This has been in the news for a few weeks now and a number of people have sent links in for discussion...
A former nanny for Rob Lowe claims the actor sexually abused her for years but she continued to work for him and his wife because she loved their two sons and needed the job. (Court Documents.)
Gibson appeared on the “Today” show, but didn’t say much. Most of the talking was done by her lawyer, Gloria Allred. Together, they denied everything in Lowe’s lawsuit, and said that the actor and his wife tried to "hide behind" confidentiality agreements they had their employees sign. Those papers were purposely used as excuse to not "properly pay" Jessica Gibson. Rob Lowe’s former nanny Jessica Gibson has come forth with her own allegations against the 44-year-old actor, accusing him of sexual harassment. Gibson said Rob Lowe exposed and touched his private parts in front of her, and groped her on several occasions.
Gibson also says Lowe's wife Sheryl walked around naked, "completely exposing herself,"
Link to Jessica Gibson on the Today Show 4/15/08
Rob Lowe Nanny Jessica Gibson Claims Sexual Harassment
Former Nanny: Rob Lowe Fondled Me
Nanny -- Rob Touched Me in Lowe Places
Rob Lowe's Fired Chef Has "Issues"
Rob Lowe Declined Police Intervention In Blackmail Claim
Lowe To Cops: I Can Handle Sex Case On My Own
Rob Lowe: 'I Did Not Have Sex With That Woman'
Rob Lowe, Sheryl Berkoff File Suit Against Nanny Laura Boyce
I want to see a picture of this nanny. Was her as* so bouncy and firm that he could not resist to squeeze it?
Seriously, this reminds me of a horror story my current nanny told me. Her last employer was a newly divorced woman with two children when the nanny went to work for her. The woman started working out, redid her hair, got some work done and all that was fine. Then, the mom started getting her bits waxed. Which she described in detail to the nanny including saying specifically, "I just cant stop touching myself". After the mom was waxed, she took to wearing robes around the house with nothing underneath, always letting her robe fall open so the nanny would be forced to see the bald intruder. It was done in a really pointed way as the nanny describes it. She would always accost the nanny and trap her in a corner and ask her a question and then allow her robe to fall open. My nanny said when swimsuit season came, the woman went out and bought dozens of bathing suits and tried them all on for her, seeking her opinion. And she changed in and out of them in front of her. I feel for what some of these nannies have been put through!
"bald intruder"? Tee hee, thanks for my laugh of the day!
I'm never one to blame a possible victim, and we don't know what really happened, but I just can't get that Nannies SMILE out of my head. Reports were that she was frightened, but in the video and pic I saw her in, she had this big smile on her face.
... weird.
what I don't get is why would anybody complain that rob lowe was sexually harassing them?
it just doesn't make sense to me.
Marypp, I often agree with you, but not on this one. There is a creepiness to Rob Lowe along with an element of femininity that makes him seem very much the wimp. Perverted wimp, maybe........
mpp didnt say anything wrong. I think in this case the nanny was probably attracted to rob lowe himself or his star status so she was flattered by his conduct. Personally, I cant imagine it with Rob Lowe, but say if it were Steve Bartelstein, I would be so flattered and look forward to every day of work. And then while after I quit work if I wasnt making money, I might remember his sweet hands on my bum and think $$$ just like this nanny.
Please let me make it perfectly clear that I don't want to judge this Nanny. I don't know if her accusations are true or not.
I'm just saying I wouldn't have imagined seeing her smile splashed all over the news, and while sitting next to Gloria Allred, the ballbuster.
I find it hard to believe that anyone would stick around and be molested,grabbed, flashed and not get paid. There is more to this story. I had my doubts the minute I saw Gorilla All Rude on that show with her and the nanny had this smirk on her face. When asked what he had to done her, she smirked and All Rude immediately answered the question. I find All Rude a sleaze bag and I noticed that from "Abmber" Petersons sleazy tramp to this sleazy looking thing, they all run to the main sleaze bag attorney in town.
I have always thought Robby was a little acey duecy, Melissa Gilbert dumped him after the video in Ga of him doing a 14 yr old girl. I don't like any of them but I have a feeling this Nanny tried to get some money by black mailing them,and he the fool that he is didn't pay it and shut up. I have a feeling we are in for a real inside look at the Lowe family LOL
Rob Lowe probably got his nanny rearing tips from old flame Demi Moore.
ROFL @ *bald intruder.*
i would let rob lowe do whatever the hell he wanted to me and I would pay HIM to do it.
I watched the whole video of the Today show "performance" by Gloria Allred, while nanny sat and smiled and sort of looked sheepish whenever the interviewer would ask her embarrassing questions like, why she would continue to work under such conditions if it was as miserable as she is now claiming, and whether or not she did write letters to the Lowe family in the days immediately following her departure from their home claiming that she loved working for them and that her daparture had noting whatsoever to do with them, but rather that her heart was simply no longer into nannying. The girl was not allowed to answer any questions that called her story into question. AllBalls jumped in every time to answer for her...and when she had no good answer she just kept hammering on how the Lowes are rich and powerful...which apparently was meant to insinuate that that makes them horrible people in and of itself. And if you watch the tape...notice how AllBalls' arm is sort of in front of the nanny...sort of in a dominant way. I think for Gloria, this case is all about her.
As with MaryPP, I can't say nothing went on on that house, and unfortunately for Rob Lowe, he has sort of earned his reputation as a possible perv. with questionable judgment. Or, maybe he learned his lesson the first time. We'll probably never know the truth for sure...but the presence Gloria Allred (who makes my skin crawl)and the nanny's smug smirk made it pretty hard to feel sorry for the nanny. She looked to me like a person perfectly capable of taking care of herself. Sometimes these "victims" go along for the fun and later, when things don't end the way they had hoped or envisioned, they play the harrassment card. It mostly pisses me off because then, when a woman really IS victimized, she has to dig her way out of that paper bag first before anybody will believe her.
One night, after a party at my husband's law firm, two or three secretaries went on to party with two or three lawyers...all of them eventually having sex before the night was out (in couples...not an orgy.) By Monday morning, all of the secretaries were crying "sexual harrassment" and asking for a "settlement"...and the firm actually gave them each something like $10,000! I have also seen several long term inter office romances end with these charges being filed. Please. If you willingly have sex with somebody multiple times, it kind of becomes your own responsibility at some point. I guess my thinking is that if you go along with it on a long term basis, you are sort of agreeing to the "arrangement"...which is the feeling I get about this case.
This woman apparently claims that Rob Lowe put his hands inisde her pants on multiple occasions over an extended period of time. That's the kind of thing where either the person consents or you have to forcibly hold them down to do it.
This woman apparently also left her job a couple of times and then asked to come back. Why would somebody who was apparently terrified, intimidated, and in such distress ASK to go back once she was free?
The one thing that no one bothered mentioning is that the Lowe's pulled their cease and desist on two other employees. No one can tell me that those employees didn't know what was going on. That's why the Lowe's intended to blackmail them by threatening to make charges for things like prescription drug theft. They know.
No confidentiality agreement should ever have to be kept if there questionable criminal activity involved.
In a nutshell (and Rob Lowe's, I might add!) -- mom said it!
great post! LOL
I'm not sure they (confidentiality agreements) hold up against criminal activity. I'll check it out.
Like I said, stuff may well have gone on there...I just wonder about the nanny's sudden motives.
I like what somebody just above said about the three sides to every story...his, hers, and the truth.
Rob Low committed statutory rape with a fourteen year old girl, and filmed it FGS. The nanny may not be blameless, but Low is a pig. It is hard to believe he is a poor innocent victim in this situation.
OK, here's what I have been able to find out.
A confidentiality agreement is not binding with regard to crimes. This is because private agreements cannot supercede public policy.
If somebody who has signed such an agreement witnesses a crime, they are still a witness to the crime and no agreement can stop them from reporting it or testifying about it.
So, if any of you nannies out there think you can not report child abuse or neglect, or any other crime you are a witness to, because you have signed a confidentiality agreement, fear not. (But you might want to gather proof, so you're not in a "he said she said" situation where you could potentially be sued for slander.)
I also asked about this nanny suing for sexual harrassment while the Lowes sue for extortion. Specifically, I wondered, "If he did do all of these sexual things to the nanny, can he still successuflly sue her for extortion?" He thinks that this is possible, if it can be proven that her motive was purely to get money from them in exchange for keeping the secrets. Whether he did anything wrong or not, extortion is never OK. If she can prove Lowe sexually harassed her, then she can also potentially win her suit against him.
Maybe they will both win their cases, get awarded equal amounts in damages, making the whole thing a wash, and everybody will simply say, "You are both disgusting. Now go home." hehehe
Did anybody besides me get the impression when Gloria Allred was saying that they had scheduled a deposition with both of the Lowes and all of the sordid facts of the alleged abuse would come out at that time...if the Lowes wanted that to happen (or words to that effect), that Gloria AllMan was maybe challenging/warning (threatening) the Lowes via airwave that they might want to go ahead and give this girl a settlement (or drop their extortion claims against her) BEFORE that time? That tends to make me think there might be something to the original extortion claim. Listen to it and see what you think.
Once you hire Gloria Allred AND a publicist I know you're a piece o' crap.
I also know a lot of about Rob Lowe and his extra curricular activities so I don't doubt some of it but I say it's just remorse, not harassment.
We've all made out with a very married Rob Lowe in Malibu.
Rob Lowe doesn't live in Malibu, he lives in Carpinteria. Why would he drive all the way down to Malibu to make out with anyone. Besides, the night life in Malibu is pretty low key if not non-existent. Hole in the wall type places.
well perhaps if he was encouraged but if he did, I'm sure it was with expectations.
Anyone who smirks like that while describing how they were "humiliated" or "harassed" or whatever term they think will win them Big Bucks is clearly lying.
"Hole in the wall type places."
8:54 PM
I think that's the point.
I worked as a nanny in Bel Air in the late nineties and many of my friends worked for celebrities or worked in restaurants, so collectively we knew a lot of celebrities. I had one particular friend who was about 4'10" tall. She was a gymnast even in college, a very pretty girl with a very distinct build at 4'10" and about 28 years old. She claimed that she met Rob Lowe through her work (which I won't say where/who she worked for) and he invited her out. They went to a bar, stayed for one drink, picked up drinks at a liquor warehouse and went back to his place where he rubbed her entire body down with butter. Multiple sticks of butter. From there, it gets even more strange. I'm just saying, he probably did it. As for the nanny, she probably liked and or encouraged it because it was Rob Lowe. Personally, I've never gotten the attraction to him. I always say him as rather girly and imagined him (incorrectly) to have an especially slim and unfulfilling jim. To each, her own.
"I always say him as rather girly and imagined him (incorrectly) to have an especially slim and unfulfilling jim. To each, her own."
11:42 PM
Sooo, I guess your GF reported back the Rob had a biggun'?
Looks like Rob Lowe could have used a house manager.
In a document, Rob Lowe's former chef Clements who was terminated by Lowe for allegedly stealing food, having sex in the bed, etc., etc., Clements writes in court documents, the ex "has been calling my employer, which is a high-profile 'movie business' person. She has called numerous times causing very much stress for myself ..." He adds, "She has now written a letter with intent of blackmail. My job is in jeopardy."
Can you imagine?
Jessica has had some work done since I saw her last.
I have to ask myself, why would any employee file a complaint or lawsuit against a former employer if everything had gone well and fairly during their term of employment? Logical answer: no sane person would!
So whatever the Lowe family put their employees through was clearly less-than-kosher and needs to be dealt with.
I've worked for high-profile families...some of them are truly wonderful...some are total space-cadets. I've always liked Rob Lowe re: his movies and looks, etc. But I'm on the nanny's side this time (unless I see convincing evidence to the contrary). Hope she gets some justice.
well, not nearly enough
My question is why the hell was she only making $18/hour if she worked for them so long? I earn more than that and I've only been a professional nanny on the East Coast for 3 years for a non-celebrity!
I can't take this nannies side,because of her actions on this interview. I have been sexually harassed and I am not a nanny and there was no smile on my face. Of course I didn't sue,I quit!
No one has a right to lay their hands on another person. BUT if you keep quiting and then begging for your job back what does this say? It means that you either like what was going on or you were a part of it,or you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
I think this nanny is pretty damn smart. She couldn't get Lowe so she went after the money. Thats why she kept going back . I wouldn't doubt for a minute if she has photos (if it happened) somewhere to bring out at the trial if it goes to trial. I think he will settle with her.
As far as blackmail goes, it is blackmail if you threaten someone with exposure unless they pay you not to. If this is proven the nanny can smirk her way to a jail cell.
I wonder if Ethan Hawke had broken it off with his (now pregnant) nanny instead of splitting with his wife and leaving his children behind whether he might be facing a similar lawsuit today?
Now there's a "stand up guy" for ya!
Maybe she took 18 an hour because she went on all their vacation and they paid for everything for her as it was her vacation too. SHe got plenty of perks (probably more than we know). She had her reasons I am sure.
Thank you for piping in. I work as a nanny and make $22 an hour. I get paid 35% more per hour to travel with the family, PLUS an overnight rate.
What moron thinks that traveling for the nanny is anything short of work?
But apparently her vacation perks included sex with Rob Lowe.
2:37: you mean besides 2:32?
Okay, I'll give you that.
Mine included sex with the locals, and depending on where we were, it was never that great. In fact I've never had so many visits to Planned Parenthood in my life checking for this or that.
I think she might have aspirations of becoming more than just the nanny and finally gave up on that and decided going the "sex harassment" route.
Sure, FG, blame the victim. Funny that Rob has to sue two other ex employees to keep them from coming out with the truth as well. That buy itself is the smoking gun for me. No one should be threatened to keep quiet with litigation.
what strikes me as odd is that this nanny was supposedly sexually abused, etc. ok. but she went back to the job a couple of times. if you left a job where you were abused in any way the first time, would you really go back? ever? you can't tell me that there weren't other jobs out there. if she worked in hollywood, there is always something else out there. i used to live in so cal and had friends that worked for famous people. the jobs were NOT in short supply.
that being said, i also think rob lowe has a smarmy quality about him that i can't quite pinpoint. he's had issues with underage girls in the past, hasn't he? you never know. i'm thinking there is stuff going on on BOTH of their sides.
When several former employees decide to sue their former employer...something went wrong in that house...VERY wrong!
135- yes. that sounds familiar.
I still lean towards what 1:48 says....probably a lot of wrong on BOTH sides.
Let me get this straight: the story is that Mr. Lowe is "Pervy McPervenstein", his wife is "Mrs. Pervy McPervenstein" and they may be forced to pay for their general ickiness?
Sounds pretty good to me.
I'm all for giving a woman the benefit of the doubt, but this nanny strikes me as an opportunist.
If you were to ask any real sexually victimized person, they would tell you emphatically that they would NEVER under any circumstances return to their victimizer. Once that nanny was out ... she should've stayed out. There was no reason for her to go back unless she had other motives.
Anyone ever consider the possibility that the nanny returned because she loved and missed the children?
These families get what they deserve. They can't raise their own children. I don't think theres anything wrong with having part-time help. But come on! Not sure if its true but didn't the Beckhams have two f/t round the clock nannies? Why do you need all that? Why does Donald Trump need a f/t baby nurse for his son, and a nite nurse. His wife isn't "working". Not a real job anyway.
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