I saw this nanny yesterday at a San Diego park, and couldn't believe what I saw and heard. She was the nanny to two school age children, an older boy named Gabriel and a younger girl named Ari (I think it was short for Arianna). The kids were playing on the playground, and the nanny spent the entire time either texting on her phone or yelling at the children. There was one point when the boy had just gone down the slide, and the little girl came down behind him and kicked him in the back, pretty hard and on purpose. The nanny did not witness the encounter as I had, so when the boy tried to explain what happened and why he was crying, the nanny told him to stop bullying his sister and to grow up and be a man. I tried to help the little boy by explaining to the woman what happened and she said to mind my own business and that the boy is just trying to cause trouble. The boy got really upset and walked to the edge of the park to sulk, and the nanny continued yelling at him. She said over and over that his dad would be disgusted by his behavior and that he needed to act like a man.
It appeared that later the nanny had gotten a phone call from the dad saying he got home early and asking them to come back home. She started gathering up the two children in her care, and they were giving her some resistance. She finally left, leaving the two kids behind, and started walking away. She got to the farthest edge of the park, turned around and yelled threats at them and they finally came. As they were walking away (still in eye shot and ear shot) the little girl was dilly dallying as the nanny called it so the nanny grabbed her by the arm and dragged her pretty forcefully the rest of the way (or until I couldn't see her). I'm not 100% sure if this was the nanny, it possibly could have been the grandmother, but I still think the parents deserve to know what this caregiver is doing to their children. Where is the love, the care, or the compassion?

Send your nanny sighting to isynblog@gmail.com. Confidentiality Guaranteed.
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This just prooves that because someone is an older person doesn't automatically make them a kinder more responsible nanny.
thank you for taking the time to post this, so maybe the kids can be protected
Whether it was a nanny, friend, or relative is no excuse for this woman's behavior. Thanks for posting!
These kids sound annoying and the nanny/grandmother(which is what I believe her to be) looks sick and tired of being her families hired help. I think that many times grand parents are elicited to baby sit because they are "supposed" to adore being around their grand kids 24/7 and will do it for free. It's not fair to the children or to the grandma or grandpa, but I see it happen all the time- even in my family. My grandma is the free and easy sitter but she is getting older and her children just don't seem to care that 72 year old grammy isn't what she used to be doesn't want to/can't chase after a 3 year old twin boys anymore.
Back to the sighting though;She is wearing what looks like a work badge around her neck, so I really don't believe she is the nanny.
Nobody ever said that a older person makes one a more kinder or responsible nanny.
Too bad this was not your caregiver when you were younger. This is not about the trials of grandparents. Stay on topic. This is about the children being mistreated. It seems like you are annoyed by children. Hope you are not a nanny.
@fact check
Maybe not in this thread, but many parents say they want an older provider assuming she will be kinder and more responsible than a younger person.
This sighting just shows that isn't always the case.
She is not a nanny, she has a work badge around her neck for crying out loud.
And yes some children are annoying. Just because I recognize that and don't live under the happy pink flower cloud that all children are glorious smiling angels is not a sin.
Again this post is not about "some children" it's about the actual children involved. Are you reading the same post? Talking on the phone, texting, and yelling at the children the entire time.
I'd just like to remark, Jenna, that there is NEVER a time a little boy should be told to "act like a man." That's bullshit. Are men not allowed to cry? Or care? Or feel? I hate those gender stereotypical words, and there is never a time when someone should use them.
When my daughter gets a time out and she cries about it, I tell her to "take it like a man."
Just saying.
Good luck in expecting children to behave like adults...even some adults haven't mastered that :)
I'm willing to believe this is the grandmother too. Regardless, she needs to learn a couple of things about childcare if she's going to spend this much time with her grandchildren. The worst part (if it is a Grandma, not nanny) is that the kids can't complain to the parents about the way she treats them. My immediate thought was "If the kids are older, why haven't they told their parents yet?" But then I saw the pictures and it makes sense.
This will be so much worse if this is a relative.
A nanny can be fired and replaced.
Family would be so much harder to change behavior.
If it is family it doesn't sound like the Dad would see anything worng with how she speaks to his son.
Poor little boy, and people wonder why so many adult men have have issues expressing themselves.
Haha because no one was ever yelled at by their family members before.So stupid.
Dr Juris, YES! 100% agree!
The argument of "she cant be the nanny because she is wearing a work badge" is not entirely valid. I worked for a nanny agency in Arizona that required us to wear the agency t-shirt as well as a laminated badge on a lanyard.
Nanny, Grandparent, Parent... it doesn't matter... nobody should be talking to kids in this manner. Especially in public. I think this is a good bad nanny sighting no matter what relationship this lady has to the kids, so that the parents can make an informed decision about their child care.
She is dressed for an office job esp with that work badge. I vote for grandma. I bet the parents know. At least one of them would, since she raised them.
You tell it Dr. Juris- AGREE! Thank you for speaking to that! Not only discounting of feelings but shames a child for something being wrong for their very being. *crimge*
As children feel they are discounted, they start to rebel and act out, seeking the acknowledgement and attention they needed all along. This is a classic example and a pattern that can go on for YEARS. So many power struggles can be de- escalated with a simple sentence of acknowledging a child's ideas/ feelings. This is how a bully is born!
East Bay, completely agree. But I'll also point out that this kind of child-rearing is exactly why we have so many adult men who cannot identify their emotions and are not sensitive to their wives.
Mannah- Yeppers! Part of the picture for sure.
OP I live in San Diego...which park was this at?
I think it was the Grandma as well for some odd reason.
Poor little munchkins.
This is just sad.
It is a park near University Heights.
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