Tues dec 22 - Bad nanny sighting at the connection in New Jersey-- Little blonde girl wearing crocs and had a mini purse, red leggings, and a striped long sleeved shirt. The nanny had short black hair and her favorite words to the child were "stop" and "be quiet". The nanny was sneaky also - for more info - go here--- (permission given)
Verbally Abusive Nanny
BE QUIET! (No, not you guys the professional good hearted nannies and parents reading this)
Babysitting Horror Story
This is the story of how I learned to meet a family before accepting a job. I am a nanny for an amazing family but I will occasionally look for a babysitting gig for some extra money. About a year ago I found a job on care.com for later that night. I know a lot of people on here will criticize the mother for leaving her kids with someone she just met (lucky for her, it was me and I took great care of them). She was hoping to see a concert with a friend that night and I told her I could watch her two kids (I believe they were 6 and 2 at the time) She said that they would both be sleeping by the time I got there, when I arrived both children were awake. She said she kept them awake so they could meet me (I agree that this was a good decision). She had her son show me around their apartment which was disgusting. It was dirty, and messy, and things just everywhere. I was supposed to go home at 11. She told me that she wasn't feeling that great and would probably be home early, I said okay and told her to have a good time. I put the kids in bed at 9, which is the time she told me to put them down after saying "oh you can stay up a little later tonight, I'm sure Becky won't mind". I really didn't mind, because I go to actually spend time with the kids then instead of sitting on the couch. The daughter (the 2 year old) laid down right away pretty well. The son did not want to go to sleep though. I told him I couldn't let him stay up any longer because I cared about him, and it was late and that I wouldn't be doing a good job taking care of him if I let him stay up until his mom came home. He eventually felt better about going to sleep and fell asleep fast. I decided to sit on the couch and watch tv until their mom came home. It was around 10, only one more hour to go, and I could go home and go to sleep. When it turned 11 and she wasn't home yet, I didn't get upset. It had only just turned 11, she could still be on her way home. It was then11:30 and I decided to send a friendly text asking if she would be home soon, she said she was just leaving and would be home in 5 minutes. I kept dozing off on the couch but waking myself up because I did not feel comfortable sleeping in her home, I was getting upset because she still was not coming through her door. 2 hours later at 1:30 am she called and said she was on her way home and would be there shortly, I said "okay thanks for letting me know." I didn't believe her, I was panicking, I had to go to bed so I could be up at 6 am to go to work. Luckily, this time she really was coming home. She barely apologized to me for being so late, and hugged me goodbye( it was so uncomfortable) and told me to call her when I got home because it was a mild snow storm. She then asked if she could keep my number in her phone for the future, I told her she could. I left, got in my car and counted my money, surprisingly, she paid me accordingly. I drove home which took a good 45 min from their apartment downtown, to my place out in the suburbs. I parked my car and texted her saying I was home. Luckily, I have never heard from her again, and I'm not complaining since I had no plans on ever watching her kids again.
Craigslist's WTF posting
http://seattle.craigslist.org/ see/kid/5377953104.html
Looking for Nanny for special situation (Shoreline/Monroe)
(google map)
Hello! I am a single mom of two beautiful little children. They are almost 5 and 2. We live in Shoreline and are looking for someone for our unique situation. Mom lives in Shoreline with the kids and Dad is currently in prison in Monroe. We are looking for someone who is willing to take the children to visit Dad 2-3 days per week. The days would be EVERY Friday and Monday and one weekend day per week (this is somewhat open and may not be every weekend). The hours would be from 12:00pm until roughly 6:30-7pm. You MUST be able to get approved for Dad's visiting list. You would be required to travel from Shoreline to Monroe and back, take the kids to visit Dad, and change the two year old as needed. Dad is VERY VERY hands on and will do most of everything while they are visiting. You will be asked to pitch in here or there, but mainly this position is to transport the kids and be willing to do a puzzle or play a game while they visit. The kids are very adorable, outgoing, sweet, and silly. They love their Daddy very much and want as much time with him as possible.
Also, Mom requires someone with NO criminal background, previous experience with kids, and references. She herself used to be a Nanny, so she knows what to look for. We know this is a unique situation, but with the current status of the marriage and Mom seeking employment, it is VERY much needed. We are willing to pay up to $15.00 per hour. You must have a car, clean driving record, and insurance. Please email Mom and come be part of our fun family!
Looking for Nanny for special situation (Shoreline/Monroe)
(google map)
Hello! I am a single mom of two beautiful little children. They are almost 5 and 2. We live in Shoreline and are looking for someone for our unique situation. Mom lives in Shoreline with the kids and Dad is currently in prison in Monroe. We are looking for someone who is willing to take the children to visit Dad 2-3 days per week. The days would be EVERY Friday and Monday and one weekend day per week (this is somewhat open and may not be every weekend). The hours would be from 12:00pm until roughly 6:30-7pm. You MUST be able to get approved for Dad's visiting list. You would be required to travel from Shoreline to Monroe and back, take the kids to visit Dad, and change the two year old as needed. Dad is VERY VERY hands on and will do most of everything while they are visiting. You will be asked to pitch in here or there, but mainly this position is to transport the kids and be willing to do a puzzle or play a game while they visit. The kids are very adorable, outgoing, sweet, and silly. They love their Daddy very much and want as much time with him as possible.
Also, Mom requires someone with NO criminal background, previous experience with kids, and references. She herself used to be a Nanny, so she knows what to look for. We know this is a unique situation, but with the current status of the marriage and Mom seeking employment, it is VERY much needed. We are willing to pay up to $15.00 per hour. You must have a car, clean driving record, and insurance. Please email Mom and come be part of our fun family!
Another 2015 Bonus
* Bonus this year (2015): None (I just got a raise, because their second child was born in November)
* Your weekly salary: $11/hr
* Any supplementary gifts aside from the Bonus: $50 Visa Gift Card, socks, and my MB's mom gave me a $25 Starbucks gift card.
* Length of time you have worked for the Family: 10 months
* City, State and Country where you live: Central Texas
* Additional comments: This family has given many gifts throughout the year and are super generous. I'm lucky to be their nanny!
* Your weekly salary: $11/hr
* Any supplementary gifts aside from the Bonus: $50 Visa Gift Card, socks, and my MB's mom gave me a $25 Starbucks gift card.
* Length of time you have worked for the Family: 10 months
* City, State and Country where you live: Central Texas
* Additional comments: This family has given many gifts throughout the year and are super generous. I'm lucky to be their nanny!
2015 Bonus
Bonus this year (2015):$250
* Your weekly salary:$302.86 (after taxes)
* Any supplementary gifts aside from the Bonus: pretty pink winter headband(like the "hat" kind), super cute slippers, two pairs of Christmas socks and a good smelling lotion
* Length of time you have worked for the Family: since August 2014
* City, State and Country where you live: Menomonee Falls, WI USA
* Additional comments:
I love my family and am so grateful that I found them! They treat me very well through out the whole year! They always make me feel appreciated which is awesome :) I love the gifts they gave me, I would have picked them out myself, and they loved everything I gave them!
* Your weekly salary:$302.86 (after taxes)
* Any supplementary gifts aside from the Bonus: pretty pink winter headband(like the "hat" kind), super cute slippers, two pairs of Christmas socks and a good smelling lotion
* Length of time you have worked for the Family: since August 2014
* City, State and Country where you live: Menomonee Falls, WI USA
* Additional comments:
I love my family and am so grateful that I found them! They treat me very well through out the whole year! They always make me feel appreciated which is awesome :) I love the gifts they gave me, I would have picked them out myself, and they loved everything I gave them!
Let's hear from you....
2016 is almost upon us and we would like to know what you would like to see on ISYN. Post a comment or send us an email, just let us know!
Too Babied/or Spoiled?
Hi everyone. I have a situation and would like input from readers. I realize that a lot of readers are nannies and that some of you have worked in preschool programs prior to being a nanny. It is those of you who have previous preschool experience that I would like to have the advice from, however, all of you are more than welcome to leave a respectable, non judgmental comment. I have noticed that some readers can be very insulting and judgmental with comments based on what they read from OP, and some of the comments have been downright rude and uncalled for.
I work in a 2 year old room at a preschool and I love my co teacher, who is half my age; she is old enough to be my daughter, as are her sisters, both of who work there as well. This is my co-teacher's first job in a preschool, and she has no plans to remain in the field. We've been working together for a year, and she has come a along way, making strides in her "voice" (the teacher's voice), lesson plans, etc. The class we had was very challenging, and I needed a strong co-teacher, as my previous co-teacher was lazy, greener than Kermit, and clearly could not handle the classroom and the challenging behaviors. This young lady came in, and over the year, we have built a routine. Our boss came in and observed on crazy picture day (crazy being an understatement) and complimented us, stating that we work very well together as team. I love my co-teacher, and we tend to be "off" of sorts if one of us is sick or has the day off. Our routine is consistent (we don't always do the picture schedule) and other teachers have commented how calm our class is and how well they listen. Our class has two 3 year olds, seven 2.5 year olds (more like 2.9 years) and three 2 year olds. Quite the age range, and I love them with all my heart.
My issue is with my co teacher and a problem that I am trying to avoid is a child in my class who is obviously a "favorite". Now for those of you who have never worked in a preschool most likely think that having favorites is wrong, however, those of you who have worked in preschools prior to being a nanny understand where I am coming from. It's not hard to have "favorites", or should I say children that you bond with. I have them, and I have had them in other classes.
The child I am speaking of in particular is attached to my co-teacher's hip. We can leave the classroom to make copies, get supplies for art, do laundry if needed as long as we leave the teacher in the classroom in ratio. He is with her all the time, and she has even said she will not move him to another room (sometimes we move kids other room if needed for ratio purposes) because she is, as she said, "too attached to him". I'm not upset about that, because I understand.
He turns 3 in the beginning of April, and what I have seen is making me wonder if there is a problem, or if there will be a problem when he transitions to the three year old room:
A few months ago, I noticed during outside time that he tried to play my co teacher to get what he wanted, a toy that someone else was playing with. He attempted to take the toy from the child, and the child said, no, this is mine. I saw the entire exchange, and he started walking over to my co teacher, telling her that the other child took his toy-I stopped him and told him no, she would not help him get the toy because he tried taking it away from someone else, and that is not ok. I also told him if I saw it happen again where he tried taking a toy, he would be moved down the ladder to orange for not listening to friends' words.
Later that morning during center time, he was in the bathroom with her-he hangs all over her during the day. He came out of the bathroom, and attempted to take a toy from another child, again. I was cleaning the table from art and overheard the exchange between the two children. The other child said no, stop, it's mine. This child got upset and I asked him what was wrong. He said the other child took the toy from him, and I asked him if he was talking about the red bucket they were fighting over. The child said yes, I said I know you are upset, but that child was playing with the toy first while you were in the bathroom and it is their choice. I then announced clean up time, and I observed him walking over to my co teacher for comfort. I told him no, you may not go over to Miss ____, it is time to clean up our toys. You can go here. I gently walked him over to manipulative center, where he sat down and started crying over the toy. I asked him why he was crying, and he said it was because of the toy. I explained to him that the toy incident was over and we needed to clean up before lunch. She would've given him a hug, held and given him the toy, cuddling him because he was sad.
A few weeks later, he wanted a particular chair at the table. He was upset because someone else was sitting in the chair, and started pouting because he couldn't have the chair. I told him he could choose another seat or sit on the carpet, but he couldn't sit in that chair, because someone else was sitting there. He got upset and started crying. He eventually calmed down. I have seen him do this before and she just gives him the chair he wants, even if someone else is sitting there.
There was one day where he wouldn't eat lunch. She even mentioned to me that she was going to give him something else to snack on, because he wasn't eating. I politely explained to her that if she did that, he would expect it all the time, and wouldn't eat. She understood what I was trying to say, and I told her to encourage three bites of everything.
Another time he was having a meltdown I think (I don't remember) and he was crying because he wanted to her to sit next to him for lunch. His cry became louder, and I gave him the option to stop crying because it hurts our ears or to sit on the carpet until he was done. She tells me, "but ____, he is crying because he's sad and wants me to sit by him." That I understand why he was sad and being sad, but if I remember correctly, he was sad because he couldn't get something he wanted, and that caused his tears. I wasn't upset, but the crying was louder and getting louder, and that's why I was going to put him on the carpet until he stopped.
If I take something away from him, or tell him he will lose something for not listening, he will go to her and say "Miss ____, I want a hug." She them picks him up and coddles him. Last week I was setting out plates for breakfast and he was playing with his plate. I explained to him that if he continued to play with his plate, I would take it away. The next thing I know, he is sitting in her lap because he wanted comfort. This was on her day off....
The new thing now is that he cries from the time she leaves for the evening until his parents arrive to pick him up. Last Wednesday she was off, and she came in to drop something off. She stayed for nearly three hours (I didn't mind because I needed the help wrapping parent gifts, as wrapping wouldve taken forever with eleven kids and one teacher) and had a meltdown when she left. Today our center closed early due to weather, and I ended up leaving work at 930a. Two support staff members were in the classroom (my co teacher was off) and I believe that the long weekend, plus the change in teachers caused his rough drop off and meltdown when I left.
The thing I am concerned about is his transition to the three year old room and I am thinking if she doesn't stop babying and coddling him on demand, he will have a hard transition. I am not upset with her, because I've been there before and it's not hard to not like this little guy-he's sweet, smart and hilarious. Mom and Dad are dolls, and I also don't want the problem to get too out of hand where M and D notice a change at home.
I will admit, I baby and coddle him too, but I know where to draw the line. I've mentioned something to my director and my boss's assistant (who is a former director), both of whom told me I should talk to her. As a veteran of this field with nearly twenty years under my belt, I don't want to come across as a "it's my way or the highway" approach, as I have worked with teachers like that and it's not a great way to establish teamwork. I want to teach her to know when to walk away, and that by giving in all the time can and will create an issue. I honestly feel like she gives into him too much, as in she can walk away from him and let him cry it out. Maybe I'm old fashioned? I don't know. I have spoken with her about this, and she has said she doesn't like seeing him cry, so she does what she can to stop it. But giving in doesn't help.
Please feel free to give me your respectful, not harsh, non judgmental opinion. Is there a problem here, or my imagination?
I work in a 2 year old room at a preschool and I love my co teacher, who is half my age; she is old enough to be my daughter, as are her sisters, both of who work there as well. This is my co-teacher's first job in a preschool, and she has no plans to remain in the field. We've been working together for a year, and she has come a along way, making strides in her "voice" (the teacher's voice), lesson plans, etc. The class we had was very challenging, and I needed a strong co-teacher, as my previous co-teacher was lazy, greener than Kermit, and clearly could not handle the classroom and the challenging behaviors. This young lady came in, and over the year, we have built a routine. Our boss came in and observed on crazy picture day (crazy being an understatement) and complimented us, stating that we work very well together as team. I love my co-teacher, and we tend to be "off" of sorts if one of us is sick or has the day off. Our routine is consistent (we don't always do the picture schedule) and other teachers have commented how calm our class is and how well they listen. Our class has two 3 year olds, seven 2.5 year olds (more like 2.9 years) and three 2 year olds. Quite the age range, and I love them with all my heart.
My issue is with my co teacher and a problem that I am trying to avoid is a child in my class who is obviously a "favorite". Now for those of you who have never worked in a preschool most likely think that having favorites is wrong, however, those of you who have worked in preschools prior to being a nanny understand where I am coming from. It's not hard to have "favorites", or should I say children that you bond with. I have them, and I have had them in other classes.
The child I am speaking of in particular is attached to my co-teacher's hip. We can leave the classroom to make copies, get supplies for art, do laundry if needed as long as we leave the teacher in the classroom in ratio. He is with her all the time, and she has even said she will not move him to another room (sometimes we move kids other room if needed for ratio purposes) because she is, as she said, "too attached to him". I'm not upset about that, because I understand.
He turns 3 in the beginning of April, and what I have seen is making me wonder if there is a problem, or if there will be a problem when he transitions to the three year old room:
A few months ago, I noticed during outside time that he tried to play my co teacher to get what he wanted, a toy that someone else was playing with. He attempted to take the toy from the child, and the child said, no, this is mine. I saw the entire exchange, and he started walking over to my co teacher, telling her that the other child took his toy-I stopped him and told him no, she would not help him get the toy because he tried taking it away from someone else, and that is not ok. I also told him if I saw it happen again where he tried taking a toy, he would be moved down the ladder to orange for not listening to friends' words.
Later that morning during center time, he was in the bathroom with her-he hangs all over her during the day. He came out of the bathroom, and attempted to take a toy from another child, again. I was cleaning the table from art and overheard the exchange between the two children. The other child said no, stop, it's mine. This child got upset and I asked him what was wrong. He said the other child took the toy from him, and I asked him if he was talking about the red bucket they were fighting over. The child said yes, I said I know you are upset, but that child was playing with the toy first while you were in the bathroom and it is their choice. I then announced clean up time, and I observed him walking over to my co teacher for comfort. I told him no, you may not go over to Miss ____, it is time to clean up our toys. You can go here. I gently walked him over to manipulative center, where he sat down and started crying over the toy. I asked him why he was crying, and he said it was because of the toy. I explained to him that the toy incident was over and we needed to clean up before lunch. She would've given him a hug, held and given him the toy, cuddling him because he was sad.
A few weeks later, he wanted a particular chair at the table. He was upset because someone else was sitting in the chair, and started pouting because he couldn't have the chair. I told him he could choose another seat or sit on the carpet, but he couldn't sit in that chair, because someone else was sitting there. He got upset and started crying. He eventually calmed down. I have seen him do this before and she just gives him the chair he wants, even if someone else is sitting there.
There was one day where he wouldn't eat lunch. She even mentioned to me that she was going to give him something else to snack on, because he wasn't eating. I politely explained to her that if she did that, he would expect it all the time, and wouldn't eat. She understood what I was trying to say, and I told her to encourage three bites of everything.
Another time he was having a meltdown I think (I don't remember) and he was crying because he wanted to her to sit next to him for lunch. His cry became louder, and I gave him the option to stop crying because it hurts our ears or to sit on the carpet until he was done. She tells me, "but ____, he is crying because he's sad and wants me to sit by him." That I understand why he was sad and being sad, but if I remember correctly, he was sad because he couldn't get something he wanted, and that caused his tears. I wasn't upset, but the crying was louder and getting louder, and that's why I was going to put him on the carpet until he stopped.
If I take something away from him, or tell him he will lose something for not listening, he will go to her and say "Miss ____, I want a hug." She them picks him up and coddles him. Last week I was setting out plates for breakfast and he was playing with his plate. I explained to him that if he continued to play with his plate, I would take it away. The next thing I know, he is sitting in her lap because he wanted comfort. This was on her day off....
The new thing now is that he cries from the time she leaves for the evening until his parents arrive to pick him up. Last Wednesday she was off, and she came in to drop something off. She stayed for nearly three hours (I didn't mind because I needed the help wrapping parent gifts, as wrapping wouldve taken forever with eleven kids and one teacher) and had a meltdown when she left. Today our center closed early due to weather, and I ended up leaving work at 930a. Two support staff members were in the classroom (my co teacher was off) and I believe that the long weekend, plus the change in teachers caused his rough drop off and meltdown when I left.
The thing I am concerned about is his transition to the three year old room and I am thinking if she doesn't stop babying and coddling him on demand, he will have a hard transition. I am not upset with her, because I've been there before and it's not hard to not like this little guy-he's sweet, smart and hilarious. Mom and Dad are dolls, and I also don't want the problem to get too out of hand where M and D notice a change at home.
I will admit, I baby and coddle him too, but I know where to draw the line. I've mentioned something to my director and my boss's assistant (who is a former director), both of whom told me I should talk to her. As a veteran of this field with nearly twenty years under my belt, I don't want to come across as a "it's my way or the highway" approach, as I have worked with teachers like that and it's not a great way to establish teamwork. I want to teach her to know when to walk away, and that by giving in all the time can and will create an issue. I honestly feel like she gives into him too much, as in she can walk away from him and let him cry it out. Maybe I'm old fashioned? I don't know. I have spoken with her about this, and she has said she doesn't like seeing him cry, so she does what she can to stop it. But giving in doesn't help.
Please feel free to give me your respectful, not harsh, non judgmental opinion. Is there a problem here, or my imagination?
Kudos and a well needed pat on the back " I SAW YOUR NANNY IS GREAT!"
From: Glenn Greenhouse Ap 23 2015 via Business Insider:
I own Greenhouse Agency Ltd Domestic / Household Staffing firm. I've been in this business 30+ years finding staff for the HNW ( high net worth ) or commonly called the Rich and Famous.
"I saw your nanny" is great. It's sorta like "See Something,Say Something." Additionally,lot's of the posts I find amusing and that's from both sides. I've always thought " I heard it all" after so many years. Then, I hear a new "wild, crazy, or weird" story.
I applaud L.K. for creating a forum where both nanny and Boss can vent and express. I also believe " I Saw Your Nanny" may someday " keep everyone on their toes"
Glenn Greenhouse Agency Ltd
Response from present owner and admins: Thank you Glenn, maybe you can tell us a story or two. Even though all the nannies who contribute here are very good at their job, many of us believe ISYN may someday save a life if not already.
I own Greenhouse Agency Ltd Domestic / Household Staffing firm. I've been in this business 30+ years finding staff for the HNW ( high net worth ) or commonly called the Rich and Famous.
"I saw your nanny" is great. It's sorta like "See Something,Say Something." Additionally,lot's of the posts I find amusing and that's from both sides. I've always thought " I heard it all" after so many years. Then, I hear a new "wild, crazy, or weird" story.
I applaud L.K. for creating a forum where both nanny and Boss can vent and express. I also believe " I Saw Your Nanny" may someday " keep everyone on their toes"
Glenn Greenhouse Agency Ltd
Response from present owner and admins: Thank you Glenn, maybe you can tell us a story or two. Even though all the nannies who contribute here are very good at their job, many of us believe ISYN may someday save a life if not already.
What did you get for Christmas?
As soon as you get your Nanny Bonus, make sure you send it for all to read! It is one of ISYN's most popular Features and the Reader's can't wait to see what everyone got for 2015... good or bad! Please follow the format below and e-mail it to: isynblog@gmail.com.
* Bonus this year (2015):
* Your weekly salary:
* Any supplementary gifts aside from the Bonus:
* Length of time you have worked for the Family:
* City, State and Country where you live:
* Additional comments:
Our nannies got hired Christmas day to play with a TON of kids who were mostly Jewish, but all religions also as they wanted something fun to do on the holiday. Also a few of us got together and played our games and told our stories to some kids at a charity who had nothing, we did it for free for a MB who runs the charity. What was your most fun thing you di for the holidays? AND - we here at ISYN wish all of the readers posters and beyond and your families a very safe holiday season !!!!
Bad Things Do Happen
Even though we had previously agreed to have this week off for Christmas my nanny parents asked me to work today. My boss came home and told me she had a miscarriage ( doctor confirmed). I'm not sure what to do or say. Of course I said I was sorry but what else can I do. This is my first time I've had to go thru this with a family- I wish I could do more
The Nanny Time Bomb -
We have be in touch with Jak Burke, author of The Nanny Time Bomb. (For sale at Amazon) ttp://www.amazon.com/The-Nanny-Time-Bomb-Navigating/dp/1440835217. and she has given us permission to post about herself and her book.
A Little back story on Jak Burk, she became a nanny to families in Manhattan in 2004 while processing her immigration visa and later Green Card. She spent 10 years working as a nanny. Her book is based on a comprehensive analysis of the industry of U.S childcare. It is the first of its kind.
She has fabulous ideas and insights! Check out her book!
Here is the table of contents.
Table of Contents
Foreword: Dr Karen Kaufman
Introduction: My Story
Chapter 1, Why a Time Bomb? Risk Factors
The Intrinsic Needs of Infants
An Unlicensed Industry
Conflicted Parents, Frustrated Kids
Chapter 2, Nanny Archetypes: A Lottery of Trust
The Good
The Not-so-Good
The Criminal
Chapter 3, The Work: Intimate yet Invisible
o Hustling
o Surrogates
Chapter 4, Childcare's Caste System: Stratification
Mary Poppins: myth and fact
Mammy: slavery’s legacy
Parallel Lives: hidden workers
Chapter 5, Hostage Takers: When the Time Bomb Goes Off
When Nannies become killers: shock, collective disassociation, aftermath
Nanny Trapped: guilt, coercion, passive aggressive behavior
The 1%: privilege, power, pay
Chapter 6, Avoid a Time Bomb Now: Preventing the Unthinkable
Prevention: profiling good nannies, deter bad nannies
Surveillance: nanny cams, discovery, action
Management; transforming performance, training, revisiting day care
Chapter 7, Childcare Reform: The 3 Keys
Wages & Tax
Federal Reform
Here is the table of contents.
Table of Contents
Foreword: Dr Karen Kaufman
Introduction: My Story
Chapter 1, Why a Time Bomb? Risk Factors
The Intrinsic Needs of Infants
An Unlicensed Industry
Conflicted Parents, Frustrated Kids
Chapter 2, Nanny Archetypes: A Lottery of Trust
The Good
The Not-so-Good
The Criminal
Chapter 3, The Work: Intimate yet Invisible
o Hustling
o Surrogates
Chapter 4, Childcare's Caste System: Stratification
Mary Poppins: myth and fact
Mammy: slavery’s legacy
Parallel Lives: hidden workers
Chapter 5, Hostage Takers: When the Time Bomb Goes Off
When Nannies become killers: shock, collective disassociation, aftermath
Nanny Trapped: guilt, coercion, passive aggressive behavior
The 1%: privilege, power, pay
Chapter 6, Avoid a Time Bomb Now: Preventing the Unthinkable
Prevention: profiling good nannies, deter bad nannies
Surveillance: nanny cams, discovery, action
Management; transforming performance, training, revisiting day care
Chapter 7, Childcare Reform: The 3 Keys
Wages & Tax
Federal Reform
The Importance of Books - by Santa Claus
Last weekend at the home of my charges -Avalon subdivision in Richmond TX. we met Santa Claus and I was very proud of my charge who asked Santa for a special book for Christmas instead of a "hover thingy" lol. Santa said, " I love bringing toys to the children for Christmas, but i love bringing books even more.! Did you know that a book can be like a friend? Books are Santa's friends just like the elves are. I can hold them,smell them,look at them, read them almost anytime anywhere. My book friends contain ideas,facts,fantasy,opinions and history. They are good escapes. But now you can take a whole library with you anywhere! But nothing provides a light inside your heart more brightly than a printed book which only needs a small bit of light to touch and illuminate your heart and soul!
permission for pictures was given from matt at special events and kim castillo, mother of milo - the "world's loved boy"
permission for pictures was given from matt at special events and kim castillo, mother of milo - the "world's loved boy"
Stuck In The Basement
The Op of Stuck In The Basement asked for her post to be deleted , she expressed several times her gratitude in all of your time and advice and views - of course I told her we want to hear her update - and we will all look forward to that! - great job posters !
Interview Horror Stories, Let the red flags arise!!
As I reflect on my move back here eight years ago, I reflect on where I was in my career, and where I wanted to be back then, and being new (sort of) in town. At the time of my move, my work history was in terrible shape, largely due to working in low income childcare centers in a larger city-many of the centers I worked in either closed due to low enrollment, or I resigned, due to the center being a bad fit. Of course I had good jobs too, such as working for my best friend's aunt (we've been friends for nearly 13 years) or working retail, which paid decent money with seniority and time and a half on Sundays and holidays. My work history needing a makeover, I made the best of it, by having a decent resume and carefully choosing my words to answer questions for interviews, a dress rehearsal of sorts.
One of my first "interviews" was with a professor at the university and her attorney husband. I found the job listing as a nanny for their then infant daughter and decided to apply. The mother and I emailed back and forth, and she wanted a resume. I explained to her that I just moved back to town, and had no clue where anything was in terms of my hard drive copy. She said she understood and wanted me to send her what I had, so I did. I got a message back that stated " 'I wouldn't hire you if you were the last person on Earth. You are not qualified to watch my daughter, let alone a fly in my house.' " At the time, I had ten years experience in the field of early childhood education, having worked with all ages of children, including infants. No degree, nothing, but CPR certification.
That was pretty rude of her, considering she didn't even know me. I considered the fact that my crappy background and job hopping needed to be fixed, and I figured maybe it was the work history that bothered her. Understandable. To fix things, I applied for babysitting jobs to build my references and resume. One job in particular involved caring for three children under 7 years for a long Saturday wedding (a friend of the parent was getting married). The family wanted to develop a relationship with someone prior to the wedding so as to overwhelm anyone, making the transition easier. I contacted the family, and the mother answered the phone. During the conversation, she laughed at me the entire time, as she even said she thought it was hilarious that I was contacting her with my ten years experience working with children and families. " 'We're not interested because your way overqualified. I mean it's just babysitting' ". She hung up the phone and contacted me two weeks later, apologizing for hanging up and begging me to babysit, as the person she hired was 19, no experience, the kids were up way past their bedtime until 12a, and the house was a mess. I never called her back, because I was put off by her attitude.I was surprised that she had the nerve to laugh at me. Who does that to a prospective candidate?
The last interview I remember was with a nanny who was helping her NF find her replacement-an admirable thing and a sign of respect. I was interested in the position while emailing this nanny, and once I met this nanny in person (she was doing the interviewing) I was surprised by what I saw: an older nanny, mid to late 30's. Had she not said she was a nanny, I wouldn't have guessed she was a nanny. She was not warm and friendly, and as the interview went on, I was losing interest quickly. The reason for that was because of how she talked to me, her tone and the fact that she seemed like a real bitch. Toward the end of the interview, she asked me if she could offer some advice. Sure, I say, all ears. If you want to be a nanny she says, and taken seriously by agencies and families, you are going to want to change everything from your resume to your appearance. She pauses and looks at my feet. And the shoes too she says. Let's start with your resume. She makes corrections on it, and tells me what to wear, how to wear it. Finally she tells me that if I make those changes, I won't necessarily be hired, but I will have a better chance at being hired. After all, she tells me I have been a nanny for over twenty years, flips her hair, and I have been placed with only the best agencies. This caught my attention. Who have you worked with, I ask. She name drops, and I made it a point not to contact that agency, because I felt that if the nanny was that rude to me, I could only imagine what the owner was like.
And there are the families that don't even bother to take the time. I have gotten a few responses from families like this:
Thanks for your interest. We've had over 200 applications and don't have time to look through everyone. Best of luck in your search.
Yeah, OK. Sounds like a lazy parent. A few months later they are searching again. And again. And again.
And then the red flags:
A family I found in the local paper was searching for a nanny. I called the phone number with the ad, and asked a few questions about the position, such as the start date, etc. The father said he could not divulge that info because he didn't want too much information out there about his family. First interview question was about if his child was naughty, what would I do. Vague question, vague answer. He tells me he believes I am too strict and rigid, and that something must be wrong if I am not working in childcare. He asks what my current job is, and I tell him I work retail as a cashier. He tells me that he cannot believe I am a cashier and I really enjoy it. He then asks if I am single, have a boyfriend and what I look like-fit, fat, athletic. Begins to sound like something is off, and I could see the red flag flying high. I politely hang up the phone and feel weird about the entire thing, yet I learned how to recognize something I wasn't interested in.
Using an online resource, I was offered a babysitting job later that week. The job was decent money, and the parent wanted a background check. I had already been background checked (I have a copy of a background check in my portfolio and it was done prior to meeting this family), and I also understood her concerns. I get a message from the parent through the website requesting my background check. I clicked the button to send it to them. The day before I was supposed to babysit, I get a text message from the mother about how they were going to hold off on leaving me with their baby because they couldn't verify my social security number. OK, so why doesn't not being able to verify such personal info concern you? If I had something in my background, I wouldn't be working in a childcare center. This was a red flag to me, because anyone can sign up for a membership on a website and be duped. What did they really want my social for anyway?
Now, eight years later, I am working in a preschool, I love my class, my co workers and I found a great family that I nanny for part time. I realize now that those other jobs didn't happen for a reason. The family I work for is great-I love them and the kids are great too. DB fixed a minor issue with my car and even ordered the part for me. They offer me hours if one of them are off work, and I am so happy I found them.
So nannies, what have families said during interviews that made you turn down jobs? How did you know that the family you were interviewing with wasn't right for you? Tell me about some of the outrageous things families have said during interviews.
One of my first "interviews" was with a professor at the university and her attorney husband. I found the job listing as a nanny for their then infant daughter and decided to apply. The mother and I emailed back and forth, and she wanted a resume. I explained to her that I just moved back to town, and had no clue where anything was in terms of my hard drive copy. She said she understood and wanted me to send her what I had, so I did. I got a message back that stated " 'I wouldn't hire you if you were the last person on Earth. You are not qualified to watch my daughter, let alone a fly in my house.' " At the time, I had ten years experience in the field of early childhood education, having worked with all ages of children, including infants. No degree, nothing, but CPR certification.
That was pretty rude of her, considering she didn't even know me. I considered the fact that my crappy background and job hopping needed to be fixed, and I figured maybe it was the work history that bothered her. Understandable. To fix things, I applied for babysitting jobs to build my references and resume. One job in particular involved caring for three children under 7 years for a long Saturday wedding (a friend of the parent was getting married). The family wanted to develop a relationship with someone prior to the wedding so as to overwhelm anyone, making the transition easier. I contacted the family, and the mother answered the phone. During the conversation, she laughed at me the entire time, as she even said she thought it was hilarious that I was contacting her with my ten years experience working with children and families. " 'We're not interested because your way overqualified. I mean it's just babysitting' ". She hung up the phone and contacted me two weeks later, apologizing for hanging up and begging me to babysit, as the person she hired was 19, no experience, the kids were up way past their bedtime until 12a, and the house was a mess. I never called her back, because I was put off by her attitude.I was surprised that she had the nerve to laugh at me. Who does that to a prospective candidate?
The last interview I remember was with a nanny who was helping her NF find her replacement-an admirable thing and a sign of respect. I was interested in the position while emailing this nanny, and once I met this nanny in person (she was doing the interviewing) I was surprised by what I saw: an older nanny, mid to late 30's. Had she not said she was a nanny, I wouldn't have guessed she was a nanny. She was not warm and friendly, and as the interview went on, I was losing interest quickly. The reason for that was because of how she talked to me, her tone and the fact that she seemed like a real bitch. Toward the end of the interview, she asked me if she could offer some advice. Sure, I say, all ears. If you want to be a nanny she says, and taken seriously by agencies and families, you are going to want to change everything from your resume to your appearance. She pauses and looks at my feet. And the shoes too she says. Let's start with your resume. She makes corrections on it, and tells me what to wear, how to wear it. Finally she tells me that if I make those changes, I won't necessarily be hired, but I will have a better chance at being hired. After all, she tells me I have been a nanny for over twenty years, flips her hair, and I have been placed with only the best agencies. This caught my attention. Who have you worked with, I ask. She name drops, and I made it a point not to contact that agency, because I felt that if the nanny was that rude to me, I could only imagine what the owner was like.
And there are the families that don't even bother to take the time. I have gotten a few responses from families like this:
Thanks for your interest. We've had over 200 applications and don't have time to look through everyone. Best of luck in your search.
Yeah, OK. Sounds like a lazy parent. A few months later they are searching again. And again. And again.
And then the red flags:
A family I found in the local paper was searching for a nanny. I called the phone number with the ad, and asked a few questions about the position, such as the start date, etc. The father said he could not divulge that info because he didn't want too much information out there about his family. First interview question was about if his child was naughty, what would I do. Vague question, vague answer. He tells me he believes I am too strict and rigid, and that something must be wrong if I am not working in childcare. He asks what my current job is, and I tell him I work retail as a cashier. He tells me that he cannot believe I am a cashier and I really enjoy it. He then asks if I am single, have a boyfriend and what I look like-fit, fat, athletic. Begins to sound like something is off, and I could see the red flag flying high. I politely hang up the phone and feel weird about the entire thing, yet I learned how to recognize something I wasn't interested in.
Using an online resource, I was offered a babysitting job later that week. The job was decent money, and the parent wanted a background check. I had already been background checked (I have a copy of a background check in my portfolio and it was done prior to meeting this family), and I also understood her concerns. I get a message from the parent through the website requesting my background check. I clicked the button to send it to them. The day before I was supposed to babysit, I get a text message from the mother about how they were going to hold off on leaving me with their baby because they couldn't verify my social security number. OK, so why doesn't not being able to verify such personal info concern you? If I had something in my background, I wouldn't be working in a childcare center. This was a red flag to me, because anyone can sign up for a membership on a website and be duped. What did they really want my social for anyway?
Now, eight years later, I am working in a preschool, I love my class, my co workers and I found a great family that I nanny for part time. I realize now that those other jobs didn't happen for a reason. The family I work for is great-I love them and the kids are great too. DB fixed a minor issue with my car and even ordered the part for me. They offer me hours if one of them are off work, and I am so happy I found them.
So nannies, what have families said during interviews that made you turn down jobs? How did you know that the family you were interviewing with wasn't right for you? Tell me about some of the outrageous things families have said during interviews.
Question for nannies and employers
Where have you had most success finding a care giver or family to work with? I would like to interview with wealthy families who have the means to provide a generous salary. I have impressive experience and references to provide. Should I utilize an agency or conduct my own search? The websites I've used in the past seem to be filled with parents seeking to pay very little for a full week of care.
This post may make me sound like a greedy nanny, but I'm burnt out on working for middle class families who really can't afford private care.
This post may make me sound like a greedy nanny, but I'm burnt out on working for middle class families who really can't afford private care.
Holiday or Non Holiday Pay.... That is the question.
Hey there! I have a question for what is the norm for policies with nanny help. My nanny usually works for me on Tues and Thurs. This year Christmas eve and New Years eve fall on a Thurs so I gave her the option of not coming in to work if she had other plans. However since she is not coming in on those days I was not going to pay her for them because they are not technically holidays. I give her the day off on holidays and still pay her for that day normally. As she is part time there are no policies regarding vacation/sick days etc.
She brought up to me today that she thinks she should be paid for those days and I told her that they were not actual holidays so normally in a workplace you would still have to work those days. I said that if it were Christmas or New Year day then I def would give a paid day off, but those are not actual holidays so if she decides not to work on them I'm not going to pay her for them.
Mt question is am I making the wrong call on this. Do people normally give their help off on the eve of holidays and still pay for that day? I obviously want her to be happy, but I do not want to start a precedent of being taken advantage of and paying for non-holidays. Should I pay her a little more in way of her bonus to keep her happy? I really don't want to lose her help as she has been with us for years and I am happy with her. Please advise
The family who posted the "Bad Room" was a highly illegal posting. I copy and pasted the law and made a "RE:____" posting. I called them out on the wage posted, used a .gov site that had all the laws posted, and summarized it.
After my RE:post many caregivers e-mailed me thanking me for the laws they didn't know about. One told me how she just finished up a court case and won. I then got the e-mail from the OG family, upset, but they still fixed their post.
The new job is barely legal, a few labor laws with the wage are unanswered. The new wage of the job averages to about $10.12/hour and the going rate for a nanny in this area is $13-18/hour for a child.
My RE Posting:
The original poster is looking for a care provider to live in the home, rent free, while proving 25 hours a week of work. At the wage posted of $12/hour the room is said be be $1,200/month. Bellow I will break down how this is unacceptable from a very legal stand point. I do hope this family reads this and re-thinks the job they are posting. If this family is not smart enough to re-think their job posting, I hope the hire a caregiver who knows the law and has the guts to sue them for back wages.
The use of an employee's car is to be paid at 57.5 cents per mile, the original job requires the person to have their own car-- On average a nanny or child care provider will drive about 10 miles round trip with children in the car. The use of the car at minimum is $115/month(on average).
According to this web page: https://www.dir.ca.gov/t8/11040.html ; §11040. Order Regulating Wages, Hours, and Working Conditions in Professional, Technical, Clerical, Mechanical, and Similar Occupations, under line 10::
10. Meals and Lodging.
(A) "Meal" means an adequate, well-balanced serving of a variety of wholesome, nutritious foods.
(B) "Lodging" means living accommodations available to the employee for full-time occupancy which are adequate, decent, and sanitary according to usual and customary standards. Employees shall not be required to share a bed.
(C) Meals or lodging may not be credited against the minimum wage without a voluntary written agreement between the employer and the employee. When credit for meals or lodging is used to meet part of the employer's minimum wage obligation, the amounts so credited may not be more than the following:
Meals: Breakfast ($2.45) + Lunch ($3.35) + Dinner ( $4.50) = Daily $10.30, 7 days a week= $72.10, 28 days (1 month) = $288.40
Room: Occupied alone $31.75/week; aka $127/month.
Apartment: Apartment - two-thirds (2/3) of the ordinary rental value, and in no event more than $381.20/month.
In other words:
A.) Meals+Room= $415.40/month in value. Job should be paying an additional $784.60/month for 25 hours a week, at the base rate of $12/hour
B.) Meals+ Apartment = $669. 60/month in value. Job should be paying an additional $530.40/month for 25 hours a week, at the base rate of $12/hour.
C.) MILES and use of the employee's car NEEDS to be paid according to the IRS's mileage rate currently 57.5 cents per mile driven for the job.
I am a fairly reasonable person who is able to see the middle ground, if this was a private room with a private attached bathroom I could see if falling between the governments listing of Apartment/Room. Being reasonable, for such a private room I'd go as far to say an additional income of just $657.50 would be a fair compromise.
But lets really look at this job's posting. $12/hour for child care, meal prep, and house cleaning? House cleaners make $20-25/hour, and that is all they do. Personal chefs, also make a conservative amount averaging $20-25/hour (I am assuming this family wants the meal prep done for the parents, not just the children-- this is why I bring it up). Both House Cleaners and Personal Chefs however, do not usually work on an hourly rate but a flat rate biased on the job.
Nannies, with experience greater then 2 years with CPR certification and trust-line certified (all nannies should have at minimum both of these), make on average $13-18/hour for ONE child. I have been a nanny here for 10 years, I have been a live-in for 4 of those years, working 25 hours a week for JUST a room is unexceptionable and even for the rates I spelled out legally.
Contract ending....Need Advice
My contract ends in September of next year but my nanny family is already actively pursuing preschools. Although they haven't said so, I fully expect to be let go before September if the twins get in. The programs are competitive and they will have to take an in when it comes. I completely understand, although the uncertainty makes me nervous. In the past, families have paid me through our contract date, even if I was no longer needed. We haven't discussed this at all, so I'm not sure if this is something they plan to do.
I have been working on my resume and gathering my letters of recommendation so I'm as prepared as possible. What more should I be doing? Should I go ahead and start job searching? They are touring another preschool this evening, which has no wait list. This makes me especially nervous that they plan to let me go soon. I have no almost savings and can not be out of a job more than a week or two.
Crazy Holiday Days and Games
I always buy Easter Eggs on sale and any holiday can be a filled egg holiday including thanksgiving. I like to have games that teach and the parents do very well - teaching sharing, they all get the same amount even though they run around, and saving - I also save shiny pennies all year and their mom teaches them to save.
Picture permitted and no the young man on the right was not encouraged to eat a plastic egg, he was gently pounced upon and counseled by 3 adults a small second after the pic was taken. lol
Picture permitted and no the young man on the right was not encouraged to eat a plastic egg, he was gently pounced upon and counseled by 3 adults a small second after the pic was taken. lol

Holiday Paydays
We apologize to the OP for not getting this post up last week, but since we have another holiday coming up we thought it was still relevant.
Thanksgiving is next Thursday and I assume I'll have at least Thursday and Friday off (employers haven't told me yet). I am paid bi-weekly and that Friday will be my pay day. The last time a holiday fell on pay day I didn't ask for my check ahead of time and had to wait until I returned to work Monday. How does everyone handle this? My employers pay me for holiday time off so I feel greedy asking for my check on Wednesday, even though I realize that's perfectly acceptable.
I wish I could just count on them paying me Wednesday without me prompting. They are extremely forgetful when it comes to paying me and I always have to ask for my check.
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