Update on Caylee Anthony:
Alleged Nanny Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez Found (Video)
Divers to Search Waterways around Anthony Home (Video)
More items removed from Anthony Home
A CSI team returned to the home of Cindy and George Anthony, grandparents of missing 2-year-old Caylee Anthony. This was their second visit in two days to the home.
The CSI team left the home with bags filled with unidentified items.
Your thoughts?
A shovel, a gas can, and now a nanny that has no idea who casey or cayle is? This mother is looking more and more guilty every day. I think she probably killed the little girl, maybe on accident, then burned and buried the remains somewhere. This is so sad!
Don't know what to say: just seems so horrible. I hope the little girl is alive, but if she is not, God forbid, I hope they can find her and put her to rest in peace.
This whole story just makes me want to throw up. Look at the little girl's big beautiful eyes.
I agree, "mom", it is just heart wrenching...especially when you see that cherubic little face. :(
I hate to say it, but the more I read about Casesy, the more lies pile up, and the more apt I am to believe that she had something to do with Caylee's disappearance. Sadly, I think either she accidently harmed her daughter and got rid of the "evidence", or that she is covering for someone who fatally harmed Caylee.
I cannot fathom a normal (see: innocent) mother, lying to the police and detectives repeatedly regarding her child's whereabouts, and her own life. Casey, must KNOW, she's hindering the investigation, and slowing down the process of finding her little girl, thus I truly believe that she feels no hast, no urgency, because she knows that Caylee is already gone. :( Sad.
Regardless of my gut instinct, I will continue to pray for the safe return of this little girl and hope for a true miracle.
update: Casey Anthony's mom, Cindy, washed a pair of pants that she found in the trunk of a car that she said smelled like a dead body"( believed to have belonged to Casey) There may have also been some shoes and socks in the trunk.
It has also come to light that Cindy fabricated the incoming phone call that was to have taken place between herself, the nanny and little Caylee. Phone records obtained through the police show no such phone call.
More info available at CNN online
I think we should place Casey in a room and start ripping off her toenails and fingernails..one by one...then move on to smash a finger...then another...she will talk then. I cannot understand how someone has the choice to keep quiet. Since when do Casey's rights out weigh Caylee's...if she is alive she could be getting raped daily or being abused its time to find her and we need to do whatever it takes to make Casey talk...PERIOD
eww. mimi.
gosh. well...I think this mother is guilty. I hope they get to the bottom of it and justice is served. I am praying for this child.
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