is launching a hidden camera investigation and wants to hear from moms interested in seeing exactly what their sitter is up to while they're away. Would you like to participate and be part of our investigation? Ever wonder what your babysitter does when you are not home? Click here to possibly take part.
Hmm...that black lady avatar with the FANGS dancing around the that supposed to be a mother or a nanny?
And why the fangs?
What happened to ISYN...thought this place wasn't involved in unkind portrayals of childcare workers or parents...just protection of children.
Just curious.
There's the idiot again.
Dude, the nanny doesn't look black to me. She has a snake around her neck. She's dancing. She has fangs. Are you seriously taking THIS seriously?
With enough complaints you could dull our senses to every interesting comment and image.
Awww, Nanny looks like an innocent snake charmer to me!
... doin' the Charleston to boot! How bad can she be? LOL
I love it! It's hysterical! And I do wonder how many nannies are caught on camera doing simple innocent things like lip singing into a can jar of marachino cherries in a towel.
I sing goofy made up songs to my charge all the time when her parents aren't around. I'd be horrified if they saw that on tape.
Wow, they are going to get a lot of peeing with the bathroom door open and nannies pulling wedgies out.
Personally, I would be VERY upset to learn I had been filmed without my knowledge. These days I can't go outside without being filmed, but to be filmed inside, at a house, doing your work is such an invasion of privacy.
I am one of the good ones, and would have no problem with a new family I started to work for wanted to nanny cam me for a few weeks/months. However, if I found out there was a nanny cam, and was not told, I would leave immediately, and would give no notice, and would be contacting a lawyer ASAP, since you cannot film or record someone without their knowledge!
I am soo attentive with my charges, and spend hours playing, doing art projects, and always am looking up ways to further their leanings, as I am working on my masters in Child Development. Yet, I also pee with the door open, scratch, burp, fart(always with an "excuse me" of course)pick wedgies, and sing embaressing songs that I make up, off key to my charges. I would feel beyond violated to know the family I was working for recorded these private moments of mine and had tapes to prove it.
So please parents, if you have doubts about who is watching your children, ask if you can use a nanny cam. A bad nanny cannot possibly put up a front for the cameras the ENTIRE time she is there. And, even if it is only a front for the cameras, at least your child is getting better care than they would have. Camera's are being used to convict bad nannies, but honestly if you have doubts about your nanny and still leave her home with your child/children than you are just as responcible for having your children be abused! Instead of trying to catch these nannies, try protecting your children first!
I too would quit a job if I found out I was being taped without my knowledge, and I would be angry if I ever found out that my young daughter, if she were to babysit, was being taped. It's wrong to have in your posession someone else on film if they do not know about it.
That being said, I would work in an environment that was being taped, if the job were right for me. It would not be a deal-breaker, but I would have to know about it. I would also make the parents sign a confidentiality agreement that the tape was not to be shown or used other than by the parents. And I would get a copy of that agreement and have it notarized.
Then pray tell people ... how is that all the families that record their nannies never get convicted of invasion of privacy? Nannies are taped all the time. Sometimes their caught doing bad stuff, sometimes not, but I've never heard of the parents getting in trouble for it.
I am a very reliable experienced loving nanny but I am very uncomfortable with anyone videotaping me - whether I know about it or not! In fact in college I had a panic attack while being videotaped during student teaching!
How would your employers feel if someone videotaped them while they were working at their job? I think the best way to check up on your nanny is to make unannounced visits home during the day and if you are suspicious that something is wrong- do not leave your precious children with that person for another minute!
The dancing avatar is obnoxious.
Has nothing to do with nanny-cams, relationships between nannies and employers or helping children.
Obviously put here to incite hurt and upset feelings.
I was going to post a really nice story about a nanny and her charge, but forget it.
This site is not the decent place I thought it was.
And I'm white, so don't attack me and try to say I'm making this a "race issue".
It's not about that. It's about respect.
Damn you must be looking awfully hard at a cartoon that moves all of nine frames to find something, eh? Hey, you, how are you? You are such an idiot. No wonder no one invites you to their barbecues. Piss off, troublemaking hissy fit throwing biyatch
They want to know what we do while they're away? I don't know about the rest of you nannies, but I am quick to put my fangs in and dance in the nursery as soon as they step out the door in the morning.
You are being ridiculous and I highly doubt you had any sort of story to share.
See Jane, you should have had the nanny smoking crack, taking pictures of the family's private home, ignoring a child, texting on the phone and leaving unbreakable turds in the family's commode. That would be realistic and shut these fools up!
For god sakes, the nanny has a snake around her neck. That's funny. What isn't funny is the nannies that shake the children senseless, smack themn, throw them in to door frames, allow their boyfriends to beat or molest them...well you all know, you've read the horror stories. So stop pissing and moaning about a freaking avatar and worry about the real nanny in your life!
This is my fear with my current nanny who seems to bristle with excitement everytime I come home with shopping or shoe bags.
I thought the little cartoon was funny. Somebody here needs to get a grip...and lighten up a little bit.
I like the cartoons.
If there not so many reports of abuse by our child care providers there wouldn't be a need for cameras. There have been 100's of chidlren shaken ,beaten with spoons,slapped and it all has been caught on camera.
I feel that if my nanny were appalled to have a nanny cam installed then there has to be reason. SOrry if it causes you a panic attack having someone video you with your knowledge or without, It is called protecting our children.
Maybe we should just do lie detector tests?
Have you ever slapped ,pinched,spanked or beat ,pulled a childs hair abused a child in anyway.? DO you scream at children & have you ever cursed at a child,called them names and made them cry?
Do you leave children unattended at the park while you talk on your cell phone?
Do you feed children junk food even when it is against parents wishes.?
Have you ever been suspected of child abuse or neglect?
Have you ever sexually abused a child?
Have you ever entertained a boyfriend while caring for children?
Haveyou ever been fired or asked to leave for theft or abuse?
Have you ever done drugs and are you using any kind of drug now?
Do you use alcohol? Have you ever used alcohol while watching children?
GUess the nanny cam is easier??
I caught my Nanny on cam- click the link above and you'll see why I fired her.
Bad nannies know you don't have a cam in the bathroom or in the empty entry way or perhaps the hall and maybe that's where they choose to grab your kid or shake them. You don't have cams when they are in the yard or on outings- maybe they wait till then to tell them what stupid little brats they are through gritted teeth or to be rough and mean to them.
Sorry, nanny cams are only going to catch a seriously ill person on tape and in that case- shame on you parents for not hiring the right person for your so-called precious babies. Do you really think paying $4 an hour and buying a $200 hidden cam for 2 rooms in your house means you have done the best for your children? Um, no.
I caught this on tape with my second nanny- she seemed so sweet?
Personally, I leave a hidden cam in my employers home. You never can be to careful about who you work for and bonus- it's very entertaining.
OMG! haha
GREAT idea.
Employers, keep your bathrobes on when you cross the hall to the bathroom...never know, there might be a "nanny-cam" watching YOU!
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Yeah, I'm a little bit offended by the avatar, and it has nothing to do with race, but more with them making her look like the devil! What's with the fangs? If you have ANY suspicions AT ALL that your nanny is neglecting your children, how can you justify leaving them in her presence alone again? You can't. Nanny cams only record abuse and neglect, they don't stop it.
if i saw the right video,you fired a nanny for dancing to a pop song.
where were your children at the time? we don't see them. i think we just need a little more to that story. did she leave the children unattended? was she expected to be doing another task?
just curious
The nanny trying to learn a dance is so very pathetic, but that doesn't mean she's a bad nanny. She just can't dance.
Also, Kaitlyn, you're offended by the avatar? Really? I think a lot of the nannies described on here are monsters. I don't think the avatar is meant to represent all nannies and therefore, I feel it's harmless.
As for the disgruntled Catholics who didn't like the post about their child-molesting priests, I didn't see the post but I did notice that the Pope was concerned enough about this matter to address it several times during his visit here. I hope that anyone entering the priesthood now is aware that this kind of behavior is not going to be tolerated or covered up ever again.
your offended by a dancing avator of a woman in a kicky red tracksuit and red shoes dancing the charleston with a snake around her neck and fangs in her mouth.
Do you watch South Park?
Do you watch the news?
Do you get out EVER?
There's a whole wide world out there up for your exploration. Get out... Go freely....
6:19, are you for real? Was it in her contract that she had to be a good dancer? On what grounds did that 90 seconds constitute a violation of her nanny duties? Has she sued you yet for publishing the video of her without her permission, after it was taken without her knowledge?
cali mom
that video is a utube hit. i dont think its a real nanny
for a mom or dad who wants to nanny cam their nanny for free, the mom logic thing is a good deal. i would do it whether my nanny was brand new or been with us 2 years. just curiously.
Once you delete something, in this case A Catholic comment, people are going to be riding your ass if you let a Lutheran or Jewish comment through. IMO, it is not worth it to ever censor the comments.
to my knowledge, jane has never allowed posts to remain that are offensive to any religion, nor do I think she ever would.
Why don't you start your own blog in which you allow all manner of offensive religions comments.
Just a thought.
If that was a nanny dancing on that video, and it was captured without her knowledge, I think it was mean to put it on u tube unless she consented.
I'm all for nanny cams, but to catch abuse, not to exploit the nannies.
8:36 - this is Jane's blog. She is free to censor whatever she wishes. Obviously it would be more publicly suitable if she had a blanket policy but if she wants to censor just what she finds offensive she is perfectly free to do that.
You fired her for DANCING. Do you really find that offensive. What about it bothers you? The keeping in shape, not being bored, minding her own business or offending your sensative nosey little eyes?
Fired someone for dancing. What happens when the next one sleeps with your husband?
"fired nanny for dancing" is a JOKE.
avatar of fanged-nanny/mommy/whatever is just stupid.
Happy freakin' Memorial day!
How do we know the animation here isn't depicting the mom?
Sprak said:
"As for the disgruntled Catholics who didn't like the post about their child-molesting priests, I didn't see the post but I did notice that the Pope was concerned enough about this matter to address it several times during his visit here"
Once again Sprak, you prove what an ignorant bigot you really are.
The post that offended several people , including myself wasn't a reasonable comment, it was a nasty remark designed to hurt people like all nasty attacks on race and religion. And yet, even though you didn't see it, making you ignorant, you still defended it. No surprise there.
I highly reccomend that these mothers take part in this free opportunity: Maddy, Rachel, Lucy, Sandra, Bitsy and Lanai
You will be shocked out of your gord.
I'm a nanny that would be mortified if I found out I was being filmed without my knowlege.
One of my charges is 2 and extremely hyper. I pee with the bathroom door wide open because for 10 hours a day, I cannot take my eyes off of him. Most times, I try to schedule bathroom breaks with his nap time but when nature calls.....
If I found out I was being taped and they saw me using the loo I think I would die of embarassment.
Wow fired for dancing LOL
And put it on UTUBE??
Hope she sues your butt.
I know you guys won't believe this but every bit of the following is true. I can't use my name ( I am a regular) or location but believe me this is a funny and true story.
Parents install nanny cam unbeknownst to nannny. Parents learn more than they cared to.
Nanny took child to dance class a few blocks away once a week. Class lasted 90 minutes. Nanny would come back home to find GrandPa on Mother's side eagerly awaiting her return. GrandPa and nanny smootch on couch for an hour then nanny returns to pick up child. GrandPa was a lonely widower who's health had been failing and seemed to have lost the will to live. Parents were amazed when, about 4 months prior to installing nannycam, GrandPa seemed to have a spring in his step and a smile on his face. His health improved. Parents saw that nanny was a great nannny in every way except for her little diversion. No clothing ever came off, no inapproriate touching, just cuddling and kissing. Parents were beside themselves, red-faced, not sure what to do, called me, GrandPa' youngest daughter. Advised parents to mind their own business and leave GrandPa to his fun. Parents disconnected nannycam a week later. GrandPa passed away recently and left nanny a tidy sum and his car. Parents and the rest of us are keeping our mouths shut as we feel nanny gave us GrandPa for several extra years! :D
anon 8:44 How did I defend the post I never saw? I did comment on what has been an ongoing serious problem in the Catholic Church and what was supposed to have been 'the topic' of the errant post. My concern is for the children and that even though an offensive post was removed, it in no way diminishes the factual cases of child abuse perpetrated by Catholic Priests. That was my point. You chose to interpret my comments for your own purposes in calling me a bigot. MOST of my family are Catholic, including my son and his children (my grandchildren). I've often thought of going back to my roots because I feel very comfortable in the Catholic Church, but everyone must make their own choices in this area.
My advice to you is to not let your obvious prejudices screw up your delicate thinking processes.
If i knew my boss had a hidden camera I would definitely give them a show that would ensure they would never install another one ,believe you me.
Haha, the Grandpa post actually made me smile. Yes, it's a bit odd, but they were both consenting adults...and if it put the spring back in Granpies step, then I say: "Here, here to some good medicine!" ;)
Sprak...someone did this a few weeks ago....usiing the fact that you are related to sleeping with, friends with, etc proves nothing about your predjusices or lack there of.
Sorry for the typos...long day!
I think it proves the point well. If you choose friends from a certain group, you probably don't harbor bad feelings about that group.
Sprak...the Simon of ISYN!
Seriously, don't you ever crack a joke or say something nice or funny ever?
I'm not trying to flame you but it seems all you ever do is participate in negative exchanges. Lighten up! No one will think less of you if you just let stuff slide once in a while, ya know.
I think it proves a lot when someone has intimate connections with someone of a different race, religion, etc. It usually means that person is tolerant. However, there are some things about which we should never be tolerant and one of them is child abuse. I harbor no ill feelings toward anyone of any religion and I have no idea what I was supposed to let slide. My main point here was that we should not ever forget the victims in any kind of effort to sweep things under the rug. It's when mistakes are made that lessons are learned and hopefully by remembering, the same mistakes will not be made again.
As a nanny of ten years, I can say that while I wouldn't be "appalled" at the idea of being filmed, I do not welcome it warmly. I can imagine how difficult it is to leave the most precious thing in your life in the hands of someone else. In talking to previous employers, they have shared that is is very nerve-wracking. That being said, setting up a nanny cam won't necessarily solve anything. Unless you are watching a live stream of the camera remotely, you won't catch anything until after the damage has been done. I agree with unannounced visits home, and common sense; intuition, keeping your ears open when you ARE at home, talking to your children (of course, depending on their age). It can be a big bad worlds, no doubt, but when we start watching a person's every move it becomes an even more "big brother" intrusive society. I would be mortified if my boss saw some of the things I did during the day- singing goofy songs to the baby, not closing the bathroom door always, etc. Also to ponder; things can be misconstrued on tape. For instance, last week I had a minor family emergency and I was constantly text messaging (figured it was better than actually talking every five minutes). If my boss had been monitoring me, she understandably would assume I was a text "addict" (when in reality I mostly only text when the baby is asleep). I just hope that parents don't resort to nanny-camming.
Go ahead and nanny-cam me.
I've got nothing to hide.
The Grandpa Story was hysterical!
I'm thinking the nanny was middle-aged or older? Anyway, really made my night! I am sitting here LMAO picturing the parents watching the nanny-cam! LMAO
Someone made an annimated GIF out of the Nannycam tapes of me! :P
Awww, I love the Grampoo story!
Good for him.
(And anyone who watches "Oobie", knows who "Grampoo" is, lol!)
You should defintely take momlogic up on this offer. and dont let it slip to the nanny, either! What most people dont tell you about nanny cameras. If you don't have ten minutes at night for a bubble, then you probably dont have time to sit down and review the nanny tape. my husband and I had a nanny camera installed. first, we saved the tapes and didnt record over them until the weekend. Then tapes disappear, get lost, so you are down to less tapes. Then you dont have time to watch them on the weekend. Graudally you tell yourself if you skim through a little of everything, it will be okay.And then what happens? Soon, you tell yourself that you have the nanny camera on hand, just in case something happens you can look at the tape. You imagine the nanny calling you at the office to say, "Mr. Peterman, Billy has taken a tumble from his bunk. Come quickly" and after you get home and tend to Billy's noggin, you take a review of the nanny tape and see that the nanny was bustling in the kitchen with the toddler when she heard a noise and picked up the child and ran to see what happened. You are satisfied that she took great care of your son and there is no malfeasance on her part. But that call never comes because je ne se qua, everything is just the same, the same. Some days you don't even turn the nanny camera tape on, some days you do, but you never take the tape to the vcr to watch it. Why would you everything seems wonderful and the children are happy and wifey is happy, la la la.
Well, what you don't know will scare you. Because that very same thing happened to a dear friend of mine. They had the nanny camera. The nanny had been there the better part of a year and they no longer regulary recorded it and never viewed tapes. The tapes started piling up, so they recorded over tapes. Well, low and behold a situation came up and they had to fire the nanny. It involved a confrontation about time off and the nanny behaving in an agressive and menacing way towards the mrs. The mister didn't like that and he telephoned the nanny and told her not to come back. The end. Right?
Well you would think. A month or so later, the mrs is talking to her sister about the nanny. The sister had meant the nanny a number of times. The sister said, "I just cant imagine those words coming out of her mouth, she was always so sweet and polite". The Mrs. agreed, "I was shocked, I wonder what else we didn't know about her besides her horrible temper".
This caused a discussion about nanny cameras. When sister heard that they had a nanny camera, she was excited. When the Mrs. told her sister they never really used it anymore but there were some old tapes, the sister went to find them. The Mrs. busied herself in the kitchen while the sister sat with a cup of tea reviewing the tapes. Minutes and minutes of nothingness. And empty kitchen, a toddler eating, the nanny cooking, etc.
And then, here it came. The sister wasn't sure what she saw at first. She had to rewind it, not once but twice. Even after she had rewound it twice and watched it the whole of three times, the sister wasn't sure what she had seen. She called out, then waited for the mrs to slide her next batch of cookies in the oven. When the Mrs. joined the sister's side, the sister pushed play.
The nanny in shorts and a t-shirt walking through the kitchen. Two seconds pass and she returns holding something. She sits down at the kitchen table and then puts her barefoot up on the table. At first it looked like the Nanny was rubbing her toes or massaging them. But no, nanny had a device in her hand that she was rubbing her heel with. What was it? Nanny looked at her foot, then dropped her leg to the floor and put the other foot up on the table. She applied the same small object to that foot. Back and fourth. What was she doing, the sisters wondered in unison.
The nanny abruptly rised up and walks over to the refrigerator. She takes something out of the refrigerator and sets it on the counter. The angle is bad because the nanny is blocking the shot. What was it that she took out of the refrigerator? The nanny walks out of the shot to grab a paper towel and left revealed on the counter is green can of parmesan cheese. You know the kind, tall metallic. So what was nanny doing? She had put the paper towel under the can of cheese, now she was shaking the contents of a small white jar into the parmesan cheese. What? What was nanny doing? Was she cleaning the refrigerator and condensing two items into one item? Nanny held the can up in the air and smiled a devious smile.
The Mrs has a look of shock on her face. The sister says to the Mrs, "what the hell was that?". The Mrs. says to the sister, "that-was-my-ped-egg-she-scraped-the-bottom-of-her-feet-and-put-it-in-our...." and with that the Mrs ran to the bathroom and barfed her lungs out.
The Mrs. couldn't recognize when that might have happened, but all she knew was last night her husband had finished the last of the parmesan cheese on his second serving of manicotti and announced, "hon, we're all out of parm, write it down".
can somone tell me what this means and also what is a ped egg?
Enough? Yep, I sure had enough. Just one post by you was ENOUGH for me. You are a trouble maker. Perhaps if you didn't post here again there wouldn't be 'so much race talk'.
Seriously? It's a blue eyed, tanned woman chilling on a sofa. like i am sure many nannies do when they should be working, nannies of all colors. quit trying to start trouble, dumb ass. if you draw a basketball player, who do you draw, larry bird? Most basketball players are african american. Most nannies are from the islands. deal with it. deal with it in your own head. spare us your pathetic cries of outrage.
132 is the resident Psycho. Yep, I'm quite sure of that. I just spent Memorial Weekend in Anguila and I returned about 19 shades darker than I left. I am loving every minute of it especially when I get the chance to show off my color with some summer clothing. Maybe your lily white ass doesn't tan? Maybe from their your outage comes...literally.
Jeez Jane,
Don't you know you are politically obligated to make all caricatures of employers of color and all caricatures of employees whitest white and rosy pink.
What were we supposed to rant and rave about again?
Do not indulge the troll. This is the same person who was going nuts the other night. Poor, pathetic creature.
Not happening.
Good grief. Someone needs to get a life. I'm so sick of being moderated, and I'm sure Jane has better things to do.
Ugh, I don't knwo if I'll ever be able to eat parmesan cheese again without thinking of that story. What a nasty, hateful person to do such a thing!
"Seriously? It's a blue eyed, tanned woman chilling on a sofa. like i am sure many nannies do when they should be working"
Yeah most of us are lazy, inattentive pigs
"Most nannies are from the islands"
BS indeed!
You wish/2:09 --
Is that picture supposed to be of a psycho? I think she's kinda cute.
I see someone changed the "black" avatar to "white".
Right on.
Feeling a little guilty and paranoid now?
Had to run quick and change that avatar, huh?
Might want to delete some of the hundreds of past racist posts this site has allowed.
Good luck with your conscience.
Avatar is White? not to me she ain't
The avatar is not a regular nanny> It is Grandpa's Ho nanny.
11:53 This blog is anything but racist. The avatar has been changed? I didn't notice. Looks the same to me. There was no real reason to change the Avatar
11:23 & 11:33
The Avatar has NOT been changed you idiots!
What are you, color blind??
Good luck with who's conscience?
This avator was never black nor is it now. it looks like a combination of features. As someone who uses Meez, I can speak intelligently on that fact. You might want to educate yourself before you resume your trolling 11:23 and 11:33. And before you get started, let me predict you will post a billion more times, threaten to flag the blog, flag the site, report the site to the NAACP, kill Jane, etc. We know you psycho. We know you.
With all of your anger I have to imagine that this site got you fired from your job or that Jane personally did something to you.
Which is it?
Or are you just off your meds?
You rock!!!
♫♫♪ "The freaks come out at night, the freaks come out at night,
hey-hey"! ♫♫♪
I shudder to imagine that sad creatures life. Poor thing. She just needs someone to love her.
Poor little troll
There are people who frequent this site who are racist.
There are also people who show up and comment only to incite trouble and stir shit.
Sprak, Ro, and LindaLou are three I can name off the top of my head.
Just pay attention. They rarely if ever comment on posts or offer advice but they jump in at any opportunity to berate, critique and insult.
Their remarks border on racism and bigotry,
"Miss Diabetes"
"Sounds like she's from East Flatbush" Etc
When confronted, they simply won't comment or make some lame excuse.
The best one to date being "I know nothing about East Flatbush. Other than a sign I saw"
Think about that. If you know nothing about a place, how can you say someone sounds like they hail from there and mean it in any other manner than derogatory.
Fortunately, there are a few of us around who see who the real trolls are.
Oh, ISYN gets it's share of bored, Internet trolls, but the real threat to this site is the ones who are regularly supported.
I am amazed, given the juvenile decent of most of the comments, any serious media would feature this place.
did you mean descent? btw, what advice were you giving above or what important issue were you commenting on? or were you just trying to stir shit? i see lots of posts from your above targets that dealt directly with important child rearing issues. you are different? how?
Oh, my. Anon1, I hope you know what you're doing, honey.
I come here to stir shit too. So much fun.
Why is everybody so concerned about the race of this avatar, but nobody even cares that it's OBVIOUSLY a transvestite nanny?! ONLY A MAN would switch channels as often and as fast as that!
Oh Mom, you're too much! lmao
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