I have a nanny sighting for you. This occurred today, Tuesday at about 4:15 PM.
I was out with my two year old charge who I push in a stroller. I was pushing her down 73rd street on the UES. This boy was being pushed by a Jamaican nanny, he was a large boy. He had a big toussle of blonde hair, definitely looked protestant in his looks. Khakis, polo, but big, too big for a stroller. He puts his big hand out as we pass by and whacks the little girl I take care of really hard in the side of the face. It happened in an instant.
I whipped around and said, "Hey". The nanny said, "What did you say hey for? Are you 'heying' me? I know you aren't heying me, cuz i aint no cow." I said, "Your little guy just hit her".
The little girl I take care of is dainty and tiny and just holding onto the side of her face. She wouldn't be faking that. The nanny said, "He didn't do nothing of the sort".
And she gave the little girl I take care of a mean sneer.
After that the nanny wants to get into it with me, but I figure enough is enough and go, continuing on my way. She turns her whole stroller around and starts to follow us. Me and a little kid and she is yelling mean things at BOTH of us.
Finally after I told her to stop following us because she was scaring us and I said it loud enough for some sort of security guy to give her a tough look, she backed off. I went home and told me boss what happened. She said I was right to say something to her but that I should be careful. She said that I should sketch a drawing of her (because I am in art school) and post it around that neighborhood.
To your viewers, I want to say, she is a large black woman, wearing double knit polyester, old fashion shows, very cheap white shoes that you slide in. She had lots of things on her skin that looked like skin tags. If you know her, she is too scary to work around kids.
"Protestant in his looks"?
Protestant refers to religion..it is not a word used to describe how someone looks!
That aside your story is sad. Your poor little girl did not deserve to be hit by this bully kid,nor did the two of you deserve to be accosted by this nanny.
I am sorry "mom" is not a bit more proactive. If someone smacked my kid and then followed her I would be out on the street looking for that person. Not telling my nanny to take care of it!
I am so sorry this happenned to both of you.
That's scary! I wouldn't make a sketch of the woman, but I would definitely spread the word to other park mamas and nannies so they are aware. Trust me, there is a definite gossip chain and that's the way to get it rolling...
I think putting up a picture with the incident logged would only make her mad and more scary.Also, you were totally right to bring up that her charge hit yours... if that's all you said, and all you wanted to talk about, then there is no issue at all. If she had been a nice, normal person and helped you (and mainly the boy) correct the situation, it would have been worth it to point out that he hit the little girl.
Sounds like a horrible woman.
Sorry he hit your little friend. If my child ever hit another child, I would feel so bad and apologize and reprimand her on the spot! This woman sounds like a ghetto monster. Sorry that happened to you.
I agree with Sarah and Mitch: I wouldn't put a sketch up of her and the incident, it may bring more trouble for you. If you see this person again, just stay as far the hell away from her as you can get.
Wow, that is scary. But it sounds like you handled it really well. She clearly has issues! I'm not sure I would put a sketch of the woman because I would be afraid I would see her again and I she would be even more nasty. But I think it is important to let others in the area know about her. Ideally, it would be good if you could get in touch with the boy's parents. I'm not sure if that is even possible, but I know if I were a mom, I would want to know that about the person taking care of my child. Good luck, and I really hope you don't run into her again.
Let me see if I get this right. Her charge was in a stroller, and your charge was in a stroller. You met each other in passing, and your charge gets smacked. You stand up for your charge and the other nanny makes Freddy Kruger look like a great nanny candidate. I would smack the nanny next time you see her and see how she likes it. I'm glad you said something OP. If this were my charge, I would've been PISSED.
He looked Protestant? You can actually tell what Christian denomination someone belongs to by their looks.. wow!
73rd street..I was just there the other day,..nice street, lots of nannies!
That crazy nanny is crazy, you should walk around find her, snap her picture, and then follow her home and turn her in to her bosses, she is a crazy old woman!
Alright get over her statement about looking Protestant. Who gives a SHIT! Lets look at the rest of story.
I feel sorry for what happened to the O.P. and her charge. If I had my cellphone I would have called the cops.
I actually quit reading the story when I saw that so I don't even know what it's about. That is why when you write or speak you shouldn't say ignorant things because it makes it more difficult for people to hear your message. That's just a fact of life.. sorry everyone.
ericsmom..when someone makes an ignorant statement like"he was Protestant in his lloks" it tends to make me question the entire post.
Thats who" gives a shit!! "
You are one of the most vulgar posters on this board!!
okay, so i get it that the kid is big, but are you telling me his arm span was long enough to reach all the way into your stroller?
How close are you getting to those who pass by you?Holy moly!
I just could not imagine not seeing his arm outstretched before he whacked my charge?
That is why I carry a gun. People are crazy one needs to protect themselves. I would ever show it to anyone with a child. Just making a point that people are crazy. What bad nanny and that little boy is going to keep acting that way because he thinks what he's doing is okay.
The first stance represents a combination of laissez-faire economic theory and the Protestant ethic as described by Weber. In this view the owner or manager has responsibility for the welfare of the workers ." quote This is the European definition of Protestant. I believe this OP is not from the States, I have heard other Euro's use this term. Has nothing to do with religion.
It has nothing to do with "ignorance" at least not on the OP's part. Go look it up and see she meant nothing by the use of this word other than the way they use it where she is from.
I had a guy get pissed in the lobby of a hotel once cause I asked if he was going to be on the guest computer much longer( I had waited over an hr,had breakfast at the cafe and came back, and there is a sign clearly posted asking that you limit it to 15 mins) He got up and got in my face. I had my toddler next to me and my newborn in a carseat.He called me all sorts of names and told me to fuck off! He was lucky I had my kids with me and therfore, turned around and started down the hall towards my room.I was quite amazed and angry. I realized he was following me. Instead of leading him to my room, I turned around and walked toward him ,I got really loud and started yelling"why are you following me? "
I think this surprised him,He ducked into an elevator, I followed, carseat ,toddler and all and jammed my foot in the door before it closed, then I reached in and pressed the alarm.(I had called my husband on my cell,he was in the room, and by this time he was there and the guy wanted to scrap with him too) My husband told him if he ever caught him following me again they would never find his body. Hotel security came and off they went. The hotel refunded the guys money and sent him on his way!!
No one should ever mess with a mommy/nanny and her babies!!
357 you are wrong! It has everything to do with religion. I don't care what Euro slang has been attatched to it. We are in the states and in the states it refers to religion!It is not a physical description!!
At first I thought she was talking about his "religion" too, but then after continuing to read the story, I think she meant that he was "protesting" being in the stroller...therefore her phrase "protestant in his looks."
I would make a sketch of the woman and post it. Chances are, you are not the only person that has had trouble with her! Makes me wonder how her temper is in private, if she yells at a complete stranger in public. And for the record, I live in Europe, and never have I heard someone described as Protestant.
Yah nice try 4:18...I doubt it though. Haha. She added the "protestant" in his look in context with her description of him...
That's a funny way to describe someone. And I mean COMICAL funny, not PECULIAR funny.
Funny story btw, anon 3:58. I hope next time that guy thinks twice before losing his temper.
Maybe she meant WASP? Scary story, anyway.
Whata horrid child! Can't blame him either with a nanny like that! How will he ever learn with a crazy nanny like that.
Sheesh, it was very obvious to me instantly that "Protestant" meant WASP. Honestly, you guys, some of you spent more time arguing about that than addressing the issue at hand!
WASP= white anglo saxon protestant
I thought the Protestant thing was sort of odd too, but I ignored it because I was too tired.
omg, was someone actually suggesting that carrying a gun around would have made this situation SAFER? phoenix, you're out of your everloving mind.
Thankfully, Phoenix doesn't live on E.73 St. That's all we need, nannies toting guns.
OP, I think posting a sketch is a terrible idea. She will see it, and then It is very possible that you will encounter this nanny again in a playground or story time. Just spread the word, tell the story to all the nannies and moms you have contact with. Someone may know who she works for.
Interesting story but not well written. I am astounded at the improper use of the English language on this site and the posts that get written using elementary school grammer and structure. "old fashion shows", "protestant in his looks". How are nannies supposed to educate their charges if they are struggling with basic communication skills themselves?
Oh, and yours is so well written? Before you slam others, you should take a look at your own post.
Yes, 9:09, you do need to learn when to use a comma!
..... and to capitalize.
I understood that she meant WASP, or more specifically I think she just meant, "not Jewish." But, that isn't what she said. Instead, she described his appearance as Protestant. When someone says the stupidest thing I've ever heard, like a lot of people, I can no long really pay attention to the point they are trying to make. That is why it is important to spell correctly and think about what you are writing, if you want anyone to listen.
"Interesting story but not well written."
Is that is your idea of a sentence?
People in glass houses should not throw stones.
You know if it is used in another country where this person is from it is ok. You just want to go on and on abut it being some kind of slur when it was not meant that way.
grammer??? Really anon 9:09
I think you meant grammar,you silly twit! You really are a speacial one!
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