
Borders Book Store in the Time Warner Center on UWS in NYC

Received Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Today - at the Borders in Time Warner Center on UWS (kids section) at about 3:00 . 2 nannies and their kids (2 little girls..around 18 months - 2years)...one of the nannies was definitely Filipino....probably high 30's. attractive. Her husband/boyfriend came in to talk to her..she was arguing with him about whether she was going to get off for Good Friday..and that she would quit if she didn't get off (this is what I overheard).

She was then playing with the little girl..very affectionately..while saying things like "I love you..but your mother is a pain in the neck"....repeating this over and over...and repeating similar statements. She seemed good with the little girl..but wrong that she was complaining about the mom to the little girl over and over.


Anonymous said...

so inappropriate but her ignorance doesn't allow her to see what she's doing.

Anonymous said...

I am very sick and tired of parents constantly bashing nannies on this sight. Everyday I come on , always something new about nannies. When will this stop? Most times the parents just go around watching nannies and made things sound worse than what it really was. Who is there to defend nannies.As some parents spend time watching and saying so many negative lies about nannies, most of their husbands are with another woman. Why don't you miserable parents spend time seeing what your husbands are up to. Who's here to defend the nannies? Most nannies work thier butts off to take care of your kids,some of the kids very badly behaved. Being a nanny is a very hard job and now I hear nannies can no longer talk to their friends,sit for a minute at the play ground? that's crap....nannies are not slaves, they do need a break sometimes considering they bearly get 1 hour lunch break.
Why don't you all spend more time working on your marriages and giving your kids some manners,instead of the constant harrasing of the nannies. You parents have too much free time on your hand to watch nannies and not your husbands. Spend more time watching them .

Anonymous said...

To the loon who posted the second comment,
I seriously question your mental capacity. You are tired of signing on to a website called I SAW YOUR NANNY and seeing reports about nannies? Why are you signing on? Do you think your hateful spew towards all mothers makes you sound in any way at all balanced?
You sound like a complete nut job.
Never mind that the people who send in these things have been nannies, salesclerks, casual observers and yes, mothers. All of who are apalled at what they see.

You scare me. Get help.

Anonymous said...

JJ, well said!

Anonymous said...

I don't think the OP identified himself or herself as mother, father, or another nanny. That's not the point as it's not uncommon for people in different walks of life to post here. I've seen posters on here defend nannies vehemently and there have been others doing the same for the moms. That's an aside to the real issue at hand and that is the sighting of a child being mistreated in public by a caregiver. The main concern here is for the welfare of a child, not concern over a nanny being chastised or even merely criticized. I have a feeling that the depraved poster on here (7:13), who is so defensive about nannies, is one of the bad ones.

Anonymous said...

Ditto JJ, and I'm a nanny!

Anonymous said...

7:13 am: "Everyday I come on , always something new about nannies. When will this stop?"

ROTFLMAO! Hilarious, since as jj pointed out you are on a website devoted to posting sightings of nannies.

As for what this nanny is saying to the child: I hope the mother sees this. It is so emotionally destructive.

Anonymous said...

7:13 it will stop when nanny's will do there job well ....and with the childs best interest in mind...you must be a nanny...dont read this side if you cant take it.. or are you worried you will be reported on a sighting of a bad nanny....do your job well and you have nothing to worry and if you dont, dont be suprised people will write about you..its a great webside..thank you (as a mommy of 3 with a great great nanny)

Anonymous said...

Hey , do you know wht kind of relationship this woman has with her employer?
I might sometime say that but in a fun and sweetheart thinking way ans my employer knows that. In order for anyone to take the best care with your child the relationship that you too share is very important . it has to be sister like or best friend like.

Do not make simle little silly thngs like this be an issue. there atre bigger probs int he world. and there are actually not so good sitters, yes but this one is not bad.

Anonymous said...

3:59 You say "this one is not bad"??????? Are you Filipino by chance? And are you a nanny who says nasty things about your charge's mother in a "sweetheart" way? Wow, you are deranged. You think a toddler would grasp your supposed sense of humor when you call her mother a pain in the neck? Even if you were being facetious, that's well beyond the grasp of a child under age two!! You don't deserve a nanny job, not only because of what you do but because you are ignorant beyond the pale. Get a job cleaning house. You *might* qualify for that.

Anonymous said...

Hi sprak. I've noticed that you have twice belittled people you argue with by making fun of their nationality (the Polish woman and now asking if this person is Filipno). I really want to like you because we come down on the same side of posts all the time, but I can't root for someone that thinks certain nationalities are stupid, and says so in a taunting way. The only person that you demean is yourself.

Anonymous said...

I am the original poster. In response to someone's question regarding my identity, I am a mom..and was at the bookstore with my child. Maybe I should have spoke up...not sure. The girl was not in danger..if she were, I would have stepped in...just hoping that the mom will read this and intervene.

Anonymous said...

American mothers cant handle their own kids, mostly do not even have a job, all they do is shopping, gym and try to get rid of their kids. It is so easy to complain about the nannies, and if they do that bad why dont you mothers take care yourselves of your own kids? Because you are not able to?

Anonymous said...

American Mothers?
Who are you to complain?
I am guessing it is none other than an American Mother that keeps your fat ass in fruit of the looms.

Anonymous said...

It's too bad for the ones who don't like my comment. Guess I hit a little close to home. To respond to your comment calling me names...yes I stand by my comment. Take time to see what your husbands are up to and stop bad mouthing nannies.
Most nannies care for your kids even better than you sick,stressed and MISERABLE MOMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

an ignorant nanny bitching about mother's who have nannies is a bit like a plumber bitching about someone who doesn't want to/can't snake his drain AS HE IS TAKING MONEY FOR IT.

You are surely the biggest idiot on this board.

Praytell, what nerve could you possibly hit with your pitful aim and laughable words?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yes, 948. We get that. You are redundant in your comments. You posted yesterday about how sick you were of signing on here to see nannies under attack. Stop signing in. Jeez. It isn't rocket science.
Go google hemorhoids or something.
All caps- so especially lame. And telling.

Anonymous said...

I am the original poster..and blogger was wrong. I'm a working mom...and had a day off. Thank you..I can handle my child very well. you are an idiot

Anonymous said...

Ok, I haven't posted in a while, but I have to say, if you don't like reading about bad nanny sightings, don't log on to I Saw Your Nanny. Simple enough.

940, yes, maybe some nannies take better care of children, but from what I read here, there are a lot of nannies out there doing a terrible job. It is never ok for a nanny to bad mouth their employer to the children. Ever. Save it for drinks out with the girlfriends.

916, sorry, but I have to guess your are not American. I also have to guess you have not lived here long or been around a lot of American mothers if you assume they pawn their children off and don't parent well. I can't speak for your own experience, but as a mom, I take offense. I gave up my career to stay home with my children and enjoy their early years. I do have a nanny who helps out part time to allow me a few hours a week to run errands and exercise, or meet up with my girlfriends. My 5-10 hours out a week allow me to be home as a family with my husband and children in the evening, and keeps my marriage hot. Burned out mom = burned out marriage. Try to stop judging and learn from our culture instead. You may like what you learn if you try to get to know the right people.

And Sprak, I have to agree with JMT. She is so wise. It is never nice to belittle someones race. It makes you look ignorant.

Anonymous said...

Sprak is hardly racist, she was replying not to the post but to the ignorant poster who said, "This one is not bad".

Relax everybody. I think you are reading too much into things. Pay attention to whether the person is responding to and mocking an OR or the original post.

Anonymous said...

Actually JMT, you misunderstood my post. The OP said the errant nanny was "Filipino" and I suspected the 3:59 poster of being the actual nanny from the original post, and therefore, that's what I was getting at. I'm sorry it went over your head.

The Polish comment was not intended to be taken seriously, and I do realize that I can be flippant sometimes. However, some of my close Polish friends tell extremely over-the-top Polish jokes at their own expense. They wouldn't have given my comment a second thought.

Also, I don't post my thoughts to be popular, so whether you or anyone else does or does not like me or what I have to say, will not influence my posting in any way. But thanks for your comments.

Anonymous said...

I bet you the nosy bitch that published this comment was probably overhearing this conversation while her children were somewhere else with their nanny.

Anonymous said...

You're an idiot. I'm the original poster..and if you read my post you would see that I had a day off and was right next to my baby. I'm not a nosy bitch, but the nanny was extremely loud in her rants about the employer. She was also sitting about 3 feet from me, so I'd have to be deaf not to hear her.

Anonymous said...

dear OP,
we all know 1206 by her signature hate posts. She is a mentally challenged felon. Best to ignore.

Great Post by the way.

Anonymous said...

Heather can kiss my mentally retarded ass! Dear OP...I bet you this woman has every right to rant about her employer, and if your baby was right there with you, you should have taken what little time you have and interacted with them instead of taking the time to remember what this person said and then go home and post a blog about it! Here's an idea, you are so concerned why don't you became a nanny?

Anonymous said...

Compassionate people always have their eyes out for other people. Especially children.

I don't know who you are 12:50 but I do agree that you are frightening with your ignorant rage.

Anonymous said...

By the way OP there is nothing in your original statement that says it was your day off or that your baby was with you! I can read you know...did I tap into some working parent guilt?? By the way it was 76 on Tuesday you should have been at the park, not sitting on your ass @ Borders!

Anonymous said...

Dear Heather...I agree with 1206...by the way where are your charges while your are chatting on the computer? Huh?

Anonymous said...

um, you are 1206.

Anonymous said...

op here: Yes..we were in the park and out for about 2 hours..but went to Borders afterwards. I have no guilt at all. You're an idiot..bottom line.

Anonymous said...

she is not just an idiot. She may well be the biggest idiot that has ever posted here. Perhaps she's drunk. Just been dumped, fired. nanny stole her man. Who knows? Maybe her mom didn't hold her enough when she has a child. She is all over the place, the clear definition of crazy.

I think we are wasting her time by respodning to crazy.

Do not indulge crazy!

Anonymous said...

Duh 113, no im not im actually her friend! And if you would all stop taking her so literally you would realize that she's being sarcastic. Its fine that everyone is looking out for one another, but what about those nannies who are treated badly by employers? Who sticks up for them? Not to mention the fact that by posting these incidents something may be taken out of context and you could cost somebody their job! Did anyone stop to think about that? I have worked plenty of jobs in the city and have been treated badly! And yes I have left and found other positions, yet what gives people the right to behave the way they do towards their caregivers, anyway? Not every family is like Little House On The Prairie. Another thing I have also been at jobs and seen parents hit and mistreat their kids...it's not always the nannies fault! Ultimately, parents have to take responsibility for their kids!

Anonymous said...

By "her friend" do you mean alternate personality?

Anonymous said...

If you see a child being mistreated in any way DO SOMETHING. I don't care who the person is. Mother, father, nanny, sibling. Speak up. If you can't speak up then and there, then send it in. I am sure you can get it posted here. I saw a bad granny posting on here once.

No one should hit a child!
Call Child Protective Services if you are a nanny and the parent is being abusive in anyway to the child. THAT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY as a mandated reporter.

Did you not know that?

Anonymous said...

Who's going to stick up for the nannies???? !!!!! Well, how about they stick up for themselves? They're adults for heavens sakes, not helpless, defenseless children.

Anonymous said...

Let me tell you something about these "children" , there is very little that is helpless or defenseless about them. You know what your problem is...your probably one of those people who thinks your little monster is an angel! Guess what, they're not! They are probably one of the biggest little assholes on the playground!

Anonymous said...

Who's the crazy bitch on the board? Anyone who attacks children and yet seems to be hellbent on defending nannies- very troubling.

My advice to you if you think children are spoiled brats, devils or assholes, stay away from children, nannies with children and parks in general.

You most certainly sound like a law and order SVU waiting to happen.

Anonymous said...

Make that WAS "one of the biggest little assholes on the playground!" She's now grown and a nanny in Scarsdale just like her mama!

Anonymous said...

136, miss anonymous, "friend of", alternate personality, RUDE, whoever, you are a real treat.

We know you are posting that spew that is coming out of you mouth all over the place here. It's no wonder you had employers who have treated you badly. I would too, if I would have been stupid enough to hire you. YOU, a bad nanny, is what this site is all about. We, moms and good nannies, look for nannies like you. We want your employer to know what a sour disposition you have.

You are the same rude commenter from another post that is saying moms are lazy and should raise their own children, not have nannies. D.U.M.B. That is what you are. IF you are a nanny, those comments would make you look really stupid. LIKE YOU HAVE A SIZE 0 BRAIN!!

You obviously have a stick up yours, so go chill. Personally, I am laughing at you. I'm thinking you should go take your medicine like a good child and go back to bed. Yawn, you bore not only me, but a lot of other good people here. Goodbye.

Anonymous said...

Seems like she left. Good riddance, eh?

Anonymous said...

Finally, she took the hint and left! Oh, ding dong, the *itch is gone....hehe.