JJ Byrne Park in Park Slope, NY
Received Thursday, May 22, 2008
This is not the most dramatic bad nanny sighting, but since I wouldn't be happy if this were my nanny, I thought I'd post it anyway. I have no description of the nanny, other than having dark skin (AA or island) as she was away from the child and with a group of other dark-skinned nannies. The child was around 2 years old, with light brown wavy hair and I believe brown eyes. He was wearing sneakers and light brown pants (which seemed to be falling off of him), and a white baseball type shirt, the kind with longer, dark blue sleeves. The shirt had pinstripes, and across the front and back was the name "Tigger" in the same cursive you would see on a baseball uniform. It looked like it was actually a onesy, as it was unbuttoned and flapping around behind him. Around 1:00 on Wednesday, (5/21) afternoon, I was able to leave work for a bit and take my son to JJ Byrne Park on 5th Ave. in Park Slope. Soon after, a group of 5 or 6 nannies with their charges entered from 5th Ave. and 3rd St. and walked to the other side of the park, where they all sat down on the benches that sit on the blacktop section between the dog run and the kiddie swings along 4th street. Only one sat on the bench that actually faced the playground, as the other two benches faced 4th St. and the dog run, respectively. A minute or two later I saw the little boy near us on the big jungle gym, or whatever they call it these days. He was by himself, and I glanced over at the nannies, but none of them even seemed to be paying any attention to the playground We walked up to the fenced-in toddler lot on the corner of 5th and 4th St., and I saw the little boy playing in the kiddie swing area (by himself), and then on the other side of the swings near the little steps, with the fence and swings between the child and his caregivers. In all fairness, I did notice one heavyset nanny standing and looking in the general direction of the slides, but she definitely wasn't looking towards this boy at the time. The child walked away, and we left.The problem as I saw it was that even if the nanny was looking in his direction (which she was not), and she could even see him on the other side of the swings (which she probably couldn't, unless she actually saw him walk back there), there was no way for any of these women to even come close to stopping him if he decided to run into the street, or help him if someone were to snatch him. My son is only 19 months and I know how quickly he can get away when he runs. Even in the wide open meadows of the park, away from traffic, I would never let him get even half the distance away from me, let alone in a small park with no fence so close to a major avenue.I just thought that if this was your child, you may like to know.
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You have to watch little kids obsessively, constantly. They can get injured in an instant!
Any nanny or parent who doesn't know this does not deserve to be responsible for little ones.
This could have been written about any park here in the city. I am a SAHM and I see this in every park I go to. The nannies sitting on benches and the kids run around unsupervised. I can't tell you how many times I have gone over to a crying child who fell or got injured because noone is there to comfort them. Breaks my heart.
So dangerous: a toddler could pick up a stone and swallow it, unbenownst to the nanny, trip so easily and fall off a climber or slide, etc. etc. etc.! You MUST be in reaching distance, why don't people freaking know this? :(
Great siting, thank you!
Its true if you want to sit and watch your child play, make sure your close to them.
With all this watching of other people how did you ever watch you own. Please read the above post and try minding your own business.
So 10:56, I suppose when you are with you child(ren) your eyes are only on them, and you never see anything else? How would it be possible for you to watch over two children? Would you tether them together so they never got more than a few inches apart?
Sorry Jane but
"mind your own business"
and "how do you know it's a nanny"
Two of the dumbest and most oft commented statements on this blog.
I wish I could reach out and smack someone!
lmao. I would hold them down for you!
Hahahaha! For real!
such a shame that the parents dont sit on the benches and ignore their own kids. i could probably write a book on the number of times i have seen parents totally ignore their kids then go off and running when they cant find them or they start to cry because they have fallen. people come on, its not only the nannies ignoring the kids
Uh, yea. But this post is about a nanny. Not a parent.
its also about parents not minding their own business but other peples kids and ignoring their own idiot
I wish anonymous would just use this moniker "resident psycho bitch". It sure would make reading her stupid comments easier. Easier to skip that is! Who cares what moms do? This is a nanny blog. If you see a good nanny, you can tell that story. Guess what? There are good mothers everywhere. If you hate this blog and are so defensive of the crappy nannies that the blog exposes, who are you? A nanny who got her arse canned? Seriously, who are you?
Why don't you take your ignorant, addled ass over to
First, your language skills are so atrocious that I'm not sure if your referring to the poster as an idiot or his child as an idiot.
Second, how do you figure that watching one's own child and observing anything else around you is mutually exclusive? Are you really that stupid?
This one better suits 9:38.
Smile, say "cheese"!
that is so sad. I have my own experience from this. when I was a child, I was riding a scooter and fell. I had scraped by knee badly, and I was sitting on the concrete crying ever so loudly, to weak to walk back home(this was on my street). two people were walking home and saw me and didn't even to anything. it made me so mad at the time, and still does.
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