Pan Pacific Park off Beverly in LA, CA
Received Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Hello, I have a nanny sighting to report from Los Angeles. At the new playground/train playground area at Pan Pacific Park off Beverly, June 3rd, around 2 pm. I saw a nanny taking care of a 2-3 year old girl, perhaps named talia? The little girl had dark hair, fair skin, and was wearing a dark jean mini skirt and striped top. She has an orange and grey Mclaren quest, and a pink and brown diaper bag with circles on it. the girl also had a white stuffed bunny. The nanny was eating Pringles from a single-serving size container. When the little girl reached for the chips, the nanny yanked them away from the girl. Subsequently, the girl got her hand on a chip and the nanny smacked her hand hard. the girl started crying and the nanny just stared into space and did not comfort her. The nanny was about 40, wore faded black jeans with the letter A faded/stenciled on the back pockets, and had a dark complexion, hair and eyes. She also did not play with the girl in the 2 hours I was at the park. By 3 pm the girl was crying for a nap and was falling asleep against the nanny (who was also on the phone) but the nanny did not put her in the stroller for a nap. I was very unsettled by seeing the girl smacked, and I also thought the nanny's behavior toward the girl was neglectful and uncaring before and after the incident. If you would like more information regarding this post, please email Jane as the author has chosen to share her email address.
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I hope the parents are found. That's awful!
We need more posts like this on this site. The OP sticks to the facts and doesn't rant on about how awful the nanny is, or some other topic.
As a nanny this is super sad to me. I can't imagine not wanting to share my yummies with the kids or cuddle them when they want to sleep. I hope the mom can find a new nanny who will be nuturing and kind.
Awww, great post 10:26.
I agree this is a sad sighting, but I also think a child of three should be able to ask for what he/she wants, and not just reach thinking it's okay for them to do so. Yanking something out of their reach is not the way to teach them to ask. Don't really know if she didn't ask...Anyway, bad nanny!
Sounds like emotional and physical abuse and if the nanny isn't removed from her position, the emotional scarring of this little girl will not be avoided.
This is awful. I have been away for a bit and it's sad to return only to see the same sort of things continue to go on. To me that suggests that somewhere out there, tolerance for this nasty nannies exists.
i'd tolerate her- - about long enough to shove that pringles can up her a**
The nanny a horrible women and should be treated the way she treated the child.
11:12 - Not all 3 year olds are created equal. While my son looks "normal," he has developmental delays that make it so that he doesn't understand how to behave in social situations, including when it is and isn't okay for him to reach for things that aren't his. It shouldn't matter either way. The treatment by this nanny was unacceptable.
I have yet to meet a 3-year-old that will not try to grab first, think later. Especially if what they want is yanked away from them. What bothers me most (aside from the unhealthy and selfish snacking) is that she did not interact with the child in 2 hours, except for the smacking incident. I hope the parents see this.
I was thinking the same thing 7:02.
My child will be 2 1/2 in July, and still not putting two words together. He gets frustrated, but is making progress. He is talking more (single words) still but its a start. And speech therapy is working but it takes time.
So this child who is around the age of two/three can have the same issues.
Even if the child should have asked and not grabbed (and we can debate all day if the child was developmentally able to ask)--the proper response to "grabbing" isn't slapping a child's hand. A good caregiver would move the Pringles away, and tell the child that if she would like one, please ask. Then the caregiver would share the Pringles. But slapping a child--whether it's on the hand, or anywhere else on the child's body is not appropriate. Eating in front of a child and not sharing (or giving the child a similar snack) is not appropriate. And ignoring your charge, and not giving her a nap when she needs one is not appropriate.
And I stand corrected. Sorry, guys and gals. I've been lucky in that most of my charges can get across what they want in a mostly verbal way by that age. And I've forgetten that, yes, my nieces have had speech problems and so were unable to communicate what they wanted.
I did agree it was a bad nanny! And smacking is not the way to teach a child to ask. I think we're all in agreement there?
Sorry if I've offended anyone!
I don't care if a kid of 3 can ask for a chip or not. They make mistakes and just take things. The kid probably acts just like that nanny who is teaching her to jerk things away instead of teaching her the correct way to ask for things.
I hope the parents see this.
10:14, EXACTLY. This is the type of stuff that should be reported to the site.
My 3-year-old and I stay with my mom in Park LaBrea whenever we're in LA, just across the street, but you couldn't pay me to go back to that ghetto park. You've just confirmed it for me.
Its okay 11:12
We are not offended with what you said. : )
Some children are not allowed to eat chips. I don't allow my children to eat that junk.
Don't get angry because the nanny won't give the child a chip. Get angry for the smacking.
Is there an update on this? OP left her email address and had a good description and possible name. Anyone?
Here in L.A. parents like to pay the lowest possible to nannies.I doun't doubt that nanny gets paid $10 an hour and cleans the house the whole day.
Why do you think nannies over here love to go to the park?Because there they don't do anything.They just let the kids play by themselves, talk on the phone the whole day or talk to their friends.
If that was a responsible parent who cares about their child, they would pay a nicer wage to that sitter.
I am not trying to defend her behavior, but I do know those sitters are underpaid and work too much.So when the parents aren't around, they do whatever they fell like.
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