The Nanny- Caucasian, tallish, brown/blonde hair in ponytail, pink "American Eagle" shirt, brownish cut-off pants.
The Child- Caucasian, male, blonde/brown hair, blue fleece sweatshirt, tan shorts, about 4-6 years old.
Your nanny was shopping for herself (obvious due to the fact that she was in the women's dept) yet all the while she was involving your son. Asking him which shirt she should pick, asking him about his day and what he was doing tomorrow, goofing around with him, swerving the cart around. Your son had an icee cup from the snack area, a special treat to keep him occupied? Usually I am opposed to nannies taking their charges on personal shopping trips, but this seemed to make it okay. It was so refreshing to see a nanny and her charge having fun and interacting. To see how the nanny involved him, asking which shirt color do you think goes best with this pant color? Teaching him while having fun! It brought a smile to my face. If this is your nanny let me say how lucky you are, and how jealous I am!
That's great to hear of a nanny who keeps the child involved.
Have you considered perhaps that she was not shopping for herself but maybe helping him pick out a mother's day gift.
I love to read posts like this. It just goes to show that if you're good at your job and think first of the child you can indulge a few personal errands as well.
I don't like to make it a habit, but sometimes, especially on long days when the shops will be closed by the time I'm done work, I will run personal errands with the kid/kids in tow. It's not hard to make something like that fun for everyone involved.
It's all about where your priorities are, and clearly this nanny has hers in the right order.
It's not so bad for a nanny to 'occasionally' do a bit of shopping for herself with her charge in tow. I used to involve my kids in my shopping in similar ways. It's not bad to find a little joy in even the mundane and it's really quite harmless.
Why do people think that nannies cannot do things like shopping or running errands with their charges? Mothers do it all the time. Children learn from these experiences also. The world is not one great big Gymboree playdate.
I'm not paying my nanny $16 an hour for her toil about on the wrong side of the tracks with my child.
What do you mean by wrong side of the tracks? Target is a fabulous store.
Hmmm perhaps 1016 is responding to 10 PM. You cannot equate what a mother does with what a nanny does. A nanny is on the clock. Additionally, isn't it fair to assume that nanny's personal errands would consist of things like the cashing place, laundromat, hoochie clothing store, pit bull breeding place, pawn shop. Not all, of course. But some. That is a far cry from taking the young ones to lily pulitzer or coco & delilah.
Hoochie clothing store? Laundromat? Pawn shop? What is wrong with you 1:52? Who exactly are you employing?
If you have a nanny who would take your child places like that, you are not putting your child first and you're clearly not chosing quality childcare.
Mothers: Comments like 1:52's only reflect poorly on the commenter. Forgive me if I missed something or if this was meant humorously, but if I didn't, I stand by my comment.
I get the distinct impression that some on here think they are better than others.
I am apparently a wonderful nanny because moms frequently try to poach me, and I am constantly asked by moms of my charges classmate's if I know anyone like me.
your nasty classist characterization of nannies is very hurtful, and it is this contempt on the part of some mothers for the women who nurture their children that drives many top nannies out of the field. There would be more great nannies available if there were less moms like you.
An insulted nanny
Could this have been the Mom, not a nanny?
OP here....if this was mom, she would have to have been a young teen when she had this boy...she looked about 19-22, the boy about 4-6. The two did not resemble each other at all, aside from both being caucasian. Just from the manner I would doubt that it was mom.
I always want to smile when I here these things. =)
Yay for a nanny that, while getting clothes for herself, included the boy.
When I was really little, my mom would sit me down in the corner of the store and tell me to behave while she got clothes. This nanny sounds wounderful.
5 words...
that's one REALLY cool (and fun)
mom or nanny! ^___^
You know I think that shopping with the children is fine. I do the family grocery shopping (pay for the gas), run her errands (pay for the gas) so why can't I run to a store once in a while. When you are at someones house for 40 hours or more a week you need to get out. I go outside and take the kids the the park on nice days and if there is a crummy day I don't see anything wrong with taking them to a store and buying them a toy.
WTF does 10:44pm mean?
I'm guessing she doesn't want her little schnookums to mix with the wrong kind of people on her dime. God forbid he see the inside of Target lest it drive the memories of Saks out of his head.
Who the hell knows, really?
I'm sorry but I nanny for 3 families and sometimes I take the children of one of my families out to places like the mall. I don't see anything wrong with it because their mother encourages me to because her youngest son ENJOYS the mall and she wants them to get to do different things instead of go to the park everyday. I could understand not doing things like this if the parents specific state that they want their children constantly playing outdoors or in the house. But if not, why should it be a problem? Sorry to tell you but some parents are ok with whatever their nannies do with their children as long as the kids are safe and having fun. Clearly this boy was having fun with his slurpy and shopping cart ride.
A hundred years ago I grew up in an "upper middle class" family. My parents, however, did not believe in country clubs, upscale department stores and labels, unless they meant good quality. Waste not, want not. I therefore earned my money in high school and afterward as what would be called a "nanny" this days. At no time did any of the families I worked for think I shouldn't take their child shopping with me, they encouraged it.
10:42 should, of course, obviously spend more time on spelling and less on the drinky poos, or whatever strange substances she or he is snorting, drinking or taking.
As for the sub-standard iq's who think they bought a slave with the nanny, it is to laugh. Any reasonably good child psychologist will tell you how important it is for a child to shop, cook, clean and engage in all the everyday activities that will build his or her sense of how to deal with the world. How lucky this family is to have a child care giver who understands this importance and fully engages her charge in daily living. Who's the moron that thinks money and shopping at Saks makes her somehow superior?
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