Would it be possible to do a poll and see how many hours a day/week nannies work? It seems like a lot of us have a long day and I just thought it would be interesting. Thanks for considering!
Note to Readers: Although I am not doing a formal Poll, I thought some of you would be kind enough to report what hours you normally work. Thank you!
I do half-days Mon-Thurs and a full 10-hour day on Friday. It adds up to a 30-hour week. But this job is ending in November and I'm pretty sure I'm getting a full-time nanny job starting in Dec that will be 10-hour days Mon-Fri.
I work 7am-7pm, Monday through Friday ... so 60 hours per week! I've worked with the same family for five years now and am a live in!
I work 8-6, M-F..so 50 hours a week! :)
Usually I work Mon-Fri 9-5, but once or twice a month when MB goes on work trips, I work a few days 8am-9:30pm and the rest 8-5.
I work 5 days a week which ends up equalling about 55 hours a week. Shifts are usually 12-10 pm with extra time in the evenings, such as an extra 1/2 hour tonight. I split time with the other nanny, who also works about 55 hours. I'm a live in, she's lives out.
I'm currently waiting for my next babies to be born, but my last job was 10 p.m. - 6 a.m. Job before that was Mon. - Thurs. 9:30 a.m. - 7 p.m.
I usually work around 50 hours a week sometimes less my start and end times are not always consistent.
I work Mon-Thurs 2:30pm-9:30pm and Sat 7am-5pm
so roughly 35-40 hours per week
I work Monday - Friday 8:00AM to 5:30 PM.
I work 46 hours a week mon-fri 8-5/ 8-6
I limit my nanny's hours to 47.5 a week. I generally hire a second sitter for hours above that. However, almost everyone I know in Manhattan has a nanny who works 50-55 hours/week.
I currently have a job that I loooove, working live-out for a family with 3 kids. My hours are 8-6, Monday thru Friday with occasional extra hours (for which i get paid overtime). In my previous job, MB would always jerk me around with my hours, sometimes wanting me to work as much as 80 hours per week (overnight stays) and sometimes as low as 20 hours a week! Nice to finally have a family who respects me and my time! :)
I work an average of 50 hours a week. Occasionally (like today) I get off at 3. If I work over I am paid double. Sometimes the days can be long but it is worth it. I'm used to working 50-65 hours as a nanny. When I was a live in, hours were 7am-11pm. That almost killed me. Haha
I work 7:30-5:30 technically M, T, W, F so a 40 hour work week. There are a number of days I don't leave until closer to 6 and occasionally will work some of Thursday as well.
I worked as a live-in with 6:30a-6:30p hours M-F for a year. That was rough!
I work 3 -10 hour day been at this postion for about 7 mths, My last one that i had for 6yrs was7:30-5:30 and i never got off on time . The new one will call and ask if i can stay just does not assume . I guess you learn as you go along .
I work 7am-345 pm, sometimes I might be asked to stay until 530 but I am always nicely compensated.
I now work 8 - 4:30, although this week I've been working 7 - 6:30pm as MB and DB are away. I used to work 7 - 5:30 with them, but they shortened my hours AND gave me a raise!
I've worked 12 hour jobs before, they can be rough some days! Now that I have a family of my own I'm more picky :)
I work 7:30 - 6:30, M - F!
I've never had a FT job in which I worked less than 50 hours a week. Of course, I do get out early if a parent comes home early, so sometimes it's less than 55.
I work 50hr weeks. 8-6, though it is common for me to work an extra hour or two one night a week...that probably happens 2-3 times a month
730 to 530 tues through Friday...occasionally will work a.Monday or stay late
47.5 hours/week - 7:30 - 5:00, M-F
But I have to add:
I work 5 days a week which ends up equalling about 55 hours a week. Shifts are usually 12-10 pm with extra time in the evenings, such as an extra 1/2 hour tonight. I split time with the other nanny, who also works about 55 hours. I'm a live in, she's lives out.
What the hell? Two nannies working 110 hours total per week? Those aren't parents, those are adults with accessories. When do they even see their kids???
@Ms. Vivienne LePeaux
haha Yes I know it does seem excessive. Me and the other nanny overlap for 5 hours per day when we're both on duty. So on M, T, W, they have coverage from 7 am-10 pm and on Th, F, S, Su, they have someone just from 12-10 (approximately, we usually end up staying late on weekend nights)
The family is so incredibly busy that I feel like if we had a 3rd nanny, it would be great.
This is my first "real" professional nanny job, and it feels like I'm in a movie most of the time. I'm going to do a day in the life soon, if I can ever get the time haha
Oh but I should add that there some days like today, when I haven't even seen the kids once. When MB is home she likes to be with them so I've been sitting in the staff office downstairs all day doing organizational stuff and getting my own laundry done.
I am an after school nanny, working 2pm to either 7, 8 or 10pm depending on the day, M-F.
I was hired at a max of 45 hrs a week but ended up working 50+ Every week... No overtime, no warning when I needed to work late...nada. Hence why that was my old job lol.
My hours are 8-7 Monday to Friday, by the end of the week to say I'm completely burnt out is an understatement! But I like the parents and the children and it pays well so it's worth it.
I'm contracted to do 50 hours a week but I normally do anything from 55 to 90 (if we're traveling, for example). The longest I've worked straight out is 24 days, with 13 hour days plus looking after the kids at night (though they always sleep through) and no days off. I've just upped my overtime rate from $35 to $50 an hour so my bosses think twice about making me work too many extra hours now and I get more of a life!!
You ladies work some insane hours! Even when I was full time I never worked over 45 hours per week. Now, I'm only part time because of health issues, so I work Tuesday -Friday from 9 to 3:30 or 4.
My contract is for 50 hours a week. I usually work about five more hours when I stay on in the evening or come in for Sat. night, for which I am paid overtime It is always my choice as MB has a couple of babysitters she can call if I don't want the extra hours.
My hours are different everyday because of the kids' school schedules. The youngest only has morning kindergarten MT, so I work about 10 hours each day. The middle child has W afternoon free, so I work about 9 hours. RF all three kids are in school the whole day, so I only work about 6 1/2 hours. Then I usually baby-sit in the evening twice a week, one weeknight and either Friday or Saturday. I'm live-in, so I don't really think about the hours past 10pm, when the oldest goes to bed. So baby-sitting adds an extra 5 hours per week. So... 47 hours a week, on average.
But then there are weeks like this week, with my two oldest kids not having school and their parents both going out of town on business for three days. So I worked between 12 and 15 hours each day (again, only counting until the oldest went to bed).
I've just upped my overtime rate from $35 to $50 an hour
THANK YOU! It is few and far between on this blog when I see a Nanny taking charge of her career by specifying her rates and raising them when necessary, instead of sitting there timidly with her hand out, hoping to be offered a few scraps in the form of a raise if her gracious employers deign to approve. BRAVA!
It depends on who is on (regular) business trips on any given week but generally I (live-out) work 7:30-5:45. Some weeks it is more 7am-7:30pm and some weeks it is more 7:30am-5:00pm.
I have 9 hour days, 2-3 days per week.
60 hour weeks. I'm exhausted.
For my full time job I work around 50-55 hours M-F. Usually 8-6 but sometimes 7-6 or 8-7.
I have a part time job on the weekends I work 9-3 or 9-4. Sometimes 10-4. I not always needed both Saturday and Sunday. But Saturday is always a given.
So all together I usually work over 60+ hours a week. This will be changing soon as I will be starting a new job and those hours will be 6-7 M-F Lots of hours and hard work but I love it!
I work 7am - 5:30pm Monday through Thursday, and every friday I work 7am - 2 or 3pm.
I work a second job on Sat, Sun and Mon - all told I generally work between 60 and 75 hours a week.
I'm so lucky to work for a SAHM 45 hours a week (8:30-5:30). She is always flexible if I need to schedule appointments during the day or am running late due to traffic or some other problem. If I have a respiratory illness, she usually tells me to stay home that day and I get paid anyway since the daughter has asthma.
I work 50 hours a week usually. 8am-6pm Mon-Fri but sometimes I end up working later, eg. last Thursday i worked until 11pm
6:30am-6:30pm Monday thru Friday!
I am live in and work anywhere between 75 and 90 hours a week (including overnights with a baby), at home and on holiday sometimes more! I love the family though (I have worked for a couple awful families so feel lucky) and can see they need the help but to say i am exhausted would be an understatement! I am also in the last year of studying for my University degree and obviously trying to have a social life. Sleep has fallen by the wayside for the moment. I have had conversations about my working hours but as i am live in and can actually just about cope with these hours, where the mother cannot and ends up in tears often on my day off, and they are such nice people, i feel guilty pushing the topic! So at the moment i am just getting on with it. No-one said life as a nanny was easy! Hehe.
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