Need responsible female to watch our Daughter starting in July - Starting July 2nd our daughter will be living with us for the summer and possibly longer. She's 5 years old and super out going. Loves to ride her bike outside and go to the park. We need a responsible person that is going to be here on time and keep our baby safe. We also have 3 dogs so being a dog lover is 100 percent necessary. The job pays 3.00 dollars an hour and we would need you 8 a.m. to 630 p.m. monday, Tuesday, thursday, friday, and saturday 9 to 3 or 3:30 Please email if interested and give me some details about yourself. Female only cause that's what our daughter would feel most comfortable with. ________________________________________________________________
Submitted by Anonymous MEEBO guest. Thank you!
Where in the world is anyone accepting a job for $3 an hour?????????????? Are these people kidding??
Oh wow. I hopehopehope that $3 salary was a typo!
I made about than that when I was babysitting summers when I was 15 years old. It seems like it's a summer parent that can't afford a sitter while they work. Plenty of people are in this same position. Maybe they only make minimum wage. I bet they can find a teenager to watch their child for that price. I know my daughter would jump at the chance to make money over the summer.
Don't be so quick to judge. ( I know it's ISYN...everyone is quick to judge here)
I really hope that was a typo and they meant $13/hr.
in my mind i'm going to say that is was an accident because no one could honesty be that stupid.
Pardon my frankness, but your daughter is stupid if she's willing to accept $3 an hour. She could get a job at Wendy's and get 3x that amount. I wouldn't have taken that even when I was 12 years old.
I see ads on CL like this all the time. Only they are less upfront. Instead of saying $3.00/hour, they say something like M-F 8am-6pm, rate is $150.00/week even if we let you leave early sometimes.
No kidding... I actually saw that one before!
People who try to bargain hunt when it comes to childcare amaze me. They are usually the type who want to pay the price of a Ford Fiesta and have it drive like a Corvette. You get what you pay for, folks!
I watched a friend's 2-yr-old girl, 3 full days a week in the summer while I was in high school for 3/hour. It was in my home and I was doing her a favor since the little girl's grandma could no longer watch her and they couldn't afford to pay more.
The above poster mentioned working at a fast-food place, and yes, it did pay more, but I was looking for convenience & fun with some extra cash.
But all those hours?! I doubt they'll find anyone who'll accept that.
When I was still a new nanny, I was referred to a family as an occasional night time sitter. I knew the family and the idea of some extra cash sounded good, so I said yes. The family never asked my rate (which was $10/hr for 3 kids for occasional sitting) and I thought they had gotten it from my full time family already.
When they returned, the mom asked what she owed me. I told her $40.00 and she said it was ridiculous. She said, "Why should I pay you $10/hr when I can get a kid down the street to do the job for $12?"
I was appalled! I was 21, could drive, had CPR and first aid training, and years of experience! I told them that perhaps next time they should go with the "kid down the street" but this time the cost for premium child care was $40.00.
They actually called me again, but I never accepted any more jobs from them.
I bet they are looking for a teenager, in which case they really should have specified.
I agree with Dr. Juris. I was paid more than that at 12. I can't imagine a teenager over 16 would accept this. And I would be hesitant to have a teen work that many hours anyway. I'm worried about that little girl. She will most likely end up with very substandard care. At 5, a fun day camp would probably be about the same price.
I shudder to think who will be watching this child over the summer. If this parent cannot afford to pay a decent wage for someone to watch her child, she has no business soliciting a Nanny at all!! Doesn't she realize she is putting her daughter in harm's way by offering such a meager salary???!
I hope it was a typo as well. $13/Hr is more like it.
I am going to pretend I never read that!
If anyone wants to politely inquire whether or not it is a typo, here ya go!
It was ok until I got to the $3.00/hr.
I don't even know of a teenager who would work for that.
Most of the teens in my area expect $10/hr.
I live in NYC, there is no teen around here who would babysit for $3 an hour, teens here get $10 an hour, and if it's an older teen (17 or so), they get $12 an hour. And the ad does not say they are looking for a teen, it says "responsible person", good luck with that!
I hope mom realizes that insane people will apply for this job. Even a teen can get an 8 dollar an hour job at macdonalds or the mall.
what kind of idiot teen would offer to work for $3/hr?
Even if its your weekend job. Just goes to show you, you cant teach common instinct
I can't even imagine a teenager working for $3.00/hour. I pay my 17 year old neighbor $20.00 to mow my lawn and it takes him less than an hour. I doubt he'd be willing to work for almost 7 hours for that same $20.00!
http://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/kid/3048374244.html holy smokes! Someone in the same area is actually looking to babysit for $4.00/hour. Maybe they will be a match! :)
When I started out babysitting I charged $1 per child per hour. When I turned 15, I upped my price to $3 for the first child and $1 for each additional. Believe it or not, I actually lost one family with the price increase! Keep in mind, this is going back a few years. ;)
Summer Sitter and anyone else that agreed with SummerSitter - Are you serious? $3 an hour will not get you a good quality nanny who knows whats shes doing.. $3 and your spending most of your waking hours working for that pay? I can only assume your insane or you yourself pay peanuts. If the parents didnt work then they wouldn't be asking someone else to come everyday and also, if the parents worked a min wage job, even then they could still cough up a few more dollars.. This is just pathetic and a huge insult to nannies everywhere.
nannytothree, the girl in that ad is wanting to take in more than one kid, sort of like a daycare, that's why she charges so little.
What she loses in hourly pay, she will make up in volume with children.
I emailed him. Very politely saying that they sounded like very good people but the salary concerned me, and I was wondering if it was a typo. He said he is sorry, but it is what it is. A few people have actually expressed interest in it, and he has a few interviews lined up.
I guess people are so desperate for money these days, they'll take what they can get.
Wow I'm mentally converting $ to £ and can't believe I read that right. That's insane, I don't think that he has had interest in the job, not unless it was some very desperate teenagers.
Going slightly off topic, is there a law about how much you can pay someone in america? In the UK we have national minimum wage, where the least amount of money you can pay someone per hour is £6.08 if they are 21 or older. I think that's roughly $9. Is there anything like this in USA? Sorry for my ignorance.
Summer sitter, we are quick to judge people for this kind of thing because they are trying to take advantage of us nannies. Maybe they truly cannot afford more, but if they can't afford a nanny, they need to look for alternative childcare, perhaps in a day care center. The world is full of people who think they can hire a nanny for the price of a cheap daycare.
Brit, your minimum wage is actually closer to $11. In the US, our federal minimum wage is $7.25, though each state can choose to make the minimum higher if they want. My state chose to keep the federal minimum. Of course, we have a much lower cost of living then other states and lower than the UK.
Rocky Mountain, I couldn't agree more. You can find a good home daycare for around $100 a week. I don't know why people insist on steak when all they can afford is hamburgers.
Miss Mannah, ok I understand now thanks :)
Sounds like this family have made the assumption that a nanny is nothing more than a childminder that comes to your own house therefore they shouldn't have to pay any extra. Except the reason childminders can charge that rate is they look after several children at once, this family wants their child to get one on one care but don't understand that this comes at a premium. I faced that attitude a lot when I was looking for a job. Guess some people want a champagne lifestyle on a lemonade budget.
'Interviews lined up' could be 'casing the place' at that price.
How cute. Leave off the $ and no one will notice how low the offer really is. Yeah right.
They might have interviews lined up but they aren't get top notch care for that price.. they can do all the interviewing they want but at the end of the day, whoever they hire, won't take the job seriously, won't stay long an will resent working for them and we all no how that type of situation goes down. Sheesh some people have no self respect. I wouldn't work for anything lower then $12 if it was a fulltime gig. That's just me.
I was paid $5/hour when I was 10 years old and did mother's helper stuff. That's just crazy
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