Received Friday, November 2, 2007
Middletown NJ: I saw your nanny in a red station wagon (Halloween greetings on right side windows). Your nanny was parked in the Middletown Library parking lot from 12:15 to 12:50. During that whole time, she talked loudly on her cell and the baby was in the back seat. I could not quite see but perhaps another child, blond hair. She did NOT open the window for the back seat on the right side, although she opened her window on the right side. I know because I was parked there to relax with my windows open (it was warm) and she disturbed my peace.
if she disturbed your peace so much why didn't you leave?! this is a ridiculous post! yes she shouldn't have kept the baby in her seat for so long but come on! and not to sound like so many others, but i have to ask, how do you know this was the nanny? this is a website for bad nanny sightings, not to report people that annoy you!
Bad Nannies annoy me.
They do.
And shouldn't this parent know the child was in the backseat strapped in like a psyche patient for an hour while nanny gabbed? The boss probably thinks the child was oh I don't know in the library or doing something. Or do we pay nannies $18 an hour to sit in parking lots with them, chatting up the lines and teaching our children all sorts of insipid slang and street terminology?
I for one think this post is frivolous. There are far worse things the nanny could be doing.
still though, she sat in her car on her cell phone for over 30 minutes. I don't think the kids enjoyed that.
4:34 PM
Take your meds. "Strapped like a psyche patient" Don't you strap your children into car seats when you are driving?
Yes, this is a bad nanny, she is not doing her job, and if she is using bad language in the children's hearing she should be fired. I don't think there is much chance she is being paid $18 an hour however, because for that amount her employers could actually get a good nanny. She is probably another cleaning woman/babysitter.
Is this serious? I mean really?
So the nanny was sitting in the car using her phone? Would you prefer she had the kids running wild in the library while you made your call?
Personally I would be more concerned about someone "resting" in their car in a library parking lot than someone using their phone.
Why didn't you go to a park and relax under a tree, if it was such a beautiful day. Really, you could have moved your car. Unless, you liked listening to the conversation.
Why was OP relaxing in a parking lot for an hour? The nanny as well. Nanny didnt do anything terrible all OP pointed out was that they are a weirdo who relaxes in library parking lots. OP sounds like a predator.
Was the baby awake or asleep? My kids sleep in noise, probably because we live in a big noisy city. If it gets too quiet, they wake up.
So lets excuse this mildly abusive behavior because at least she wasn't beating the child? Wow that is great advice.
Listen up nannies, talk on your phones all you want on our dime, and leave our kids strapped in their strollers. We don't care as long as you don't leave a mark on them, go ahead!
Lisa you're just plain stupid.
~Lindsey, sahm~
OP, you have no way of knowing what the situation with the nanny was.
Just last week, my father (who lives 1600 miles away and I dont talk to often) called me to discuss something important. I was in my car with my kids. Since I was still very near to home, I went back and pulled in my driveway and completed my coversation safely parked and my children safely and happily strapped into their seats...for about 30 minutes. I felt this was safer than talking while driving.
Did the conversation go beyond its original purpose and so last longer than it had to? Yes. Could I have told me dad I would call him back later? Yes. But why should I? My kids were safe and not in any kind of distress.
At worst, this nanny wasted some employer paid time on the phone...who hasn't?
Actually, at worst, you OP, are some kind of weirdo spying on young girls while "resting" in parking lots of places frequented by young people and children.
she could have been talking to the parents for all you know! Maybe the kids were asleep, maybe it was important? Maybe a million things- how is it ANY diff from a parent doing the same thing? People who are paraniod and looking for the worst in everyone they see are who worry me!
Were the kids awake? if they were asleep, maybe, just MAYBE, nanny was letting them have a nap so they wouldn't be crabby when they went into the library.
This seems pretty harmless to me - since the kids were strapped into their carseats, and apparently not dussing or complaining, I would guess this wasn't a huge deal.
Yes 45 mins is a bit excessive, unless the child is asleep. Who really knows who the nanny was speaking to. She may have been setting up something for the family with a bad conection. Get over yourselves. Unless its important mind your own.
Take it from me. My nanny had been telling me she was taking my twins to story time M&W mornings. Then I ran into a friend of mine who told me she took her son to storytime at the library at that my children would really enjoy it. When I confronted nanny, she had a blank look on her face. No excuse. I still don't know where my children were during that time and that is frightening. However, I do think that having the children strapped in their carseats on a nice day is probably one of the safest ways for a nanny or mom to have a conversation. Again assuming it is neither too hot or too cold.
But please don't come down on OP. She may have put herself in the position of being the child's mother and thought this would have bothered her. She is another citizen who is out there with her eyes wide open. Not a predator. No. The kind of vigilant citizen we need in today's society.
If you see something, say something. Err on the side of caution.
35 minutes, not 45 minutes. So the nanny wasn't jumping up and down entertaining the kids. As many of the posters mentioned, there probably was more to this story. How many of you have never had a long phone conversation on the job? I had a very long one once, because I had to keep calling by employer and her PA to sort out the account for the chauffeur service. The Chauffeur said he had not been paid, when he actually had been paid but the check had not yet been delivered to him by my boss' PA. It was the PA's day off, and I had to track him down. I had to step in and make a ton of calls to sort out the pay situation so everyone could get on with their lives ASAP. Yes, it was a long conversation and it wasn't fun for the kids.
Since nanny was disturbing the peace of OP, OP had reasonable comprehension of nanny's phone call content. Stop getting so bent on things you don't think are relevant. I think any parent with a nanny would understand, because more often than you would ever imagine your children are not where your nanny says they are. So if you learn anything from this blog, I hope it is to make sure you know your neighbors-so you have an open dialogue with them, check in and up on your professional American nanny and when you see that all is well and there is no dishonesty, treat her like the blood diamond she is.
Just because you hired a shady nanny does not mean that every nanny using the phone in the parking lot of the library was doing the same thing your nanny did.
Nannies should be busy scrubbing the kitchen floor. Changing mom and dad's ben linens, cooking meals for the family, picking up the drycleaning, returning the purchas mom made at Bloomie's the other day but doesn't like anymore. They should never never never ever sit in a parked car with the children safely contained in their carseats and have a phone conversations. No no no. Bad nanny. I'm calling the nanny police right now.
Perhaps some people should pay more attention to their own lives and stay the hell out of other people's bussiness.
Seems to me a lot of assumptions are made. Is it at all possible, that was 'mom'?? And, if it was, is it still as 'bad'?
OP how do you know this was the nanny not the mom?
And I nanny for a mom (And dad) who call me at all sorts of times and are extremely talkative. It is not uncommon for them to keep me on MY persoanl cell phone, yakking for 30 minuites or more about things that could have usually, but not always, waited until they get home. Sometimes, They may call me because they set up a last minute appointment for one of their kids to a place or playdate I have never been before and they ar giving me directions and/or instructions.
And I too, get annoyed when people speak lodly enough on their cell phone to annoy me. I have fool-proof method to deal with them though. I usualluy join right in the conversation by responding with comments and advice. When they say mind my own business, i say "you were talking so loudly I thought you were making your conversation my business!" I rarely hear any more talk after that! :D
Since you were in the parking lot, pleasuring yourself while observing young ladies... why didn't you post the license plate number? That way, if it was a bad nanny, the mother would know. If it was a mother... she could sue you for SLANDER!!!!
what street terminology was used?
so silly
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