I was at the mall in Mission Viejo yesterday,(3/5) {The Shops at Mission Viejo} when I witnessed a frantic woman shopping near me. I can't detail everything that made me suspicious but will tell you she had no patience, was very jittery and while she was waiting for the elevator, the baby began crying and she began shaking the stroller. Shaking the stroller so that it went up on two wheels and rocked back on the other and repeatedly. She saw me look at her and she said, "whatever it takes, right- it soothes her". And the truth is, the baby did stop crying but I wouldn't want my child bounced around like that. The child was at my best estimation, under four months of age. I am not 100 percent sure she was a nanny, but based on her simple attire, (including Levis jeans and a plaid shirt over a tank top), I have a pretty good feeling she was. If you have a baby who left the house yesterday wearing a pink sailor styled dress and your baby rides around in a blue and cream colored Everbright stroller, you need to take a minute to talk about the person who was caring for her yesterday. Even if you are the father and she is the mother. The woman was carrying a square brown leather purse with embroider on one side. She was rifling through it looking for something and spilled the contents of her bag outside Saks. When she reached over to pick it up, she threw the stuff back in the baby stroller, not her bag. I saw her again at the food court and had left the stroller propped by a table while she was ordering. She seemed very disconnected, maybe even mentally ill. I am sorry to report that something is very off, I got a very bad vibe.
Mission Viejo Mall in Mission Viejo, CA
I was at the mall in Mission Viejo yesterday,(3/5) {The Shops at Mission Viejo} when I witnessed a frantic woman shopping near me. I can't detail everything that made me suspicious but will tell you she had no patience, was very jittery and while she was waiting for the elevator, the baby began crying and she began shaking the stroller. Shaking the stroller so that it went up on two wheels and rocked back on the other and repeatedly. She saw me look at her and she said, "whatever it takes, right- it soothes her". And the truth is, the baby did stop crying but I wouldn't want my child bounced around like that. The child was at my best estimation, under four months of age. I am not 100 percent sure she was a nanny, but based on her simple attire, (including Levis jeans and a plaid shirt over a tank top), I have a pretty good feeling she was. If you have a baby who left the house yesterday wearing a pink sailor styled dress and your baby rides around in a blue and cream colored Everbright stroller, you need to take a minute to talk about the person who was caring for her yesterday. Even if you are the father and she is the mother. The woman was carrying a square brown leather purse with embroider on one side. She was rifling through it looking for something and spilled the contents of her bag outside Saks. When she reached over to pick it up, she threw the stuff back in the baby stroller, not her bag. I saw her again at the food court and had left the stroller propped by a table while she was ordering. She seemed very disconnected, maybe even mentally ill. I am sorry to report that something is very off, I got a very bad vibe.
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Did you see her leave the stroller around noon? I was in the foot court yesterday and noticed a similarly attired baby and nanny/mommy leave the child as well. However, I do actually see that a lot at the mall. Parents or nannies leaving their charge to pick up their lunch. Which isn't too smart seeing as how there are 2 major freeways right here and one you can be in Mexico in less than 2 hours!
I ment to say food....oppps
She was probably rifling through her bag looking for her next fix.
It sounds like a frustrated and depressed mother with postpartum depression. She needs help.
why so insensitive? YOU were the one that said on another post "we don't know the whole story, we don't know what's happening" ....
so who's to say 4:04 isn't right?
practice what you preach.
Come on, that wasn't obvious that I was just being an ass?
no, it wasn't obvious. but you'd say something like that to keep from looking like one, wouldn't you.
i hope your charge hasn't been underfoot as you've been posting all day. maybe you should take a break?
maybe she was SHOPLIFTING!
How often do you plan to Blog? I thought your idea was interesting.
Hey thanks :) I'm just setting it up- should be done by the end of the weekend and then it'll be at least once a week. :)
I agree with person above who said it sounds like an overwhelmed new mother. My first db cried all the time and hated being in the stoller. If I had to go to a place like the mall, I'd be frantic trying to get what I needed before he started screaming. I never got any sleep and felt I must be doing something wrong...turns out I had a very difficult baby, as I learned after I had #2 and #3
jxj is an extremely annoying person...my gosh.
anyway why would the OP say that this was a nanny just because she was wearing Levi's and a plaid shirt?
anyway why would the OP say that this was a nanny just because she was wearing Levi's and a plaid shirt?
maybe the child was well dressed in a fancy stroller. (I don't know that brand). Maybe the Mall is nice and she looked out of place? I can ALWAYS tell the nannies vs the Hoity Sahms Vs the working women at my Mall. Always. Always.
ooo I know! I know! Because only people who wear stylish clothes are allowed to have children!!!!
I'm a nanny and I have a kid- just boggles the mind....
That's a fancy mall, not one I would expect a nanny to shop for her nanny attire. No offense.
whooo-heee doggy .... some little meanies ya'll are up in here!
are you kidding me????? I used to shop at that mall as a TEENAGER! With my allowance! I am a PROFESSIONAL nanny and a private nurse working on my 3rd degree. I am more educated than most people I work for and CERTAINLY dress better. You have a strange view of reality or have encountered a lot of low wage wannabe nannies? Harmph!
Anyone hear of "mom jeans"? New moms who are getting no sleep, and are still carrying baby weight don't always care about looking chic!
miss high & mighty ...
..... U forgot the U
Geez, have you ever had a bad day? When my baby had colic I would place him in his car seat, on top of the dryer, and turn it on. It was the only thing that helped. Sounds like you are bored lady...
Gee, I go to the Westchester all the time with no makeup, jeans and a sweat shirt. Didn't realize everyone would assume that makes me a nanny. I have to dress to the nines for work and believe me when I'm not in the office, I schlepp big time. Doesn't mean I'm not there shopping for the expensive chic stuff I have to wear during the week.
When my kids were small and I took them out I almost never dressed nicely. That way I wasn't worried about sitting in a sandbox or having PB&J or vomit smeared on me.
However, I find leaving a baby unattended for even a moment at a mall very serious. Sometimes people grab them right out of the stroller with mom nearby. At South Coast Plaza a few years back there was such an incident, although unsuccessful thanks to some helpful bystanders.
5:50, you sound angry. So I'll excuse your bitterness and ignorance and false accusations :-) Chalk it up to another miserable person misplacing their anger.
12:49, we nannies are apparently ALL slobs. And mommies are always impeccably dressed. We do this on purpose, so people know who they're reporting to this site. We don't want any bad mommy reports.
Why do people assume nannies are poor? How much are you paying your nannies? Nanny attire? Unless a uniform is required, I'm not very clear on what NANNY ATTIRE is.
What skewed perceptions some of you have.
11:19, I'm glad I'm leaving such a wonderful impression..and so quickly too!
Why is everyone talking about how nannies dress? Just because she had on jeans and a plaid shirt, that does not mean that she was a nanny. I detest the way people talk about the way nannies dress, in "simple attire".
Tell me this, who looks more silly, the mother decked to the nines in high heels, or the nanny who (based on her attire) has more common sense than most mothers out there?
I am a nanny, and it really bothers me when people assume that nannies do not have any fashion sense. When I nanny, I dress for the occasion, to get dirty and play. When I am off on the weekends I dress really nice.
Rock on with your bad self!
Rock on with your bad self!
2:59: Just as most Moms with common sense do too.
Maybe the posters who think they can tell nannies from moms based on dress don't have kids!
I have seen nannies dressed in the finest cashmere sweaters, $300 jeans and couture boots. Looking closely, you might notice the sweater is too small, the jeans are too short and the boots don't fit. Hand me downs from a genrous and oh so lovely employer.
lol ... yep!!
Most Moms in the OC are on some sort of medication, either prescribed for them, their kids or gotten some other way....
Okey the pouint is that the person who should care for that baby did not read this post. That is sad.
Are you kidding me?? Because she was wearing jeans and a plaid shirt she must be a nanny? I'm a nanny, and it's not because I need the money, but because I want to work and I love children. I get paid very well. My husband owns an oil business. So we can certainly afford for me to buy nice clothes. Plus, who cares what she was wearing? Not everyone wants to dress in heels and couture while taking care of a baby all day. Give me a break!
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