
What did you get for Christmas?

As soon as you get your Nanny Bonus, make sure you send it for all to read! It is one of ISYN's most popular Features and the Reader's can't wait to see what everyone got for 2015... good or bad! Please follow the format below and e-mail it to:

* Bonus this year (2015):
* Your weekly salary:
* Any supplementary gifts aside from the Bonus:
* Length of time you have worked for the Family:
* City, State and Country where you live:
* Additional comments:


Anonymous said...

* Bonus this year (2015): S250 Plus random Thank yous throughout the year
* Your weekly salary:$550
* Any supplementary gifts aside from the Bonus: treats for my pups
* Length of time you have worked for the Family: 13 months
* City, State and Country where you live: Commerce Mi
* Additional comments: The family and I played it very low key this year as they are coping with a tragedy. They are a wonderful family and I could not been a happier nanny.

Anonymous said...

I nanny share for two families. Neither family needed my care for two full weeks during Christmas and New Years

2015 bonus :
Family A- $300 cash (but the two weeks off were unpaid)
Family B- $300 , plus paid my regular salary for the two weeks off.

Weekly Salary:
Family A- $150 (part time)
Family B- $300 (full time)

Other gifts:
Family A- a Christmas tree ornament
Family B- none

Length of time with family:
Family A- 6 years
Family B- 9 months

Location: Portland Oregon

A.T. said...

* Bonus this year (2015): $500
* Your weekly salary: Part time at $16 per hour
* Any supplementary gifts aside from the Bonus: New Purse
* Length of time you have worked for the Family: 2 years
* City, State and Country where you live: Ann Arbor, MI

Anonymous said...

200 gift certificate to my fave store plus cashmere sweater.
10 to 13.50 per hour for 1 or 2 children.
5 years with family in Morris County, NJ.
Now down to about 25 hrs a week due to school time. Kids 3 and 5, poorly behaved, I am underpaid, never pay for their vacation time off, time to move on.

whydoistay? said...

zero! not a phone call, card, or gift.
sometimes they throw some money on the first paycheck of the year.
i am really crossing my fingers for that because my debt is insane from grad school.

Unknown said...

* Bonus this year (2015): $1,000 plus they paid me my salary for the week off, which is something they always do. I told my boss about a month ago when we were taking about Xmas traditions that my favorite was getting stocking because my mom stuffed it and wrapped every gift inside. So my sweet boss did the samething for me which was really nice since this is the first Xmas without my mom since she passed away in July. She knows I love flavored olive oils so she put 4 different ones in the stocking, plus she even wrapped the check, she added a cute letter from my charge about everything she likes best about me and what her favorite thing to do with me is, etc. it was very sweet!
* Your weekly salary: $680.00
* Any supplementary gifts aside from the Bonus: mentioned above, my boss is one of the sweetest, most thoughtful people I know. I really feel like apart of there family.
* Length of time you have worked for the Family: 16 months
* City, State and Country where you live:Walnut Creek, CA
* Additional comments:I love my job, we haven't had one issue, we even go out to dinners on our own because we like each other so much!

Mamie said...

Nanny Share

Bonus: $500 (split between each family)
Family A (full-time): $400-$480 (depends on Family B's hours)
Family B (part-time with pick-up days): $240-$400
Both: Locket with both babies' pictures in it
Family A: $50 gift card to the movies
Family B: $50 gift card to Toys 'R Us for a Christmas present for my son (7yrs)
Amount of time with family: Almost 11 months
Location: Seattle, WA

Anonymous said...

I love how it says to EMAIL your responses and everyone who reads this blog left their response in the comments. Nice.

Ss4857 said...

Email, leave a comment, as long as it gets seen, whats the difference? Not a big deal...

Ss4857 said...

Email, leave a comment, as long as it gets seen, whats the difference? Not a big deal...

Anonymous said...

Bonus this year (2015): 200.00 gift card to one of my favorite stores
* Your weekly salary: Part time (around 17 hours a week) 350.00 (includes weekly gas allowance also)
* Any supplementary gifts aside from the Bonus: thank you cards
* Length of time you have worked for the Family: ~4 months
* City, State and Country where you live: Bay Area, CA
* Additional comments: Great family to work for; parent(s) usually come home early but always pay me for the full hours and the kids are honestly a blast to be with. I use to work as a preschool teacher or full time nanny but have decided to go in a different career direction and am back in school so this will be the last family I will be providing childcare for. Great to end my career Working with children on a good note :)

Lacy said...

No bonus. Got a shirt, coffee cup and coffee gift card. 2 weeks paid off.
*I work 12 hours a week (3 days) $240/week-- no driving, nanny car.
*6 months with the family
*Bay Area, CA
*They are a good family, I was initially hired at 6 hours a week (2 days) but after my last family let me go (for refusing to drive a 5 year old w/o a car seat) they increased my hours.

Other job: I work at a school, so no bonus, crummy pay, but I like it.

Summer: I plan on getting a NF for 30+ hours a week (4 days)

Anonymous said...

Bonus - 1200
Full time 40 hours -600
No other gifts but the money was perfect & got the whole week off paid off also :-)
Been working here for 8 months .

Anonymous said...

I work for two families.
Family A gave me 100$
Unpaid for the week only work 10 hrs week going on 2 years with them

Family B gave me $500 and the boys picked me out a scarf and gloves.
I work 29 hrs a week and get paid 12.50 but get perks
I've been with the family 6mo but am loved and contracted for two years �� I also get a gift basket each holiday with candles, movie gift certificate and knickknacks the kids pick out

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

$500 bonus plus gift card to a spa plus jewelry and small gifts from kids/parents.
Week off with pay
40hrs $990 including gas
3 children have been with family for 3 yrs and full time since summer.
Bay area, CA
Really love the children and the mom and dad.

Anonymous said...

Bonus 2,500
Tory Burch handbag
Tiffanys mini heart necklace from kids
8 days off, paid for the Christmas/New Year holiday
52 hrs a week 1,274
2 years with family
Boston MA suburbs

Anonymous said...

2,500 bonus
Tory Burch handbag
Tiffanys mini heart necklace from kids
8 days off paid,for xmas break
Full time 52 hrs 1,274 weekly
2 years with family
Boston MA suburbs

Anonymous said...

Bonus: $0
My nanny family did get me two very nice Christmas gifts, a watch and a bracelet and they gave me a week off and said they'd reach out to me to pay me for it. They haven't yet.
Part time now that the kids are in school: 22.5 hours a week at 17.00 an hour. I do too much and take on anything that is asked of me even if it has nothing to do with child care. I have even put off finding a new full time job because they express how much they need me.
Length of time with family: almost 3 years
One year they paid me for my week off and one year they didn't. I was honestly scared this year they wouldn't too.

I do love the family and give them the best and most loving care, but it has taken a toll on me to be everything for them. I am searching for a new job now.

Location CT

Puggles said...

To the snooty one who is bashing in the comments. I emailed my response, and I see it copy and pasted here in the comments by anonymous. Obviously it's the page admin posting most of these rather than the submitting nannies. Take a chill pill

Bina said...

I got $40 and a week unpaid!