Physical description of caregiver: White girl, dark hair and light eyes, no audible accent, pretty, maybe 25 years old
Physical description of involved child/children: girl around 4 years old wearing a brown jacket with multi colored flowers on it, kind of a retro design (maybe named Olive?), and a dark haired boy about 2 who was wearing an orange puffy jacket (maybe named Jasper?)
Address or venue of observed incident: Madison Square Park playground
Date and time of incident: Sunday, March 9, about 4:30 pm
Detailed description of what you witnessed: No specific incident, I just watched the nanny interacting with the children in a very nice way. I chatted with her briefly (she told me she’s the nanny, not the mom), and she said there’s a one year old little sister also. At one point the little boy was playing with my 16 month old, and the nanny watched from a short distance away and made sure the boy (bigger than mine) was playing nicely - which he was. And shortly after that the 4 year old girl came up and started leaning/resting on the nanny, who asked her if she was tired and rubbed her hair nicely. Like I said, nothing specific, but I have a nanny who I love and I see lots of nannies both good and bad, and I got a good vibe from how this one acted with the kids. Just thought the parents would want to know.
Some days it's a bitch to find something to "chat a bout". But what about this?
This trend?
I am curious why these families use male babysitter? Sure there are some great ones, but why take the chance?
Nice post, thanks OP!
Thanks OP, I hope the mom sees it.
male/female anything can happen it doesn't matter on sex.
Yeah it happens with males and females, but why on earth people use males when the preponderance of male babysitters sexually abusing children is so momentous, especially because male babysitters are only about .025 percent of the total babysitters, but they do 90 percent of the sexual abuse. You don't need to be a Vegas oddsmaker to know to stick with a chick.
this comment is about our babysitter. she is terriffic with the kids. i am so happy someone wrote this. thanks for taking the time!
It is wonderful to see there are good people watching out for other good people, not always for the bad nannie. We know how good this nannie is. She has taken care of most of my grandchildren. We love her and her family very much. Thanks again.
Just wanted to post a comment re' a male sitters, or "manny" as he jokes. Our guy is a great care provider for our two year old son. We have had 4 other female regular sitters and they were great but because of work, school etc they had to move on. This man, whom we interviewed, some would say grilled, knew his fiancee, has been fantastic for our son's development. To arbitrarily rule out a gender because of "statistics" is meaningless and offensive. Incest/sexual abuse occurs according to current "statistics" in 1 in 5 women and 1 in 7 men. When someone lays this hateful tragedy on a particular gender's doorstep they miss the point. I say you are responsible for protecting and guiding your child. For me this means staying tuned in/being informed by your heart and intuiting when he/she is safe. I do this by being feelings friendly. As a side note, check out Naomi Aldort's "Raising Your Child, Raising Yourself."
God Bless
if i am donating $1 to anyone, it would be jane. not some bitch tart on myspace.
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