23rd and 6th Avenue in Chelsea, NY
Received Friday, September 5, 2008
I was walking past your nanny (Black, with accent) and little girl on the corner of 23rd and 6th Avenue at about 1:45 p.m.. The child, white with blond hair, couldn't have been older than 18 months. The nanny was sitting off to the side as the girl walked near us on this very busy street corner. The nanny called out to her, but obviously the kid was not paying much heed, considering her age. Really disturbed me how easy some nut could just pick this girl up and disappear before this nanny could get her ass up! Could this be you? Ask your nanny what she did today, please.

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The nanny was sitting near a street corner? Was it a bus stop?
Does it make this child safe if they were sitting by a bus stop? LOL The woman was just sitting there and the child was walking by herself near a busy street. YOu don't let little children that age wander around a busy corner , you hold their hands.
Headline--Another child saved from possible abduction by "some nut" loose on the sreets. Come on? How often does someone really run up and grab a kid off the street corner when other people are around? Why so dramatic? Reading this is like reading some doosday newpaper about all of our children being snatched by the boogie man.
Or how about running off into a busy street boogeyman? It can happen in an instant. Scary.
So boogieman would you be okay with this if it was your child? Lets get real you wouldn't want to find out your child was walking around at that age without a grownup holding her hand.
She did not mention getting hit by a car. The poster said the child may get snatched by a "nut". Nope not Cleveland. Sorry try again.
boogieman, you obviously don't live in NYC. pedestrians are killed here all the time by racing cabs. an 18mo would just have to toddle in the wrong direction a foot or two for this to happen. people here make their 6 year olds hold hands on the sidewalk. you are living in a fantasy world, or in cleveland.
9:24 PM
I think that she should have held the kids hand and kept her more safe then that. The original poster should have mentioned that the bigger problem was the risk of the child getting hit by a car and not "some nut" (because boogyman has a point and how often does that happen?) but really, the problem here is that kids shouldn't be by busy streets ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD, not just in NYC.
I'm getting really tired of the NYC ppl on here acting as if they know more about nannying and safety then other nannies around the country do. There are highways and busy streets everywhere, yes..NYC is much more dangerous, but all the same, a child needs to be accompanied by an adult while by streets.
Thank you.
Hmmm...just another reminder to be extra vigilant when it comes to the care of our kids.
how come op didn't answer when i asked where the nanny was sitting? i asked if it was a bus stop and for some reason downtoearth thought that was a funny question. i am just wondering where she was sitting since people don't generally sit on street corners.
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