Physical description of involved child/children: 2 boys. Both White. Probably brothers. One boy had brown hair cut very short, brown eyes and wore a striped red and grey shirt, the older boy had blond hair and lighter eyes, with the same short hair cut and was wearing a grey and blue striped shirt. Both boys had on naby blue jackets. Identical.
Address or venue of observed incident: Techny Prairie Park in Northbrook, Il. walking by the river.
Date and time of incident: 2:20 PM, Tues 3/11
Detailed description of what you witnessed: Nanny was walking behind dark grey and black stroller with chrome bits. The blond boy was behind her imploring her to give the child in the stroller back his 'nappy'. The boy in the stroller was crying. The nanny was holding the 'nappy' with one hand on the handle as she pushed. The older boy was sooo sweet. He was saying to the nanny, 'but you can't take his nappy away, not that. that's his 'curity'. The nanny then said something I couldn't hear, but she bent down and grabbed the older child's arm. He looked stunned. She walks over to a garbage can and holds the 'nappy' in front of the can. The baby is crying and the older boy is begging her, 'please don't do that'.
Background: I have no background. I don't know what the child in the stroller had done or why he was being punished. Given that he looked to be about 2 years old, I can't imagine it was that bad. I also think there was a better way this horrible nanny could have dealt with it but she seemed to be getting joy out of terrorizing not just the younger boy in the stroller but the older brother who was diligently trying to stick up for his little brother. I stopped in my tracks and looked at her very sternly. The nanny looked at me and said, "Next time Bobo (sounded like bo bo) you need to listen to me". She walked back to the stroller and handed him his 'nappy'. What they referred to as a nappy was a silky looking blue blanket that was furry/textured on the opposite side. One side silk and blue, the other textured and cream colored. It was not a large blanket tho, maybe 20 x 20.
Description of vehicle, bag, stroller that may aid in identifying involved caregiver: Black stroller reminded me of a rental stroller. Very basic stroller. Dark grey or black. Chrome parts.
Bitch . . . .did I say Bitch?
After the "did i say fat?" comment I could not take this OP seriously, she/he is obviously very immature.
yeah i feel the same way about your duplicate postings.
why must we treat people who abuse children with respect?
awwwwwwwww. ::sniff::
i'd fire the effin' b*tch... :/
yeah, i'm feisty today!
I agree. After the Did I say fat comment, this post sounds embellished. And there's an issue with this blog causing duplicate posts. I had the same trouble.
shs probable anorexic
I am the OP of this post. I saw something. I posted it. I wish I could have captured it on video camera so I could hear the collective sound of you sucking in your breath. Horror. One very fat nanny terrorizing a child. One tiny child trying to stick up for his tiny brother.
the point people are trying to make to you clueless OP is that you are making fat part of the problem when in fact it was the behavior. Fat, has nothing to do with it, there are plenty of very fat people who are nice to children, good at their jobs and great people in general. You are just to thick to get it I guess.
Nanny sounds very mean but OP sounds very snooty and catty so hard to take her seriously.
If the nanny had been thin would you have described her as "thin. Did I say thin"?
If this was a good nanny sighting would you have emphasized how fat she was?
Maybe OP saw the nanny in such a negative light, it illuminated all her flaws. If I had seen a good nanny treating a child with kindness and laughing in the grass, I think she would have appeared more beautiful to me because beauty comes from within.
Op shouldn't have said what she did, but I kind of get it. She was pissed off at seeing a child being treated so poorly that it came across in her post.
Either way, I feel sorry for the kids ...
Terrorist......that's what this nanny is!!! She is terrorizing those poor babies.....I hope the parents see this and her fat butt is fired!
LMAO! the OP from the central park thread, a woman who screamed at an obviously overwhelmed nanny in crisis in front of an ill charge is sticking up for this OP, who has her own issues ...hilarious.
Methinks the OP from the CP bathroom post hates nannies.
Death to this nanny.
Poor baby. No mommy and no nappy. But he gets to spend his days with a nasty, uncaring witch. I'll bet he's a happy and secure little guy, NOT.
CP author, so true. Beauty does come from within. So I wonder how gorgeous you appeared berating an overwhelmend nanny with a sick charge.
9:40am - that comment was SWEET!! ROFL
Now let me use regular caps so that JD won't delete this!
;) Wow!
What does the womans weight have to do with it?
You don't know what was going on before you saw that happen. The older boy could have been in a pissy mood that day and had been trying to boss the nanny around (like some kids do when they are tried/hungry/sick/or just in a bad mood). And for all you know, the younger child could have been repeatedly throwing the 'nappy' out of the stroller and would not stop even after being told. I don't think that it's so bad. Sometimes if kids are being really pissy, they need a little reminder who is in charge. Good job nanny!
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