The park was really packed as it was so nice out.
I was at the baby swings while the oldest was watching the 6 yr old on the bars and slide.
I had my purse and phone on the ground by the swing we were using and had to take the baby out for a second to fix his shirt. 3 boys about 6 ,7 & 8 ran over to the baby swings and grabbed them . The one took the swing I had the baby in and I told him I was sorry but I was using that. He kicked my purse out of the way and said "tough" Proceeded to climb into that swing and if i hadn't moved would have been kicked by the kid. His siblings were in the other baby swings . Some parents & nannies took their children out of the swings because these boys were really acting rough around these little toddlers. About 5 minutes later a woman dressed in a blue velour jogger suit, matching hat, Asian ,designer sun glasses and quite pretty came over to the boys and snapped her fingers at them and I started to ask her if she was their Nanny but she ignored me and walked away. Those boys were totally rude and out of control. My eldest Granddaughter told me they had been pushing other kids off the slides. So where was this person when this was going on? On her cell phone. My Grand daughter told me she herself grabbed one of them when they started pushing other kids off the slide and told him to knock off in no uncertain terms. She saw this woman on her phone and paying no attention to these children. I don't know if it was the Mom or not. The kids didn't look like her. It really doesn't matter to me what she was but she certainly didn't give a rats posterior about how those kids behaved. Another lady told me that these children were there a lot and that they did anything they felt like and had seen the nanny drop them off and come back an hour or so later. So maybe it is a nanny, I personally don't know.
If she is the nanny I want the parents to read this and speak to her about controlling these children while in the park. Plus leaving them alone is wrong. When my little Grand daughter was only 2 she was pushed while on the steps going up to the top of a slide and her little arm was broken and if it had been 2 inches further up her arm would have stopped growing. I know a park is a place for kids to run and play, that is why I take them there to get exercise and have fun but I keep a close eye on them too. There are sections in this park for infants and toddlers and then the larger slides and swings and the person that was supposed to be watching those boys should have taken a minute ,got off her cell phone and taken them to the area for bigger kids. She was a rude as those boys.
I asked our Nanny if she had ever encountered this at that park and she said yes and knew who I was talking about. and that many of the other Nannies had talked to her about the way she let these boys behave but she just ignores them . She has nothing to do with the other nannies at the park and just talks on her phone while these boys terrorize the other children .
It is a public park so I guess there isn't much anyone can do about it. I am taking them again this Friday and maybe I will take my camera with me and take pictures and maybe contact the park people. Am I wrong?
no your not you need to report this asap to the park people because one day they can really hurt your kids or any kids. Next time take a pic of the person and pst it up so maybe the parents can see how unfit the person is. If the park people don't do anyting report it to your local police department.
Are you wrong?
Please tell me you seriously don't mean that!
Your idea sounds like a plan. Next time, take your camera and snap a pic, and post it here. Hopefully the Nanny will be identified ... reports with pics have been known to get back to the Parents around here.
She needs to be delt with swiftly, this is definately a safety hazard with her in charge.
Good looking out for the kids in your care ... and keep us posted about this horrible Nanny.
If I were you, I would have yelled at the kids and asked the nanny for the parents' number. That would sure put her in line and let the kids know that they're gonna get it if they behave like this.
Do you really think for one minute this nanny would've given her # to a stranger? Would YOU give your # to a stranger? Especially since this nanny must've known she sucked, she wouldn't want OP to snitch on her to the parents.
ok...I live and go to this park
tons tons tons...I am going to ask
a park person and see what they say about reporting this...since
i walk my dog there daily and know
a few of them now...
I am a nanny and this is the first
any place near me has been mentioned...and all i can
say about these boys..and who ever
it was nanny or mom...
I have no respect for child thugs and for those who do not correct this errant behavior. Some parents are also remiss in this department. I'd sure say something to the boys and to their caretaker and wouldn't think twice about it.
This is really unfortunate. Don't you think the Parents would be aware of their children's wild behavior? This is surely no secret to them ... and I would bet the kids act the same way at home in front of them.
I'm afraid no matter what happens, not much is going to be done to them .... or for them.
I'm afraid mpp is right. Children whose parents teach and model good behavior don't act like thugs with the nanny, no matter how incompetent she is.
OP, maybe if you and a couple of other parents/care givers could approach the park employees together, they might intervene. Addressing the nanny or kids yourself will probably make the situation even worse.
What is a "park person"? Do parks really have a monitor standing around to report naughty children to. I can't believe a whole park is being terrorized by three small children. What ever happened to having a good shout at a kid and scaring the pee pee out of them when they can't behave?
Many cities have the Parks and Recreation Department, but not so much a person to stand and monitor the playground area. Since they are there to keep the park clean and the grass trimmed, they really wouldn't care about trouble-making kids, unless the kids cause them trouble.
my 'feigned authority' approach. i've used this numerous times with children in stores or elsewhere that I've seen misbehaving. i say to them, "if you don't stop that' or something to that effect 'you're going to have to leave the store' or the park, theatre, whatever it may be. said in the right tone of voice with the right look on your face, it's effective!
I have done that, too! LOL
Of course, in this situation it might be a little hard for them to believe she was in a position of authority if she's pushing some kids around in a stroller!
9:32 - I don't think the nanny would give the OP the parents' number but it's a threat to ask for it. It is a subtle way of warning the nanny (as in, I'm only calling the parents because the kids are bullies, not because you're a horrible nanny.) Even if you use that as an excuse, your intentions would be made clear and at least that way, the nanny might be more careful about what she allows her charges to do at the park.
There's no need to be so condescending. I have a brain, despite what you may think.
At the NYC playground I frequent, there are parks dept. employees whom I have seen telling kids not to do things like throwing sand. They tend to be the kind of take charge no nonsense ladies kids listen to!
OK! Thanks all of you. I will take the camera and take pics of their behaviour. I am also going to write down the plate number of her SUV. I think maybe you may be right about the children acting like this at home. I am sure mine probably act different when I am not hanging around but I hope I have taught them respect for others. My nanny is going to do some checking too and see if she can find out who the parents are. But I am definately taking that cam corder with me!
Once again thanks
i just tell kids like that to cut it out if it's obvious that no one else is going to bother correcting them.
Judging from the children I encounter when out shopping, there seem to be so many that are unruly and disrespectful. I just don't remember it being like this ten or fifteen years ago or so I certainly never allowed this kind of behavior from my kids at home or elsewhere.
ok...i posted earlier that i live
and frequent the park..there is
a park ranger at this park...its
not huge but a larger than most
parks...i approached him this afternoon and explained the situation and he told me you can
go up to a park ranger he is there
m-f i see them in the am i am there
in am 8ish and see them and then
they are there till 6 he said...
if there is a point that the
person drops off young children
and you see them leave them the mountain view
police and report it he said...
Thank you for taking an interest and being so proactive! We need more people like you!
Good luck to you, OP. I hope you find out who their Parents are.
it's Cuesta, not Questa.
1230...i know its cuesta
park...i live off of it near el monte....
just felt that was not the important thing by correcting someones spelling versus the issue
at hand....
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