McDonalds on 39th & 2nd in NYC
Received Friday, June 1, 2007
Your nanny is from Grenada and is about 50 years of age. She had stopped at McDonald's about an hour ago ( noon on 6/1) as a special treat for your daughter Elizabeth who is blonde and had pigtails. I had stopped in McDonald's for a drink and to get out of the heat and I had the chance to speak to your nanny. This after witnessing how wonderfully she treated your little girl. Your little girls was treated with such gentle care. I was further impressed when I started talking to your nanny and realized just how sweet and intelligent she is. Don't get lost on the fact that this sighting happened at McDonald's, we all have our opinions about McDonald's. I just wanted to acknowledge a fabulous nanny that crossed my path, have a great weekend.
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All nannies seem great in public when chatting up a stranger. I am a SAHM and I interact with nannies a lot at the park and playground. You would think they all had advanced degrees in Marketing. They know exactly how to sell themselves as Mary Poppins hoping someone will make them a better job offer. No thanks. I don't need a nanny.
Or maybe they are just genuinely nice people who love their jobs and their charges. I chat with SAHMs at the park all the time. I'm not in the market for a new job and would turn down any unsolicited offer I happened to receive.
I know there are lots of bad nannies out there, but it seems awfully unfair to assume someone has an ulterior motive simply because they are NICE.
Have you not read any more blog entries here? Obviously a lot of nannies (just like any other employee) DON'T act great in public.
Why are you astounded that a nanny is *gasp* intelligent?! I am a nanny with a dual-cert teaching degree. I also write children's books in my spare time. However, I choose to nanny because it makes me happy...and you only live once, so you might as well do what makes you happy.
anon at 3:13,
I find your comment to be offensive. I am a work at home mom, I babysit two children besides my own so that I can be with my baby, but I was once a nanny and a great one. I also have a degree and several certifications. A nanny must be a good business person as she is her own manager in many cases. If the nannies you speak with seem great, dare we assume that...they in fact are great?
Being able to "sell yourself" is not a bad thing. If your post is in any way an indicator of your personality, I would say that you don't posess this skill.
As above posters have said, many nannies are educated and pleasant. You seem so negative. Hopefully that negative energy doesn't effect your kids. I'll try to send you some positive energy! :)
Agreed, the major majority of nannies are not out there marketing themselves and have absolutely no reason to be doing so. That is as if to say a person who works as a sales clerk will be nice in all retail situations in order to get a better retail job! haha This is absurd, some of you people are so pessimistic and constantly reaching in order to find negativity. I do feel sorry for you with such a negative mindset. As we all should know by now there are genuinely good nannies, as well as genuinely bad...the same rule applies to parents. My sister has a wonderful nanny who holds a Bachelors Degree in Child Psychology. She's an amazing nanny and person, and I'm positive she's not the only one in this great big world.
How many times does someone have to say Mary Poppins was NOT a good nanny?!!!!
2:13 PM
Since you don't have a nanny, and you aren't posting a sighting, why are you here? You just enjoy reading about bad nannies so you can feel smug? If you find the good sightings so annoying you can skip them, they have the smiley faces.
I was minding my own business today and my charge when a stranger asked behind me, are you his nanny. i said yes. she said i wish i had a nanny like you. i was just doing what i normally do, trying to keep him entertained and educating him at the same time as we were walking back from school in the killer heat today 6/1. Pointing out dangers of the street, open holes and what to do and not do, nothing abnormal. We were also smiling and poking and tickling each other, we went to the supermarket to get my lunch and he pushed the cart, albeit never once straight, and into a couple of nice people and some products in the supermarket, mind you. He had a wonderful time as it made him feel independent, loved and cared for. I dont know how long this lady was watching me, but Im just saying this because we dont all market ourselves for strangers, when we are good nannies, we do what we do naturally. This is for you 3:13.
Very well said 9:37, couldn't have said it better.
Ouch! that really hurt. You seem to have a problem with "all nannies", and how they all facade themselves as though "they all had advanced degrees in Marketing".
Not all nannies have some hidden agenda. My nanny days were tons of fun. The parents were not always nice, but the kids were a riot. I never faked being nice even in situations where unecessary kissing up was demanded. I was always just plain me. I let the kids and parents (& playdates' parents) know how I felt about certain things.
FYI a lot of nannies have degrees, and some have advanced degrees (moi, par example). I was a nanny for many years, and I was darn good at it. Please don't generalize, that is very mean.
I am a nanny with an associate's degree in early childhood development and a bachelor's degree in Family Studies. I feel my degrees make me a better nanny because I am educated in my line of work.
I often strike up conversations with others at the playground, even the neighbors of the people I work for, not because I am trying to market myself, but because it is nice to talk to someone over 3 years old.
For 3:13
Wow, you sound like a lonely, bitter, SAHM. Maybe for the sake of your children, you should consider getting a nanny. Someone who is fun loving and caring. Someone who will teach them how to interact with the rest of the real world. Someone who will teach them how to be part of a community and how to make friends. I too am a stay at home mom, but I also am a daycare provider. I do still even though my kids are in school full day, because I love it. I don't look to impress people when I am out and about. In fact, I don't look to impress people when they come to interview. I am myself. Not to mention that when we schedule an interview, I am doing it not only so the parents and kids can meet me, but so that I can meet them. I do research within the community about the parents that want their children to come to me. I don't take anyone who tries to "sell" me their kid. I don't take anyone who has a reputation for late or non payment. I don't take anyone who I feel didn't interview me enough! And I would never take someone with an attitude like yours. So, if you do ever plan to need childcare, beware, all childcare providers speak with each other. You may have earned yourself a spot on the blacklist!
The nanny 'sounded' intelligent? Have you missed the memo where all the mommy's want 'smart' nannies with all sorts of degrees before they have nannies that have actually taken care of children. By the time I was 21 which is young on the nanny scale I knew how to treat and handle almost everything you'd need to know but never went to college. Some people actually like the kids they watch and interact with them. When I watched my sisters kids so she wouldn't put them in day care we'd go places and I got many comments about how well they behaved (especially in a crowded mall at Christmas time) while you saw kids running around screaming and carrying on. I would get down on the floor and play with their toys, chase them around the yards, practice ball with them even when I couldn't play worth a darn. I have parents, grandparents and others coming to me for advice because I NEVER give advice about something I don't know about and it's never turned out wrong. Like I said a smart nanny is a requirement it seems for many but doesn't mean much. Yes a nice nanny sighting but intelligence don't mean much to someone who loves kids. I can sound as smart as any book smart nanny but I have the kid smarts.
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