
The Ark Indoor Playground at Gracepoint Church in Coppell, TX

Where: The Ark Indoor Playground at Gracepoint Church in Coppell, TX
When: Wednesday January 30th 3 pm
Children: Landon approx 2-3 orange shirt, khaki pants and blue pacifier also an older boy about 6-7 in blue and gray pajamas.
Nanny: 40s Hispanic woman about 5'2" heavy set
Incidents: Another little boy hit Landon with a soft block and the nanny encouraged Landon to hit him back several times and then praised Landon for hitting another child! (Not my charge)
They moved to have a snack where the older boy joined them and he immediately threw a screaming hitting fit because of the flavor or his Capri Sun. Started punching his little brother while the nanny looked on and did nothing.

Please send your nanny sightings to isynblog@gmail.com . #isyn #isawyournanny #nannysighting #texasnanny


MissMannah said...

Unfortunately a lot of nannies/parents think it is ok to teach kids to fight it out. I agree with you that she acted inappropriately, but I wonder if the parents will care.

Nanny Jenn said...

Nanny must think it is 1958.