By bostonnanny7:42 I pull into the underground parking garage.
7:45 I get out of my car lugging my big blue rolling bag filled with activities for the week.
7:48 I'm on the elevator heading to the condo.
7:50 I'm knocking on the door.
7:52 dad opens the door half asleep. I ask how their vacation was and he gives a short answer while walking toward his room. A is still asleep.
7:54 I begin walking around the condo picking toys, blankets, laptops, papers and trash.
7:56 I begin making P's bottles for the day and breakfast for both kids.
7:57 I'm toasting waffles, have yogurt set on the table.
8:01 P and her dad knock on the door.
8:04 P's dad is asking me about my vacation and informing me about P's ear infection, while I have P in my arms and am giving her kisses.
8:06 I show P's dad the cute onesie I got her from my vacation.
8:07 P's dad leaves and we go to A's room to wake him up.
8:08 A jumps up from his bed, smiles and points at P while saying her name. I get him out of bed and give him a hug. I ask how his vacation was and he smiles and repeats the word vacation.
8:10 A is sitting at the table and P is in her booster seat eating breakfast. I
turn on pandora and sing a long to Elmo goes to school.
8:12 I stop feeding P and give her a waffle to munch on while I rip the sheets off A's bed, put a load of laundry in the wash, fill A's humidifier and start to unload dishwasher.
8:18 I go back to P and finish feeding her and A finishes up his breakfast.
8:36 I ask A if he wants to take a bath, undress him, change diaper and let him play in the tub.
8:38 I take P into the room and change her diaper and change her out of her pjs.
8:40 P is in her playpen playing with toys while A plays in the tub and I finish unloading the dishwasher.
8:46 I wash A up, lotion him, dress him and send him off to play.
8:50 I give a whining P her bottle.
9:00 I text my nanny friend to see if she wants to meet up.
9:05 I give A his crayons to color on his easel and P is playing on the Abc mat with some toys while I begin packing their diaper bag and lunch.
9:07 I get a reply from my friend and we agree to meet at 11 at the park in Cambridge, change P dirty diaper and redirect A from climbing on top of his bike.
9:10 I'm steaming veggies and cutting up strawberries while A is looking in the cabinets and drawers. I remind him to be careful when he closes them because he can get his finger caught, then I offer him a strawberry. He says strawberry over and over again but refuses to take one. I offer him a cucumber and he takes it.
9:22 P is napping in her playpen and A is riding his bike around her. I remind him that P is sleeping and to be quiet while she sleeps.
9:30 I get a call from my boyfriend telling me I filled out the mortgage application wrong, he sound angry...oops.
9:32 I switch the laundry and put in a new load. As I do that I remember A's grandparents are coming next month from out of country and I have to get them a present, then I remember Easter is coming up and I have to plan the Easter egg hunt and buy the baskets for the kids....I start to panic.
9:35 I finish up the steamed veggies and pack away the kids lunch.
9:50 dad comes out the room asks me how my house hunt is coming along. I show him the shirt I got A and tell him we are going to the park to meet up with friends.
9:58 P wakes, I put sweaters on both kids, place P in the stroller and ask A to get in. A refuses and calls out for daddy as he grabs his laptop and heads to his room.
10:00 I ask A to pick out a toy to bring for the train ride and he grabs all his trains and two matchbox cars. I put his trains in a ziplock bag and place next to him in the stroller.
10:03 I'm down in the lobby heading out the door when the concierge asks me to sign in. Grrr...
10:10 we are waiting for the train and A is so excited I think he's gonna pee himself when he sees the train.
10:17 A starts yelling "the man is sleeping, the man is sleeping" All the passengers start staring. I tell A the man is sleeping, he is tired and we need to be quiet.
10:25 we arrive at our stop and head to elevator where A tells me he wants to eat. I let him know he just had breakfast and a snack.
10:30 we are early for our play date, so I head to a coffee shop for a hot coco.
10:35 I'm standing in line with the double stroller asking A what he would prefer to eat. As I go down the list of options people in line start staring at me like my a lunatic talking to myself.
10:37 we decide on a cranberry pecan roll.
10:40 we are sitting having our snack and P is happily enjoying her roll with the pecans picked out.
10:45 P starts to gag and I quickly pat her back as she pukes up a piece of roll.
10:50 P is cleaned up and we are heading to the park. It's looks cloudy and I start to worry about rain.
11:00 I get a call from my boyfriend reminding me to call my car insurance about a claim.
11:06 we arrive at the park, meet our friends and it starts to rain :(
11:08 kids are back in the stroller and we head to the local book store.
11:12 in the children's section, A is coloring and wandering around. P is in my friends lap cracking up. While her charge is bringing her books to read.
11:45 A and P are in their stroller waiting for B and her charge Z to come back from the bathroom. I showed A an Elmo book and refuses to put it down, so we are bringing up stairs for lunch at the cafe.
12:00 all 5 of us are at the cafe, setting up lunch. I give A his food and feed P while I drink a boost and sneak a piece of cheese from my lunch box before A sees and asks for it. (I can't eat in front of him because he will refuse to eat his lunch and eat all mine.)
12:35 we clean up and say goodbye to our friends. I sneak the Elmo book away from A and put on a shelf.
12:38 we head to the restroom where I squeeze the double stroller through the door and quickly change both kids diapers.
12:45 at the station waiting for our train, pissed that the sun decided to come out as soon as we left.
1:00 on the train, explaining to A how many stops we have before we get home and reminding him it's nap time when we get back.
1:10 P fell asleep on the train which means no break for me today.
1:25 back in the condo, emptying the lunchbox, switched the laundry and watching A ride his bike around.
1:30 P suddenly wakes up...thank god!
1:32 P is on the mat playing with her toys, A is digging through his toy box while I fold his laundry and make his bed.
1:38 P and A join me in the bathroom. A is on his potty and P is sitting on the floor both are smiling and watching me pee.
1:40 water for my soup is boiling. P is throwing her face into my boobs motorboat style and laughing hysterically. A is on the floor next to me showing me his boat and car.
1:45 I tell A it's time for his nap and we get his sippy cup and toy car, then head to his room. I give him a kiss and he kisses P goodnight.
1:46 I kiss P and lay her in the playpen then start to make my soup.
1:54 A is singing the alphabet in his crib and P is making baby sounds.
2:00 both kids are asleep and I'm enjoying my lunch and checking my emails
2:02 call from my bf telling me the mortgage is looking okay.
2:37 I pick up the toys on the floor and put the dirty dishes A's dad left in the sink into the dishwasher. Feeling happy the maid came today and I don't have to do any more housework.
2:42 P is fussing, I ignore her and eat my banana.
2:44 A's dad walks out of his room and asks if I can stay late tomorrow, I agree.
2:46 P doesn't stop fussing, I check her log then give her a bottle.
3:00 P finishes her bottle and is on the floor with me playing.
3:12 I fold second load of laundry while watching P try to grab a toy just out reach.
3:20 I eat my applesauce and answer a call from the bf telling something is wrong on the sellers end. Starting to stress over the house.
3:22 rocking P hoping she will sleep for 20mins so I can close my eyes.
3:30 text from P's mom talking about P's odd nap schedule today (She can follow our daily log online through the baby connect app).
3:33 P is rolling around in her playpen attempting to nap.
3:51 A wakes up.
4:00 we go for a walk around the harbor.
4:50 we return from walk.
5:00 P's dad picks her up.
5:15 A and I make animals from play dough.
5:40 A and I blow bubbles outside.
6:00 I gave A his dinner then say goodbye.
6:05 talk to A's mom in the lobby about our vacation and his day.
6:10 at my car heading home.