
ISYN-Link of the Day

Learn any of forty languages for free online. Video demonstrations, interactive games and multiple levels, including programs for children. BBC Languages for Free Online.


♥ Amy Darling ♥ said...

I just wanted to offer some feedback on the new direction this blog is taking.

I know many people criticized the blog administrators in the beginning which angered whoever was running this blog.

However, it must have had an effect because after all the negative feedback, this blog is up and running even better than before.

It is obvious it is being updated on a daily {or close to} daily basis which keeps it fresh + relevant.
I like the new features listed and am excited to see what the future holds for ISYN.

Good work to the admin.

Things are looking great!

Street Creed said...

I appreciate your feedback. The blog was not being updated because both administrators had family emergencies.

For those of you who stuck around and are coming back, thank you!