Hi there, I was wondering if you could help me with getting the word out about the below nanny. Thanks! LD a member of my Upper West Side mommy network saw a nanny who was passed out on a Riverside Park bench yesterday. The baby she was “caring” for was next to her resting in a stroller. LD literally had to shake the nanny to wake her. Please forward this to any moms who may know who this nanny is. I have also posted about it on my mommy blog:

The things that could have happened to that baby.
Sounds like nanny is not getting enough sleep. Working too hard perhaps.
thank you for taking the time to make us aware of this very scary situation,give us any updates
Wow, glad this didn't have a tragic ending. Thanks for being vigilant.
Hope she gets fired. Really do not care if she was tired. She could have been passed out from drinking for all we know.
Hi, MMP- can you change the state in the header to NY from CA, this is Riverside Park in NYC. Thanks.
Holy crap! This gives a whole new dimension to the "nanny sleeping at work" debate!
For sure all-time-low! Even using the kid's blanket and having the nerve to going back to sleep ugh.
I'm glad no one was hurt or kidnapped.
Lol, Mannah!
Proof Positive.
That is horrible! No excuse! She deserves to be fired, aNd truthfully, she should be arrested for child endangerment.
I wonder if she is suffering from a medical condition. I remember before we had medical insurance, I would literally pass out while babysitting @ nap time. At night, Id be up for a few hours wailing out in extreme pain. It was hell. I could NOT keep my eyes open all day. It just was not possible. The lack of sleep is awful. Having your body go through that extreme pain & stress is also exhausting. If its not a medical condition, then I feel disgust & no pity. If its medical, I feel so sorry for her.
So if she was woken up, why would witnesses allow her to go back to sleep? At that point it's a witness' responsibility to call the police- agree with Lyn.
Are parents perhaps out of town? When was her last break?
June, you're right we don't know if it is the nanny. But really, who cares?
Disabled, if this person has a medical condition so bad that she passes out all the time or is in severe pain, she doesn't need to be a nanny. Sorry if that sounds harsh.
Well, what would you suppose she do? Pick money off the money tree? If she is disabled I'm sure she would quit if she had another way to survive.
CleaverJune, you have a valid point but my gut says this is a nanny and not a new mom. A new mom would likely be napping at home, not in a park. As a former nanny and now new mom, I can say I would never have felt comfortable napping on the job as a nanny but now as a new mom I nap at home when baby is sleeping all the time! No need to do it in a park where my baby could be kidnapped!!
I'm sorry I don't care who it is or what is going on with her, it's UNACCEPTABLE and downright DANGEROUS. What is the statistic now, every how often a child is kidnapped? She is endangering that child and making some pedophile wackos job easy. I wouldnt dare sleep with my dog on a leash in a public place much less a child! I consider myself to be pretty open minded but I feel certain I would have called the cops on this one. Like pp said, mom can nap at home, not in a public place, especially one as crime filled as this one! My goodness I would even rather my nanny (hypothetical) sleep at the house if she needs to sleep that badly. I think this is the most appalling and terrifying sighting I have ever read on this site. I can only pray this child isnt one of the millions who end up missing.
Wow. Just wow.
What if it is the mom and she has PPD? Or even PPP? Mothers in that state tend not to think too clearly.
Burned out nanny...this lady needs to be fired right now!
What this pic shows is absolutely unacceptable to me!!
Anything could have happened to this poor child. Thank God nothing did.
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