Follow Ups:
Real Housewives of New York City as Fake as Their Flaunted Assets...
...The five so-called socialites who star on this program are loud, gawky, and likely on the periphery of the social scene, as the upper echelon of the city would never agree to be on reality television.
'The Real Housewives of New York City'
...With a blithe lack of awareness that is almost endearing, each woman introduces herself as a member of New York's society elite and then proceeds to behave in a way that defies every definition of "elite" and "New York society."
Comparing Apples to Oranges
...Whereas it's easy to buy the Orange County chicks as the queen bees of California's Coto, the New York City housewives have a much bigger pond to rule—and rule they do not.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Real Housewives of New York City premier on Bravo March 4 at 11 PM
and thereafter, Tuesday evenings at 10 PM EST on Bravo
I've watched the preview show- what a bunch of phoney, fuge, desperate biotches. I can't wait LMAO!
I am embarassed by their desperation, their shameless self promotion, their shallowness. These are not women that anyone would ever "want" to be. They're pretty grotesque, and if I was a countess I wouldn't want to be the Suez Canal countess!
What is the show? About prostitutes?
Goes to show you class is not synominous with being RICH!
Not that these people are as rich as many I know! They are all social climbers.
And the most annoying one of them all is the pointy faced blonde who is like, "I would never live in the suburbs" and she rolls her eyes. My nanny saw that preview and shrieked, "Ay, que fea"!
I concur!
Maybe not at 11. Way past my bedtime. But soon, I'll catch up and be laughing along with the rest of you.
Pathetic. These women look ridiculous. No, I will not be tuning in.
They have a show like this ceneterd around Orange County California. The women on there don't represent any of the "real" housewives I knew in Orange County...although they did represent a few of the people everybody recognized as fake, pretentious, dingy and plastic. I don't like the word "housewife" being associated with such shows.
fake bitches.
yes. it's the same show.
"Real Housewives of Orange County California" on Bravo.
That one ended for this one to end. Miami is next.
Something very strange is going on here.
Oh, I will be Tivoing, and laughing. And mocking, and laughing. Nobody wants to be these people - loud, pushy, nouveau-riche. How vulgar, to be on a show like this.
I watched a little of the Orange County Housewives show one afternoon, or maybe twice. What I recall is one entire family completely obsessed with getting their high school aged son into major league baseball, and another family with a boy who had graduated from high school on that very day floating in his swimming pool all alone wiht nobody else even home because his mom was otherwise occupied making plans all over town for some big social event she was hosting. All I could think was, "Aren't you humiliated beyond all belief for exposing yourself in front of millions of people for the selfish, uncaring, negligent, plastic parents/people that you are?" Then I wondered how people, even those so deep in the throes of narcissism as these obviously were could possibly expose their kids that way!
Oy. I watched it. I felt dirty watching such shameful exhibits. The very worst was from the couple in their Brooklyn townhomw (which looks like a dump). They can't afford a vacation home in the Hamptons so they go to St. Barts. That's where cruise people go. And you have to imagine that the other 4 feel poorer just being around her and her gay husband. Yes, darling your husband is gay. And that's okay. And when you go on shows like this, you open yourself up to this sort of judgment. Looking forward to next week. The show exemplifies why new money is sooooo grotesque.
New money is grotesque? Aw, Guess I won't be winning a Lottery anytime soon!
"The Real Housewives of New York City follows five glamorous Manhattan women - Alex, Bethenny, Jill, LuAnn, and Ramona - as they balance motherhood, demanding careers, and a fast-paced social calendar, and shows what life is like in the most exclusive areas of New York."
I can only imagine how entertaining it will be to see them "balance" Motherhood ... if "Real Housewives of O.C." is any indication .... these women have much better things to do.
the one in the middle has some really FUGLY legs!
Egh, I watched it last night as well. I agree that the one blond (alex I think?) and her husband with their french aupair wearing their skimpy euro-suite in st.barts was disturbing and their brooklynn home (I thought they were supposed to live Manhatten?) looked like a dumpw ith IKEA furniture- not that I dislike IKEA but no one who has as much money as they are supposed to would shop for their living room set there! And that one girl wasn't even a housewife! In fact, none of them are really housewives because they all worked... Ramona the other blong was awful as well but her daughter was too precious. Her little conservative daughter who had little confidential one on ones with the camera where she is talking about her mother being "embarrassing and un-ladylike". Too funny...
I absolutely agree with 12:35 as far as the couple in Brooklyn goes. The townhouse did look suspciously cheap for someone who supposedly has the money that they have? And don't even get me started on the way they are raising their kids... who's names are precious, but not coming from a couple reared in Kansas and Australia. Sheesh.
All that to say, I positively love it. It reaffirms how classy the people that I work for are lol.
One of the couples now has a 300lb Jamaican nanny instead of a french au pair. Maybe the au pair was too pretty on camera and of course anyone willing to do this must be desperate to keep the focus on them.
The Brooklyn townhouse..that backdrop with the ugly fireplace and the Kmart candle holder. So hideous. So hideous.
the one on the left looks scary....
the whole show locks so dumm...
and of them cant go shopping without her husband..come on and she brings him to a girl he the gay one??lol
this photo is ine of the ones that WEREN'T photoshopped FYI, click the pick to go to the website and see for yourself- legs get skinnier hmmmmm.
Also- BOTOX much? LOL, did they get a discount? EVERY one of them! That pale brooklyn snob from the midwest (LMAO) cracks me up! Her house doesn't look like IKEA- it looks like she shoped at one of those "everything for your living room for $200!" sales I see on TV @ ghetto furniture stores. Her face reminds me of that kid Rocky in The Mask (with Cher... remember???) WTF?
They are all married to the most disgusting bunch of men as well.
I read their blogs on the site and it's apparent they are on the defense after the reviews and the airing. Too late to backtrack! Hahah- filming had wrapped, I bet they all move into seclusion.
$ can't buy REAL class.
"shows what life is like in the most exclusive areas of New York."
Um, no! Brooklyn and the far East side are not anywhere near Park or 5th Ave., which is where the real New York wealthy socialites reside. The real McCoy may not be any less shallow, but they at least have taste and good manners!
The private school they showed is not on the UES. It is a new school that just opened down town, and while it may prove to be a wonderful school, right now it is not even on the map of desirable private schools.
heck yes... but it will never be as good as RHW-OC!
That subburbs lady boils my blood already! Lol! And it isn't her subburbs comment, just her attitude and (eww) look!
anyone else bothered by the bleached out frizzy blondes!!??
I'm skipping ahead here but if they have supposedly "demanding careers", then they aren't housewives.
And is the Bethanny mentioned the same horrifying entity that was posted about on an earlier thread with the f*cked up daughter?
I just want to throw red paint or pig blood on the countess in her fur.
no it isn't the same bethenny because i watched. and it shows you how dumb the show is or how desperate they were to find people. bethany is not a wife nor does she have kids. she is yet another single woman in nyc desperately trying to squirrel some shithead man into a committment. she is probably the best of the five. wait, no. how could she not be? the other ones are.......
I prefer to be taken to the yard and beaten for an hour. NO WAY!
Left: Bigfoot! And the face? ... well, 11:18 nailed it!
2nd from left: looks like a tranny-in-training ... and those knees! they'd poke your eye out!
middle: eyebrows pulled up to take up some space on her five-head. WTF is wrong with her leg? Did the thigh-master attack her?
2nd from right: Are you serious? she looks like what you'd expect to see after somebody took their two fingers and said: "I'm crushing your head!"
right side: hideous outfit, needs a seamless bodyshaper.
O.k., now that's out of my system!
yes one couldn't even get the stomach to write her blog. probably because she looked like such a ridiculous bitch. i mean what kind of socialites go dancing in that way? No one I know! Unless you're 21 years old. Juvenille. Ramona. Ramona, we need to hear from you. Blog up.
I will never understand how such fu-q-ed up people have such beautiful, sweet, lovely daughters. Did you notice the two teens in particular?
and to anon@455-
you mean a bodyshaper and some static cling remover. Jeez. And they were styled for that shot, we know this because the two blonded have funkified hair in everyday life. The pumpkinhead has a frizz straight out of 80's compton. compton, kansas- not california.
I'm dying ... love it!!
4;55 Hilarious!
Alex has been nicknamed "K-Snag" as in Kansas snaggle tooth. I love it. What I don't love is Bravo's comment policy. I have tried to comment over the past three days and they won't print my comments. I think they are only going to allow a certain number of negative comments. Which is still more- UNREAL just like them.
it sounds to me that there are some jealous new yorkers on here. i think they are all 100% real. just like all the people who wait anxiously to report a siting.
snaggletooth, haha! ... and you are RIGHT ON!!
She needs to FILE those teeth down some, yes?
"It sounds to me that there are some jealous new yorkers on here. I think they are all 100% real. just like all the people who wait anxiously to report a siting."
Um, self involved, narcisstic bitches don't even notice their own children (except to try and inflict some phony eurotrash bullshit on them by use of a french au pair who was *ten times as hot as any of these old hags)- you think they would notice someone mistreating your child and TAKE THE TIME to report it.
* I wonder if that is why the replaces her with a 300 lb Jamaican.
Bwaaaaah, good one!
5:02 sounds kinda defensive. Do you feel guilty about not being able to provide your child some culture?? Maybe you should hire the missing "au pair".
She didn't sound defensive to me, just pretty accurate. Got to keep the focus on those 5 faces. In fact, I heard the Countess expressed disdain over hearing that Alex even had a cute young au pair.
I tuned in for a few moments and saw the one on the left talking about being "classy" and the import of a proper upbringing.
I noticed the midwestern accent on her and the fact that she'd obviously needed braces as a child and should have her teeth fixed.
I'm curious, do they have to be awkward new money?
Oh, yeah. I guess someone with real wealth wouldn't want to be the asshole on the show.
I won't be watching it again. There's no one interesting and it makes me really very sad for their children.
I don't know how ... but the kids seem really well-rounded .... maybe we can credit the Nannies?
All the Parents seem to care about is going to The Hamptons and Social climbing.
Oy, to the housewife who is second from the right in this picture,
I watched it once and I must say...THEY MADE ME FEEL TO VOMIT!!
Not that it matters, and they are still all icky, but what if somebody is wearing a fabulous gown to a black tie event in cold weather?
The four on the right look like they got their coats at a thrift shop, which is cool, but hardly "socialite" style.
It's the rich people's version of Jerry Springer~
Making an ass out of yourself in front of millions of people for no particular reason, other than because you can, is not just for the low class any more! (Or maybe it still is.)
Ramona needs to put down the tennis racket and get herself a dance teacher. Worst dancing ever. Most uncordinated white person ever. I cringed for her and I don't know her or even like her.
Ramona's husband is pretty hot. I would do him nice and slow.
And why when Ramona went to the Salon to get her endermology and laser face waxing did it seem like she was surprised by everything. She said, "I feel like I am all goopy". If she had it done before, wouldn't she know that yep, you get covered with goop? And the fact that she got champagne after her endermology seemed like another new development for her. And who brings multiple girlfriends with them to appointments?
Now as for their wealth.
Where I come from he who sells religious medals and trinket jewlery also owns the Korean grocery. Must be one hell of a mark up.
The woman who is married to Bobby, the carpet king. Ewww. That voice. That body. That walk. She was hideous. She has friends? Really? Really? Come on. I would reccomend that she get some injections around her mouth to plump out her smoker's lines.
Don't get me started on Alex.
And the Countess? That looks like a sexless marriage.
The chef looks cool though. She's not married and has no children, so I'm not sure why she's there. But whatever.
And somebody needs to send Bravo some development ideas because every show they have runs 4 times a day.
I tried to post on their bravo blogs but I couldn't. So I came here to share my POV.
Get you started on Alex? Chew on this, in the video for the theme song for Supersize Me- she played the lead toothpick. She wants nothing more than to be an actress/singer.
Lead toothpick.
As Vikki of Real Housewives of Orange County would say, "Woo Hoo".
I see you!
I know Jill Zarin. I have met her a number of times. The reason her daughter is such a sweet girl is because of Jill. Jill is a really warm and generous person. She did the show for fun, nothing more.
I spend Memorial Day thru Labor Day in the Hamptoms, so I've seen the Countess. She does some lowbrow show on local TV called the Countess report. She absolutely does not present herself in a way that someone should feel obligated to call her the count or even Mrs. I think it is shameful what she said about the driver. I want to say to LD, GET REAL!
LuAnn seems like a big show off. She is the epitome of profane materialism and seems to take every advantage to show it off.
The only show more sickening than this is the one where the spoiled brat teenagers scream at and berate their parents while the parents try to appease their children's anger by buying them clothes, and cars, and modeling careers, or whatever else it is spoiled princess is demanding by way of loud temper tantrum. Is is called Daddy's Little Princess, or what? I watched about three of those with my eyes bugged out and my jaw down at my feet. So much money and so little class all at once, and the people on the show didn't seem ashamed one bit, either the parents or their little tyrants!
"Sweet 16" on Mtv is famously bad for showing off brats that treat their parents like crap while demanding $50,000 cars, etc.
The Countess LuAnn deLesseps... the TV hostess with a wonderful personality and lots of style.
Uh huh.
Oh yeah.
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