East 34 Street at FDR Drive in NYC
Received Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Nanny dropped a baby. Yep. Nanny was taking baby of about 10-14 months out of a brown, tan and grey Perego stroller and attempting to insert baby in to carrier near the East 34th Street Ferry, ( E. 34th/FDR Drive) . The child fell to the ground landing on her rump, crying hysterically. Nanny rushed to pick up the baby, looking around to see if anyone had seen her. Nanny began soothing and shushing the child, I think in more of an attempt to quiet the cry that blasted the fall than to soothe the child. I only say this because I rushed over and asked if the baby was okay and the nanny said sharply, "yes, yes, she didn't hit anything". Then I said, "Aweeeee" about to remark on how pretty she was and the nanny said, "you are making it worse!" The little girl was dressed in a navy blue and white dress with three buttons on the chest. It was a nautical themed dress and the little girl had the cutest little face, pudgy body and soft, blonde curls. Adorable child. This could have happened to anyone, unfortunately it happened to your child. I watched nanny walk away and she seemed to be struggling with her appendages. The child was back in the stroller but the nanny still had the carrier fastened around her, she was carrying a large straw bag and wearing gold colored flats that seemed to be way too big for her because her feet kept stepping out of them. Interestingly enough, when I approached the nanny, her sunglasses were all steamed up. Steamed up. Twice during our brief encounter she took them off and wiped them clear. Maybe nanny isn't used to city strolling? I am pretty sure the baby is okay, I just thought it was an interesting study on how a nanny behaved in public. In addition to sun glasses and gold flats, nanny was wearing faded blue jeans that went to her ankles and she was about 30, a petite Filipino with a short curly hair cut and a few extra pounds.
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Thank goodness everyone was fine =)
I am glad the baby was fine..not really sure the relevence of this post.
The nanny was obviously would be too if you just dropped your kid.
How do we know this is a nanny and nota new mommy trying to figure things out??
and yes, oohong and ahing over an obviously agitated child does make it worse.
Have you ever attempted to put a child in a carrier..not the easiest feat!
If the nanny/mommy was rude or just let the baby sit there or did not attempt to soothe the child..your post might be a bit more understandable???!!
but are reaching here.
I think the poor woman was a upset as the little one, It really doesn;t help when a stranger gets involved when you are trying to comfort your child or charge after they got a booboo. It does seem to make them cry harder. I don;t think she was being rude she was just telling you the truth.
I have obne of those strollers that you put the car seat in and it is a pain. I can see why the little one got dumped. I wouldn't be hard on this perosn, she didn;t drop her on her head and she wasn't being negligent.
It was an ACCIDENT. She didn't do it on purpose and she picked the baby up and comforted her. If she was 10-14 months then she was probably wearing a diaper so it helped cushion the fall. Not sure why you felt the need to report her.....
A baby FELL!!
Nanny probably WON'T tell the Parents.
OP wrote this in hopes the Parents would see it!
Baby was crying HYSTERICALLY .... which means DUH! - it was HURT!!!
OP just wanted to make sure the child was O.k., who cares if Nanny was agitated that she said "Awwwwe".
Yes, it was an accident, but if it was YOUR baby, wouldn't YOU want to know???
If not, then ALL of you are CRAPPY Parents!!!!
Some of you jokers really need a lobotomy.
Why the hell would you assume the nanny WOULDN'T tell the parents? And why did OP assume that the "NANNY" was only soothing her in order to quiet her?
That's ridiculous.
The times that my charge has taken a fall while on my time, I've always told her parents. And when I soothed her, it was because she was upset and I wanted to make her feel safe and comfortable..not because I wanted her to keep the crying down.
Always assuming the worst about the nannies.
OR the baby could have been crying hysterically out of surprise.
I don't think this is a bad nanny sighting, I think it's an accidental sighting. Had the nanny not comforted the child, or told her to be quiet/shut up, than I would think it was a bad nanny sighting.
It's not as if the nanny had the child held above her head and purposely just let her go to watch her fall, the child slipped from her carrier. I'm not advocating dropping children, I'm saying unfortunately sometimes stuff like this happens.
A few years back I was babysitting my 2.5 year old nephew, who refused to ride in his stroller or walk, on a hot July day. I finally put him on my back (piggy back style) and trudged along heaving his stroller. It got to the point where he was holding on so tightly that he was literally strangling me. To make along story short, I finally kneeled down on the side walk as low as I could and told him to please get down, he slipped and bam landed on this bottom. He began to cry, and I, in total shock, started LAUGHING. Yes, I know, crazy response, I was in shock, hot, tired, and trying to get air back into my lungs. LOL Of course, I extended my hand to him, gave him a hug and repeatedly asked if he was okay, but yes I got a case of the giggles...and guess what my laughter made him laugh! I got some mean looks from an old lady passing by, felt extremely embarrassed, picked him up and we were on our way. He didn't so much as get a scratch on his diapered bottom from me I checked...and also told my sister what happened. The funny thing is, for months after that, he'd ask me to play "boom" with him...he'd climb on my back I'd kneel and he'd fall into a pile of pillows...our accident became the highlight of his two year old life. ha ha
Any way, end of my little tangent. I just wanted to say that accidents happen, and her response to the accident seems perfectly appropriate. I'm sure she was very embarrassed, I know I was!
You very well could have been making it worse. My daughter did not like strangers when she was that age. When my daughter is hurt I don't want other people in our business. Maybe she did tell the parents.
Accidents happen. "Awe"ing does make it worse. Ever watched a kid before? If they fall, and no one is 'watching', they get back up and walk away. If someone is looking, they'll burst into tears.
When the need arises to comfort my charges, I do make shushing noises. It's not an unsoothing thing to do.
And what do the steamed up glasses have to do with anything?
Idiots, you know who you are, all babies cry when they fall suddenly, this does not make a bad nanny. If she threw baby to the floor she would be a horrible nanny, give her a break, she consoled the baby, yes
Oh my goodness lay off the nanny. Llike you've NEVER done anything on accident in your life. And unless it's obvious that the child is in danger BUTT OUT! I feel bad for this nanny being being talked about for an accident that could have happened to any mom, dad grandparent etc..
it was an accident. i've done worse with to my own children. my youngest i've fallen ice while carrying him and when he was a tiny baby in a sling i dropped lemon yogurt directly in to his eye. i accidentally slammed my middle child's fingers in the car door. I fell down the front steps with my oldest when she was a few days old. i could go on...
Accident. Poor baby. Poor nanny. They both had a bad day. baby fell on her happens and she was probably not hurt. Sounds like nanny felt terrible about it as soon as it happened.
My husband and I "borrowed" our 2 yr old nephew to go play at the park before we had kids. Hubby put him in a swing and pushed too hard, shoved him right out of the seat, he went flying sans swing and fell flat on his back in the dirt. Poor little guy cried hysterically. We were scared and felt like crap. We brushed him off, did everything we could think of to get him to stop crying, and took him back home. I can't remember for sure, but I think we told his mama that he fell off the swing, but left out the part about her brother having shoved him off of it.
BTW, my sunglasses fog up all the time. They just happen to fit really snugly against my face, and that's why. If I pull them down onto my nose just a smidge, they're fine. I'm not sure what you're implying about nanny with that observation, but I notice absolutely no difference in this regard whether I am sober, drunk, or even high on crack. (Just kidding!)
okay, it's obvious mainly nannies respond to these posts. OP, you are right to post. I would definitely want to know this if it were my child. A. nanny doesn't know how to work the carrier. B. a small baby is not hard to hold. C. she didn't fall off the couch, she fell several feet to the hard ground. D. the nanny was rude to the woman and didn't have the common sense to not carry a bunch of bags around with her.
i really think that nannies, especially ones who have dropped infants, are replying here. don't listen to them op, and thanks for posting.
I have never dropped a baby, thank you very much. They can wriggle and drop themselves without my assistance.
I guess I'm just not familiar with carriers, because I didn't read anything about the baby dropping several feet. Landing on her rump, I did see. And rumps are meaty, add to that a diaper and it's a cushy fall.
Because if you are female, with a child, live in NYC and do something wrong, you MUST be a nanny because only nannies (professional, YEARS of experience and educated) have no idea what they are doing with children and not parents, the same people who shake their babies to death, neglect and abuse thie kids, drown them, molest them and at the very least constantly complain how there is no instruction book on how to raise kids.
These women LOOK for SOMEONE to blame because they feel inadequet and guilty that they are incapable of raising their own children. If nannies are all so bad then why do you entrust your children to them? ESPECIALLY in NYC illegal, uneducated and without refs? ''
You entitled NYC phonies are pathetic.
To the OP:
I've lost count of the number of times I've seen one of my employers drop a child, space out and let the child crawl into a dangerous area of their home, or space out and allow their child to bonk its head on the floor or a sharp corner.
I do a lot of mending boo-boos and soothing guilt-ridden freaked out parents who think the boo-boos will cause brain-damage or permanent injury.
I keep my CPR skills up-to-date and a fully-stocked First Aid kit in the hall closet just in case.
I've never dropped a child in my care, but there have been skinned knees, various small owies, a bee sting or two and none of the children were seriously harmed. All recovered.
Nanny was not planning to drop her charge.
It just happened.
Accidents happen.
The world's an imperfect place.
Accept this fact and chill-out, please.
A nanny dropping her charge is a big difference compared to a "small owie, or a skinned knee".
The fact that all of these nannies are responding in anger to this post frightens me. Nannies, you do realize most of the civilized world works in a supervised capacity? I think you have become way too comfortable working unsupervised and this is why you react with such rage when someone simply reports what they saw. I,they, we have every right to report what we see in public, especially when it involves a child. If it ends up being the mother, so be it. If the nanny goes home and tells the parent what happened, so be it. As a parent, I would want to know and I would be curious how my nanny responded. It's just a glimpse of things I don't get to see from my 72nd floor office. Thank you OP!
11:29 and 8:03, It's not just nannies responding. Stop picking and choosing facts to suit your stance. The majority of posters are anonymous and only a few had mentioned they were nannies. There were a couple regulars who I could assume are Mothers, especially considering one of their monikers is "MOM." Nevermind those who told stories of their own OOPSIES with their OWN children...Lets not make this into anything more than it is. The kid fell on its tush. There's really not much of a difference between tripping and skinning your knee and falling a foot or two onto your diapered butt. Be realistic.
I think you're reaching a bit to imply that this is some sort of NANNIES IN CAHOOTS RESPONSE TEAM going on here.
maybe you should change your moniker to "nanny crusader". you always seem to think there is some kind of conspiracy against nannies on this blog, and there isn't (7:52). credit is given where credit is due, but you have to remember, this IS a blog about bad nannies, so the majority of the posts are going to be about just that.
and before you start thinking i'm one to bash nannies, i will tell you now that i'm quick to jump in when one's getting throttled. i have been a nanny most of my life, and was treated unfairly more often than not. i'm glad your taking a stand, but sometimes there are a few here and there that do deserve it.
9:01, and I also give credit where credit is deserved. In this post, I don't think it's deserved.
Before you tell me what I ALWAYS do and ALWAYS think, you would really have to go back and read it ALL. I'm not the only person on this thread who disagrees with the validity of the original post. There have been quite a few times that I have given an OP a well deserved pat on the back for a legit sighting.
I can hardly imagine that a baby dropped from the grasp of a full sized adult standing up could even possibly land on its butt. It would have somehow had to hit its head as well. baby didn't hit her head. I pictured nanny bending down to place baby in a carrier that was on the ground. I think that's the only way she could have landed on her bottom and not toppled back and hit her head as well...because she couldn't have fallen very far at all.
The baby was also old enough to have enough balance to stay sitting after the fall. This was not a newborn infant crashing to the ground. It does not sound like a tragic incident. It hardly even seem worth mentioning to the parents...but how can anybody possibly assume the nanny didn't mention it anyway?
I'm all for catching bad nannies...but this just doesn't ring any alarm bells for me. Sorry.
If you weren't so busy sensationalizing the story--it would have gone something like this:
"I saw a nanny accidentally drop a baby. The nanny was taking baby (10-14 months) out of a brown, tan and grey Perego stroller and attempting to insert baby in to carrier near the East 34th Street Ferry, ( E. 34th/FDR Drive)--when the child accidentally fell.
Luckily, the child landed on her rump. But she did cry hysterically. The nanny rushed to pick up the baby and began soothing the child. I went over to ask if the baby was okay, and the nanny said "yes, yes, she didn't hit anything". Then I said, "Aweeeee" about to remark on how pretty she was and the nanny said, "you are making it worse!"
The little girl was dressed in a navy blue and white dress with three buttons on the chest. It was a nautical themed dress and the little girl had the cutest little face, pudgy body and soft, blonde curls. Adorable child.
End of story!!!!
Now if the nanny had welcomed your intervening and the two of you chit-chatted for a few minutes--talking about how cute the baby was--you would have never, ever put this on this site. You were mostly hurt that the nanny spoke sharply to you--which is natural. It also sounds like it was a rough day for the nanny. We all have them. If her glasses were steaming up, it was probably because it was hot--or she was perspiring under the stress of what happened. And if she was struggling to walk, or her shoes are too big, that's something I'm sure the parents have already noticed--and are okay with.
I am really surprised so many posters don't view this as an important post.
The baby cried hysterically, so that tells me it was hurt.
The nanny was highly aggitated and embarrassed, so she may not even tell the parents because of that reason. Why would you assume she would?
I can kind of picture what your saying mom, and I don't think it had to have been too far of a drop because the baby probably WOULD have hit his head, and OP never said it did.
It's an accident, and no, I don't think this is a bad nanny, but I am concerned she may not tell the parents what happened. And the only reason I say that is because of the way OP describes her reaction when she's approached.
BTW, 9:33, that sounds like a very plausible reason!
We all have accidents and she handled it well. No need to blab on her- she was probably stressed out enough.
Maybe she looked around because she drops the baby all the time--darn, it happened again!!!!! That's probably why she knew the AWEEEE was making things worse, because the same type of incident happens several times a week! She couldn't walk, her glasses were steaming up--she's clearly inept and prone to dropping the baby. The family should hire someone who has all her appendages working and doesn't drop the baby!!!!!
I know your kidding! Ha-ha.
How do you know I'm kidding--we're all just guessing! She could be a wonderful nanny who has never dropped the baby before--and told the parents all of the details. She could have been one who hides every detail (thank goodness the baby can't talk yet!)--and tells the parents every evening that everything was honky dory! Or, maybe she does drop the baby often--and doesn't want to admit that she has troubles with her appendages and is prone to dropping the baby. And is very worried that someone will report her--or worse yet, the baby will end up with bruises, have to go the hospital, etc. and she will lose her job. Maybe her glasses were steamed up because she was stressed. Maybe they were steamed up because she has high blood pressure and that's why she had a tough time navigating the baby into the carseat. We could take any person we see during the day--in any situation--and make up our own stories! And that's all we're doing--making up our own stories based on some limited information that someone posted on this website.
I wasn't suggesting nanny did tell the parents...only that we also don't know that she didn't. Either way, it sounds like the baby was not hurt, so even if she didn't tell (which I do hope she DID)there will be no consequence to the baby.
My only point is, if this was my baby (and I was as protective as they come)I don't think I would be too upset. Even if my nanny hadn't told me and I found out here I would probably just tell her I heard about what heappened and in the future I needed to know about any mishaps wiht the baby, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem to her.
(But I an a SAHM, so I was almost always there when boo boos happened...and they do.)
I suppose I should add that I didn't let anybody babysit for my kids that I didn't adore and completely my incentive to want to crucify them over a small mishap was greatly diminished.
Maybe she's an illegal alien who stole the baby and was down near the ferry making an illegal drug drop. So when the baby howled and called attention to them--she looked around to make sure the police weren't hot on her trail. After all, she could have ended up in jail for life for all of those offenses. For all she knew OP, you could have been an undercover investigator who would blow her cover! I think you should trail her again. Just wait down near the ferry every day at about that time and see if she appears again. Then, you can report her to the police.
Maybe she's an illegal alien who stole the baby and was down near the ferry making an illegal drug drop. So when the baby howled and called attention to them--she looked around to make sure the police weren't hot on her trail. After all, she could have ended up in jail for life for all of those offenses. For all she knew OP, you could have been an undercover investigator who would blow her cover! I think you should trail her again. Just wait down near the ferry every day at about that time and see if she appears again. Then, you can report her to the police.
10:09 AM
That DOES explain the steamed up glasses! I think you're onto something.
I can just see the nannies on this blog sitting in the MSNBC studio viewing the tape where the nanny mishandled the twins. Their commeents would be, "well she is overworked", "well there are two of them, no one can take care of two of them". "maybe the mother is bitch", "what is she supposed to do with them? They're infants", "so a child rolls on the sofa, so what, it's soft", "Oh i guess you never carry your baby around like a suitcase, call the police".
What is wrong with you? I am surprised a real professional nanny doesn't come around here and bang your heads together and knock some sense into you. Do you really think that by crucifying every post and defending the unknown that you are making nannies look better?
You're not. Your making them look more devious, scheming and downright scary.
Take the report for what it is. An observation. Move on. I agree with Ro, you are way to eager to offer a free pass to every nanny sighting you come across. Guess what? There isn't always a plausible explanatuon as to what is going on. When you are there, you see things. Sometimes these things escape your posts, certain details you cannot capture with words. Be sure that the OP posted because she saw something that disturbed her. And appreciate that, because this could have been your child, niece, neighbor, etc.
THANK YOU RO! One of a very few voices of reason. Why protect this nanny? No, she's not abusive, but she DOES suck. She couldn't even hold on to it, causing injury. I don't care what you say, it HAD to have hurt!! Diaper or not.
This blog would not exist without the individuals who take the time to submit nanny sightings. Please attempt to treat them with some form of civility.
This sighting does no harm as far as I can see. We all need to keep our eyes open when we are out in public, particularly for children, but not soley for children. A woman in my building was followed into the building two nights ago and raped by a man with a box cutter. I have to wonder who observed a suspicious looking man or a man trailing her?
We're all in this together. We need to be kinder and gentler with each other.
Thank you to this OP and all of the OPs who take the time to submit their stories. Thank you especially for keeping your eyes open when you are out and about.
Seems like an accident to me. My husband once accidently dropped his son. he was walking and the dog rammed the back of his legs taking him to the floor and he lost control of his kid. Ooops! he didn't throw the kid to the ground. Things happen, and i gurantee that will not be the last caregiver to accidently drop a child.
I am not a nanny, I am Grandma here and I too have had a baby slip out of my grasp with that damn stroller that you put the car seat in. I was bent over, trying to get her in the thing and she wiggled out of my hands. She dropped from my the length of my knee to the ground (grass) she cried because it scared her. She wasn't used to my dropping her. There were no bruises on her littl rump. I told my daughter what happened and she got me another stroller and car seat. :) The child did not hit her head, didn't even come close to hitting her head. I think it scares them more than anything.
This nanny didn't drop the child from 3 feet in the air. It was an accident plain and simple and it happens. We can be as careful as we can be and accidents happen.
I think any MOther on here that claims they never once did anything wrong while tending to their child has a poor memory.
I'm sure the baby was fine, and as long as the nanny reported it and it doesn't happen often, it'll be okay.
That kid was probably less hurt than you'd think. When I was about 4, I tied the dog to the porch (about 6 feet off the ground) so I could wash him. He was afraid of water, freaked out, pulled free of my "tie," and dragged me with him when he jumped off. I fell six feet and landed on my face on gravel. I was fine.
Accidents happen, and kids manage to get themselves into all sorts of scrapes without any long term damage. It's called resiliency.
Hi Grandma,
I am a grandma, too, and will gladly state so, even if it did draw me some insults the other eve from at least one other poster. Don't some people know what viable and oft available childcare providers we become for our darling grandchildren? There is no way to prevent every little mishap that can befall a small child or baby, no matter how careful we are, just as what happened to this nervous nanny. I am sure she felt badly although I felt the OP just wanted to be helpful. Maybe that's the message- that little mishaps can happen to anyone no matter what precautions we take. Cheers!
I wasn't faulting OP for posting. (I hate it when people do that.) MY opinion just happens to be that this was most likely an accident, not a character flaw in the nanny.
She was probably only rude because the fall probably terrified her as well as the baby. I know I tried to lift my son in a light umbrella stroller and lost my grip. He did a face plant in the dirt. I wanted to fall down beside him and cry. I cannot imagine how out of sorts I would have been if someone was there asking questions and trying to strike up conversation.
I had my old nanny family tell me that while walking my 6 month charge they crossed the street and hit a bump, however they hadn't locked his seat into the stroller and he flipped out and landed upside down in his infant car seat in the middle of the road...the horror...right? By MOM AND DAD.
Or the time myself and my cahrges were sitting in the picnic area of the park when a MOM AND GRANDMA coming into the area bumped the curb causing the apparently not latched duo stroller to start to collapse on the two toddlers legs...
Or the story the other day of my daycare parent who, when cooking dinner looked over to see her daughter on the table and playing with a steak knife...the MOM was in charge.
Or my old nanny family mom who placed the toddler on the counter beside her and he promptly knocked over the butcher block containing the knives which went raining off the counter all around his infant sister in the boucny seat below...
THESE WERE PARENTS!!! So backoff it happens to the best of us, nannies alike. ACCIDENTS happen!! You cannot say she didnt alert dont know. And she comforted that baby..she didnt snap anything like "oh god your fine!" Everyone needs to chill out!
Here's a really bad one. This one actually caused me to cook in a whole different way when my kids were little....making sure to know exactly where every child was before handling pots from the stove or listen up moms of little ones.
A wife of my husband's colleague (Actually, it was the anal woman who pitched a fit over my son getting up from the picnic table without finishing his plate...she went on the have two more little girls)took a pot of boiling spaghetti noodles off of the stove and turned to take it to the sink to drain. But as she turned, her toddler daughter, who she had not even realized was in the kitchen, was right there in front of her. She tried not to trip over her, but the motion of pulling back caused some of the water from the pan to slosh out and douse the baby's face with water that had been boiling less than ten seconds before hand. She was eriously burned...mostly on her face...and they had ot rush to the emergency room. I don't know if she was permanently scarred or not.
That is something so simple, so preventable. After that I always went and physically saw where each child was before I handled hot pans. is my horror story...went to dinner with a few friends..walked in ,placed the baby carseat on a chair..told all 3 other adults at the table I had to run to the I walked back to my table I noticed the whole cafe was quiet and my particular table was red faced..turns out..a few minutes after I left..the baby, carseat and all flipped off the chair and landed upside down with a huge thud!!
I set the carseat down, I left and after child #3, I should have known better!!
Parents and nannies alike will have mishaps..and for the a nanny, I always told my employers when I goofed..they were thankful and never gave me grief! I am sure the nanny told mom & dad!!
As I am writing 16 yr old son walked in the room,read the blog ..I told him I have similar stories about all of you kids..he laughed and said "well that explains a lot!"
Your right. I can't imagine trying to comfort my hysterical child, and some woman comes over trying to see what happenend. It wouldn't bother me if after a couple of minutes they came over to offer help if needed.
To 3:06 am,
Nanny ACCIDENTALLY dropping her charge (or parent ACCIDENTALLY dropping his/her child) is the same as any other ACCIDENT.
It's unintentional and often unpreventable.
As I said before--please chill-out.
Accept the fact that the world is an imperfect place, filled with snafus, owies, oopsies and accidents of all kinds.
Ever carry a sleeping child down the hall at night?
In your drowsy, sleep-deprived state...have you ever tripped over toys left in the hall and fallen with the child in your arms?
In spite of all your efforts to avoid the fall and avoid bonking yourself and the child as you hit the floor...have you ever dropped the child as you fell or kept the child in your arms and injured both yourself and the child?
Ever broken a bone/bashed face/teeth etc while such a thing happened in your attempt to protect your child from injury?
Sound familiar?
These things just happen. Cannot always be avoided.
That's life.
I don't get this post. Babies fall on their bottoms all the time and a lot of them cry over much less than this. Accidents happen. Why would you go up to the baby if the nanny was taking care of it? As a nanny, I would be bothered by you.
You must be the same poster that thought the child in pain on the bus was acting like a brat.
Your a nanny?
How frightening.
anon 820 hate to burst your bubble..but it looks like there are atleast two posters that you don't like because i am the poster you are refrencing regarding the bus but I am not the above poster. See...great minds think alike!
Great minds think alike?
You must be joking?
A great mind that misspells words,
and whose sentence structure sucks?
You are pathetic.
anon 934..okay ,so you ,once again, have no argument for your weak case and will change the focus of this blog by commenting on spelling errors and attacking a blogger personally instead of sticking to the subject at hand!
why do you search the blogs? Just to point out gramatical errors?
You're an idiot. You have no idea which posts are mine, or who I am. I never go off on people, but 12:43 started it.
Pay attention next time, you slug!
"okay ,so you ,once again, have no argument for your weak case and will change the focus of this blog by commenting on spelling errors and attacking a blogger personally instead of sticking to the subject at hand!"
Let me guess -- you have this copied and pasted somewhere, right?? I have seen this same post over and over again, it's getting as old as your ass! Find a new line already! ...... next
don't you mean "slag", lol.
anon 1048 and sound like a bunch of whiny kids.."so & so started it"??? are you kidding me?
grow up and please go blog at gawker or flickr..somewhere they welcome mindless garb that you both like to sling..somewhere they enjoy this childish crap!
ladies, ladies: come now, let's not fight. let's celebrate: love, life, family, new draco malfoy t-shirts from ebay...
there are so many many things to celebrate.
no need to bicker.
lol, umass!
Is there a reason you didn't comment on 12:43 or 10:31's behavior??? They are acting like little babies, too. Why pick the sides of two anonymous posts, hmmmm?
anon.4pm..they are ALL anonymous silly little troll
wow this situation seemed like it could have happened to anyone, like a complete accident. I would react the same way if some random stranger came up to me and butted in when I'm trying to comfort the child I nanny for, and to say that she didn't seem like she was trying to sooth the child, but to just hush her up was unfair, there is no way to know someone's intentions.
another thing, its unfair to judge someone's nannying abilities based off how they dress. Thats just stuck up.
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