges. i try to exercise common sense and supervise my kids, but i don't think it's a very normal thing to dwell upon. most people are NOT pedophiles.
Thank you Lindalou and NannyneedsaNap. I suppose all of these people so horrified by the notion of a 3 yr old boy peeing into a bush would have gone with the more proper option B you describe. Because after all THEY are not lazy incosiderate slugs, always have time to spare and THEIR 3 yr old boy would NEvER pee on himself if he were forced to wait 15 minutes to get everyone into a bathroom and wait for a stall.
LMAO Linda Lou makes another idotic post and there goes Cali Mom backing her up. Tweedle-Dum And Tweedle-Dummie.
mm..I just choose to ignore most of your posts because the are borderline Hysteria..not just a few of them..all of them..
now pls..I am sure instead of picking on me or any other poor bastard who disagrees with you,you would much rather be out snapping pics of negilgent parents/nannies
so can "let them have it"
besides..this blog is not meant for our personal is for good/bad nanny sightings
anon 133 I could not agree more!
the same ol' shit just a diffrent blog.
you could wind your watch by those two
just a note..Calimom has really been mean latley!
I agree with the couple of commenters who said that, if this was a nanny instead of a mommy, she'd being getting ripped a new one.
However, I'm really not sure what the big deal is...It was a three year old...a little kid. If anything, it was slightly innappropriate when considering how our tight assed, PC society functions, but it doesn't warrant a full description and license plate number...And as far as pedophiles are concerned, that too seems a bit far fetched. Unlike the man with the camera in the park post who viably COULD have been up to no good, I doubt there was a peeping tom hiding in parking lot at the gas station JUST IN CASE a young boy needed to take an emergency piss on the side of the road...
You'd be of much better service if you were to stick a thumb up your ass.
Why do you feel the need to jump on calimom and lindalou?
Does their intelligent line of thinking mess you up?
Go get a brain scan, moron.
I'd bet the Drs. would find nothing but cobwebs up there.
Awwww, did the big bad cali mom hurt your wittle feelings? Poor baby! Let me go get you a pacifier.
Babies in China don't wear diapers EVER. They wear split pants and squat in the gutter to pee and poop.
Sounds like a lot of you here would just faint at the sight of such a thing. Get over yourselves, go to work and find some other child to "save".
4:32 They sell their unwanted little girls in to sex slavery at around 8 years old too. Shall we all follow China's lead?
1:46 ignore any post you choose, you probably can't read any word with more than two syllables anyway.
3:53 If you stuck your thumb up your ass, you'd touch your brain.
3:55 1:55 simply pointed out a fact that is very common. Cali Mom defending Linda Lou talk about the witch standing up for the fool. And you of course think those two are intelligent? HA!
You sound like a delightful and lovely woman.
I assume you are the same person who keeps complaining that you get "attacked" every time you post on this site. I simply cannot imagine why!
Especially odd about that is that you post anonymously. So how do you suppose we are "all" identifying you specifically for the purpose of unfairly "persecuting" you?
Such a mystery!
It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the fact that your posts are universally offensive, could it? No, I'm sure that's not it al all.
Poor, poor dear. We are all so mean, and for no particular reason either.
I have to agree with 1:33 though would say that at least Calimom's opinions usually fall within the "normal" range even though she is often angry and unnecessarily mean. Lindalou is just plain bizarre, and not in a good way.
It's always been one of my bug-a-boos that there are so many anonymous attackers on here and they are the worst of the worst. They can attack from all angles, they can attack anyone at anytime, they call names, they insult and demean, and yet they think some of us regulars are MEAN. Oh, boo hoo. They make me sick because they don't have the strength of their convictions to claim their nonsensical jabber and attacks. At least LindaLou, CaliMom, Ro, MM, MPP, Mom, Sue Do and ALL the other regulars stand behind their posts. Let me make it abundantly clear that there are some anonymous posters who make sensible, valuable contributions, but 1:33, 1:46 1:50 and 2:28 from yesterday, for example, are NOT among them. Anonymous idiots all. Cheers!
::thunderous applause::
I often wondered the same thing. How can that certain poster keep claiming they are getting the beat down .... when we don't even know WHO YOU ARE!
Gee .... it MUST be from all of these people you attack defending themselves, and you just get pissed because they get the better of you!!!
I wish I could personally shake your hand.
8:37 you invalidate your post by berating someone else for posting anonymously then posting anonymously yourself. Try again sweetheart, you'll get it right.
no one cares if anyone posts anonymously if they have a point and contribute to the conversation.
it's the anonymous bashers who make posts that don't contain anything but personal insults who are annoying as all get out. either join the actual conversation or stfu already.
Well I agree with 6:26's first statement. China is NOT a nation we would want to emulate when it comes to the treatment of their children.
1:46, I was unaware I was involved in any personal battle with anyone, especially on this site! Feel free to ignore this post (I know you won't) Interestingly enough, I don't know when to ignore yours, as you post with no moniker but that's Ok, posts on a blog that disagree with me or attempt to insult me don't ruin my day. I read your rant against me and lived, imagine that!'s me again...8:37
I didn't bother to "disguise" my writing then and I'm not now either. I suspect my identity is quite clear to those who "know" me...but I don't wish to engage you personally, so you get my comments to you posted as "anoymous."
You don't post your identity and so I don't feel that I "owe" you mine. I almost always use a moniker, but I don't think you deserve the privelege of being addressed with mine.
But, since you seem to have missed it entirely, my point in writing was not to bash you for writing anonymously. I really don't care how you post. My intention was to point out that if you are getting attacked every single time you post on this site, as you so often claim, and we really have no way to really recognize one anonymous poster from another with any regularity, it might just be that your posts themselves are offensive. Meaning...people are not purposely attacking because we recognize you, but people are probably taking serious offense to what you have to say...apparently with remarkable regularity! Not as a CONSPIRACY, as you seem to think, but because you are apparently very abrasive to a lot of people. Duh!
So, "try again sweetheart." Eventually you'll get it. Well, maybe.
I can understand why anyone would be concerned about people, even children using the ground as their toilet, but this is Secaucus, right? I mean Secaucus? Who would notice?
11:55, what the hell are you on about? When did I ever say I was attacked here or anywhere LOL.
Put the bottle down honey, now step away from the crack pipe, that's a day or so the nasty halucinations will go away.....
Ahhh it wouldn't be midnight on ISYN without two trolls going at each other!
I see you are now using some of my favorite posters' signature phrases and passing them off as your own. Clever. (Well, at least they were when THEY thought them up and used them...ORIGINALLY. In the hands of a poser they only sound sad.)
Looks like you'll need to "try again, sweetheart."
12:12, the same could be said for you. If you really are a regular please stop encouraging a flame war. It's making you look bad. Thanks
12:12 isn't a regular it's a troll that can't read and makes things up. Still waiting for it to let me in on the part where I said I was attacked.......but it can't because that part is in it's head.
Good point MM. I let my frustration get the better of me. I sowwwy! Goodnight.
When a biatch like Manhattan Mamma becomes the voice of reason, it's a sure sign this place has truly gone to the dogs.
8:34 AM, if you are going to call me a bitch, please do so with the correct spelling...not some watered-down, hip-hop version of the word. Thanks! :D
MM, you are the best!
you did engage yourself with a regular that posted under anonymous because she wanted to get a point across without getting personally flamed.
I agree with what she had to say, and you shouldn't have gotten in the middle of it because all it did was make the troll come after you.
Even when someone like Cali mom (perfect example) makes a noteworthy post, she still gets jumped on, just because a certain person doesn't like her. I'm sure if Cali mom were to go anonymous, she would hardly ever get flamed.
So for the person that posts anonymously and always gets into these flame wars, you've got to understand it is only because of your personality.
mm,I am the poster at1151,yesterday or the day before, that you felt the need to address personally.
my 1151 post was simply a broad statement of my opinion, which I thought was allowed.
I never mentioned you or anyone else except for making the statement that people are awfully uptight over this, which I don't get.
You made it personal. You posted a mean spritited post adressing me personally..then I posted back that as oppossed to getting into a personal battle, I choose to ignore your posts because I feel your posts are borderline hysteria. I ended with lets use this blog for what it is intended.
you then attack me again and refere to some "rant" thatI wrote which you survived.
If you are considering my anon 146 post a "rant" you are wrong.
I have never posted a "rant" about you. If there is a rant anywhere on this site..then I guess there are others who do not admire you as much as you admire you!
You are wrong to accuse me of any rant. I simply responded to your personal attack of me!
I have read this thread this morning and there are several posters who have attacked you, calimom and others and they are not potst from me!I have not posted since yesterday..
so sorry to burst your bubble, I had nothing to do with all the troll fighting last night!
6:26-- Be very careful what you say about someone else's culture. They do not sell little girls into slavery, that is a very old fashoined idea of Chinese culture. Educate yourself before you make a racist statement.
China's hidden slave trade
Last Modified: 22 Jun 2007
Source: ITN
More than a century and a half since the world abolished the slave trade, the abhorrent practice is still flourishing in China.
Hundreds of parents are now searching for missing children they believe have been sold into slavery.
Many blame the government, who for years refused to listen until secret footage filmed at a brick factory in Shanxi province emerged.
In such factories a world of child labour and casual brutality exists as none of the workers are there willingly.
Despite the fact that they are worked to the point of exhaustion, no one is paid a wage.
Surprisingly the story has been reported in China's state-controlled media - a sign of just how frustrated the Beijing government has become with endemic local corruption.
As some communist cadres colluded in the slave trade - a number of junior officials have been arrested.
© Independent Television News Limited 2007. All rights reserved.
626 your posts are way out there. isn't there a blog somewhere for people who just want to Blah.blah.blah all day long?
pls go there
12:25, educate YOURSELF please.
My cousin, who lives in Oregon adopted no less than three girls from orphanges in China. She adopted one then felt she needed a sister. She was all set to fly over and pick up the next one when she was told she couldn't. No explanation given. Some digging and extensive bribery led to the admission that the 5 year old was very pretty and scheduled to be sent to Bangkok. More bribery enabled my cousin to get the child back. Complaints to Chinese
authorities yielded little results.
They adopted a third girl last year. This is all within the past 5 years so this is not that old-fashioned.
Chinese also still give away their girls as they are only allowed one child and many want a boy. The orphanges are teeming with girls there. Investigate for yourself.
Yes, why are the olympics being held there?
China was the choice of the Olympic Committee. Personally, I think it was a bad choice.
oh, you are right sprak, our country would have been a much better choice for the ..right?
Our streets are running rampent with sexual predetors because we feel they deserve 3 strikes before putting them away forever, ..drug dealers ...prostitutes..girls as young as 13 holed up in local no tell motels being pimped out in large towns like , Houston, Atlanta, Los Angeles and many more.
Black market babies being sold left and right..and for the record..china is not the only place that has issues with the selling of little the united states alone last year over 17,000 people, primarily women and children were sold/human trafficking.
so for the posters who state we don't want to emulate china..we don't need to..we are already there!
Take a look at our orphanages ..they are not full due to laws governing how many children we can have..but they are full..because we have mommies doing drugs..welfare mommies who can't provide but keep spreading their legs and parents who have their children taken away because they neglect or beat them...before you start throwing stones..better board up the windows in our own glass house!!
You anti American piece of shit,
Do not compare the US to China. Do not do it. The US collectively fighting for human rights on every continent, feeding the worlds poor through government programs and private American companies and citizens. We are fighting genocide. Getting clean water to Africa. Annihilating those who deal in blood diamonds.
How dare you.
How dare you.
Nazi scumbag.
You go girl!
Fool at 5:43,
First, don't ever put words in my mouth. I said I felt China was a bad choice for the Olympics and I stand by my statement. I mentioned NO other nation as being a better choice, but yes, now that YOU mention it, the U.S. would be a BETTER choice. There are also many other countries that would have been more suitable for a world event such as the Olympics.
As for your rant about this country, I have a suggestion for you. Leave. Don't hesitate. You are exactly the kind of ingrate we don't need here. Perhaps you could travel to China for the Olympics and just stay? How about that for an idea?
BTW, the next time you quote statistics in one of your hysterical spiels, offer up some proof to back them. While our country isn't perfect,its people remain the most generous, kindhearted humans on the planet and our nation still affords more freedom and opportunity than any other. People are stowing aboard ships, stealing across our border at night, and taking risks with their lives to get into this country. Imagine that. Good, hardworking people are clamoring to get into this country while clueless, unappreciative, worthless asswipes don't have any idea how good they have it.
I have only heard of people dying to get in the USA. I never hear of people dying to leave.
Ro and Sprak, thank you!
Though as we saw in the Crakdown on Nudity thread, some posters are just way too crazy to waste much time arguing with. (Ahem...s-y-n-t-a-x)
Wow. Ro, Mom, Sprak, MM, Cali ....
you ladies make me proud to be an American!
God Bless You!
You all need to read a marvelous book called "Spin Sisters" by Myrna Blyth.
Trust me, it's valuable.
wow..the sisterhood of the traveling ya-ya's!!
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