Sunday, April 29, 2007
If you are a nanny or an employer who would like to share your personal experience, please send us an email. We are fortunate to have a large number of people who visit this blog on a daily basis and yet there are days, such as today where we don't have any "nanny sightings". If you have an idea for a feature, please contact us. Feel free to use the MEEBO toolbar to make your suggestions anonymously. Thank you-JD
I know someone who can write and who has a story to tell.
Q) Why doesn't she share her experience here? Wouldn't such revelations only drive up traffic/hits/visits/ whatever?
Where was that picture taken? That looks like a nanny line up! lol
Yes, I agree. I am addicted to isyn and I get depressed when there are no new nanny sightings to read about :-(
This picture makes me physically ill. What a world.
Hi Katie,
What bothers you about the picture? I don't know what is taking place, but it made me think about poeple watching a race or a parade or something. The kids are with care givers, not like the kids are off playing and the nannies are sitting and ignoring.
Or am I missing something? I often do.
I think what this picture needs is more cowbell.
1:16-Lol! Thanks, that was a good laugh to start my day!
Cowbell!!! I love you!! hahahahah
why are some of us parents so mean. yet we talk about bad nannies. what is bad about this picture. are you so desperate that you have to see something bad where there is nothing. could these nannies god forbid be waiting in line to get into the zoo, carousel, some sort of kid activity. i mean come on, give us a break, some are holding the kids, some in strollers, but hey, i guess mothers WOULD NEVER stand in a line courteously waiting their turn for any event with the kids in their arms or sitting in strollers. The kids are not crying, screaming being abused nothing, but thats just not good enough for you people. Why a picture of nannies in line somewhere anyway. W
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