Saturday, June 19, 2008 If you haven't noticed, the legendary MPP, (Marypoppin'pills) has joined the ISYN blog on a permanent basis. Look for her to be moderating comments, posting sightings, videos, stories and to generally keep things running around here.
Thank you, Mom! I know you have a life outside of this Blog, but please don't disappear for so long next time! Some of us go through withdrawal without you around, lol. :)
Heheh...thanks MPP! Summer certainly is a lot busier around here! We have several extra trips scheduled (besides the requisite summer vacation and/or grandparent visits), as my son is entering his senior year this fall and wanting to check out a few potential colleges. It really does make such a difference when you visit the campuses. One school he was sure he loved on paper, he hated within 30 minutes of visiting the campus. Another we visited while happening to be on a mini vacation in the area is now at the top of his list. So...on we go...and go...and go. Next stop...California. I am keeping my suitcase partially packed at all times this summer! Next summer you will have to console me as we pack my sons suitcase to move to school. Waaaa!
I remember when my Mom moved me into my freshman dorm at UMass. She wouldn't leave until every last thing and pair of undies were folded and put away in my drawers, and she cried practically the whole time! At the time I was all like "Maaa! Gooooooo!" But now that she is not with us, it makes me smile to remember it. She was so proud, as I am sure you are proud of your boy, Mom! Congratulations to him, for making it to a very important chapter in his life. :)
Umass, I tried to write this last night but it didn't post...but I can tell from this and other posts you have written how much you miss your mom. She must have been a very special lady. And I'll bet she would be so proud and happy to know that you have such fond memories of her and think so highly of her as a mom. ;)
(I don't know how to add those little hearts that MPP sometimes uses, or I would put one here.)
Awww shucks! I just get exclamation points and question marks when I do that!
So here ya go...a bunch of "mom love" (even though you'll have to translate 'cause my keyboard is not as loving as MPPS!)
(Ohhh...and here's something you DON'T want to try...pushing the numbered keys with arrows on them while holding down the ALT button. It turned ISYN completely UPSIDE DOWN! Do you think I have a future working in computers? Me neither!)
Unintelligent Troll proclaims at every opportunity that she'd never pull the levers of mysticism and oil the gears of recidivism. The lady doth protest too much, methinks. Does she honestly expect us to believe that the ideas of "freedom" and "fetishism" are Siamese twins? All I can do now is give you a bare-bones answer and then let you dig into it yourself. To understand the basic answer you need to realize that Unintelligent Troll is out to progressively narrow the sphere of human freedom. And when we play her game, we become accomplices. Some people think I'm exaggerating when I say that evidence exists to suggest that she shows a curious unwillingness to drive off and disperse the despicable yobbos who paint pictures of stultiloquent worlds inhabited by harebrained cockalorums. But I'm not exaggerating; if anything, I'm understating the situation.
No other topic is more important and explains better the demise of our society than the saga of DUMMY. As this letter will make clear, for DUMMY's slimy plans to succeed, she needs to dumb down our society.
*Dummy is the nanny who wrote the hate laden anti-child diatribe that was deleted forever from ISYN. Dummy is a sad person who sought to self congratulate herself and thinks she posseses writing talent.
Omg, what a pleasant surprise Jane! I love the pic, lol! ☺
you rock, mpp! :) you are a great person to have on this blog, because among other reasons you are kind, open-minded, and have a sense of humor.
Wow, thanks Umass! I think I'm at a loss for words .... for a change!
Congrats to you mpp! What a great choice on Jane's part.
Thank you so much, Chick! :D
We are lucky to have you here, MPP!
Thank you, Sprak!
Gee, If I would have read down the blog a bit before asking, I would have known what was going on.
I've been away for a couple of weeks. (Summer, ya know?)
Good for you MPP! You did a great job moderating while Jane was away!
Thank you, Mom!
I know you have a life outside of this Blog, but please don't disappear for so long next time! Some of us go through withdrawal without you around, lol. :)
Heheh...thanks MPP!
Summer certainly is a lot busier around here! We have several extra trips scheduled (besides the requisite summer vacation and/or grandparent visits), as my son is entering his senior year this fall and wanting to check out a few potential colleges. It really does make such a difference when you visit the campuses. One school he was sure he loved on paper, he hated within 30 minutes of visiting the campus. Another we visited while happening to be on a mini vacation in the area is now at the top of his list. So...on we go...and go...and go. Next stop...California. I am keeping my suitcase partially packed at all times this summer! Next summer you will have to console me as we pack my sons suitcase to move to school. Waaaa!
Awww! You know I will be here to console you, Mom.
He'll be alright, I'm sure you've raised him well!
That's part of the problem. He's sweet and I'm going to miss him!
I remember when my Mom moved me into my freshman dorm at UMass. She wouldn't leave until every last thing and pair of undies were folded and put away in my drawers, and she cried practically the whole time! At the time I was all like "Maaa! Gooooooo!" But now that she is not with us, it makes me smile to remember it. She was so proud, as I am sure you are proud of your boy, Mom! Congratulations to him, for making it to a very important chapter in his life. :)
I 2nd that, Umass! Congrats to you and your son, Mom. :)
Thank you Umass and MPP.
Umass, I tried to write this last night but it didn't post...but I can tell from this and other posts you have written how much you miss your mom. She must have been a very special lady. And I'll bet she would be so proud and happy to know that you have such fond memories of her and think so highly of her as a mom. ;)
(I don't know how to add those little hearts that MPP sometimes uses, or I would put one here.)
How sweet!
For the hearts:
Press Alt and then use the Rt. side numeric key 3.
ALT + 3 = ♥
:) thanks guys!
Awww shucks! I just get exclamation points and question marks when I do that!
So here ya go...a bunch of "mom love" (even though you'll have to translate 'cause my keyboard is not as loving as MPPS!)
(Ohhh...and here's something you DON'T want to try...pushing the numbered keys with arrows on them while holding down the ALT button. It turned ISYN completely UPSIDE DOWN! Do you think I have a future working in computers? Me neither!)
Teacher has a pet. How sweet.
And Jane is a great Teacher at that.
Thank you!
I do not like baraq and michelle:
Maybe you thought you were coming off cute, but your comment sounds rude and condescending.
Judging from previous posts, "no me gusta" is taking a bite at sarcastic humor. It's funny.
Oh the sad little slag is going after MPP. That's really pathetic.
I bet if you could, you'd go get laid. You're as ugly outside as you are in, aren't you?
Ahhhh. So sad.
What a total burn! Burn!
Burn. The troll is pathetic!!!!
Unintelligent Troll proclaims at every opportunity that she'd never pull the levers of mysticism and oil the gears of recidivism. The lady doth protest too much, methinks. Does she honestly expect us to believe that the ideas of "freedom" and "fetishism" are Siamese twins? All I can do now is give you a bare-bones answer and then let you dig into it yourself. To understand the basic answer you need to realize that Unintelligent Troll is out to progressively narrow the sphere of human freedom. And when we play her game, we become accomplices. Some people think I'm exaggerating when I say that evidence exists to suggest that she shows a curious unwillingness to drive off and disperse the despicable yobbos who paint pictures of stultiloquent worlds inhabited by harebrained cockalorums. But I'm not exaggerating; if anything, I'm understating the situation.
No other topic is more important and explains better the demise of our society than the saga of DUMMY. As this letter will make clear, for DUMMY's slimy plans to succeed, she needs to dumb down our society.
*Dummy is the nanny who wrote the hate laden anti-child diatribe that was deleted forever from ISYN.
Dummy is a sad person who sought to self congratulate herself and thinks she posseses writing talent.
I am really feelin' the love... thanks everyone!
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