Y on 92nd and Lexington in NYC
Received Friday, May 30, 2008
Hi, I saw something I would like to report. This is not a race thing, to be clear. This is a nanny thing. The child was Anglo, about 2.5 y.o. with a pageboy style of hairdo, long lashes, wearing a pink and white striped linen jumper. The nanny was AA, with braided hair into a big, loose pony tail. She was wearing a navy t-shirt and jeans and very hot. This might have led to her impatience with the little girl. The little girl was crying in the stroller. Nanny made some attempt to soothe her, but grew impatient. The nanny's face was contorted as she blinked back rage. She started to swerve the push cart very harshly. The child cried louder and the nanny said, "stop, stop, stop" in an exhausted-at-the-end-of-her-rope voice. I was getting closer to the nanny who had now doubled back the opposite way. I could no longer see the nanny's face or the child but saw the nanny pick the stroller up off the floor and let it drop several times. Not far from the ground, mind you, but clearly in an angry attempt to stifle the child. I thought about going after her and I regret to say I did not go after her. The push cart was grey with a darker grey liner and black wheels. I did not note a brand name on it. The nanny was carrying a denim and leather hobo bag. It appeared she may have been leaving the Y. The time of day was 3:20 PM, (5/30).
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This is not a race thing...the child was Anglo? What do you mean Anglo? As in White Anglo-Saxon Protestant?
White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, commonly abbreviated to the acronym WASP, is a sociological and cultural ethnonym that originated in the United States.
The term originated in reference to White Americans of Anglo-Saxon descent, who were Protestant in religious affiliation. However, the term does not have a precise definition, and can be used to describe greatly differing groups.[1] It initially applied to people with histories in the upper class establishment, who were alleged to form a powerful elite. Working class whites in the U.S. are not necessarily referred to as "WASPs", even if they are Protestants of Anglo-Saxon descent.[2] The word white is redundant, since Anglo-Saxons — whether in the strict or popular sense of the term — are always white
I'm sorry but when someone starts out with "This is a not a race thing.." It usually is
Nanny should be fired for purposely dropping the stroller in an attempt to shut the child up. 4:54, what did your post have to do with angry nannies dropping chilren??
It has to do with the first line of the post.
Oh God, can we NOT make just ONE post a race war?
As someone who was, at one point, accused of being racist on this very blog, I have to agree with 4;54 when they say anyone who starts out with the statement, "This is not a race thing..." will get questioned.
However, racist the post or not, this nanny is not handling the situation properly. Now I know some will say nanny could have been having an off day and all that but the fact is she was not handling things well and it merits a report.
4:54 You sound anal retentive. Maybe the OP is foreign as she called a stroller a cart. Who cares anyway?
The nanny clearly has no patience. That is inexcusable.
shaking a stroller with a child in it is out of line.
i don't care if the nanny was purple or green or black or white. we all get hot. we all get irritated. we all should be accountable for violently handing a child.
and fellow ISYN posters, if each time a nanny sighting involving a minority leads to accusations of racism what do expect people say? op knew what she saw was wrong and didn't want to be accused of racism. if you don't want to see disclaimers like this, don't be accusatory of the op. reserve the race war for situations that ACTUALLY call for it.
I takes two side to have a war. If you post something, you must expect a reply. if you don't like the reply, you can respond or not respond. If you choose to respond then you must accept the consequences.
Well - then let's hope OP doesn't (or any other poster for that matter) address the silly racist accusation. Then there will be no war.
So sad, nanny abusing child and some idiot wants to derail the thread and take the focus off this grievace act. For shame.
I think what OP meant to say is, I am going to tell you the races of these people for purposes of description. The end.
Suck it, troll.
Thanks OP
Love ya, Ro!
AA? African-American, I assume? Not say Asian-American?
Get a grip. Or get a life.
Pick one.
Picking up and dropping the stroller! Good lord. I hope the parents see this.
No matter what the situation, a child having a tantrum, hot and exhausted nanny, what she did was abusive and inexcusable.
We all have stressful and exhausting days from time to time when the children are a handful. If she can't handle it with love, and maybe a little humor, she should not be a nanny. Not everyone is cut out for it.
A Nanny
Ro the only troll on this forum so far is you, And I am sure you know all about sucking it.
I think the post giving us a history lesson on the abbreviation, WASP, had no connection to the OP's using the term, Anglo, which is also an informal term used simply to describe an English speaking white person.
It seemed to me to be a report of an abusive nanny plain and simple.
I think I just prefer "American".
You might prefer the term 'American' but it hardly makes for a good description.
Just my point, Fg. Why should I be categorized. :) the "regular resident troll" I do have to agree with sprak and ro on this one!!
and we NEVER see eye to eye!
I once again do disagree with you MM but that is usually the case..
shame on the dumbass making this a race thing
here you go will love this ..its just for you..I will call you troll jr!
if I wrote the post it would have read like this just for you sweetie!!
Your lily white child,with the milky, pearly, snowy skin.. dressed in a pink & white striped linen jumper was seen today..
your nanny was of a nigrescent appearance..her hair in corn rows
well..she sucks..not because she is black & ashy but becuase she is a rotten nanny with no clue as to how to treat a child! Not a white child..ANY CHILD!!!!
she was rough with your childs say the least,( while your child was still in it)fire her now !!!
eat that up troll jr!!!
12:13 we are all categorized in some respect... ALL, be it by blood type, religious persuasion, political party affiliation, etc. etc. etc. We are not talking about categories here but description. Next time you rob a bank and the teller has to describe you I'll just be she doesn't tell the cops 'the robber was American.'
Hey, I thought *I* was the regular resident troll ;).
I still say we should just go with Pantone swatches to describe the skin colors. That way we can provide an EXACT shade and no one can take a perfectly valid description of parties involved and turn it into a string of racial issues.
Lighten up, will ya. It was meant as a joke. And just so you know, I'm a friend of yours, if that makes any difference?
I guess this post will be the race war/troll thread tonite?
I have a friend?????
yes, ya ding-a-ling!
I'm incognito tonite. Hee-hee
r u the bankrobber?
Are you referring to me? I'm not sure I follow, so I guess not.
I was referring to 'incognito'
the incognito bandito?
I'm sooooo confused, please stop! LOL
I'm just a reg., oh ... and an American!
I think anon 1 picked up on the train robber remark.
this issue has become so ridiculous..I think we should just use a "sambo" icon or a "casper" icon or a kai-lan icon and leave it at that!
(although the only true to form icon would be kai-lan as "sambo" was actually and Indian Boy created by H. bannerman and casper..well..he's a controvesial dead child living in a cemetary) but does bring a little humor to the page with such silly racial issues!!
I don't know..maybe I should just high tail it to bed!
PS..Cali cannot be both..either CM or troll..let the others play too!
can you fill the rest of us in on the train robber remark?? PLEASE
12:13 we are all categorized in some respect... ALL, be it by blood type, religious persuasion, political party affiliation, etc. etc. etc. We are not talking about categories here but description. Next time you rob a bank and the teller has to describe you I'll just be she doesn't tell the cops 'the robber was American.'
12:22 AM
response from Anonymous said...
Lighten up, will ya. It was meant as a joke. And just so you know, I'm a friend of yours, if that makes any difference?
12:26 AM
Sorry to confuse!
thanks..when I went back and read it again..I got it too. Must be too late..need sleep
Geez, I'm a dolt! It's late, I'm tired. And yes, I'm the bank robber. 'Course now that I've f'ed up the joke, it's not funny anymore.
Sorry! LOL
Is this it?? Everyone is going to bed?? C'mon! I thought we were gonna have fun? You guys suck eggs!
egg sucker here saying goodnight!
If only OP didn't make it a race issue in an attempt NOT to..we could focus on the fact that this nanny was basically abusing her charge...
I really hope the parents see this...this is one of the scarier nanny sightings I've seen. I can't even imagine how this nanny deals with her anger and frustration behind closed doors.
maybe you should consider not allowing comments any longer. when people like JerseyJaqui attack posters for making a race issue when they are just trying to present the facts, well it isn't good!
What the...people like me? Did you read the other 40 comments? How did I attack anyone? In fact, the first comment was a mini lesson on the origin of the term WASP....Why am I getting blamed for this?
Not to sound paranoid, but I swear some of you have it in for me...and I'm not just referring to this particular thread. Get off my back.
12:42.....Huh? JXJ was only stating the obvious....this wouldn't even have a race taint to it if the OP hadn't brought it up in the 1st place. Many caucasian children have AA nannies. As to the report....this nanny should not be taking care of children....I hope the parents fire her. Good post, OP. Question, call the stroller a stroller at first and then refer to it as a "push cart" I am unfamiliar with that phrase....are you from another country? That might explain your bringing up race??? I'm just curious.
My poiunt to Jersey and Kate is that the OP probably only referenced it in that way because of guff given other posters on other threads. Let it go. Concentrate on the act. Jeez.
The child was white,
the nanny- not quite right-
She jerked about the stroller
She jerked about the baby
And this is definite,
we're not sayin' maybe
I DID concentrate on the act. That was the point of my post actually...I was pointing out that we could ALL concentrate on it if race wasn't brought up in the first place. I wasn't the first person who pointed out that OP was opening race war blogging doors.
I'd hardly call that an attack and I'd hardly say it warrants you referring to me as "People like..."
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