Playground at 76th and Fifth Avenue in Central Park, NYC
Received Monday, June 16, 2008
I saw a Caucasian boy with dark brown hair about the age of 2 yo outside of the playground at 76th and Fifth Avenue this past Tuesday, (6/10). He was crying and trying to get inside the playground. I asked him where his mom or nanny was, and he pointed North to the path outside of the playground in Central Park. I asked him if he wanted me to take him to her, and he said no, that he was with "those guys", which were three 4-5 y.o. s running around outside the playground unattended. He was following the older boys around, but they weren't paying attention to him. He said his caregiver's name was Keisha. I was at the playground for another 20 minutes and never saw her. Just this poor 2yo boy toddling after a crew of slightly older boys in Central Park. He could have been kidnapped! If you know anyone who fits the description with a caregiver named Keisha, please tell the mom!
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Please tell us you hung out with him until she showed up, because you don't say!
What happened to the little boy?
7:11 AM
OP, if you are so concerned about this little boy so as to have posted about it, why didn't you call 911?
Lord, I hope we don't read in the news today about a missing 2-year-old from Central Park!
Shame on you!
You "never saw her" ?!
Did you just leave the 2 yo alone there? Did you call the police? Please update, this is very disturbing.
In this particular instance I think you should have ascertained that the little guy had united with Keisha before leaving the park.
I don't understand how you saw an unattended 2yo OUTSIDE the park and are only able to further say that when you left the park 20 minutes later you still hadn't seen an adult. How in the world did you not do something for the child yourself?
Oh my God!!! Please, please tell me that you didn't leave that baby alone ... PLEASE say you didn't. My heart is pounding just thinking about it. Dear God, I can't believe this.
I can hardly comment on this post.
I have a feeling OP just reported what happened. There was nothing said about coming to that little boy's aide.
Who would leave that out?
Just so we have this straight:
You were horrified that a two year old was left unattended, and then you left him unattended??
OP, please update this post. Not only was that 2yo at risk, but the "older" (4-5yo) kids as well. Please tell us you called 911. Who could just walk away from this situation????
op here: He was with three older boys and they were running around just outside the gate to the playground. When I went up to him, he said he was with the older boys, his nanny was Keisha and backed away from me towards his brother/friends. I went back in the playground and kept an eye on him outside, b/c they were playing in one spot. I then asked two nannies at the swings if they knew Keisha or the child and neither of them did. We were all watching these kids. In fact, probably five of us were. I finally left b/c it was late and I have a toddler, but they were still there. The nanny could have been on the bench with the 5-10 other nannies that sit on the bench there every day. But she wasn't watching them closely. I should have been more proactive, but I was also running around after my child hoping he didn't fall on his face (new walker). There were tons of people at this park, many of them saw what was going on. I actually went outside to talk to him and this is the information I got. If you know Keisha, the family, etc. please report her.
OP, I totally understand that you had your own kids to watch. Thanks for clarifying. I hope the kid is ok!
I am really hoping OP since you state that other people witnessed this, that one of those people had the sense to call the police! I'm sorry, I understand you were with a toddler, but how long does a phone call take? Or ask one of the others watching to make the call. How hard is this?
I read the article posted last week about a 2-year old in my county that was the victim of a hit and run because no one bothered to come to her aid. At least one other witness saw the child by themself and instead of helping the child right away, left to go and tell a child welfare office that the 2 year old was wondering around by themself at 5am.
I really hope this little boy had a better fate!
to "a nanny who cares": thanks for the feedback. next time i will know what to do. under the assumption that the kid is fine (since it would be all over NY1 if he wasn't), the next step would be to see if you know anybody who knows keisha who could inform the family. i understand your vitriol, but i did the best i could. i left my toddler with a friend while i left the playground, this kid was scared of me, his brother and friends were looking at me. a ton of people were watching this incident, and watching them continue to play after i went back inside to my own child. I think the best thing we can do now is to ask our friends/nannies if they know keisha or the family (if you live in nyc).
Unattended 2 year old?? Why didn't you call the police and wait until they got there??????
WHY wouldn't you have called the police!
OP, your follow-up still doesn't make sense. I have my own child to watch as well, but there have been times when we're out together and see a lost child. Damn straight I do whatever I can to find said child's caregiver...I DON'T leave it up to someone else! Think about you would want someone to do if it were YOUR child.
i tried to get him to come with me. he would not leave his brothers and friends who were running around outside the playground. my friend was trying to watch two toddlers going in different directions. there were at least 20 nannies at this playground in nyc. many of you don't live in ny. there are over 50 kids at this little playground at one time. most of the nannies were watching me talk to this crying child. he stopped crying when i talked to him, but he backed away towards his brother/friends like he was scared of me. he was still in the area when i left. keisha could have come and gone 10 times during the 20 minutes - i couldn't watch him all the time when i had a baby stumbling over concrete - but in the moment he was crying, she wasn't there. i left my baby to talk to this child and tried to do what i could. they were all playing around in the same area with many nannies around. one of them could have been keisha! maybe she was talking with her back turned. i don't know!!!! i am sick of all the accusations from you, and next time i will call the police. but what i do know is that i will never post on this website again.
I think people are too hard on OP. If everyone ran after every unattended child in NYC, nobody would be doing anything else. OP had her own kid to worry about. It's not OP's fault that this child's caregiver was negligent. The child in question was playing with what sounds like a whole crowd of unattended kids. Are we now supposed to police crowds of kids and track down the parents of the children to tell them not to put their toddlers in the care of their older kids?
PLEASE stop attacking the people who post nanny sightings. There is sufficient data here to ascertain that the OP did involve herself in the situation. With all of the people in this park, why her?
Unfortunately, most people do not want to get involved. The OP involved herself twice, once to attempt to help the child and the again here to attempt to alert the parents that their nanny is not providing their child the supervision he needs.
You're right, Jane.
It's becoming common practice around here to attack OP's for every little thing they may not have done correctly.
We have to remember that we weren't there. We don't know how we would react to a situation unless we were.
I know it really upsets you when a person has had enough and decides to leave the Blog.
I wish there was something more we could do? I am hoping as it is that Txnanny comes back.
Please don't be put off by some of these comments. After your Update, we were made aware you had your own child to look after, and that made for extenuating circumstances.
Even if OP didn't have her own kid w/ her slamming her now would do no good. All that is left to do is help find this kids parents.
OP, some people are just nasty drama queens. You did a good thing by posting this sighting. That's exactly what this blog is for.
Notice how most of the not so nice comments are ANONYMOUS.
Why should we be surprised?
I think people that have a tendency to be nasty are just afraid to attach a name to their post and own up to it.
And one more thing OP...posting this sighting is a lot more than MOST people would do. Hell, going up to try to help the kid is more than most people would do...It's just that a lot of commenter(ors?) here are PERFECT and everything they do in every situation is ideal and without fault. I'm envious. I wish I could maintain such a pure sense of righteousness.
I was glad for the OP's update in that it did shed more light on the subject. Since other nannies were there and also aware of the situation, I'm sure the OP felt more comfortable about having to leave with her toddler. Just hoping that the parents find out about their nanny's indifference to their child's (or children's) safety.
That is why this sighting is important. Thanks for reporting, OP.
i hope this MIA Keisha is located and reported to her employers and then i hope the missing in action nanny is missing a job
op, thank you for this post. Please do not let them scare you off. The post regarding the child killed by a hit and run took the same path this post did. Evereyone blamed the passer by..what about the nanny or mom who was responsible. I was shocked to see such nastiness on that thread and jsut as shocked to see you attacked on this thread.
you did a great job trying..that is all you can do.
anonymous 1010..unless I were lying dead in a ditch would not be my child left unsupervised at the park!
and to a nanny that cares & sarah & Mitch..shame on you all..
youknowme: some people have learned the hard way not to attach their identities to anything written on the web. read between the lines.
there are more anonymous nasties than anonymous posters who are just afraid to be attacked or maybe there are just more anonymous nasty posts????
I agree with anon 2:13: OP had her own child to be responsible for: she said the child was with a group of children. There are many situations like this in my own city, with very young children who run in crowds. If I saw a lone child, I would certainly call the police, but this was not the case.
OP did try to help, and did post this.
Something tells me that "Keisha" doesn't exist. The follow up posting was more confusing than the original.
No one is attacking the OP. We are perplexed on how an adult can walk away if she was so concerned, not call the police, and just wait until she got on the internet to make an anonymous posting about "Keisha".
It would be for the best if Keisha didn't exist but I fear that she does and that the OP just didn't include a lot of information in her original sighting post. The information she provided later explained her actions and I think she acted in the child's behalf as best she could considering the circumstances.
OP posted back in defense of the attacks. Not to clarify who Keisha was.
I do think the police should be called in a case like this. The OP's update shed more light, but still there was no one caring for the child & other children. One thing that struck me was this: the OP says she tried to get the boy to come with her but he backed away and wanted to be with the group of boys he knew. Well, this makes sense. Don't try to get the child to come with you in the future. Just stand there and call the police on your cell. Watch him from a slight distance if need be. I definitely think the police should be called in a case like this.
I understand that Keisha could have been on the benches as you say, OP, but it just shows you that she is not doing her job if she did not come over when the kid was crying from outside the playground.
The child was there by himself as far as you could tell, so just call the police. We are all better off when people give up their reticence to call the authorities. All the children will be safer when we all speak up for them.
This is my first time visiting this site & I agree with OP. I would never subject myself to you raging hags! Hope when someone sees your kid in a bad situation, it wasn't someone that was beaten up for posting here before. They'll likely move on and let your kid get whatever they have coming to them & you'll be none the wiser.
fox in socks: op tried to get the child to come with her because her baby was still inside the playground being watched by a friend who had her own kids to worry about. you are a great monday morning quarterback though. bravo!
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