
Should Nanny Allow Homeless Friends to Squat in Employer's Empty Home?

Received Friday, January 16, 2009
Perspective & Opinion Here is my dilemma. I work for someone with lots of money and no money worries. Life is good for me and for who I work for. The problem is a lot of people I know have been having rough times lately. Family members have been asking to borrow from me and stuff like that. I try to help out as much as I can because I believe that if you can that you should and that it all comes back on you.

I have a friend that is being thrown out of his place. He has a girlfriend, too. They need to save money to get a new place. Meanwhile, my boss has a home that is not occupied and still has water and electric on. It is in the process of being sold. It is a big house and here is what my friend wants from me. To be able to stay in the house at night. Just to sleep there in sleeping bags and blankets on the floor in a small room with the heat on and to shower. They would hide all of their stuff in the attic in the morning and be out of the house by 7 in the morning. They also promised they wouldn't go to the house until after 10. They are also aware that no extra lights can show up or there is a chance someone might see something. I really trust my friend.

The truth is he is my exbf and saved my life once, literally. That is a different story. But if I let my bf and his girlfriend have access to the house, am I committing a crime? I would never steal but please understand that people I know are on very tough financial times and not because of their own doing. This is an unoccupied house that has been on the market for a year.
Even as I type this, I think I am going to help them out. It is just too sad not to. And just think, how many abandoned, empty houses there are everywhere. And this one has heat and water.


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Anonymous said...

Hmm, posted earlier, not sure what happened. Sweetie, with over 200 replies, this thread does not need any help from me to "get it going".

As for the other thread, we are now waiting to hear from the OP if my hunch on her is fact or fiction. She posted once more but avoided the question.

Anonymous said...

Girl are you crazy?????

They probably already know and got a camera on you to see how long you keep it up. They will notice the electric bill& water bill is going up. They are probably waiting for you to tell. Please don;t be silly they are not stupid. i would come clean and let them know what you have been doing and let them hold back a check from you and you work for free to make up for lying if you feel so guilty.

Anonymous said...

Twinone makes an excellent point. One that I had thought of in passing, and am actually surprised no one has commented on, at least not that I noticed. So, sorry if I missed that but, OP, how in the hell are you going to explain the rise in the cost of utilities? If you don't think for one minute the homeowner won't notice, you really are crazy! And they will know someone has been there!! You are going to get caught, and when you do, please let us know what happened, ok?

Anonymous said...

My you ladies sure let your midwestern bumpkin-ness shine right through, don't you?

If you have a large home, it takes a significant change to affect the utilities. I trust OP has advised her tennants to be mindful of that. The heat is on in the house, did you miss that? There are lights on a timer. Did you miss that? Since we don't know how long the house was vacant and if it has been on a regular timer for how long, there is no mainline frame for what the utilities should be. When my utility bills come, I pay them. I don't consider them. When I go to buy munster cheese, I grab the block that looks most appealing. I don't look at the price. I don't count my change when I leave a store and I don't eyeball the cashier to make sure she isn't 'trying to cheat me'.

Life's too short to be so persnickety. I am sure some things get by me, but I'm not losing sleep over it.

Anonymous said...

tisofthee, you don't check these things over? I guess I'm what you would consider "persnickety!" That must be my first name. I'm the kind of person who will stall a line in the grocery store if I don't get the price that was listed on the shelf.

I hope this family does the same. I notice everything about my utilities! And I think the water bill will be the most significant.

Even if this nanny doesn't get caught here, she will be let go eventually. I've had a nanny who we all loved and adored at the beginning, but eventually as she got more and more comfortable her lazy attitude began to show more and more. She was fired in the end for simply not keeping up with our standards.

Bad character shines through eventually, let that be a word to the wise for all nannies.

Anonymous said...

You are exactly wrong. I have had small houses and now I have a big one. A one or two degree change in the heat or air conditioner makes a significant, too big to overlook even in a hasty bill paying frenzy, difference in the bill in this big house.(More space to make comfortable...and I have never lived where it is regularly extremely cold.) I suspect that if the heat was on at all in this house to begin with, it was set way down low...just enough to keep things from freezing, because who wants to pay an arm and a leg to heat an empty house? (We keep ours only modestly heated and in a cold month my bill can be close to a thousand dollars...and as I said, we don't live where its regularly all that cold.)If OPs friends have turned the heat on, she will be caught the moment the bill arrives...but her "friends" will have moved on, leaving them free from being caught and her holding the bag. Some friends.

PS I doubt OP will be posting here when she gets caught...but maybe her employer will post?

Anonymous said...

re: Tisofthee: " When I go to buy munster cheese, I grab the block that looks most appealing"

Did you mean muenster? Or do you buy cheese made out of old TV shows?

Anonymous said...

Come to think of it, I haven't seen hide nor hair of Eddie or Grandpa in years! hehehe

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Whoops, I meant that to Tisofthee, not Persnickety.

Anonymous said...

cm..whats with the anonymous post? Looks like you change your moniker a bit too! You go girl!

Anonymous said...

Hmm, yes that was me about the cheese, not sure why it came up anon.

Mich said...

Many of my CL postings have been flagged. What about everyone else? I can't remember who it was now (sorry) but someone mentioned a newspaper,did they do anything about it?

Anonymous said...

Only one of my several CL posts got flagged. I don't know why, but they're still there!

Anonymous said...

Do you know that the police can track your question back to you? BAM in jail...

Jane Doe said...

No one is tracking anything. So many more important things are going on in the world. I swear.

Anonymous said...

I think it is ok as long as no one finds out of course. I might do the same for a friend, especially one who saved my life. It is absolutely disgusting that a house is just sitting there with no occupants, with the heat and hot water on. Talk about a waste! There are people about to be homeless or homeless already and some people are so filthy rich they have a house just sitting there! Some people are so rich and they just keep spending, they should be condemned! Believe me I am not jealous it justs disgusts me that it is almost impossible to afford 1 house here on long island, meanwhile there are people that own 2,3,4,6,7 and even more!! Talk about flaunting your riches, God is not happy with people like that, you are suppose to help out your fellow brothers and not hoard your wealth and live in excess!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I just enjoy reading the comments. :)

Anonymous said...

Only four more days left and everything is going well. I know from my employer that the realtor is not showing it often and even when the realtor does show it, the realtor has suggested it is more curious people than serious buyers.

The weather has been cold, so rather than jack up the heat for a significant portion of the house, I brought them a space heater from the drugstore. Don't worry, it's a safety model.

I haven't had any problems with them except Monday night they ordered from Waiter on the run. This made me mad because it was risky but it was also such a financial waste/indulgence.

Anonymous said...

"why did these people find themselves out on the freezing streets with no legal options? That doen't happen to anyone who is paying attention"-CMom

Yet another pompous statement..what a real sweetheart!!
Guess does happen and it is happening to good hardworking people. To grandmothers who are living in a car and to mid-lifers with families. Not sure where your head had been but our country is in a recession and while you obviously believe that only druggies are losing their homes, your facts are wrong!!
Shelters are full to capacity or closing all together. Food banks are closing and homes are sitting vacant in upscale neighborhoods just as they are in the slums! Try reading a newspaper and then you can make more informed snarky remarks!

The state we live in just informed us our tax refunds will come in the form of an I.O.U!!!!!

If the link does not work, you can find this article on CNN Ireport today!
BTW,I don't condone what the OP has done at all,but really to ask how people got in such a predicament??? Just absurd!!And to assume they are losers or druggies..also absurd. They made a very bad choice in the dead of winter with no place to go. They probably don't own a car,the shelters are full or cater to people with children and not all of us have family or friends we can turn to to take us in and yes, they made a stupid choice. Wrong,wrong,wrong yes.
But here we are and many,many people are facing homelessness if not already there.
I pray that many of you are never faced with such horrible circumstances.

Anonymous said...

K is not very good with computers!!

Anonymous said...

NO K, they don't have a car. They have a truck. Read back. And apparently at least one cell phone.

OP, I'll be surprised if they move out in four days. They'll need "just a little more time"...saving up for a security deposit ya know...and then to have the utilities turned on in the new place...and....ya know...

Anonymous said...

mom,yes,they have a truck.They are truly blessed,No?

I am saddened & surprised to see how hard some of the posters on this blog are. These are human beings we are talking about.
How fast so many of you are to judge and not just on this thread but on many.
I don't condone breaking the law. I have never to my knowledge broken the law.I have never smoked a joint,never stolen anything nor abused anyone. I pay my taxes and I help those that I can. I am however not without sin. I have been down on my luck and remember standing in line at the Salvation Army for a bag of food .
Jesus was surrounded by whores and theives and others who did wrong. he helped them..not judged them.
I think some have forgotten how hard times could be,as a young couple trying to make it in this world. No doubt,most of you have worked damn hard to get where you are without ever breaking the law as these 3 have.
But how hard we can become when sitting in our warm home enjoying luxuries such as cable and the internet.
WWJD?? Not pass judgment but offer up compassionate solutions while encouraging these three to do the right thing.

Anonymous said...

Little dramatic about the truck dear?
Perhaps you missed the part where OP wrote in and asked our opinions?
This is not where to write and ask opinions if praise is what you're after when breaching the trust of an employer and breaking the law.

Perhaps you could start a site called "Desperately Seeking Justification" for that.

Anonymous said...

I just noticed that OP mentioned "Waiter on the Run", which I looked up and is a business operating in the NY area... I haven't posted on this thread, just been watching, but I know several of you are doing your best to have the employers find out so... unless she mentioned this business on purpose to trick you/throw you off her trail, it looks like she is a nanny in the
NY area.

Anonymous said...

Where to begin...Melissa Delgaudio, how exactly is putting an unoccupied home up for sale "hoardiing wealth and living off the excess". Perhaps that house was the opposite of excess for these people and they now need to use all available resources to support themselves. Or is it only underpaid off the books illegal nannies who should be allowed to break laws to live comfortably?

K, I can guarantee you that responsible people don't suddenly wake up one morning with police throwing them out of their home onto the freezing streets. Evictions and foreclosures take a long time. Unless you have screwed and alienated everyone you've ever met (except the truly dumb suckers like OP), someone WILL be able to help you and you will NOT have to break the law and risk getting yourself and your benefactor arrested just to have a place to sleep. I suspect Mom is correct. I dount these people will give up their free lunch so easily. OP, please let us know what they say when you remind them that their time is up. Oh, and if you think a portab;le heater blasting all nuight will NOT affect the electric bill, you're wrong about that too.

Anonymous said...

And K, these people do not have children or "mouths to feed" except their own. I haven't seen any mention of them going to the local food bank for bags pf groceries, just mentions of them breaking and entering, squatting, stealing utilities and ordering dinner deliveries.

Anonymous said...

calimom,obviously, you would be a person who would have help. But don't speak for everone because you don't know what you are talking about. Not everyone has someone to help and that is not because they have alienated everyone.Some may have friends or family that are in the same boat and unable to help.
You did not even bother to read the article. You are wrong and you need to wake up if you think evictions and foreclosures take such a long time.A rental eviction is a 30 day process(at most unless you ilegally stay in the home) and enforced readily. 15-30 days goes fast when you are looking for work,pay check to paycheck and have no friends or family available to help.
Not everyone has a huge bank account to fall back on.
As I said shelters are full or closing in our area.They turn people away daily.

So,you tell me
You lose your 50,000 job,receive a 3 day notice to pay or quit and have no family to turn to. You have no large savings.Your friends have family of their own to feed and are unable to accomadate you and your honey.The shelter won't help cause you have no mouths to feed but your own,likewise you qualify for no assistance as you have no children. You continue to look for work but no one is hiring have a day left....Pls problem solve for us because I am sure CNN is wrong too!
And mom, you are right,it is dramatic that is my point. Times are dramatic for those who have lost a job & home, can you not see the drama there???
It has got to be devastating!
For anyone to judge those people without being in their shoes is horrid!

Anonymous said...

If its so right and such a no brainer that these people ought to be using this home in this way, why didn't OP just inform her employers that they were living there, so the employers could enjoy all of the warm fuzzies they would be feeling for this good deed THEY are doing?

Why are her friends living in a cold house and takng (Hopefully) cold showers...'cause try revving a water heater up to a normal temperature (not just the temperature to keep if from freezing, as it undoubtledy was left at) and see what it does to the utility bill! Why can't they use the stove, thereby forcing them to buy expensive gourmet delivery meals? I'm sure OPs employers would be aghast to know that they are being such inhospitable know, being that it is a no brainer that these "rich" people deserve to have thier home inhabited by total strangers.

Anonymous said...

K, I also live in Cali so yes I know, we will get our state tax refund in the form of an IOU. And for a single person making 80k/yr to have NO savings to fall back on is just sheer stupidity. If
she's that broke, why did she go to a restaurant?

A 3 day eviction notice means that legally, you have 30 days to mSove out, and foreclosures take months, not days. Unless you were already working illegally, you are eligible for unemployment benefits, which would cover a hotel room for a week. Nice try though. OP's friends are undoubtedly "sleeping in their own bed" so to speak, and if there is some mitigating factor here entitling them to some special sympathy, OP has failed to mention it, despite all her bragging about how nice she is making it for them.

Anonymous said...

OH gosh Cali! Do you think you'll ever actually see the money then? That whole thing scares me. I have family members there who have not mentioned this and my mom undoubtedly counts on that money.

California takes in so much tax money. I haven't lived there for years but we have paid state tax there since we have moved because one branch of the firm has an office there...and you can't earn a penny in California, no matter where you live, and not pay income tax there on it. They consider that if anybody from the firm earns in California that we also persoanlly earn in California....based on the concept that a partnership shares the wealth among all. In theory it makes ome semblance of sense, but in practice it's not really how it works out.

Anonymous said...

Cali mom
I don't live in California, so forgive my stupidity, but is that literally? You will get your refund in an IOU!? What's going on over there?

Anonymous said...

Yes literally. Unless the state lawmmakers can get their poop in a group and figure out a solution! I say let's give THEM IOU's instead of paychecks until they give us back our money!

Mich said...

Does anyone know how long these homeless folks can stay until they have any legal rights to the place and can't be kicked out with out a fight? Also I thought that only applied to an abandoned building? Squaters rights I mean.

Both this couple and the OP sound pretty stupid to me. Yeah,ordering food when you have very little money? That doesn't make any sense at all.

Anonymous said...

So, what ever happened with these squatters, OP and her employers?

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