As I'm sitting here watching my three kids today (Friday June 8th, 1pm) a woman who appears to be the nanny of three young boys (ages 4-7ish) is Asian/Filipino, average height/build, wearing a long floral dress, came into the park next to me and my three girls (all age 10 on a playdate). As soon as the boys arrive she instantly starts telling them to remove all their clothes in the middle of the park to change into their swim clothes! Then she even proceeds to undress them and yell at them for not taking off their shoes fast enough. Then after they're finally changed, she just sends them off and gets on her phone. Worst nannying I've seen in a long time.
It could be a cultural thing.
However, we live in the U.S. and I think this Nanny is awful. How humiliating for the poor kids.
Hope someone sees this and tells the parents.
Thanks for sharing.
I agree with 2Cents. What goes on in other countries, isn't normally the custom here... and this nanny was very disrespectful to these children by making them strip down naked in public. Sad.
ummm that is embarrassing...poor little ones
Bad enough that she embarrassed the boys like that, but did she send them off to go swimming afterward? If they were swimming and she was playing with her phone instead of watching them, that is a million times worse.
Bad nanny sighting for sure!
I agree the clothes changing was most likely a cultural misunderstanding.
But, the yelling and the lack of supervison no excuse for.
I just don't take cultural misunderstandings into consideration like some might. Call me rude or any other name you want to, but we are in America. Learn the culture here. Chances are if you're doing something you've seen NO ONE ELSE here do...like what this nanny did..then it is not okay.
I thought forcing children to undress was only done in foreign prisons! So wrong especially since most children who are young are very insecure about nudity and rightfully so! These kids were probably upset because it contradicted their moral upbringing, it's only right to teach them public nudity is frowned on.
I find it's generally the opposite, Penny. Children don't have a problem with nudity, but most adults or older kids do. However, the point is that she shouldn't be doing that in a public place because there are other people's sensibilities she may be offending (and also because you don't know WHO is watching or taking pictures or videos or whatever). The fact that she's foreign shouldn't matter--my boyfriend's parents are from the Philippines and you don't see them doing crap like that.
Dr Juris, the OP said the oldest boy was around 7 years old. At that age, most children certainly do have a sense of privacy.
Thanks Mannah, I agree with you 100%! In my past 10+ yrs of nanny experience most children around the age 7 & up start to understand nudity and it's private hence the bashfulness about bathing or changing in front of other people even family or a caregiver. I have always found this normal and respect their need for privacy. And of course I agree Dr. Juris I wouldn't want my charges to be put in a vulnerable position such as changing clothes at the park in fear of possible perverts taking pictures another reason that this post makes me feel bad for these kids because their best interest was not put into consideration by their nanny. And Dr. Juris I never said a thing about it being because the nanny was foreign.
Yes, bad nanny sighting for sure!
As for non-Americans and nudity I don't know about Filipinos, but my family is German and it's so not a big deal. We'd strip down like it was no thing as kids. adults too.
So I can see that being a legitimate misunderstanding, not saying it was ok, but if it's common in her culture and she hasn't been here long enough to realize it's not what we do here I can see an innocent mistake happen.
However, ignoring the kids especiallly while they're in the water that's just bad.
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