Nanny (named Sue?) was about 5ft6, 130-ish pounds and had brown curly hair. Charge (Ella)was 3 y/o with bright red hair. Wearing a purple jumper and striped stockings with mary janes. I too am a nanny and got into a convo with this nanny who basically blew in your families life story to me as she munched on her charges Goldfish crackers. She also talked extremely negatively about your child and family in general. She seems to think that because you pay her $9 an hour you should get "what you pay for" as far as care. Also told me that your husband gets creepy with her every time they're alone. She is EXTREMELY resentful and upon hearing my salary (which she badgered out of me) stood up in a huff to leave- only she couldn't find her charge. I helped her look for literally 5 minutes. When she found Ella she angrily blamed her for "running off" and roughly grabbed her arm and stormed out. Let this be a lesson, if you cannot afford to pay an average salary for an educated/experienced nanny then you CANNOT have a nanny and should choose a diff. care option or better yet, if possible stay home! If you can't do either- shame on you for having kids when you were obviously not prepared to do so (unless in the case of special circumstance).
Library in Pittsford, NY
Nanny (named Sue?) was about 5ft6, 130-ish pounds and had brown curly hair. Charge (Ella)was 3 y/o with bright red hair. Wearing a purple jumper and striped stockings with mary janes. I too am a nanny and got into a convo with this nanny who basically blew in your families life story to me as she munched on her charges Goldfish crackers. She also talked extremely negatively about your child and family in general. She seems to think that because you pay her $9 an hour you should get "what you pay for" as far as care. Also told me that your husband gets creepy with her every time they're alone. She is EXTREMELY resentful and upon hearing my salary (which she badgered out of me) stood up in a huff to leave- only she couldn't find her charge. I helped her look for literally 5 minutes. When she found Ella she angrily blamed her for "running off" and roughly grabbed her arm and stormed out. Let this be a lesson, if you cannot afford to pay an average salary for an educated/experienced nanny then you CANNOT have a nanny and should choose a diff. care option or better yet, if possible stay home! If you can't do either- shame on you for having kids when you were obviously not prepared to do so (unless in the case of special circumstance).
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the nanny has no bussines taking about the parents with you ( an stranger)
and to all the families out there who dont have the money to pay a nanny there is the child care option! i know this because i am too a nanny working for a family who pays nothing, i am looking to leave but i really love the kids.
this seriously bugs me, obviously this nanny couldnt get a job elseware and took a job with children even though she hates it?
Not quite sure how one stranger that one has only shared a short chat with can in fact badger you out of info??
Why is it that from that post I get a strange feeling you wasted no time after listening to this nanny whom you already look down upon and think is well deserving of the pay she gets.
I get the sense you could not wait to show her just what a real nanny gets paid. I am betting it took little badgering from her to get you to say your pay.
However you can not really say that rightbecause you would lok bad if you did.
If in fact all it took was a bit of badgering to get your pay out of you I wander what other tidbits of info she may have gotten from you with just a bit more badgering?
See where I am coming from with this?
By the way where was your Charge while this was going on and while you were helping her locate her's?
She asked me no less than 5 times and I really didn't give a hoot I decided so I told her.
As to where MY charge was, she was asleep in her stroller (she was up late last night saying good-bye to her mommy who was leaving on a trip) as we waited 20 min for story time. I rolled my sleeping charge around looking for her's. I could go into further detail but I'm not writing a friggen book.
Any more questions????????
OP, there is nothing wrong with telling her your salary if she asks. That is not confidential information about your work family.
Good post, I hope the family sees it.
OP, she sounds awful and if I were the parent I'd want to know about this. Of course, if they pay her $9/hr, they may not care that much, (that is the point you made, of course) BUT that may be all they can afford and they may think that this person is trustworthy. Which she obviously isn't.
Don't be upset, OP. There will always be a negative person on a post knocking it, thinking it's impossible to do 2 things at once.
It's a good sighting ... thank you.
'Hope she gets fired!!!
"shame on you for having children if you weren't prepared to do so"
who the hell do you think you are? People who cant afford nannies or stay home shouldnt have kids....go live in china, youll love thier policies on population control
actually, personally I think it's a good idea- do you have ANY idea how many children are in foster care? What a thoughtless statement!
The way people "parent" these days is a joke. Columbine?
If you are not prepared to be a GREAT (notice I didn't say good) parent then you are just causing problems for the rest of the world.
I don't know who the hell the OP thinks she is? But I agree %100- you see I am a responsible parent who makes SURE my children are being RAISED not simply farmed out and supervised while life goes on.
I was with you until the last line, OP. So I'll just pretend you didn't write that. Otherwise, I agree with you: if you can't pay enough to hire a *good* nanny, day care is a MUCH better option. I also think it is very valuable to have one parent at home in the early years, though this is obviously not possible for everyone. I do think it's worth some sacrifice, but realize that others don't share my views. Still, if you are going to have someone else watch your kids, you have to make sure they are paid well enough not to be resentful!! That's pretty basic!! $9/h seems woefully low to me. Why are people afraid of daycare? I'm in a major metro area and my good friend has her 3-yo in a GREAT daycare which is about half the hourly rate that the disgruntled "nanny" the OP talks about is being paid. Snacks and preschool curriculum are provided in an immaculate environment with other kiddos to play with. That sounds MUCH better than stretching your budget to pay for a crappy nanny.
Mimi? ;)
no that wasn't me...I back the daycare option but I am in a small Ohio...sadly :(
Go to the librarians to try to uncover the family's identity. They should be told of this terrible care the child receives at the hands of this witch.
well, $9 an hour is horrible. and you do get what you pay for. The parents should pay for a decent nanny of find alternative care. The nany should leave and be paid more if she thinks she is worth it. Bottom line, both are wrong.
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