Subway Platform - 59th Street and Lexington Avenue in NYC
Received Monday, May 19, 2008
Bad nanny sighting today, 5/19. The nanny and child were waiting on the subway platform. The nanny would occasionally look and lean for the train and so would the little girl. Mimicking the nanny! But about ten feet from her at times. The little girl had curly hair and was biracial- Asian and white. She was a teeny, petite girl who was very verbal because she was singing all sorts of songs while they waited. The girl had on a brown long sleeved dress with pink and white flowers, socks and tennis shoes. The nanny was a large nanny, with a heavy chest and large backside, African American, attractive, her face was very cherubic and kind looking. She had on light blue corduroys and a brown leather jacket. However she was distracted and not as attentive as she needed to be to the 3ish year old girl she was taking care of. The girl was spinning around and the nanny was fumbling for her cell phone and looking for her big grey knapsack for something. The child was most definitely in peril. A man dressed in a suit approached the nanny and pointed at the child and suggested that she hold the child's hand. The nanny made a guffawing sound and huffed and grabbed the child harshly by the hand. The nanny stood there with an angry look on her face until the subway came. (Gone was the kind looking face once it was brought to her attention that the child needed her).
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"Large backside"... love it! Seriously though, I wish people would admit when they made a huge error, learn from it and move on and be less oblivious in life at the expense of other people's childrens wellbeing .
Kind Nanny got mad because the gentleman called her out.
Good for him, I'm glad somebody stepped up.
Thanks for posting.
Called her out? For what? Ten feet isn't all that far. I guess I just don't see how the child was "in peril." Was the platform overly crowded? Was the little girl playing on the rails? I mean, sure, a three year old should probably be supervised a little bit better. But I hardly think this makes the woman a "bad nanny" I've seen mothers just as distracted, going through bags, talking on cell phones etc.
As for the gentleman in the suit, you don't know what he said. Maybe he kindly suggested that she hold her hand. Or maybe--just maybe--he wasn't so polite. Maybe he was downright rude.
I really enjoy and appreciate this blog, but it bothers me how many of these posts are made up of guesses and assumptions. And you know what happens when you assume ;)
What's yer problem?? Obviously OP was concerned the little girl was TOO CLOSE to the edge, or did you miss that part?
"The child was most definitely in peril."
There are no assumptions being made. OP was there, not us. If she said the child was in danger, who are we not to believe her.
God, there's one of you in every bunch.
"The nanny would occasionally look and lean for the train and so would the little girl" ....
10:40: Have you ever been in New York City--let alone in a busy station like 59th St.? I wouldn't stand close to the edge, let alone want my THREE YEAR OLD anywhere near the edge. In my eleven years in New York, I've personally witnessed a woman pushed onto the tracks by a homeless man (she was fortunately lifted to safety by other passengers before the next train came in) and a young man dragged the length of the platform when he leaned too far out and was struck by the incoming train. I wouldn't even want my child in a subway station, let alone leaning out over the tracks with noone holding her hand. I wonder if the parents know she was there, let alone there basically unsupervised. This woman should not be "caring" for children.
You got to be kidding right. SHe isn;t holding a childs hand while waiting for a train?? Of course you hang onto children . Good Lord.
The child was singing ,dancving twirling! She could have "spun" right off the platform!
I don't care if it was Mom or the nanny,it was wrong!
Have you ever seen someone after they have been hit by one of those? or after they fell and hit those power cords?
You are assuming that this child was safe, the OP and the person working there ,who witnessed this certainly didn't think so, so I will assume that they would know best. We sure know what happens when you "assume".
The Op said she heard the guy tell the Nanny to hold the little girl's hand.
His merely suggesting to the Nanny that she hold the child's hand hardly sounds impolite. And OP never stated that he was.
Why would you ASSume he was rude?
did 10:40 not get any coffee today?
good grief.
How scary!! Did the guy struck by the train survive?
I saw one that was hit and got caught up on the side between the train and the platform. He lived for I think an hour after.
He was lucky that there were transit police and an off duty EMT in the station at the time. I saw on the news that night he was in the hospital in serious condition, but expected to survive. I assume (and hope) he did. He was a junior in college.
Cool, thanks 11:39.
Hey OP, could you come back and give us a little more detail. Some people are having fits here about this guy being rude, or the little girl being in danger. Personally i thought your post was pretty clear, but some people (10:40) need more info i guess.
Nanny was distracted and should not have been.
Someone pointed this out to her, she was embarrassed, and scowled about it.
But was it really necessary to include size of nanny's bust and rear-end in this post? "Heavy-set" would have been an adequate description.
This veers too close to "nanny was a big fat black Mammy-type" for comfort.
When will you closet-racists GO AWAY?!?!
it's 2008,
Great post, but I think calling this racist is going too far.
Large backside? not racist ....
she had a big ass. nothing wrong with that.
Heavy chest? not racist ....
she was 'gifted'. nothing wrong with that.
And OP did go on to call her beautiful by saying she had a 'cherubic' face .... if you ask me that's one hell of a compliment, and a racist wouldn't describe a black person so kindly.
To be honest, I was actually able to kind of envision what this nanny may look like because of OP's great detail.
And if someone were to ever describe me in such a way, and say I was cherubic looking ... I'd give them a big 'ol kiss!! LOL
And if they said I had a big backside & a heavy chest, why, they'd just be telling the truth!
(And it's a lot nicer than some other things I've been called!)
Please don't be so super-sensitive, and make this thread go in the wrong direction and be one huge banter on racism.
We assume that everyone lives in NYC and knows what the subway is like. I wa born here and everyone knows that you stay away from the edge of the platform. When I have my son with me, we stand against the wall. When he was younger, I didn't let go of his hand while waiting for a train. It's just something you don't do. I don't even approach to get on the train until it is fully stopped and the doors open. There are many stories of people being pushed by a lunatic or of falling or fainting onto the tracks. With a young child of 3 years old, TWIRLING on the platform, the chance was better than good that she could have fallen over! The man did the right thing by warning the nanny of the danger. She was embarrassed and that's why she appeared angry, end of story.
Hmm...I thought this might stir things up a bit ;) Of course I didn't realize it would launch a slew of personal attack against me.
Did I make it sound as though I was siding with the nanny? If so, I didn't mean to. The nanny should have been taking better care of this child. I think I said that before. This is her job. She should be doing it better. Does this instance make her a bad nanny though? I don't think so. A distracted nanny perhaps, but have none of you ever been distracted while with your charges or your children?
Also, I got from the way the OP wrote it that she SAW the man approach the woman, and did not necessarily HEAR what was said. "A man dressed in a suit approached the nanny," "pointed at the child," those sound more like visual descriptions to me. If OP had HEARD what the man said, I would think she would tell us what was said. (i.e. "Ma'am, you might want to hold onto your little girl so she doesn't get hurt")I got from the OP that she was assuming what was said by what she saw. This man could have been a jerk. Even if he was polite, and he probably was, I could understand the nanny being embarrassed by a total stranger telling her how to do her job. Wouldn't you?
are you in new york?
NO ONE should be twirling by the platform, let alone a three year old. No nanny should need to be told. Jeezus! Who are you???
As for racism, I have a large chest, an supple rump and am 5'7" tall. I am not small and not thin, but I am most men's dream. Stop looking for racism. Most men love women with big butts and big breasts and two in one package is like woo hoo. Not racism. And it doesn't make you fat.
I don't go into lala land when I am at the subway station. Even by myself, you have to be on guard. Just like another poster pointed out how some people will try and push you on the tracks. And just last week a man has been going up to women waiting for the train and robbing them. Not a night robbery this was during the day.
And I am glad the man said something to this nanny, I don't care if he was nice or nasty about it.
You know what struck me as odd about the post?
The fact that the OP seemed so focused on the race of the child. OP seemed to magically know the exact racial backround of the child: "biracial" "Asian and white".
Excuse me?
How do we know the child isn't just Asian or Asian and Jewish or Asian and Native American or Asian and Latino or Lord knows what?
More important: who cares?
Then the OP comments in an rude manner on the nanny's anatomy ("cherubic face" comment does not make the nasty comment about her "backside" any more acceptable)and rounds it all out by making sure we know the nanny is African American.
Honestly, the whole post could have been just as effective with clothing and location/time of day descriptions.
Seems a little race-obsessed and pretty damn close to bigotry to me.
(Just trying to "evolve").
Dear "didn't make it through the evolution",
Where have you been? are you new? The race of the nanny and child is PERTINENT information!
It's been done on this blog for as long as I can remember, and hardly anyone ever makes an issue out of it.
Like I said before. There's one in every bunch. Jeesh!
People like the idiot at 1:10 make my skin crawl. Seriously. Um, if a child looks biracial, it's okay for purposed of IDENTIFICATION to say so. And just so you know, I am Jewish but I'm also WHITE. Being Jewish is NOT A RACE. It's a religion. Ask Sammy Davis Junior, dumb ass.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words.
Does seeing how dangerous it could've been for the child change your mind now?
NYC... I always wanted to go NYC but I have no luck yet. A lot of stuff to do in my real life before I can go for a long vacation. I have a cousin staying in Flushing. How far is that from Time Square?
♪♪♪ Google it, baby! ♪♪♪
From Flushing to Times Square by subway is no longer than 30 minutes. I had dinner in Times Square last night!
Cries of racism are a red herring: this is an important sighting. Subway safety is very, very important and if this were my nanny I would want to know about it. My DD is three and I have just recently begun allowing her out of the stroller on the subway platform and train, and I always hold her hand. Always. This is a good reminder to me to have a talk with my nanny and make sure her rules are the same as mine.
To the PP who said that 10 feet is not far from the nanny: on many subway platforms, 10 feet is the ENTIRE WIDTH OF THE PLATFORM.
Good post, 10:44!
1:10 AM
"How do you know she was not Asian and Jewish?"
Umm...there is a HUGE difference between RACE and RELIGION. And you claim to "evolve"? Sounds like you are very ignorant on culture.
A full Asian can be Jewish...being jewish is not a race! Just a like a full Asian can be Catholic, or Buddhist, or any other religion.
Ugh ignorant people like you make me so mad
Cherubic face, heavy chest, big behind,No wonder she was not watching the child, she is a maple syrup bottle, Aunt Jemima.
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