
I have a friend that is being thrown out of his place. He has a girlfriend, too. They need to save money to get a new place. Meanwhile, my boss has a home that is not occupied and still has water and electric on. It is in the process of being sold. It is a big house and here is what my friend wants from me. To be able to stay in the house at night. Just to sleep there in sleeping bags and blankets on the floor in a small room with the heat on and to shower. They would hide all of their stuff in the attic in the morning and be out of the house by 7 in the morning. They also promised they wouldn't go to the house until after 10. They are also aware that no extra lights can show up or there is a chance someone might see something. I really trust my friend.
The truth is he is my exbf and saved my life once, literally. That is a different story. But if I let my bf and his girlfriend have access to the house, am I committing a crime? I would never steal but please understand that people I know are on very tough financial times and not because of their own doing. This is an unoccupied house that has been on the market for a year.
Even as I type this, I think I am going to help them out. It is just too sad not to. And just think, how many abandoned, empty houses there are everywhere. And this one has heat and water.
1 – 200 of 235 Newer› Newest»And what happens when they do something wrong and you get fired for it?
I would ask your bosses if this is ok, but by no means do it without their ok.
It is very nice that you want to help friends, but abusing your employer's trust is not the way to do it
Why can't you ask your employers first? I sincerely hope you don't admit your friends into their home without their permission. That would lead to some serious repercussions on your part if anyone found out. Repercussions like...you getting fired and winding up in the same shoes as your friend.
This is a very very very BAD idea if you are thinking of doing it behind your employers back. Ask, and I assume she is going to have a hard time saying yes. If you do this behind their backs, assume you will be losing your job, if not getting in even more trouble with the law.
There are ways they can get help. There are shelters and there are government programs to help if you are about to become homeless. Contact them do not allow your friends to stay at your employers house. They could wind up in jail and so can you for it.
NO, DO NOT HELP. Not this way. This house is NOT YOURS.
Help as much as you can (give them money if you really want to) but I repeat, DO NOT let them sleep at your employer's empty house.
Your friends are willing to put you in a very bad position, legally and with your job. How very thoughtful of them to suggest you help them commit this crime. What are you thinking of doing? Stealing a key from your employers main house and giving it to your friends? For a person who claims such loyalty, your loyalties seem somewhat misplaced.
Ask your boss if you want to, but she will probably think you have overstepped your bounds...leaped all over them really.
They will probably be caught. People willing to suggest such a thing hardly seem overly conscientious, so plan on not beiong too surprised if they are caught lying there naked in the master bedroom one afternoon when the realtor shows up with clients.
If you want to help them, help them. The plan you have in mind has you doing none of the giving and your employer doing it all. How thoughtful and generous of you.
That you would even consider this is appalling.
You need to ask your employers. This is ilegal and stupid- it surprises me that you are entertaining the idea at all!
i am not bashing your for wanting to help your friend, that is very good of you... but you are putting your job, and professional reputation, at major risk. isnt there another place that your friend can stay? your boss can fire you and press charges (either against you or your friend). i know you want to be nice but dont screw yourself over while doing it.
Are you kidding me? This is totally ILLEGAL. You will be FIRED and possibly prosecuted, and then how many friends can you help? Why not have them sleep at your home or apartment until they get on their feet? They are not being good friends to you if they even ask you to do this. No, no, no. No way. Oh, and in case you didn't get my message: NO.
Nellcat makes good sense. Let them stay at YOUR house. They're your friends, not your employers and YOU want to do them a favor. So YOU do the favor. Stealing from somebody else and giving it to them is not YOU doing anything for them. If they must mooch, let it be from a willing victim.
And OP, you make it sound in your original post like your friends asked this of you. The more I think about it, I wonder if it wasn't you who made this suggestion in the first place. I think you cooked this scheme up yourself and have already offered the house to your friends...which is even worse. After all...how would your friends s just happen to know that your employer just happens to have a spare house, that just happens to have the utilities turned on, that you just happen to be able to get a spare key to without their knowledge...and that you just might be willing to commit a crime on their behalf? I smell a rat.
In both the old and new testament, you will find the answer yes. Do let them stay. Agree on a set of rules. If the heat is on, it is probably on for a reason, do not allow them to adjust it. Using water would be stealing. Letting them stay is the right thing to do.
Also, no FOOD!
I would love it if you could point out the specific scriptures fromt he old and new testament where it says it is good for somebody to take what belongs to somebody else and give it to themselves or their friends.
I mean, I know it says that if you have two coats you should give one to a cold person...but where does it say you should rip the coat off of somebody else to give him...or anything to that effect?
I thinking of the coveting and stealing commandments...since you're using the bible as proof.
OP you really seem to show a lack of good judgment here. The fact that you are even entertaining this idea is a little disturbing. So disturbing in fact, I wonder if childcare is a good field for you. If your employer finds out, kiss your career goodbye.
What a bad, bad idea. If you go ahead with it I foresee trouble for you and for your friends.
ABSOLUTELY NOT! I understand you want to help your friend, but where in the world would you get the idea that you're entitled to your employers house, regardless of whether or not it's empty! It's not YOUR house to give away! What you are thinking about doing is completely illegal. You and your friends can go to jail for it! And, obviously you will lose your job! Then, what are you going to do? You are going to be jobless with no money and be in the same situation as your friend that you're trying to help.
I honestly cannot believe that you are actually thinking about doing this. Whatever happened to integrity! Your employers trust you, don't screw it up by doing something so stupid!
Don't do it.
OP-- I completely understand your situation... I do! BUT NO! DO NOT DO THIS. Hell yeah it's illegal. Why not just ask? Orbetter yet... have them go to a shelter for the time being? Or a church? Or your place (unless live-in)? Please OP-- I have a very very very bad feeling about this...
You are shining. I couldn't have said it any better. I feel the same way in that OP wants to do something kind for her friends, but this empty home isn't hers, therefore she has NO RIGHT to allow these friends to stay there.
This isn't "her" helping them, it's the Employer. And doing it behind his back is wrong in every way.
Now, as for asking permission, I have a feeling her Employers will be so incensed at being put on the spot, they may wonder where she got such nerve. Who wants to say "No" to someone in need? But look at it from the Employers perspective... if he were to let them stay, he's opening himself up to a host of problems, one of them being that the property is still in his name, so what would happen to him if one of OP's friends were to get hurt? The Owner could be sued! I wouldn't want to put myself in a position like that, no way!
OP needs to just forget this all together and point her friends to the nearest Social Services Agency and let them help... that's their job.
I would have probably helped my friends in the same situation, only it would have to have been years ago.....but when you live and learn, unfortunately, the nice people are the ones who get burned.
Realize that you may very well get fired for this, that they may very well take advantage and not follow through with the original rules, or they may even accidently cause some damage(very likely indeed!!!). If you are not too, too worried about youir job, then go ahead.
Perhaps, though, they could figure something else out....and not put their supposed good friend in such a risky situation.
They are grown adults after all.
There is no way in hell this Employer will allow OP's friends to stay in his empty house. Do you realize that these squatters would have rights? This Employer would actually have to take his Nanny's friends to Court to have them evicted if he were to give permission for them to stay and they decided when their time was up, that they didn't want to leave. There is no lease, and OP's Boss wouldn't be dumb enough to give them one, especially if the house was up for sale.
OP, you are dragging your Employer through the mud with the thought of "helping" out your friends. You have no idea the trouble you could cause him - and that's with permission. Without it, you and your friends are looking at Jail time - for trespassing, breaking & entering, theft of services (yes, theft, because your friends will be using his utilities and have no intention of paying for them).
I just can't believe you would even consider doing this, and I have to agree with Victoria, and wonder if childcare is a good field for you. You are untrustworthy for even considering doing this to your Boss.
Please do not do this! You have a good life and could end up being fired for it. Why don't you ask your employers if they could stay in it?
you said:
"I would love it if you could point out the specific scriptures fromt he old and new testament where it says it is good for somebody to take what belongs to somebody else and give it to themselves or their friends."
I say, welcome to the world according to Barack Obama. SPread the wealth around.
It's totally fine. Just don't get caught.
I had a friend who got fired from a nanny job (no cause) and she came to live with me for 2 months. My employers never knew about it. She would stay in my area quietly whilst the parents were home (or be out) and when we would go out, she would lay down in the backseat until the car was out of site. She came out during the day when the children were at school to eat, exercise, make phonecalls, interview, etc.
It took two months but she found a great job. My employers knew she visited a lot but they didn't know she had been fired and was living with us.
technically you won't be committing a crime, they would for tresspassing. These are hard times for everyone. And i don't get a good feeling about it when I read your post. I have been in situations like this too. (It never worked out)
Please don't sacrifice your job. Or talk to your employer and ask if they know of anyone who could put them up for the night. Or ask them to stay with you and explain why you feel you are in his debt. Don't lie. Just to let you know, the power of three works both ways. If you lie it will come back to you three fold
I love ya, but if she steals the key and assists these people in their crime, she will absolutely be committing a crime.
OP - here's to hoping that your employer reads this, figures out that it is referring to them and fires your a&& on the spot. Then I hope they change the locks on the empty house and installs security alarms to catch the "friends" that are so obviously crashing there now. I doubt you are just comtemplating this idea, you have most likely already implemented the plan. Shame on you.
Oh. Hell. No.
That is the worst idea I've ever heard of in my life. I understand if you want to ASK your employer if your friends can stay there but to sneak them in? What if they accidentally leave the heat on? What if they leave something behind and the employers find it? What if the employers come real early one morning? What if a fire is started, or a flood happens, or anything else? There are a million things that could go wrong with this situation.
You will be blamed and you will be fired. It will not be worth it. Don't risk one relationship by trying to help somebody else. There are other ways to help your friend and this is not the smart way to do it. Regardless of how much you trust your friend, he is still human and something can still go wrong, even if it's not something that happened on purpose.
Using the heat and water will show up in the bill and your employers will wonder why a certain month had more gas and water usage than the previous month. It's better to just ask your employers.
Is this for real? I am pretty sure it is breaking and entering even if you use the keys. The keys aren't yours to give away.
I have a hard time thinking people exist that could actually think this is a good idea.
They are YOUR friends. YOU help them by giving them something of YOURS. The good karma of helping others pretty much evaporates when you are stealing from other people to help someone.
"The good karma of helping others pretty much evaporates when you are stealing from other people to help someone."
Tell that to the bastards who keep giving away my hard earned money to AIG and bogus banks when all along their upper crust was raking in million dollar bonuses.
This is the new way, supposedly.
I see your point and why you would want to help out your friends, however you can get in trouble for it. Possibly you may lose your good job. Not only that, if your friends accidently start a fire or are caught doing drugs, etc. then if they implicate you and say you gave them permission to stay there, you will not only be jobless, your record may be screwed. Why don't you ask the family if it is okay? Explain the circumstances of your friends and see what they say.
But if you go behind their back, then do it w/the understanding that your job may be on the line as well as your criminal record. Technically your friends would be trespassing.
No No and No again!
This is really a bad idea.
1) You do not know the situatuion regarding the insurance on the house. There are different levels for occupied and not.
2) It is illegal and you could face some pretty heavy charges.
3) If you give them a key and they damage the house you are in it for the damages and whatever your employers decide to do with regards to your job and your reputation.
4) This is not an abandoned house. It is on the market for sale and there may be an agent showing it on a regular basis and may be open house events on the weekends. Imagine an agent and buyer walking in and finding your friends asleep on the floor. The police will be involved.
We had our house on the market and had already moved out into a new home. For many months the house was empty. It still had electirc and water and heat. I did check on it every day and had an agent showing it a few times a week. If they do not live close to the empty home they probably have someone(their agent) checking on it regularly. Besides the neighbors will notice too. I think your friends would be found out within a week. Then what? Not only do they have financial problems they are now criminals. Although I guess they would have solved their housing problems by landing in jail!
Please don't do this. Not this way. You need to be able to say no and still feel like a good friend and a caring person.
Maybe ask your employers if the friends could rent the house at low cost for a few months. It is not an issue of money but safety and respect.
I agree with everyone else bad idea. 100%. Its not your house, if it was you can do whatever you want. Your taking a chance of losing your job. And maybe even having issues with the law.
Its so nice you care. But you know they are two grownups. He's not your boyfriend anymore. Really why are you still talking to him. Doesn't make sense to me.
Maybe, you can get then a hotel room for a couple of nites, if you feel badly.
Wish you well
Oh i made the assumption that she already had the keys. Wow it has been a hellish week for me... In that case YES - everyone involved would be getting commiting a crime.
I am not going to talk anymore. i am not even making sense today. You all have a great weekend. And OP please think about this first. Not a good idea.
I'm out! Needs sleep!
The heat is on so the pipes won't freeze. It is not so that OP can have her complete loser of an ex boyfriend stay in a house that belongs to neither of them. Both testaments encourage theft? She certainly didn't mention that the boyfriend intended to help pay for a portion of the utilities he is making use of.
Damn right 22 Sampson. Sickening to see people so willing to throw 2 homeless people out into the cold while we willing fork money over to greedy, seedy, crooked bankers, and industrial polluters.
And don't tell me this is in everyone's best interest, because it isn't. Its the biggest lie the capitalist pigs have ever told. Paying for jobs! Paying for your own enslavement in the capitalist machine!
NO NO NO, what they will be doing is called squatting, And if you allow them to do it. and they are there more than 30 days, to get them to leave the owner of the house would have to go thru a eviction process. and that can take months. and if something were to happen to them in the house your employer would be liable. I cant believe you are willing to risk your job for these so called friends of yours. You Maam are dumb. why dont you just quit your job now and give it to someone who actually needs a job, since you are about to throw it away.
Here is an idea:
Pitch it as a way to help your employer. Have them manage the property that is on the market. Tell your employer how occupied homes sell far quicker than unoccupied ones. Your friends will stay there and in lieu of rent they will maintain the yard, clean the house, and properly stage it for showings. Write a contract that they are there only until the house is under contract.
Yeah well, emancipate. Please go ahead and get that changed for us all then.
For the record, bailing out the financial institutions at least serves the purpose of protecting the retirement accounts of many people who were trying to do the right thing...people who were far sighted enough to put large amounts of their income aside to save for retirement so that the government would not have to support them with the ever shrinking social security reserves. People who have paid into SSI for a lifetime and realize that there will likely be nothing to collect by the time it is their turn...so they did the responsibel thing and planned ahead. All of the money they put in to the system will have gone to somebody else by the time its their trun to collect. So yeah, screw them. They ceratinly deserve it.
What I don't understand is bailing out the car companies. Why should they be rewarded for turning out a consistently inferior product with a built in obsolescence and laughable safety precautions in a market where competing car companies from other countries are consistently turning out reasonably priced, well running machines? No wonder they can't survive.
But I digress. Emancipate, I still don't see how wasteful government spending entitles OP to steal from her employer. Please help us understand the connection you are trying to make.
I wouldn't even ask. This cannot end well. Once they are permitted to live in the house, depending on local and state laws, the owners may have a hard time evicting them. Many states simply don't allow for you to throw people out on the street and chances are your friend knows this.
What of they party in the home and destroy it?
What if they accidently set fire to the home?
What if they do something or keep somehting illegally in the home?
Ask yourself this...
Can you afford to lose your job? There's your answer to the question posed here.
I'm certain you would be breaking several laws, and they are losers to ask you to put your job on the line for them.
Mom at 10:27, THANK YOU!
You know, anyone who has a job is a "corporate fatcat". If government really had "the people's" best interests in mind, it would just hand out paychecks to everyone, so no one would have to slave their life away as a pawn of the greedy bigwigs. But no, they demand that people not only WORK, they even expect people to find their own jobs. How unfair is that??
Oh Mom, Mom, Mom. Mom, with your heart of gold and wit of steel.
You can only hope "financial institutions at least serves the purpose of protecting the retirement accounts of many people who were trying to do the right thing"
I will believe it when I see it.
Until then, I fight the powers that be.
No they shouldn't be allowed - we used to have a nanny and she had her friends over a lot - I disagreed with it entirely.
OP, would you really take the chance that the last post is for real or not? Let your friends be gorwn ups and fend for themselves.
I'm trying to do a post for opinions and such and can't find where or how to make this type of post. Can someone please show me where to go to make this posting? I need Nanny Information on contacts.
I am the OP of this post. For the record, I do trust they will adhere to the rules. Have you people no hearts? There are no NO NO other options where we live. The house is located a mile from where he works and 1/4 from where she works. They don't do drugs, nor could they afford to. This is an essential stay, not a recreational stay.
And my employer would not have any business to go over to the house. The realtor would, but we have already discussed that if anyone should show up, they are just to run. I don't see the realtor chasing them. Seriously.
I am disappointed that anyone would think this is so terrible. This is truly a desperate situation. They aren't going to turn on the heat. They aren't going to mess with any home lighting. It is essential that they shower, but those are going to be quick.
They have a wind up alarm clock. They woke up this morning and went to sit in his car for three hours to wait for the library to open. His car is a small truck. And before you suggest they sleep in the truck, the high temp here on Thursday was 9 degrees.
The government should have let the banks fail and just paid retirees, the unemployed, and other affected citizens direct subsidies.
If we're in the business of paying for jobs, we ought to be paying for for the right kind. Not-for-profit, fair wage jobs in PUBLIC-owned institutions that produce things people actually need, like clean energy.
Let the banks fail; it is time for the status quo economic system to go - it is clearly unstable, corrupt, and environmentally unsustainable. Something radically new needs to takes its place.
Does nobody think its fucked up that the according to economic analysts a lack of people in stores buying useless crap they DON'T NEED over the holidays is considered PROBLEMATIC? An economy built on this type of fuckery is deeply, deeply flawed.
Mom, there is no real connection b/w this and the OP's problem, aside from an extremely ass-chafing irony.
Industry, financial institutions, and government are trying to scare us into complacency - they do not want us to envision an entirely possible and new way of doing things.
Holy shit, OP, are you saying they stayed there last night? They had the "wind up" alarm set?
Sounds to me like you've already made up your mind! Hey, whatever, I hope you enjoy your stint in jail!
I have absolutely no sympathy for you, OP.
I am sorry they lost their home but that house is NOT yours to give. If you care so much, why not let them stay in your home? Why can't they sleep in a shelter? Don't they have friends or family they can bum with for a night?
I suspect you know what you are doing is wrong and that your employers will not like it (because if you're so sure, you'd have ASKED them).
You're giving nannies a bad name. I am disgusted.
OP, I wish like hell for you to get caught doing this, and even if you don't, have you ever heard of karma? Yep, it's a bitch.
You are not the kind-hearted person you are making yourself out to be. You are a user and a thief, and I feel sorry for your boss, and I feel even more sorry for the children in your care!!!
OP I so hope you all get caught, prosecuted and that you get fired. You are a terrible employee and an immoral, untrustworthy person. Whoever said so above is right...you lack the judgment to be caring for children.
And I see that I was right, you had already made the offer to your friends...not them asking you.
The fact that you are surprised that virtually everybody here disagrees with your commiting a crime against your employers just goes to show how deluded you are.
How about this. They are your friends. If they are in such dire straits that it is an emergency and you feel the need to rescue them, take them into YOUR home, and please, give them 10-25% of your income so that they can eat, buy essentials, and have a little left over for some good times or a pretty dress now and then. (After all, you want your ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend to have pretty things to wear for him, right?) This whole thing sounds twisted in a way that I can't even begin to put my finger on.
Everybody here who has a friend witrh a nanny and even may have a spare house..please send them all running here immediately to see if this immoral dimwit sounds like it could be their nanny.
In reading your post it seems clear to me that there are probably other places in the world that may better suit your ideals, and not leave you so uptight and mentally constipated. I'm not completely familiar with each of these places, but I suspect that if you do some research, you might find that you'd be better suited to the political/economic systems in one of the less progressive Eastern Eurpean countries formerly belonging to the Soviet Union. North Korea or China might also be to your liking. But you'd undoubtedly be forced to work..which seems like it might be a serious drawback. And in those places they don't feel sorry for you if you won't work. They may either let you rot or simply kill you right up front...so choose carefully dear.
Why are you asking us if you think you should let them do this? It's obvious that you have already let them in!
I'm late reading this post, and at first i sympathized and was going to offer suggestions on how to present the scenario to your employers. But now that I see you have already acted, and let them stay without your employer's permission, I no loner have that same sympathy.
If I were your employer and I found out that you gave the keys to MY property to people I didn't know, I'd press charges against you in a hot New York minute. It's called Criminal Trespass, and you are guilty of aiding and abetting.
When I was in my 20's I fell on hard times a couple of times. I have no family here, but I absolutely found SOMEWHERE to go while I got back on my feet. I can't believe your "friends" would put you in this position.
And why were they "thrown" out of their house???
I am so angry that you would do this to your employers, OP. Don't you understand how completely WRONG this is?
I have a feeling you went forth with this idea because your ex-bf saved your life and you felt like you 'owed' him, right? But don't you see, it's not your house and you have no right to do this.
I'm with Mom. Everybody within earshot of this post needs to speak with their friends and family and find out who this nanny is and get those people out of that house before something really bad happens. Then, fire this nanny!
No one is getting hurt in this scenario. Calm down. And if someone has a nanny and a home and yet another one on the market, I think said person should be able to eat the cost of two down on their luck kids trying to get a shower before work.
Nothing really bad is going to happen.
Mind your business.
Mind our business??!! Excuse me, but OP is the one that wrote in asking for advise, and she got plenty of it, for sure! Not that it matters, she isn't going to listen to it anyway!
Now piss off you!
Anonymous said...
since you seem to think i don't read this blog, and you deleted my last post, let me make myself clear:
normally it would be just my realtor going to the house, but now that you've made me "aware" of this situation (you seem to think is OK), i'll be making "drop ins" personally. you had better believe i will do it when it is least expected, quietly so they cannot "run" for it. i will also be getting some video footage and have printed off this blog posting so that i can not only fire you, i can sue you with the evidence.
-your boss.
You are full of crap! If you were REALLY the Boss, you wouldn't post on this blog where OP could see it, you'd run right over to your house with the Police and have everyone arrested!!
Comments get deleted when deedle bugs forget to chose a moniker. That's right, no anonymous comments. Like, how hard would it have been to just use the moniker YOUR BOSS? I mean I know you are being facetious and all that, but---
to use a moniker and not get deleted, simply click on NAME/URL and fill in the name spot only. Any name you want. Be George Washington. Just be already.
Seriously OP--
Here is ONE scenario to consider... you say there are NO other options.. that it is an essential stay... OK, fair enough.. BUT consider this: What if the house weren't even there? Or it was occupied or you didn't work for these people???? I have JUST as big a heart to take care of the world as you do-- but consider it... what if the house were not accessible to use.. where would they go??? Have a place in mind? SEND THEM THERE PLEASE! FOR YOUR SAKE....
Holy hell mom, judge much?? WWJD?
Re. my post, I never said anything about not working. In fact, I said the opposite. Its about WHO, and WHAT you're working for that matters.
Yes OP, you will indeed get shit-canned AND arrested very soon, along with your loser "friends". Why couldn't they have stayed with you at YOUR place, since you want so badly to "help" them? Oh, that's right. Because THAT would be an inconvenience for you. I am appalled that you are allowed near children, but it's only a matter of time before that situation is rectified. SOmeone post a link when you see it on the news!
WWJD? Not steal, that's for sure.
And to answer your question as to how I guessed at your probable attitude about working: Typically people who so hate "the man" are those who resent those who make more than them at their jobs, or those who resent their employers rather than being grateful for the jobs they are lucky enough to have. Usually they are those who would rather blame the system instead of making themselves more marketable within the system...in other words, typically those who want to have more while still expending as little effort as possible.
Those who tend to be less bitter than you sound tend to be those who look at the whole picture, decide where they want to be in life, and realize that they need to pay their dues (whatever they may be) to get to where they want to be. Some aspire to great wealth and some are happy with little, so it's not just about amassing a great fortune...it's about realizing fully that they have a great measure of control over their own destinies and being willing to do what they need to make out of life what they choose. In so doing, they take responsibility for themselves...and so they do not resent others (or "the man") for what others have or for what they themselves want but lack. Those are generally the types of of people who are not looking to "the man" to be their daddy, and so do not resent "the man" for not giving them what they want whether they have earned it or not.
Moist of the people I know with the best work ethics do not share the bitterness about our country or our system of government that you seem to have. I agree that its not perfect by any means...but I do realize that we have one of the best overall situations in the world going on here, and so I try to be a bit grateful that I can live in such a great country, instead of focusing on what more I might possibly want that I don't have and thinking about who might be to blame for that.
They would be in their car, freezing to death, have no place to shower, risk losing their jobs because of that persnickety little thing people seem to require called cleanliness.
I had my mind half made up when I wrote this, true. But I did wait for your responses. The situation was grave and I acted.
The house is still heated. There are lights on throughout the house on a timer. The water is on. The house is massive. They are holing up in one tiny room.
I trust them.
And I don't see this as my being able to help them personally but knowing how to help. I hardly am patting myself on the back for being able to do this. It's not like that.
You know that old adage, God never gives you more than you can handle?
And furthermore, they cannot stay with me because I am a live-in nanny and live with my employer. How was that not clear to you? If I had my own place, I would absolutely have them with me!
Hmmm...well maybe you'll be more creative when you're soon looking for a place for the three of you to live. And when you have cooked your own goose as far as being able to nanny in the area ever again.
You are a dishonest person and it is baffling that you think you have done a good thing here. It is so scary that you are looking after children.
Anybody in and area where it was about 6 degrees last night, PLEASE look out for your friends with nannies and tell them to look at this site...and check their homes that are for sale. They are subject to having their homes vandalized or held ransom by squatters...or being sued by burglars who hurt themselves during the commission of their crime. Or having an ever growing number of homeless people invite their friends to sneak into their house at night until the place becomes a veritable hobo camp. But worst of all, they have their children being left in the hands of a nanny who lacks an adult mentality, a sense of judgment, and apparently even the merest sense of right and wrong. She still doesn't get that she has done wrong...and in fact seems sickeningly proud of herself. Scary. Just scary.
As an impartial observer, I don't think it's right what the nanny has done but I think some of you are getting entirely too worked up!
We're all impartial observers. None of us have first hand knowledge of who this OP is. What a shame too, because personally, I'd turn her in.
Lord forbid the empty home of a rich couple who owns two homes should be defiled by these 2 homeless bums. There goes the neighbourhood. Yeah, you're right though. J wouldn't steal (if you can call this stealing). Unless perhaps it meant the difference between someone freezing in the cold and...remaining alive.
Right, mom. I'm a lazy hippie. That's who would fit your little pigeon hole. You could not be more wrong. I have a post grad degree and currently work full time in academic communications. I wear J Crew. I have a wonderful job and make a very nice living in a setting that encourages freedom of thought and thinking outside of the box. My husband is a university professor and together we live a very comfortable, very blessed life. Everyone should be able to have what we have.
Bitter? Yes, but not for me. I am one of the lucky ones in life. But I am bitter that the OP's 2 young friends are homeless. Bitter that that the middle class is slowly vanishing before our eyes, and that huge multinationals grow larger than small countries.
Is it really so radical to think that instead of lining the pockets of the few - elite, huge financial institutes who failed because of their own arrogance and greed, we could funnel our tax dollars into companies that are publicly owed and who manufacture things and create knowledge that contributes to the public good? Makes perfect sense to me.
Sadly, 'the man' exists. It is not a figment of the hippy imagination. 'The man' is unchecked, pyschopathic capitalism, and we're all too busy drinking our big gulps and murderously stampeding Walmart to care. All it takes to keep the status quo in check is for enough of us who are comfortable in it to remain silent.
Take the pill; exit the matrix.
Then I'll tell you what my husband says to the rich who have your ideas. "Give away your own excess and then come talk to me about those who have too much." Don't wear your J.Crew and visit your vacation home while crying out that everybody else needs to sacrifice for the good of the whole. Lead by example, then people might take what you have to say as more than "repeating the party line." Otherwise, change your moniker to "Barbra Streissand" so we'll know that your ideas of sharing the wealth only apply to sharing the wealth of others besides yourself.
Mom, you are a Goddess.
And OP? You are an idiot. Your employers will find out. And you will be in deep crapola.
Good luck finding a job with a criminal conviction on your record.
Emancipate, I now completely understand why you are not in touch with real life - you live in a place I like to call "Idealistic Fake Reality", AKA acadamia. Many many people in your field share your socialistic views on wealth redistribution, and the like.
I generally attribute attitudes like yours to lack of real life experience.
P.S. Yay!Mom
I have normally admired Mom's posts, but I have to wonder now that I've seen more detailed examples of her beliefs. She suggests to Emancipated that Russia or China might be what she's looking for, but doesn't she realize that the corporate bailouts with public money are exactly what socialism is all about?? Emancipated is merely suggesting that they could have helped out other companies/industries rather than the ones that received help, and were unable to do what they were supposed to with it.
I don't claim to be all knowing about the bible, and Christianity, but I'm sure Jesus would have an opinion about executives running companies into the ground and costing people their jobs and retirement money while sucking the money out of the corporation. I'm pretty sure greed is still a sin.
It's not un-American to listen to ideas different than the spoon fed capitalism rhetoric. You don't have to agree.
Um, OP, how was it not clear that you were a live in nanny?Um, because you never had said so and nobody here is telepathic.
You asked for opinions, you got them, and now you want people to mind their own businesss? You are an idiot AND a criminal. If you think what you have done is so admirable, and unquestionably the right thing to do, why didn'tyou just ask your employers if your junkie friends could crash their pad?
Why *did* these people find themselves out on the freezing street with no legal options apparently within a matter of 24 hours? That doesn't happen to anyone who is paying attention.
Wait, what?
That doesn't happen to people that aren't paying attention? Do you realize how many people have lost their jobs? And how few jobs there are to be had? Cali Mom, you come off like a total bitch.
That would be a bad bad choice!
A real friend would not even ask you to jeopardize your career for them!
This is Illegal and wrong..
Do not give in.. I'm sure you feel bad but you have too look out for yourself!
Wow, seriously?? I can't even believe that you sat long enough to write this. I am sorry but not even if its below 10 out and they havent eatin 3 days should you even consider doing this behind your employers back. Hello jail time! FIRED! Ask, if they say no, then get over it.
No. Don't. It might sound helpful but really there are SO MANY THINGS that could go wrong.
If you really feel like you should help, talk to your employers about it and see if they can help you brainstorm.
Sucky, there are many steps and more than 24 hours between being laid off and being booted onto the street in 10 below zero with nowhere to go but jail. If you have 2 brain cells that is.
Op, I understand your need to help. I think anyone who had a friend that was homeless would try their hardest to help but allowing someone to do something illegal is not right and you will end up paying for it in the end, whether it be now with your job and possible criminal charges or down the road some how but it will come back.
I suggested homeless shelters...the YMCA still rents out rooms in some places...but your friends could also ask for and probably get TANF (temporary aid for needy families) or other government services. They can contact a church...my church regularly pays the rent for people in need that do not belong to our church.
There are many options for your friends and it's sad that you ignored my suggestions and instead allowed them to do something illegal and actually even helped them commit a crime.
Why are your friends homeless? Was their home foreclosed on? if they were renting there are options so they can stay in their home.
OP, You said the house was close to both of your friends workplaces. This means that it is not an isolated area. It is likely that someone is going to get caught sooner or later. I understand that it is going to be hard to suggest something else to your friends, but you should really explore other options. Another solution is to get your friends out of the house and then talk to your boss. Explain who these people are to you. Maybe they can take care of the house or do some odd jobs and pay a minimal rent. Ask, and do not ask this for free. If I were your boss, I would be really upset that you were not honest with me.
Wow! That is all I will say. I can't believe "friends" would put you in this position. My guess even if you said no they would have found a way in the house.
Don't they have friends or coworkers they can stay with?
Why not pay for a motel for a week?
Where are they parking their truck? Don't you think someone will notice a truck there night after night?
First of all, there is a massive difference between being rich, and being someone (me) who is living within my means, and appreciating that my husband and I can own a modest 2 bedroom home of our own while paying off $90 000 (combined) in student loans. Being secure while living within my means, without the threat of repossession of my house or car is my definiton of rich. And an J Crew splurge here and there is the icing on the cake. I don't have a vacation home, and haven't been on a vacation (that didn't have some work tie-in) in my entire life. Mom, it seems there is no in between as far as your concerned - to spout socialist views you must either be a lazy hippie or a rich bitch!
Off Topic said it. The bail out money has already been spent. Would you like to have a say in where your money is going? I would. I am not an airy fairy academic, I am a regular person like you and anyone else who sees that a small minority of rich corporations are running this planet into the ground, duping the masses into complicity through fear. If we would collectively think outside of the box there could be a better way.
For the record, Jesus was one of the bigger 'stick it to the man' types in religious history.
Emancipated-it's not a bailout, it's a LOAN. To be paid back with principal. The fed is the only entity large enough to take on such debt and to hold on to it until they can sell it back when it's profitable. With your 90k in student loans, you think you would have learned a little something about finance and the government. Bailout is a term coined by the MSM and you took it, hook,line and sinker. How about Emanicpating yourself to original thought?
As for the redistributing the wealth ideal, it doesn't work. Never has, at least not in the extreme. If you feel the need to exist in this sort of life, you would have moved to a European country like Denmark, but oh wait, they have much stricter immigration practices to keep people like yourself out. Think about it.
Wow, you just plan to let people stay in a home you do not own ? You get caught your career is over and you could go to jail. you better ask before you do something like this. Just the fact that you would even consider doing something as dishonest as this makes me wonder if your employers made a wise decision in hiring you.
We'll see. And what penalty for non-payment is attached? Foreclosure? ha. The entire point is that the banks will never have to be accountable with people's money and livelhoods as long as they know they will ALWAYS receive assistance. Bail out, loan, I don't care what you call it. It a teeny tiny bandaid on a massive gaping wound. And this type of economics is not sustainable.
Holy paranoia Commies Suck. Are we living back in the McCarthy era? Gee whiz. This type of ridiculous thinking is why the US has no universal health care. If you could think outside the box you would see a range of possibilities in between communism and capitalism. Without ever having to give up your big gulp! Or jet ski.
Emancipated-Paranoia? Where the people "paranoid" when the came and killed the educated, that would mean yourself in China? Were they paranoid if they worked for the past government when Pol Pot ran through town? Vietnamese, were they just paranoid? You propose a very bloody history, one which I can't or any sensible person can subscribe too.
No one is denied healthcare in this country, NO ONE. Not if you're illegal, not if you're a criminal, not if you can not pay. Any one of us can go to a clinic. Any one of us can visit the county ran hospital. That's the truth of it. And there is no such thing as free healthcare. It's called taxes, sweetie. It's what they take out of our paychecks (well, those of us with jobs).
As for people losing their homes, stupidity is not an excuse. Most of these people who took out these loans did so because their eyes were bigger than their wallets. Let's be honest. These people bought homes wihtout 20% down. These people took out negative amorization loans. I don't lose sleep over their stupidity and greed.
Oddly, I don't see you railing against the next proposed stimilus proposal? How many do we need before we recognize it only gets us deeper in debt? That we're only taking from ourselves to give to ourselves?
Still my question remains, if you truly popose this socialist lifestyle, why are you here? We're a Capitalist country, and guess what? It's worked far better than say Red China which is now semi-capitalist.
Nice red herring with the McCarthy era tie in. No correlation at all, but that's what Commies are good at I guess.
I am curious as to why you keep trying to throw Jesus under the bus to support your argument.
It would be great if you were actually accurate at some point.
Jesus was a "stick it to the man" guy??? Read again dear. Jesus was not a "stick it" to anybody guy. In fact, that's sort of the opposite of His entire message...but whatever.
OP, you seem to be overlooking one little fact while riding your high horse of morality. It is not YOU being generous. Your friends are breaking the law by squatting. They are stealing the cost of heat, water and power. YOU are aiding and abetting them. YOU are not to be trusted.
If you are so certain this is the right thing to do, and karma is on your side, why not be honest with the owners? Because you know damn well they would never allow it for the negative legal and liable ramifications they might reap from this. And I'm sorry to say, you saying you trust these people means little as your judgement is supect to say the least!
I don't join the others in wishing you get caught, fired, or that anything bad happens to your friends. You are a dishonest person and your dishonesty will out itself eventually without me or anyone else wishing ill upon you. You are a very foolish person.
Pinko Commies still suck, just FYI: county hospitals are not free. They send you the bill for treatment later, and if you can't prove you are either illegal or make less than $2/hr, your choices are to either pay up or apply for bankruptcy. My best friend's husband has been through this for a back injury, had surgery and was in the hospital for 2 days and yes, they did have to declare bankruptcy.
Boy Mom really worked herself into a lather over this one. I bet she had to be medicated and that is why we havent heard from her today.
Seriously, what is the big deal?
And Cali Mom, you're just uninspired in your thought process. Truly. Bad things do happen to good people.
I think the whole thing is kind of funny. I'm cheering for the nanny and her friends, who are probably two civilized, down on their luck hardworking people, maybe even republicans, but as far as these comments read they are sex maniacs who are likely shooting heroine while jacking the heat up to 98 degrees and punching the drywall in with their bare fists.
jimminy pizzuta
O.k., I have no intention on getting into this debate, but I just had to say "Thank you" Jimminy.... I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard. I almost fell out of my chair!
Jimminy, Mom is right over on another thread. No meds goin' on there.
I was meaning the last paragraph of Jimminy's comment... please don't think I thought the comment toward you was funny. xo
Don't worry MPP, I knew what you meant. I was laughing myself. As I've said before, I adore a quick wit and clever writing...even of the opposing opinion variety.
First I laughed and then I thought to myself, "Geez, what kinds of friends does this jimminy person have?" Sex, heroin and punching holes in the drywall with bare fists never even registered as possibilities on my radar. But I hafta hand it to you jimminy...you're a funny writer.
Darn right I have no meds. According to Jimminy I might be able to score some from the squatters over at OPs employer's house, but alas, I don't know the address.
OP, can you possibly post that address here for me?
OP if you're still reading this I think I can help both you and your friends. Please send me a message.
i had a homeless friend. And I had to let him lay in the bed he made himself. He is an adult and my husband and I love him dearly but he needed to learn from his mistakes. One can't bail out their friends all the time, that is how people learn to take advantage and not take responsibility for their actions.
If they are both working why the hell can't they get a hotel. Or better yet OP you get them one... that way you would still be helping.
We had a dear friend down on his luck who never seemed to be able to catch a break. We invited him to stay for a couple weeks so he could put back a couple of paychecks and get a little apartment somewhere. Well, 4 mo later, it was very awkward, but we had to ask him to leave. I know we allowed ourselves to be taken advantage of, but you can only do so much. What really upset us was he hadn't really saved much money so after he left our house, he was able to find another place to crash with one of his co-workers.
Big lesson learned....
Hey look what I just found....
Let's hope the OP doesn't live in NYC.
Whoa! OP, what state are you from?
Good catch, Mich! Wow!
ooops! this is getting interesting. I wonder what is going to happen!
I have no idea what state the OP is in. I wonder how soon she will get caught?
How much you want to bet her "good friends" rat her out immediately to save their own butts from being thrown in jail.
Wanting to help your friends is always good. It's part of being a friend.
But anyone who would put your job at risk like this is not a very good one.
Do your friends have family members? Do you have a place or are you a live in?
((((OUCH)))). Busted.
So OP, mistake #1 was deciding to break the law. Mistake #2 was announcing to the entire world via the internet that you had decided to do so. And mistake #3 was CONFIRMING to the entire world via the internet that you had already done so and were continuing to do so.
BTW, if anyone wants to buy some crack cocaine real cheap, mine's the best and you can just stop by and knock on my door at 54 Higgins Rd. Fresno CA. See you there! (**JOKING**)
Cali Mom is out of her gord and Mom is off of her rocker. I don't feel like I have accomplished something major. No problems so far, all is well on both homefronts. In 11 days, they will have the money to move in (and I am lending them a good amount too).
A hotel? A hotel room where I live is about $150 a night. We don't all live within 2 minutes of Dayton, Ohio.
In the words of Joy from My Name is Earl, "Dummies".
I didnt buy for a minute that Mich wanted to help. I would guess that Mich placed the ad itself. Jane, you might want to talk to Mitch/he/she/it about copyright infringement.
Whenever I think about what you've done to your Employer, vomit rises in my throat.
You are a fucktard.
OP, I take it you meant "gourd"?
So your employers have only 10 days left to arrest the 3 of you. Too bad the SOL on karma never runs out.
Fucktard is a great word. I agree with Bestseller.
Reply to: see below
Date: 2009-01-19, 4:20PM EST
That is so wrong! You have to be able to trust your Nanny implicitly because they take care of your children, but to do something like this is beyond reproach!
I don't know about other people, but our Family has a very close and intimate relationship with our Nanny and we would be devastated to learn she was doing something like this behind our back.
(Looks like that Ad is getting a little attention on CL. You better watch out, OP. Word spreads quickly on CL.)
I dont know that many people that have multiple homes and can afford to leave one on the market in this climate. Perhap's OPs employers are rich, in which case- who gives a rat's ass about them? They don't give 2 shits about me.
Kudos to you OP for sticking it to the man.
And to the rest of you uptight posters, I think you all need to go and get laid tonight.
You are sickening, OP. Yawn?? I see just how much you give a rats ass about your employer.
I am quite positive your charges are not getting the care they deserve. You are a disgrace to the profession.
There is a solution. Unless I'm mistaken, whomever is in charge of this site can access IP addresses. If nothing else, they can tell the state and general region this OP is from. And if they can, I think it would be great if they could notify authorities. I'm a college student with tons of poor friends, but never once would I consider letting them stay in a house that is not mine. I agree with the others, OP. You are obviously a moron who has deluded herself into thinking she is helping someone out. Tell me, if those friends damage your employer's house, whose fault will it be?
God, this entire thing just sickens me. Especially when the OP gets on her sanctimonious high horse and relates it to her religion. There are more options that stealing when you can't afford something.
Maybe everybody in a cold climate (in fact, maybe all of us) should post the information on their local Craig's List, just like it is seen on the NY Craig's list posted here)...and anywhere else that it might be seen by large numbers of people.
There are just ten days left for OPs employers to find out that they have left their children in the care of somebody with no judgment, morals, or conscience.
In fact, I'm posting it in Dallas in th emorning...just in case
I love your suggestion. I will copy & paste the original Ad from CL and plaster it on the whole entire eastern seaboard.
Good luck, OP!
i'm posting it to Chicago's craigslist.
OP, if you are in this area I hope your job becomes available for me!
Good idea, folks. I also can't get over how OP seems convinced she is doing something morally superior to most people by allowing her friends to illgally inhabit someone else's house. DMC, just wait till "the man" sticks it to OP and her buddies! (Figuratively speaking, of course.)
ha. so i posted about this situation on the Chicago CL and after was browsing through other postings and 4 posts down someone had beat me to it!
OP, even if they don't catch you within the 10 days to put your ass in jail, they will for sure fire you and you better believe i'll keep on posting this daily till you get caught. and apparently several others are on board as well.
cincinnati and columbus have been warned. i have a feeling she's in OHIO. (she made a comment about Dayton).
I also have friends who are nannies in OHIO and have sent this to all of them to warn their nanny employers and friends, etc.
i'll post to more of the cities tomorrow.
I posted it in the Northern NJ Craigslist area.
Tomorrow I plan on informing my four friends that are real estate agents to start spreading the word.
i don't know why i didn't think of this sooner, but i'm contacting several newspapers in my area. i've already sent in my comment to the Chicago's Red Eye.
What about everyone calling the nanny agencies in their area? Or emailing them at least. They would have documentation of this sort of thing if the girl was found through an agency. At the very least they could get the warning out to families and word could spread.
You've been pretty faithful in your responses. I'd be curious to know what you think of this post of yours "taking on a life of it's own"... and everyone spreading the word on what you've done.
Are you all putting a link to I Saw Your Nanny? Because if it reaches the people, I want the owners of the home to be able to come here or write Mary Popopinz Pills and Jane here.
I just finished! I C&P the original Ad that had the Link to ISYN. You have to change the words around a little, though. CL doesn't allow double posting.
I seriously think I nailed the eastern seaboard like I promised, lol!
I also ran into a couple of other Ads, and they had Links, too!
I think there's quite a few people doing this!
Jeez, man. If only you bored houswives were as extreme when responding to a post about a nanny hitting a child or choking a child. Then, you could have done some good.
Am I supposed to feel threatened? What do you expect me to do? If I would have had some place else for them to go, they would be there already, not where they are. And as stated, I cannot afford a hotel. I pledged a sum of money to help with the first month rent/ security deposit.
Is it me or is everyone getting a bit carried away? Why not call every realtor in every state. Put an A.P.B out on two random strangers living in some house somewhere. Squatting.
It's WRONG. And DISRESPECTFUL. If you had an empty house somewhere wouldn't you want to know if your employee had squatters in it? Maybe even tearing it up?
Tearing the house up? What kind of people do you know? If I left my dog in someone's abandoned house with some blankets, he would lie there. He wouldn't "tear the house up". But your friends are of such a caliber that you have to imagine that?
I think the OP was trying to be helpful and she over extended herself. But who is this hurting?
And please don't start on the luminescent, all powerful trust bond between the nanny and employer. We all know that an employer will turn on you in a NY Minute and shitcan you, leaving you standing on the curb with your possesions in garbage bags and tears on your cheeks.
Amor no respeta ley, ni obedece a rey
Love does not respect law, neither obeys king?
Whatever OP.
You're still a fucktard.
Oh all right OP,I admit it it was me who posted on the NYC CL! Thank you,thank you lol I had no idea others would do the same though. If anyone belongs to any other nanny groups you should spread the word to them as well.
By the way I am a girl ;)
Some are asking "who is this hurting?"
Well it's hurting the OP,she could get fired or charged if she's found out. It's hurting her friends who could be charged as well. It's hurting you and I and all our nanny friends by giving us all a bad name. It's hurting families who may not want to consider a nanny in the future.
OP,I did want to help you. I was serious about that. I had some advice for you and I had a little extra money. A friend gave me money for Christmas this year b/c he wanted to something good for someone in need,well I spent most of it and thought I'd help someone else you know,pay it forward.
no, what if someone got hurt, a fire, please tell me you would not sue the homeowner if there was something faulty $$$$$ in their eyes, they are basically homeless, $$$ = see your friend become an ex friend, sue your boss, no job, no reference, say bye to your friend w/ all their $$$ after they sue, jujst the truth
I'm not so sure she is in Ohio,maybe OP just made that comment because there are lots of cheap motels around there?
Anyway since my insomnia woke me at 5am this morning and I'm still on "vacation" from work I posted on my local CL,even though she wouldn't be in my city and I then posted on 2 other forums I belong to.
I do leave the link to the site so that WHEN the owners catch this thief they will know to come and visit us law abiding nannies!
Look at her name - marypoppin'pills. seriously. that should be the first sign this chick doesn't care about what her employeer would say. Obviously she doesn't really have the sense in the first place. Her friend is probably the dope head supplying her the pills she is marypoppin'. People, check your babysitters out before you leave them with your KIDS!!
Or it could mean that she's incredibly witty and clever and chose one of the best monikers ever...which is exactly the case. So sorry to disappoint.
Oh Chanda, come on. You don't really believe the blog allows random people to post whatever they want on here. DOn't you imagine that such things have to go through the blog? And that Mary Poppinz is just one of the editors?
Sharpen up!
And Mitch. Yeah right you have money for the OP.
OP, in the spirit of Robin Hood, legendary hero of 12th-century England who robbed the rich to help the poor, I say, well done!
I'm glad you like my Moniker!
I didn't write that. I work for Jane, the Owner of the Blog, and I put that Post up for one of her Readers.
Welcome Aboard! ;)
i am having so much fun with this. I would post on the Phoenix CL sites but alas no one in AZ would give a rats ass because all the vacant houses are being used by teenagers for parties anyway.
but i am going to keep checking back. I feel like we are a pack...
Go Get Em' GIRLS!!! Wooo Hooo
Why do so many people see my as name Mitch? That is a boys name. I am not a boy. My name is Mich,it's pronounced Meesh. lol
I do actually have a little money to offer someone in need,just $100 that may help the OP's friends.
Oh and I love Marys moniker. I'm a little jealous actually that I didn't think of something so clever first. Though when I first started to visit the site I kept thinking "who the heck is this spammer Mary"? lol I didn't realize how it worked and how she or Jane do the posting for the OP's.
OP, I, along with everyone else, have been following this thread for days now. One thing that just hit me that I missed before is the very beginning of your post.
You seem to harbor some kind of contempt for your employers and their stable financial situation. So much so, that you have NO remorse whatsoever for what you are doing: BETRAYING THEM.
Seriously. Put the shoe on the other foot. If you were your employer and you found out your nanny did something like this behind your back, how would you feel? Betrayed. Or maybe you wouldn't, because your need to help people is so great. Guess what? I'm one of the most charitable, sympathetic and helpful persons I know, lessons learned from my philanthropic great-grandmother. But if I found out my employee did this behind my back? Hell hath no fury.
You still didn't tell us how and why your friends got thrown out with no time to find alternate housing.
It will be on Boston Craig's list too. Good luck OP, your screwed babe!
I just have to say that I had NO idea any of you would follow suit and post on CL like I did. Wow! I laugh each time I see the posting in a new CL area. LOL
OP at this point you should come clean to you employers. It seems the ladies on the sight have put up this posting every where they can. Too bad we can't contact the local police department. But alas... you were clever enought not to devulge (sp) your location.
I would come clean before they find out another way. Or kick your free loading ex out... and his girlfriend? Sorry but the whole thing kinda creeps me out (but you are not one to make the best calls in life). May the universe commend you for trying to help, but at the expense of another is bad. Your good karma turned bad real quick!
Have we learned nothing from watching The O.C.? Nothing good can come of living in an empty house.
I just left the house. I brought over a 13" tv so they could watch the inaugural recaps. The cable is still on. We hung a sheet over the "window treatment" to make sure we blocked out any flickering light. I brought them over a sack of things to eat because going out was getting too expensive. You can't win when you don't have money. You can't go and sit somewhere and have coffee, they want you to leave. So I brought them some bottled waters, carrots and an assortment of bars. I also saw their new place today which is a super modest studio over a business. I am thinking of asking for some extra hours so I can buy them some things to make it feel like home.
OP, you're an idiot. If they have "a new place," why aren't they living THERE?
I'm assuming that the place isn't available until the 1st of the month. The current tenants may still be there,otherwise they should really ask if they can move in early.
OP will you tell us why your friends got kicked out?
OMG eastcoastnow! I am SOOOO with you-- I have been following this thread for days. I never ever read ALL the comments... but this one is sooo good! I get all excited when I see a new comment total when I log on!
On that note-- at some point I actually started feeling bad that the OP came to us for advise and people took the privatre info and used it aginst her... and then I read she let them stay ANYHOW! Plus-- seems to be egging us all on now. No longer feel bad.
Doing a good deed is one thing (a beautiful thing) but the universe is not going to pay you back well for this one. It is so wrong.
OP is now flaunting her thievery and dishonesty, how nice.
OP, no one thinks you are a good person because you're not. You are a thief and a liar and you will get yours in the end; most likely at the hands of your ex.
Hello ISYN,
LT reader, 1st time commenter here. I just have to say this thread is long.
I think the OP's recent comments are an update to demonstrate that she is trying to do something for her friends since so many of you made the point that allowing them to stay in the employer's home is not actually 'from her'.
I think. I don't know. I usually drink when I read the blogs and I get easily confused. But that's how I read it.
If I was the employer, I don't know how I would feel. I don't know where the harm is. If my nanny asked me to let them stay in an abandoned house, I would probably feel guilty and feel like I should help them more. I would have to invite them to stay here at my house, which I wouldn't really like. In that sense, maybe OP did the right thing.
There are a lot of us out there who will say yes to things we don't really want to do and then end up resenting the people we do those things for.
To No Name NY:
"I don't know where the harm is"
It's the betrayal, the lying, the trust that has been broken with OP's employer. I see that she keeps commenting about giving them money and food, etc.... and I think that she wants us to believe that she's still doing a good deed, and as far as all of that, she is! It's just that allowing her friends to stay in her employer's empty home is so egregiously wrong, it cancels all of that out, in my opinion.
BTW, welcome to the blog!
And the house is not "abandoned," as I have seen it referred to here several times.
It's a home that is for sale in this difficult market. There's a difference.
I let my sister live in my home that was for sale under the condition that it was to be ready to show at any moment. (Actually my mom sort of forced me to...long story.) She agreed. I lived by and stopped by there daily...I had to...to clean up after her. She left the place a mess every day. I had to make her bed, clean her clothes and dishes, and even clean up after her parties. Somehow one day there was soda sprayed all over the living room wall, and all over my son's portrait, which had no glass over it. One night she apparently got lucky, because there were men's and women's dirty underwear laying in the living room next to the fireplace one morning. She took nude photos of herself and her friends an left them lying on the nightstand for all to see... and the worst was when I went in to find that she had posted about 20 photographs of nude children (her entire preschool class) on the bathroom mirror.
So what's the harm? OPs employers have no chance to decide for themselves. They don'y know the character of these people...which so far is not looking too good based on the fact that they are living in somebody's house without their knowledge. And I am wondering where OP is getting the items, like the sheets she took to cover the windows to hide the television light, that she's now providing them. She's a live in. Not likely she has spare sheets lying around
This would have been the better thing to do.
OP should have gone to her bosses
and explained the situation.
Then she should have asked if her friends can stay in the house. She should have provided her bosses with proof they have a place they will be moving to (The lease or rental agreement) and offered something as compensation for the favor. (free sitting, paying $75.00 per week whatever and had her friends owe her) A written agreement should have been done so all parties were on the same page. This would have protected the home owners and been a solution to her friends problem (had they agreed)
To allow people to stay in someone else's home without their knowledge is dishonest and disloyal to your bosses as well as incredibly stupid for the many reasons listed by others here. To allow them to use the heat, cable, water and other utilities is theft.
OP, you are not fit to care for children as you are of poor moral character.
Jane and Mary are you able to find out the general area the OP is in? Don't you think that you should try and find out who she is so you can warn the owners of this crime?
Ok Mom, the difference between what you did and what Op is doing is that it was YOUR house you were letting your sister stay in. YOU were aware that there was someone in your house and YOU were able to make the decision. She is letting someone stay in a house that isn't her's and the homeowners have NO idea there is someone there. You were able to oversee what was going on in your house, these poor people aren't. So if the house ends up messed up or things get stolen from it, they don't know who is responsible.
No matter how you look it, she's breaking the law. If it is someone who genuinely (sp) needs help there are better ways to get it than BREAKING AND ENTERING. If it was my house and I found out about it, I would press charges against ALL 3 OF THEM. Then not only would they have a roof over their heads but they would have 3 hots and a cot. AND that wouldn't be nearly as expensive as eating out everyday.
I'm sorry mom, i didn't read your entire post. i apologize. You were making the same point I am.
Yes and No.
So Jane you know that she is breaking the law but you don't feel that you should do anything at all about it? I think if you know that a crime is being committed and you know or have an idea where this OP is then you take on some responsability (sp) to do something about it. How about telling us the general area of where she might be so we can do something about it?
I think Jane Doe's job is specifically to protect children. I think enough people on this blog has stepped up and posted in just about every cold state we could, I know I did, I spent a total of 2 hrs. doing so. However, that's not going to guarantee that the Owners will see it. I'm sure I probably wasted my time, but it was a chance I took.
It has occurred to me that they could do that...but there are also moral, ethical and legal issues associated with something like that...and Jane and MPP also have an obligation to their own consciences and beliefs...and we have to respect them for upholding their consciences. I'm not sure it would even be legal for them to use our information in that way for a property crime. Sure, if a child's life was at stake the whole thing changes...but this is only a material object. OP stinks for stealing, but it's a petty crime.
As I see this situation relating to the blog, it is a trust issue between the employee and employer. When I was a nanny, I was very cautious about safeguarding my employer's home and possessions. This would not have been a course of action I would have taken. If I were the employer of this nanny, I would be livid. Having said all of that, I don't see it as an urgent criminal matter and I have no desire become entangled.
We respect the privacy of those people who submit nanny sightings and P&O questions. It is an essential component to operating this blog.
I'm sorry if you disagree.
I see what your saying here Mom,Best Seller and Jane.
I do hope the OP is caught. It seems like such a risky thing to do. I was thinking what if the house is sold and the locks changed or something and all the friends stuff is still in the attic. Then how would they get it back?
What about nosy or friendly neighbours? Maybe someone walking their dog late at night who knows the house should be empty may come and up and chat the to friends and later realize they shouldn't be there.
Even with a sheet over the window some light may get through.
If they are using the bathroom and shower do they clean every trace after they use it?
What if the owner or realtor comes by early or late at night and finds them?
So many ways they could get caught.
I figured it was something like that, and it makes great sense to me.
As a blog owner myself, I can also attest that Jane has no real way of knowing who is posting what if the post is left anonymously. IP addresses can be faked, they can be covered up and sometimes they are not accurate and change constantly, as mine does. Currently, mine is pinpointing me as posting somewhere from the other side of the country. I have no idea why my provider works this way but it does.
You frigging cows. You won't be happy until everyone who offends you is out in the cold.
I can post this also on CL in the cold areas of California. It isn't all hot sunshine here.
so glad the recent comments are back! :)
Honestly? This blog has become a little bit evil. There is more ugliness here than good. Time to go offline.
really, truly -
Um, did you forget what this whole blog was about? Of course it's not going to be all good! It's about outing bad nannies who hurt/abuse/neglect children.
If it bothers you so much, go find a happier blog where you can run through the daisies.
I woke up early and posted in 7 different cities. The one in Chicago was flagged and removed though. Is anyone posting in the mid west?
I understand the blog's mandate. What I'm speaking of is the ugliness I see amongst some posters, and the delight they seem to be taking in so much unpleasantness. Its not about running through daisies, its about NOT be a self-righteous, mob-mentality band of thugs. Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Well, really, truly - I hate to break it to you, but I've personally never run across a blog, at least one like this, where the emotions didn't run high and be the reasoning behind everyone behaving the way that they do. I see no precedent for it. Hurt children upset people.....
I want the OP to post if she gets caught. Inquiring minds want to know.
I know,I want OP to post when she gets caught as well. Do you think she will though? Probably not.
Repost for someone who didn't give a name:
If you so stupid as to even entertain the thought, I thank God you are not in my home with my children. Secondly, anyone asking a criminal act of you, is NOT your friend!
Well, really, truly, I see this the same as someone coming on here to brag about shoplifting. Or stealing cash from their employers' house. Or bragging about how they only pay their dumb illegal lying slug of a "half Columbian" nanny (check out that thread) $3/hr for 90 hours a week because they know she would get deported if she tried to object. Or bragging that they snoop through their nanny's tampons and underwear becaue they think they have the right to fire her on the spot if they find out she wore a thong once on her off-duty hours. It's a thread about an axx-hole bragging about doing something WRONG. THAT'S what people are objectiong to, and it boils down, once again to the simple concept that if you don't want responses, don't post on a public forum. If you don't want to get busted, don't announce your illegal activities, much less congratulate yourself for them and expect everyone else to congratulate you as well.
you sure take a lot of liberties lady. The only mention of taxes not being paid on that other thread was by you. Not fact but more calimom fantabulous fiction.
Why not just stick to the subject instead of lying about things & inventing crapola just to get a thread going?
LOL, with over 200 replies, this thread needs no help from me to "get it going".
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