One thing that bothered me is that I just wondered why you'd drag your kids into a store like that when its pretty day out. I know some parents don't mind when nannies take kids with them to the mall at times especially when they are still itty bitty babies but how about providing them with a drink, snack or toy while you are browsing. I don't think she's a bad person just bothers me that what I really do believe to be a nanny, due to the way she spoke, would rather spend time in a store like that as opposed to a fun activity in beautiful weather especially when we never get any!
Forever 21 in Ann Arbor, MI
Received Saturday, April 12, 2008
I saw a (what I believe to be) nanny in Forever 21 on Friday, 4/11. She was Caucasian, American I believe, dark blond hair in a pony tail with a white hat, pink t shirt, cheap jeans -scragly at the bottom and sneakers. She was talking at her pink Motorola Razor at some point.She was married (I can tell by the ring and wedding band) and had a little girl named Ella with her. I knew her name by the back pack hanging over the stroller. Ella was wearing brown shoes, jeans and a green shirt and had bright blond hair. I would guess 4-5 yrs of age. Ella had either a brother or sister sitting in the stroller, I'd guess 2yrs old.. i never really saw the child's face but the hair was all over the place... like a bed head look. Ella kept asking to go while mom/nanny kept looking through clothes and she said just wait and be patient. The care giver wasn't mean but she'd leave the child in the stroller by itself and walk away browsing through the racks. I kept an eye on them all through the store and finally I left.
One thing that bothered me is that I just wondered why you'd drag your kids into a store like that when its pretty day out. I know some parents don't mind when nannies take kids with them to the mall at times especially when they are still itty bitty babies but how about providing them with a drink, snack or toy while you are browsing. I don't think she's a bad person just bothers me that what I really do believe to be a nanny, due to the way she spoke, would rather spend time in a store like that as opposed to a fun activity in beautiful weather especially when we never get any!
One thing that bothered me is that I just wondered why you'd drag your kids into a store like that when its pretty day out. I know some parents don't mind when nannies take kids with them to the mall at times especially when they are still itty bitty babies but how about providing them with a drink, snack or toy while you are browsing. I don't think she's a bad person just bothers me that what I really do believe to be a nanny, due to the way she spoke, would rather spend time in a store like that as opposed to a fun activity in beautiful weather especially when we never get any!
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I don't get why this would be a nanny, and not a mom. I hate that every post we go through here has to argue whether it was one or the other.
Either way, the kids may have been bored, but hopefully this caregiver, whoever she was, played with them when she got home.
Besides, from the way you described her, she needed some new clothes anyway. Give her a break.
What a stupid post. How do you know she wasn't going to bring her kids out after shopping? Or maybe she brought them out before she went to the store.
Who are you to judge. Geeze. She can be the best mom in the world. You can't judge her because she went shopping.
And now that we had that Grandmother below from the Tumble class rebut the other post about the nanny endangering her charges, I think the people who make reports on here should be just a little more SELECTIVE.
Someone just may have their life ruined for nothing ....
Is everyone missing the point here? OP main concern is clearly how she left the baby alone in the stroller and would walk away for periods of time. What if someone took the child?
I don't want my nanny to leave my child unattended in a stroller. Period.
WHile this may not have been a terrible post, I can totally see why other person is concerned.
Don't judge the poster, she is not saying that it is a bad mother or nanny for shopping. If its a mom do as you please... at least you know what your kids are up too.
If it was a nanny, I'd say.. shop on your personal time. You are paid to provide a stimulating time to the kids. Not yourself. I'm all for nannies have breaks and time for themselves but I don't think the mall should be one of them unless I ask you to take the kids clothing shopping and you take a few min to browse.
Witch hunt
It's hard to consider that the "point" was walking away from the stroller when that part of the sighting took two lines, whereas the complaint about being inside on a nice day got an entire PARAGRAPH. Give me a break.
How far was she from the stroller? Was it too big to fit down the aisles (like in many stores), so that she was just taking a few steps in while still being able to see it? Those details are suspiciously missing. It sounds more to me that the OP just needs to mind her own business. Who spends their entire visit to a store stalking someone else through it?
So the OP went on to say what bothered her. So? Did you see that post on childcaregonewrong about the 8 year old that was grabbed in her backyward by a child molester? The nanny wasn't watching. I'm just saying, if people are going to steal your children from your own yard, you best damn keep your eyes on them when you take them out in public.
742 AM,
The "grandmother below" was a "grandfather" and part of the whole cassy, lucy, defense of this nanny. It was all ONE person. And none of it was legit. OPen your eyes.
Your missing the point. Didn't you read where she doesn't understand why the nanny is in the store on such a nice day? She mentioned it twice.
She may have mentioned why the nanny is in the store on such a nice day. Maybe she is a mom herself? Maybe she is a mom who has been lied to by a nanny who pretended to go to the park and on child outings and instead took her child to shop, buy lotto tickets, buy porn, play keno, meet up with men, etc.
Look, I don't think this is a big deal. Certainly the detail she provided doesn't bother me. Should she have left the child parked off to the side at the store? No, never. But in the scheme of things, including 3 very abusive posts that precede this one, I am not overly concerned.
But let me demonstrate how to be polite and helpful.
I have a thirty month old daughter and sometimes when I go shopping at small boutique type stores, the clothing is too close together so I push my daughter and park her at the end of the racks. In doing so, I am still mindful of where she is and anyone who walks toward that area. May I ask what caused you the most concern about this post? In my opinion, it's pretty benign.
Watch your kids in public. Don't walk away from the stroller.
Didn't you learn from the gym class post that once a stranger knows your child's name, they are guaranteed to kidnap her? The name of this child was visible on the backpack.
7:42 FYI That was NOT "Grandmother" on that other post. Whoever wrote the very defensive "grandma" bit was under 30 years old---GUARANTEED. The author was massively immature and spoke barely above the level of a high school student.
I agree about the grandmother. I still think it was the nanny who found the post. Why so much hulabaloo to have it removed? Even after every identifiable detail was extricated from the post?
Me smells a very dirty nanny...
To il-
9:28 here. I'm so happy to see that somebody else recognized the grandparent post for the fake it was. I am shocked that anybody fell for such an obvious, not-to-mention poorly executed, ruse. I hope the mother is smarter than that when she sees it.
Duh! "Granny" goes out of her way to mention that the nanny is not fat. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Granny also describes being able to recognize the nanny in question party because she overhears other people at the class talking about ISYN in such a loud and obvious way as to make it known who they are talking about and that they are also observing her on the sly. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
Granny observed them at the park repeatedly over a several weeks period and observed other grandmothers at the park gossiping loudly about her, even though by all appearences she is the best nanny in the whole world. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
So granny = fat nanny?
OP here.
No the racks are way a part and it was a tiny stroller not a bugaboo or something large. She could get through with ease.
My main concern was her leaving the child unattended which is why i stayed close as long as I could to make sure no one harmed/took the child.
And yes, as a nanny, it pissed me off that she kept the children inside a mall while they where whining and the little one was crying. She had spend quite some time in the mall, judging by her shopping bags.
I don't feel bad for saying that I think it's inappropriate that she left the stroller and walked off the to other end of the store while he/she was crying being left alone and all.
I also don't feel bad for saying that the children should not be at a mall for her activities. And no she wasn't planning on taking them out later... at 3h30p in the afternoon she was still in the mall.
And moms don't shop at forever 21. They shop at Jcrew/Banana Republic not a $10 college store with clothes that make your boobs hang out. And if they do, they should give tim gunn a call ASAP. Or they shop at kids stores. for their kids. Because they are selfless.
come on people. this is clearly a time when you MYOB!
Moms don't shop at forever 21?
What the...
Where do you people come from!?
How do you know what this woman was doing? It was 3:30 so that means she wasn't taking her out? Again I ask, WHERE DO YOU PEOPLE COME FROM? I am not following your logic here. How could you possibly speculate what the plans for the day were or whether or not she had the child outside before hand? And even if you could, that's not your business.
We had a beautiful day this past charge's mother asked me to run a few errands, which included picking a few things up at the mall WHILE I had my charge with me. How awful! How negligent! I should be fired! I kept that poor child INSIDE on one of many beautiful days to come.
Do you understand how ridiculous that sounds?
And I doubt your main concern was that she left the child alone in her stroller. The gist of the original post implies otherwise.
All of a sudden she was ACROSS the store while the child was crying and complaining? Come on now. That's a convenient add-on to the original story.
Think about whose livelihood you could be messing with when you post things like this.
Report with care and responsibility. This is just bordering on insane.
By the way, I'd be willing to bet it was her mom. Your basis for assuming otherwise is ridiculous...mothers shop everywhere. Mothers come in all different shapes and sizes...Mothers do not fit into a stepford wives mold. Mothers are people. Do you understand this?
While you're busy MYOBing, please take a few moments to memorize the faces of the other store patrons, as well as people lurking in the vicinity of the entrance, so that when the child turns up missing you will at least be able to give the police some idea of where to start looking!
JXJ is right. Some moms try to dress several years younger than they should in order to appear more youthful. Apparently they don't realize how silly and desperate this makes them look. When you become a parent its probably time to give up the "cool high school kid" look, unless you are actually still a kid yourself, in which case having a pair of kids of your own is not the smartest idea.
11:18, I'm so with you on those moms who dress skanky. only the young girls sleeping with their husbands should :)
Nanny charge (shes 4) asks to go to the mall. They have a play area there that she loves. So nice day out or not that is where we go. We often stop in a store to check out a sale, buy a lipstick or whatever. Most of our time is spent in the playarea though, which of course if someone saw us in Macy's wouldnt know that we just spent an hour playing and eating an ice cream together.
oh, why NOT just say something to the hapless shopper? Just a simple word to the wise is sometimes effective such as, "I'm a little concerned about the security of your baby being left alone like that So many things happen these days". You know what? It's not like you're trying to make a new best friend, just trying to look out for a child.
When you are at work:
Playing at the mall playspace--YES
Cookie at the food court--YES
Playing at a kids toy store--YES
Picking up an item specifically at your employer's request--YES
Checking out a sale at Macy's--NO NO NO
Shopping for lipstick--NO NO NO
You are AT WORK. Don't take the child on your personal errands. No child likes to sit bored stiff in a stroller at eye level with a sea of garment hemlines while somebody else shops, even for just a little while. A mother may do this out of necessity, or simply because she chooses because its HER child. YOU are PAID to CARE FOR AND AMUSE THE CHILD. Shop on your OWN time.
However, no matter who's doing what, nanny or mother needs to keep a mindful eye on the children at all times at a mall.
12:06 you are spot on. i don't pay my nanny to buy lipstick do that on the weekend.
and if your kid wants to go to the mall to play in the play area great. though that doesn't justify your shopping at macy's
Every once in awhile I have an errand or two of my own that I need to take care of. Obviously I could do it on my own time, but my charge's mother is fine with me doing it while I'm working. Just depends on the person you work for I guess. Also, my charge LOVES going to the store. ANY store, especially it's actually an enjoyable experience for her. I do agree though, dragging your charge around while you SHOP is a bit much. I doubt 12:06 meant she spends hours shopping while she should be "working."
Lighten up, ladies.
This post merely made me wonder if people look at me and judge whether they think my jeans are cheap or not. Who does that?
Hahaha sorry to keep posting! I'm bored. And hellcat, haha I was wondering the same thing. What a strange observation.
jeans say so much about people. not strange to observe shitty jeans at all. i do it all the time.
if you think your jeans are bad..... they most likely are.
I wondered about the "cheap" myself, since even the tattered jeans are very expensive sometimes. Torn apart at the hem doesn't sound very "motherish" though. Come to think of it, probably not very professional for a nanny either.
Maybe a couple of the nannies on here ought to tune into an episode or two of "Supernanny." You NEVER see her at the mall treating herself to a pair of skivvies on the clock with the kiddies in tow. I wonder if the nannies who do that are less the Professional Nanny variety and more the type of people who think going about their own lives with the burden of somebody else's pesky child in tow at all times is a small price to pay for not having to get a "real" job. Some of them are even a step below the park bench nannies, because at least THEY let the kids run around and play in the fresh air while they are ignoring them, instead of letting their little muscles and brains waste away in a stroller all day long.
I'm a jean judger too. Cheapie jeans say a lot. I would rather have three great pairs than 10 from Old Navy.
what a bizarre post. i don't understand why the poster assumed it was a nanny. it easliy could have been mom, and if so, are you really saying that mom should never go shopping?
No. In that case she should watch her kids better.
I too judge people by their jeans. Anyone who spends $$$ on expensive jeans is shallow and insecure. LOL
I cannot imagine because someone wears the latest fashion in jeans that they are automatically thought of as the Nanny. There are plenty of young mothers out there that dress in fashion.
There are plenty of mothers out there who park the strollers at the end of the racks and look at clothing yet manage to keep an eye on their children. You cannot get them in between those racks without knocking other clothing on the floor. The first post did not say she was across the room. I see that kind of stuff at wally world but I have not yet seen it at Macys. By the way those holey jeans and ripped ones sell for 60 bucks they are not cheap. Judging someone by the cost of their clothing is silly and petty. Sounds a bit snobbish to me.
Not everyone that has money spends it on expensive clothing. I like to throw a pair of jeans on for the weekends. I get sick of high heels and suits.
Our nanny shops with the 6 yr old all the time. They have the time of their lives. They get their nails done too and then go out to lunch. It is a big deal to the little one. Hair cuts also. We pay for both of them and her little girls too. Why? Because they are having a girls day out. Our nanny treats our kids as her own. When we come in the house at night from work we see 3 kids laughing and having a good time. They are clean,happy, homework is done and very often we have dinner on the table for all of us.3
Our nanny can buy lipstick anytime she wants on "our time" go shopping when she wants too.
I figure it this way, if my kids are happy and being well taken care of why do I have to know what they are doing every second? As long as she is taking care of your kids well what does it matter if she buys a lipstick or takes them to check out a sale?
Such petty nonsense.
If you are lucky enough to find someone that really cares about your kids, kisses thier boo boos and wipes the tears away,why would you care if they bought a lipstick on your time???
"11:18, I'm so with you on those moms who dress skanky. only the young girls sleeping with their husbands should :)
You got that one right.LOL For some reason I see so many women of a young age dressing like their mothers. What ever happened to the sexy young women these men married?
I know ,they became "moms " and figure they don't have to be that "sexy thing" that their husbands married anymore. That is one of the reasons the divorce rate is 50 percent and climbing.
There's a HUGE difference between pretty sexy/elegant sexy and skanky sexy. Trying to dress too young is skanky sexy, and is not actually sexy at all. Heres some more news, a woman who needs to dress and look decades younger than she actually is in order to keep her husband is in real trouble anyway. If that's what her man needs to stay interested, he's probably going to find himself a younger girl anyway instead of an older woman foolishly stuffed into a pair of tattered jeans and a tight tank top from Forever 21.
Find a man with enough maturity to appreciate you for more than your tail and you won't have to embarrass yourself to try to hold onto him.
How am I supposed to do things on my own time when I am always at work!?
Ladies, I have a confession.
I, a mother, won't pay more than $25 for a pair of jeans for myself. Does this mean I shouldn't be a mother? Gasp!
I've considered trying one expensive pair of jeans, but how different can they possibly be? I can look quite put-together in cheap clothes and it saves a great deal of money. I often get complimented on my clothes, but no one has ever told me they look cheap. One thing I won't cheap out on is underwear and appliances, though!
I'm sorry you got me at $25 for a pair of jeans.
Lindalou, are you an idiot? read the post. OP said it could be either!
I can afford to buy whatever clothes I want, within reason, but I often mix less expensive things with more expensive things and I am confident that nobody can tell the difference. I also dress cheaply and casually at the park. I don't think you have to lay out a lot of cash to look perfectly nice and I see no reason to be snobby about clothes, in either direction.
I do think it is nice to try to look nice for our husbands though. Again not necessarily dressed to the teeth in designer wear, but cleaned up, hair fixed, a little makeup on, and like we give a darn about making an effort for them.
Go to a Lucky Jeans store and try on a few pair just for fun. They cost about a hundred dollars if you don't go during a 30% off sale but a lot of ladies swear by them. They are also stylish without looking trampy and come in tons of different styles and washes ;)
plus good quality jeans last forever if you wash and hang dry them appropriately. totally worth the money.
plus i can promise you your ass will look so hot because they are so well made... if you have the right fit.
diesel jeans are the best quality. im happy to pay $220 for my jeans. though they only make them for the skinny people
I have Diesel and Sevem jeans both in size 20, so suck on that!
maybe you should go suck on another donut. and its seven jeans not seveM. and diesel don't go bigger than a 32W unless you buy them on the street...
You are mean and nasty.
Calif Nanny. I am glad I work for families that trust me enough to know I wont bore their children shopping, but that I do pick up a lipstick or perfume or whatever on "their" time. My charges love to shop also. Oh a trip to walmart, what fun. We make a game out it. I am a 50 yr old very fun, and energetic nanny and thank god I do not work for the woman(12:06) who is so adament about not doing anything on their time. My kids have a blast wherever I take them. Lipstick shopping and perfume shopping for little girls is a big kick. My parents know everything we do...and they love it. Gees louise ladies relax.
3:29 are you an idiot? all the responses have been about how the NANNY shouldn't be spending her time shopping. got to love those anonymous asshats who always need to pipe in with something insulting, but don't actually have the balls to id themselves. @@.
Wow 1:39, that was quite an accusation.
What a nasty, angry person you must be.
So, you noticed that, too, LindaLou?
I too find this post a bit, shall we say, odd? I also find quite a few of the replies relating to it, a bit, shall we say, odd as well? haha I think if I hear one more conversation about designer jeans, or who can and can't shop in the mall and why, I'm going to throw up. Some of you are so judgmental, that I'm absolutely shocked to realize that you are human beings yourselves and in fact, still have to wipe your own bum like the rest of us...your "perfection" just astounds me. haha ;)
I have to say I did laugh at the comment(s) regarding moms not wearing the brand Forever 21, and that it's absolutely under no circumstance ever appropriate for a mother of any age to wear this brand of clothing. There are all different types of people in the world, and thus there are all different types and ages of moms. My sister, (who is about the best mom I've ever met) is 26 years old, has been happily married since the age of 21, had her first child at the age of 23, and her second and last child this year. Needless to say, she's young, and a total MILF. haha She shops at Forever 21, because she is still young, hip and trendy, but that's not to say she dresses inappropriate-I've never once seen her boobs hanging out as some of you assume all the JR's style tops require this *ahem* added feature. Some mothers are younger than others, and feel the need to dress in their age group for a while before switching over to a more conservative style, and I find that totally appropriate and understandable. In all honesty, it's each individuals decision no matter how old they are, on how they choose to dress, what makes them feel comfortable/and or attractive, and it's truly no one else's business what they put on their bodies. A few of you have just a wee bit too much time on your hands, and just a tad bit too much cattiness to do the world an ounce of good.
I'm jumping ahead but I'm guessing one of these "cheap jeans" snobs is the poster who thought the "average" price of a pair of jeans was $118? LOL!!!!
As for the poster who thinks as soon as a woman births a baby she should get a bad haircut and wear matronly beige-ish uglywear, because it's her motherly duty? No thanks.
Sure, moms can shop at Forever 21. At least young pretty ones can. Even older, less attractive women are allowed in there. I bet sometimes they even like to browse for their daughters, nieces, etc. I wish there was a Forever 21 store near me but there isn't.
And if you begrudge your nanny 10 minutes to buy a lipstick, I'm pretty sure you also begrudge her a glass of juice or a sandwich on "your dime". Good for you for getting your money's worth!
My son LOVES shopping, almost as much as I do. There is much to observe EVERYWHERE, if you make the effort to interact with the child and discuss everything around you while you shop, let them feel things, etc. And yes, it is entirely possible for youmg children to know how to gently examine objects for sale, put them back where they belong, and use good "indoor" etiquette in stores. But only if they have the opportunities to practice.
i got the apple! said...
...I'm absolutely shocked to realize that you are human beings yourselves and in fact, still have to wipe your own bum like the rest of us...
Actually Apple, I'm betting some of them require their nannies to do that for them.
"Actually Apple, I'm betting some of them require their nannies to do that for them." -CaliMom
Hilarious because I wouldn't doubt it!
i just hate it when people say "I have a 30 month old daughter."
It just makes them sound so freaking stupid.
I'm a nanny AND a mom! OMG it boggles the mind!!!!!
I had my son at 18, I'm now 31 though I am mistaken for about 23-25 usually. Pretty funny when you see my son who is 6ft tall and looks 17. Sorry we don't fit in your mold.
I dress how I want, very nor cal and in a style I coin as glam-casual, sooooo what?
You people really are so narrow- life in your bubble must be pretty boring.
I disagree with leaving a child ALONE in a store and IF it was a nanny- that was a bad move.
However- the family I nanny for doesn't mind if I take their kid into the bank or post office with me, every now and then the drugstore or Target once. They trust my judgement.
They also don't give a damn if I sit on the bench supervising my charge while she plays with her friends and want me to encourge her to play independently at home sometimes as well.
Guess I'm going straight to hell?
See you there.
I never saw anywhere in that post where it said it was the Grand FATHER. And since it didn't, I ASSumed it was the GrandMOTHER.
i wear cheap jeans from walmart so what?
walmart sells jeans?
If i hear one more "indoor" or "outdoor" etiquette behavior I'm going to puke. What's the damn dif? It's be good or go find yourself a new family to piss off.
tra la la la boom,
Bench nannies? We don't care about nannies who sit on the bench while their children play. That is the point of the park. We care about nannies who sit on benches and don't let their children out of strollers, we care about nannies who sit on benches and threaten the children with bodily harm for interrupting their "me" time or nannies who fall asleep on the bench.
Do me a favor, go to work Monday morning, bend down and kiss your boss's feet. Thank them profusely for hiring you. I bet the line was short.
BWAHHH! LOL @ 8:51
I wouldn't kiss ANYBODY'S feet! I have degrees in nursing, child development and working on my masters in psychology. I have run playgroups, been a pre k teacher, instructed kids yoga was the educational coordinator for an entire large city’s school district universal pre k program and have nannied for 4 different families. I am in HIGH demand and have always done the interviewing IMO- and pick families I like.
I stay on with this family even though I only work 2.5 hrs. a day which at this point that are if anything are inconvenient to my schedule as I love the kid and I consider the parents my friends- so I make it work. I am self employed with my own business in another field as well. I should kiss who's feet? THEY are GREATFUL (imagine that) that I stay and contribute to raising their now school age child.
You better check yourself.
Kiss my boss's feet..are you freaking kidding me? Great nannys are hard to find. One of the women I work for told me once...The families need you more than you need them. I have been told I have the most important job(watching over and loving their kids) in the household by another woman I worked for. Am I thankful for my families...very mch so. But it would be wayyyy easier for me to find work than for them to find a decent nanny. Especially one who drives a 5 star rating safe SUV for their kids to ride in. Who reads and speaks english(born and raised in Calif), does homework with them. Bathes them. Feeds them and does their laundry. Teaches them manners and responsibilty etc etc.
I am so sick of the way this site puts all nannies in a bad light. We are often more educated than the parents and better with their own children. The large MAJORITY of nannies are wonderful and the large majority of parents with nannies are nightmares. It's like this is your place to lash out and put down the very people you are jealous do a better job in YOUR life than you do? Transparent. Try getting along without us and you deserve what you get hiring illegal non-english speaking babysitters for low page and run around telling everyone you have a nanny and out the other side of your mouth complaining about the poor job they do. Give me a break! Babysitters are shitty, NANNIES are educated, experienced and professional. The people you all are talking about are simply not nannies. Get it straight.
10:35 you are spot on!!!!! One mother I worked for made a comment once about how she wishes she had my job...(she was vice president of a bank) I wanted to tell her "you couldnt do my job, thats why you have me".
Look, babies can be made in tubes these days. I am a nanny of average attractiveness, average body but I cannot tell you the men that I attract when they see me fulfilling the traditional mother role. Men love women who can nurture, guide, stimulate and play with children. Why do you think so many marriages fail? The women fail their children first and the husbands who regardless of what income the woman is generating are still stuck in their traditional role, well they are sickened by this new breed of cold, complicated and un maternal women.
Brilliant! Unequivocally brilliant!
My son (20 months) LOVES to go to the store - especially grocery stores and Target. He likes stores if he can ride in a cart and be high up and see everything. He gets pretty impatient if I shop with him in the stroller, and I don't blame him. Who wants to spend the day looking at everyone at crotch level? If I have quick shopping to do, I bring him with me. If I have more involved shopping to do, my husband does Daddy duty and I go shopping.
Our nanny takes our son on errands to Target and Meijer if I need a few things. I have told her that if she has quick errands to run - post office, bank, picking up a few things at Target, Meijer, etc. - that's fine. I have specifically told her that I don't think it's OK to do more serious shopping. I don't think she should be spending her time with him shopping for a new dress for herself, for example.
I think this is a reasonable "policy."
Oops, I'm blathering - sorry.
Long story short, I think it's VERY inappropriate for a nanny to shop for clothes for herself when her job is to provide stimulating and entertaining activities for the children. Kids enjoy a quick trip to the store. Kids don't enjoy shopping for a new wardrobe for Mom, nanny, or anyone else!
your kidding me right?
I am a professional nanny and after reading all of these comments from both "mom" and "nanny" I think it is 1. Ridiculous to be ranting about jeans! The price of..the brand,etc! What the hell! Isnt this site about the welfare and benefit of children? I think that people do need to be VERY councious of the world around them and make sure the children are safe, but from the original sounds like the person knows little about the entire situation or day the children had, and it did not seem like they were neglected. Maybe bored or a lost of interest, but the children were safe and not being neglected. Everyone, including mom or a nanny needs down time and to shop some time. One thing people need to remember is that most nannies work very long hours and a domestic help situation is very different than a 9-5 office job. Sometimes nannies have the children at all times during business hours when they can shop, even on weekends believe it or not! You cannot judge a book by its cover! I just would like to know how you could see someone in a store for 5 minutes and post such a brutal comment, not knowing barely any background to the situation, its ludacrist. If a child is truly in danger, that is what a site like this is SUPPOSED to be used for...most certaintly not to rant about a woman's jeans... Grow up. It makes me sick to think what has become of this world.
Thank-you 2:15am, thank-you and 10:57, FYI children don't like to do a lot of things. Bringing your child to the store while you shop is not a big deal, they get cheeky, you do what normal parents do: Distract them! Talk to them, (what a concept)you know carry a conversation with them, teach while you are shopping I'm sure you can point out colors,shapes,count,practice ABC's, practice manners, I could go on with a plethora of ideas. My daughter and I have fun shopping not only I'm getting what I need but I'm also using our time to teach, and btw I've done this so much that people are impressed how well behaved my daughter is. She becomes fussy and I've done all that I can to distract her then it's time to leave.
oh btw my ideas falls under stimulating and entertaining.
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