Has Anyone seen my nanny? Older Trinidadian woman with very short hair and glasses. She is with my 13 month old baby girl in and around the Ditmas Park area of Brooklyn. We have an orange Bugaboo and we're in a nanny share with another 5 year old girl who has long light blond hair and glasses(sometimes). They spend most of their time on Marlborough road and near PS 219. Just wondering if anyone has seen them or her yelling at the children inappropriately. Thanks!
To the ANONYMOUS poster I deleted:
This is a Mother being pro-active in finding out how the Nanny is treating her kids.
Rather than fire the Nanny without proof, she is doing the responsible thing and asking if anyone had witnessed her children being abused.
Wouldn't you rather your Employer give you the benefit of the doubt instead of the boot?
OP, If you know any SAHMs ask them to observe your nanny in the playground. The 5 yo can also give you an idea of how the nanny treats them. Casually get her talking about the day. You should get a sense of whether or not she is happy and likes the nanny.
I agree with the above poster. The 5 year old can give you a sense of what she's like. Or if you can get a friend or SAHM to drop by the park and observe! Keep us updated!
Mary Poppin Pills, do you really delete the criticisms and coments you disagree with?
Hey 2nd Anonymous poster:
Didn't your elementary school teachers tell you to "read the instructions carefully"?
Dear ANONYMOUS (hint, hint)...
I will leave your post up only because NYCorBUST answered your question better than I could have.
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