
I Saw Your Nanny at Thornbury Park in Glen Mills, PA

Yesterday 8/21,  from 10am-11:30am, I brought my 23 month old nanny kid to Thornbury Park in Glen Mills, PA. The other nanny there was a young African American woman with a British accent. Her nanny kid was an Asian boy about the same age as mine. The entire hour we were there, she shooed him away from her. He fell off of one of the structures and I actually almost went to him. She eventually noticed, picked him up, dusted him off and put him back down, still crying. She never said a word to see if he was okay. She was talking on the phone to a friend about gossip. At one point after an hour of being there she stated "I never put sun lotion on you". Please keep in mind, it was 88 degrees and HOT. I never once saw her give him water or put lotion on him. If this is your nanny, know coming from a nanny, I had to seriously restrain myself from asking her what in the world she was thinking. Please be an advocate for your son and have a serious talk with your nanny about how to care for your adorable son.

Please send your confidential nanny sightings to or message ISYN on Facebook. Please include these details!
Description OR photo of Nanny:
Description OR photo of child: (children's face will be hidden on site)


Anonymous said...

2. Your nanny kid is 2. 😒

Unknown said...

OP your, "nanny kid" is suppose to be referred to as your, "charge". Just wanted to help you out. You sound like a really caring nanny. Good for you!!

Alice said...


I'd rather call them my nanny kids too, OP. :)

Anonymous said...

If she has a British accent, She's more than likely freaking british not African American. Every damn black person is NOT African American.