A million thanks to MPP for every wonderful thing she did in my absence. How lucky am I to have found her?? (Very). I have some clients to catch up with, but I'll be back later this afternoon. Remember to submit your nanny sightings! There are three ways to submit your nanny sightings. You can email me, use the meebo toolbar to send me a private instant message or leave your sighting as an anonymous comment to just about any post. -JD
mpp did do an excellent job!
welcome back, jd!
You are more than Welcome, Jane.
You are such an amazing person ....
Anytime you need me - I'll be there.
Thank you!
And to everyone else, I really appreciated the kind words and support!
Thanks MPP, you are super!
Thanks MMP! And, welcome back Jane!
MPP, job well done! We appreciate you filling in for Jane.
Welcome back Jane, and thanks to MPP for her work!
What did MPP do??
LOL :)
Dude, she took care of the blog so Jane could go blow off rehab and go on a one week bender.
Even if you're joking, that's not funny.
Rehab is for quitters.
MPP moderated comments, posted sightings, columns and rants, negated traffic and in general kept the blog running.
A week long bender? Really?
The amount of time it takes me these days to recover from one night of celebration pretty much guarantees that a bender of any sort would be out of the question.
Jane is a GOOD person!!
With a heart of GOLD!!
So, why are YOU here, Asswipe? Was it so we could read another of your gloriously pithy remarks?
O.k. Sprak ... what did I miss? lol
sprak, go suck on a hideously bad egg
9:25 and yet another witty gem... How do you manage?
Sprak, if I'm an asswipe, you're the stuff I'm wiping out of the ass.
10:18 Again with the cleverness, and so early in the morning yet! And to think, you have the whole day to think up even more or your witticisms!
Oh, good grief. Give it a rest, guys.
9:25 - what is your dealio?
Yes, I will give it a rest- when I'm ready to give it a rest. Anonymous asswipes who set forth purposely and only to disparage JD and others on here who deserve respect, they deserve to incur whatever wrath they elicit from the Sprak.
Obviously, you don't know the contents of the deleted post, so you might just want to butt out.
That bad huh? Guess it's a good thing I missed it.
Yup Sprak will spew her crap til she's good and ready to give it and us a rest from her idiotic ravings.
I really have no comment on your post, 10:28, as it speaks for itself and tells much about you. Cheers!
Obviously Sprak is feeling the need to come forth and protect either Jane or another poster from you or someone else's idiotic "ravings".
To me, that makes her one hell of a stand up person.
Why don't you just go crawl into a hole somewhere and stink it up.
I for one, am sick of "The Sprak." Almost every problem on the blog involves her and her "Stand Up" attitude, if that's what some people want to call it. Responding to every troll that shows up her with so-called "Witty" remarks doesn't prove anything other than Sprak is a petty person, too small-minded or possessed of too low of an opinion of herself to rise above it. Maybe she's just lonely, I don't know but whatever her problem is, she is tiresome. She's also quite crude, which, when combined with all her other online personality traits lead me to suspect she's a a miserable person; probably unattractive, with few friends.
I love Sprak.
I like sprak too. I also like miserly bastard. I wish he would post more of his amusing sexist jokes. I find them quite amusing. I really do.
Are you kidding? Sprak is hilarious!
I love to read clever writing/remarks written by highly intelligent people, such as Sprak. (Even if...sometimes especially if... they are in response to a troll.)
What isn't fun to read is a raving ten paragraph response from some psychotic troll telling us all how the blog, and everybody on it, stinks. (So I skip those.)
9:13 Sick of me, are ya? Well, I am sick of idiots of your ilk who believe such remarks as "Sprak,go suck on a hideously bad egg" or "Sprak will spew her crap" or "you're the stuff I'm wiping out of the ass" show me up, and then declare me to be crude. I do admit to having a preference for the word "asswipe", but I* do try to use it only when appropriate. Get it now, Asswipe?
I am not sick of you, sprak. I think those comments were very rude and immature. I know people call me juvenile quite a bit, and they are pretty much right, but I would never say things like that.
I think Mom is right: you seem pretty intelligent to me.
jane doe can post when sprak says asswipe but deletes others comments. either you are getting it on together or you are both full of shit
jane doe is totally racist as well
How many Jewish, Papago Americans do you know that are racist?
Jane = Jewish + Papago
Really 3:23. Are you seriously going to sit here all day long (probably AGAIN)bashing Jane?
Have you ever thought of finding a blog you LIKE and spending your entire day there instead?
I usually try and keep to myself, but this is just ridiculous.
Anyone who would dare call Jane ANYTHING derogatory is nothing but a feebleminded miscreant.
You have NO idea the dedication this woman has to children and making their lives happier, safer and better.
I've had the honor of seeing first hand what she does, and I dare any one of you to give up so much of your free time and do something as worthwhile.
Anybody that could slam such a good person must be really jealous and is nothing but a freeloading oxygen breather.
And as for Sprak .... well, she just fuckin' rocks!
MPP! Oh my! Such language. I am laughing hysterically since this si so unlike you.
A well timed F-Bomb sure does let off a lot of frustration, eh?
I let one go the other day and my husband said he really didn't like it. I said to him that it sure was a good, quick release of negative energy and frustration...and it was either that or illicit sex with young (preferably famous) hot men. (Kidding, of course.) He looked at me a little starnge, seemed to think for a moment, and then said, "Well, can you at least do it under your breath then?" (SOmehow it doesn't seem as "naughty"/effective if he isn't looking at me in a state of complete horror...but I'll try, for his sake.
Sprak dear, I am sick of you, and I am not one of the others who called you any names, either in the present or past, and I don't intend to in the future. I simply posted my opinion this morning. Sorry if I hurt your delicate feelings, sweetie. Or maybe it hit so close to home, your only recourse was to call me your favorite word. Whatever your reasons, I refuse to sink to your level, dear, and call you names back. I have far too much class and I am certain, a much happier life than you can ever dream of having. My only purpose was to point out that not every soul here thinks you're the cat's pajamas. And now I will go back to mostly ignoring you. It makes the blog tolerable for me. Ciao baby!
Yes, you are full of class as evidenced by your post this morning wherein you praised the extremely crude posts of the person who has been bashing others on here who do not deserve it. You have an uncanny ability to look the other way if the crudeness is directed at someone you don't like. That pretty much tells the story about you and your so-called "class".
As for you not liking me, you're probably one of many on here who do not like me, mainly anonymous I might add, but I actually consider that rather an honor. Cheers!
My original intent was not to elicit hysterical laughing, but I guess now that I've calmed down enough to read back over my comment, it is quite funny.
Anyone that knows me, knows I am really laid back ... I usually don't let things get to me, but there was one post in particular that set me off, so off I went.
I can just picture you laughing, Mom. :)
Oh, MPP! Thanks for that support and your praise of the very deserving JD. You, like Mom, Eric's Mom, CaliMom, and yes, you too, UMass, along with a wealth of other regular posters on here really do "get it" and some of you actually "get me" and my strange sense of humor.
the Sprak
"freeloading oxygen breather" LMAO!
You're very Welcome, Sprak.
And just for the record, I love it when you go into "the sprak" mode!
I guess we all have our moments, huh?
Speaking of, where is UMass tonite?
and btw, MPP,
it's ok if you misbehave once in awhile. After all, it can really fire one up when certain mean-spirited comments appear on this blog and are solely intended to be hurtful. Makes "the Sprak" emerge, for sure! I guess it's something like the Incredible Hulk persona!!
(Actually, I do look something like the Incredible Hulk and it seems like Classy Asswipe may just be on to that!)
It's usually the really cute ones that don't think they're so cute.
Sprak - I'm sure you're cute as hell. ;)
I wish I knew what started this whole thing and made "the incredible sprak" emerge.
Can you give us a hint, please? Was it as nasty as the above comments from anonymous or worse?
9:38, to answer your question: yes, in my humble (?) opinion.
Love the Incredible Sprak!
The incredible Sprak
Who was it about? Jane, or somebody else? Obviously if it was her, they don't know when to stop.
Since Jane deleted the comment, I am sure that she doesn't want its contents spread any further, and therefore, out of respect for Jane and her blog, I will not say anymore about that particular post.
This is a great site. I have pushed it around my circle and have actually linked it to some things I am working on.
I am glad I have stumbled across it. It is a wonderful forum for us!
White Professional Nanny
Thanks Sprak.
I will say I don't care for Sprak since she went after me in a rather nasty way for no reason so I just ignore her most of the time as well. I don't think her style is witty, cute, or incredible. I think sometimes, she makes very good points and offers valuable insight when she's actually commenting on a subject rather than engaging in the flame wars. But she does tend to be the center of many of them and she is rarely mature enough to simply let it go. To me, she seems to be the type who always needs to "win"
Some people are like that. To wach his or her own!
Oops! I Meant...to EACH his/her own!
So what you're saying metro nanny is that you're holding a grudge?
Anononymous 8:30, I think my post was pretty clear as far as what I was saying in it. No need for me to elaborate further. Nice try though. :D
Hello Metro Nanny, your post puzzled me as I do not recall attacking you personally or otherwise on this blog, and I have nothing against you. I certainly feel that it's important to have nannies give their feedback on this site, and I suspect that you are an exceptional nanny given the posts I have read by you.
Not liking me is very minor in the scheme of things. Ultimately, it's the children that matter.
Thanks very much Sprak, perhaps it was an off day and I was just overly sensitive. I truly appreciate your kind words. And I apologize for my ealier post. It actually sounded harsher when I went back just now and re-read it then in was meant to!
... no need to apologize, but thank you. I will be looking forward to reading your posts as always. :-)
And another outspoken person caves and kisses Sprak's ass. Your pathetic metro. I lost all respect for you now.
Why don't you go to hell? What was so wrong about 2 women acting mature and resolving their differences?
You must be one of the loser's that always has to start trouble here.
I think what the 2 of you did was admirable, sprak and metronanny! There should be more people following your example, but unfortunately, we know that won't happen!
Kudos to BOTH of you! :)
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