Received Tuesday, october 28, 2008. - RantMy fat, ridiculous, desperate bitch of an employer is missing 70 dollars from her bag. And she demands to know if I have it. In demanding to know if I have her money, she tells me that she was already looking through my room for my bag to go through but she couldn't find it and she thought that was suspicious that I left it in the car. (I believe it was actually hanging in my bathroom, some other place I leave my bag, not that I think my bag needs to be availed to her searches!!!)
I am a live in nanny and have no expenses out of pocket. She pays for everything I need.
Today, she comes to me and tells me that she is missing money from her bag. Some portion of $70 that her husband handed her. Then she tells me that she knows for a fact that I am broke. And she is accusing me like I am a thief. Meanwhile, I have taken care of her and her family for 13 months now without a single incident. No thefts! No trust issues. I know she is moody and is supposed to be on some sort of medications for her rage, but she isn't. So she is accusing me in this haughty totty voice like she is some big wig princess. And she isn't. She's upper middle class but all of a sudden she is talking to me like she is a snotty dame and I am a peasant. I was shocked into silence. I didn't know what to say. Then her husband calls and she starts telling him that she is talking to me about the missing money from her purse. Mind you, this is a person who cannot keep track of her housekeys or carkeys or paperwork. She is always bumbling around. And like I said, prone to rage. In dealing with her rage, I have noticed that half the time she explodes on her husband and the other half of the time she talks to him like an uppity snob. And she does just this just so she can watch someone else lose control. And then, you can watch her literally get off on it. Once the other person cries or starts screaming in defense, she acts startled and like whatever is happening is happening out of the blue, instead of the fact that she has just pushed every possible button she could to hurt someone.
In particular, I pride myself on being honest when it comes to everything money wise. I am open to her about my spending because I have nothing to hide. And because I am paid by her, she knows what I make. She had no right to accuse me so smugly. So after I regain composure from her initial attack, I find her in the kitchen and I tell her I would appreciate an apology and I remind her that I have never done anything that has ever made her question my honesty in all the time I was here. She looks at me like I am a piece of shit and says, "Um, no, I wont. I can't do that. You are only so upset because you stole it. Your reaction tells me everything". Okay, so I lost it. My handbag was on the counter and I knocked it off and I knocked off a plastic container of coffee. Unfortunately when I swiped at my handbag, I did not see a glass jelly jar drinking glass next to it. The glass went flying and low and behold flung right past her finger and cut her. I don't realize what has happened but she lurches at me and says, "oh you're going to jail now, you're going to jail". To make a long story short, I apologized for knocking the two things off the counter. I didn't see the glass. I was so angry, that I do not deny. What I also must impress upon you is the glee with which she celebrated that she had broken me. She had made me both cry and then lose control. And this made her jump into control mode. She tells me that I need to be locked up in a mental ward and that I could have killed her (her hand was hanging by her thigh when the glass flew by her). I know throwing anything was wrong, but who does she think she is? To so adamantly accuse someone of thievery, simply because she, the most absent minded and bumbling of all bitches has (likely) misplaced something (else).
By the way, I am off on Tuesdays, so today was my day off. No children were around when this happened. I am back in my room feeling so much hurt and anger, I don't know what to do. I should just pack and leave, right? This sort of craziness is only going to lead to bad things.
In case you are not understanding my story, she could not have been more pleased that she got knicked by the glass. I don't even know how it happened. But the smug self satisfaction on her face was evident. She claimed first that her finger was chopped off and second that she needed stitches. It is little more than a bad paper cut. Of course she had me get her the sports tape, gauze, antibiotic and she has her whole finger wrapped up so it looks like her finger is broken. (Only the tip was cut).
And if this is not evident, I do regret that she was injured because of me. I wasn't thinking but I was thinking clearly to think swooshing my bag and the coffee container off the counter was harmless. (I used my forearm and in one motion swept them off the counter).
I'm sorry she got hurt, I am.
But I also wonder how she got to be such an evil woman.