Madison Square Park in NYC
Received Thursday, May 8, 2008
Great nanny sighting! The playground was closed today for repairs, so a crew of nannies, moms and kids turned the empty fountain into a play area.Your nanny-AA, late 20s, cute, dark wash jeans with light wash denim jacket with rhinestone Cherokee face on the back-is wonderful with your kid. DC was male, blonde, 18 months-ish and came in navy blue Maclaren. He was in jeans and a lime green t-shirt, and was playing with 2 pretend carrots.Nanny chased him around the fountain, helped him draw with chalk, told him some sort of story involving the carrots, and blew kisses on his stomach.He couldn't get enough of her!She seemed friendly with another nanny and one of the moms. Parents, if this is your nanny, she is sweet and caring and you lucked out!
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Very nice. Took a lemon and made lemonade! That's a good nanny!
OP- my nanny was likely part of that crew- did everything seem ok? wish i could get a report on my nanny!
I am the OP, and didn't catch any names. All the kids seemed engaged and to be enjoying themselves despite the lack of play structures.
Some of the nannies were sitting around the fountain's edge, but no one was being neglectful, and there was lots of squealing and giggling from the kids.
Although my son let out an exasperated "Oh, man!!" when he saw the playground was closed, the fountain ended up being a great alternative.
Thanks op! I, and I'm guessing several other moms, will be watching my nanny's jackets to see if one of them matches your description!
what a perv blowing on kids stomaches like that.
8:39 pm
Raspberries on the tummy are common play with babies and toddlers, and usually elicit giggles.
Your comment makes me wonder about you!
8:39 = disturbing
Why on earth would you look at blowing little raspberries on a babies tummy in a sexual way?
I have a charge who just turned two and I always do that to him, he loves it! Sick minds see sickness where they wish.
Sounds like a sweet little baby and a sweet nanny. What a lovely post!
It is. Until you have people like 8:39 put in their 2 cents.
Well, I agree with 8:29, if someone was touching my child like that I would want to know. Think of all the germs being spread around. I wouldn't want foreign diseases and germs brought into my house by the likes of those people...the help.
Blowing razberries on the baby is perverted? You are owrried by germs from "the help" wow do you show your babies any kind of affection at all? I have seen babies getting razberries for over 60 years ,parents do this all the time! If you are afraid of getting germs from your "help" I hope you are taking care of your own child so you need not expose your child to "these germy people. I have heard some real nonsense in my days but this takes the cake.
Dirty minds see dirt everywhere.
DO NOT RESPOND to 3:42 -
It is the "Demon Basher" trying to start trouble.
They are just trying to get a rise out of you.
I think you are very lonely today. You have no family, and I feel bad for you. I wish there was somebody close to you that you could reach out to.
I <3 demon basher
hey, uh, 3:42 here. I just wanted to let you all know I understand your rudeness...I take it for what it is worth, lonely wives who are forced to work to care for their goo filled kids. You are simply jealous of me that I have the finances that allow me to hire a nanny to care for the spawn so I have more time to take care of myself. I am richer, prettier, and more affluent than you girls will ever aspire to be. I love coming to this site to see you girls pretend to care about how your kids are being watched after. At least I am honest and tell you from the beginning that I am number 1, numero uno, in life.
LOL, your spawn? No mother in her right mind would call her own children spawn.
Now I know you're lying.
You have no kids.
You probably aren't even a nanny.
You are just a troll.
And I doubt you're rich and pretty.
anon 535..just an FYI..You gave me the moniker "Demon Basher" when I posted my opinion about a child sitting in a window that differed from your pal MM..Now I come across this post today and you have given it to someone else?
Stop the name calling and stick to the post.
BTW..this is the first time I have read or posted on this specific "great nanny sighting" post,posted May 8th.
You see..there are many who do not veiw things as you and many who disagree...sorry you think we are all the same person.
Jane can verify that the above posts are not mine and that do not have any clue who is posting .
There is NO demon basher..just many people that see life in a different light than you do!!
Imagine that!
mimi? is that you girl??
haha, oh snap! she so told you name caller lady.
what's a name caller lady?
Oh, "snap"? How old are you, 12?
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