
Good Nanny Sighting in Houston Texas

Date: Oct 19th 2015

Time - app 2pm

Location : Kroger on Buffalo Spdway in Houston Texas, bakery dept

Nanny: Kristen B

Child: Brayden, app 6 yrs
Kristen was responsible for buying 1 million cup cakes ( not quite that many lol) for a party involving more than one of her charges - she had Brayden with her, and he was fascinated with the weekly " mother goose " activities in the bakery section. She very patiently let him do the painting and activities even though they were in a hurry " just one more!" several times, she especially liked it when he was showing his story time and singing knowledge! She loved showing how proud she was at how outgoing he is. In the picture he is singing "itsy bitsy spider"

I told her all about this site and she assured me she has the mothers permission for this submission and picture. Thank you isyn for all you do to encourage the welfare of kids.
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Corina said...

Good sighting! The child is lucky to have such a great caregiver

Corina said...

Good sighting! The child is lucky to have such a great caregiver

this_nick said...

Good sightings are my favorite.