I live in New York and yesterday, I saw this nanny walking in my neighborhood. This is not the first time I have observed her dressed in such revealing clothing. I have cropped her image to remove details of the neighborhood and I won't say what town is it in. She is on her way-likely to the park. There is a large home being completely renovated that she walked past, to the delight of the dozens of construction workers. By dressing this way, don't you imagine that she could unwittingly put your child at risk?
From the nanny perpespective, this is not professional at all. The way you dress at work tells alot about not only yourself, but the family you work for. I'm known around the neighborhood for wearing my pjs out. I wear pants and a shirt that covers everything. But i'm comfortable. But if I wear a tank, I get looks because my tots are to big. I can't win either way. So I just try to dress comfortably and conservative, and then say fung you to anyone who questions it. anyways, this nanny is not being tasteful, nor is she being neglecful by wearing her skirt high enough to see pube hairs. gross.
jeez aloo, what is she going to wear today? it's supposed to be 95 degrees!
How do we know it's the nanny? I know plenty of UWS moms who dress that way.
At least it's not a mini -- it's a skort. No need to worry about her pubbies peaking out to wave hello.
really? Do tell.
Check the park, sahd.
OP, would you blame the woman's dress code if something were to happen?
well, it's been done in court cases involving rape, 10:37, and at times, fairly successfully.
The parents must see the nanny at some point during the day so they know how she is dressing for work. Also, I find it a little creepy that the poster took a picture of this nanny's backside without her knowing...I would not want someone doing that to me and then posting it on the internet.
10:49 can you point me to one of the court cases where a woman was blamed for her rape because of the way she is dressed?
It looks t me like workout gear, if its hot I don't see the problem.
Oh really? A man can blame his rapist tendencies on the woman? I didn't realize that.
If I had her figure and was her age, I be in the same thing.
what a perv you are to take a picture of this woman. how invasive. mind your own business. a child in danger because of daisy dukes. give me a freaking break.
shes a ho
I would not dress this waym but frankly, I think that it's not so terrible. Sure, she's showing a lot of skin, but it's activewear and I bet it makes it a lot easier to chase after kids in the park, through the sprinklers, etc. It's not like she's in heels and a mini.
Although I generally approve of Jane Doe's editorial sense, I just find this gratuitous nonsense. The parents see how this nanny dresses. They don't need a picture snapped by a voyeur on the street to show them who they've hired.
But, that picture first thing on the blog will sure get people to read the post and the blog in general. So, perhaps it's not Jane's editorial sense I should be questioning.
It is a skort. I don't think there is anything wrong with it basically, and apparently neither does her employer. It is too short in the back, but I doubt she is aware of that. You will see moms dressed similarly in the park when it gets very hot and humid. Posting a picture of a sleeping nanny is one thing, but this I find objectionable, and frankly, creepy.
Creepy that this picture was taken and posted without the woman's knowledge. How do you know that she is the nanny? I have seen a lot worse. If something were to happen, would that be her fault too?
Unless this was a bathing suit on the way to the pool, that is completely inappropriate!
No, a man cannot blame his pervertedness on the woman, but also, in some cases, if women didn't dress as if they were easy, or dressed in anything suggestive, sometimes the rapes would not occur. Some rapist are so messed up that a child walking can turn them on, and sometimes it takes a woman in really short shorts with her buttcheeks hanging out to raise anything up.
I would have a huge problem with my nanny dressing like that! Huge! And my nanny is a young live-in so when I first see her in the morning, she is in her PJs. She gets dressed when the baby is having her 9AM nap. I don't think my nanny would pull something like this but I have noticed that since she has lost some weight, dh and I and are seeing a significant amount more of her skin. But to take my child on a walk in NYC? No. And no, we can't blame the victims of any crime, but I just don't want unwanted attention directed at my child. This nanny is a flashing beacon of beauty- I'll give her that.
I think the only women who would have an issue with this are the ones who don't look as good.
The child is not in jeopardy.
My nanny is young and attractive and I wouldn't think twice about her wearing this outfit.
It's on par with a tennis outfit. Big deal.
She looks to me like she's going to play tennis after work. I see ZERO wrong with her outfit on a hot day.
anonymous @1215,
It is somewhat creepy. But there are entire sites devoted to capturing shots like that of women. Upskirt, Downshirt shots. So if you have a problem with that, then perhaps you should be concerned if your nanny dresses like this. She will attract attention. The photo clearly illuminates it. It also depends on the neighborhood you live in. I wear about the same amount of clothing to play tennis myself, but if I were chasing around a child at the park, I know very well I would have other parents and nannies glaring at me. Is it right to stick her asscheek in some two year old's face while you bend and reach for your dc? Not really.
Finally, I have to say-
I much prefer this sporty look to nannies who walk around in stilettos and tight jeans. This nanny looks like she could keep up with a child and would have fun doing it.
Maybe the skirt just shrunk?
Well now the photo has been shrunk.
Thanks, Annie.
I am a black nanny and I think all you people who agree with this person dressing this way are a bunch of hypocrites. If a black nanny were to dress that way, there would be 100 posters saying she is a ho,thats the way she dresses in her country, she has no class, or some other derogatory comment.
Under no circumstance should a nanny dress that way. Yes the temp is way hot, but that is no excuse. What image are you portraying to the public, the kids and your employers about yourself.
All of you that agree this kind of dress is acceptable, please be so kind to admit to the board that you are hypocrites.
The poster that said the op should not have taken the picture of her backside shame on you, her backside should not be on public display in that manner.
Sure it is okay to take pictures of sleeping or abusive nannies, but yes it is also okay to take this picture of nannies dressed like this, because this is also harmful to the kids. Hello, she walked past a group of construction workers to their delight, yes, what about a pervert, do we have to give them an opportunity to engage in reckless behaviour. This dressing is for the beach or the gym. Otherwise, not to be worn so flagrantly while taking care of another person;s child because this shows definitely that you are thinking of yourself and not the child.
To those of you who will not agree with my coments, ask yourself these questions before you confront me:
Would you feel the same way if she was:
- black
- fat
- a parent
- male
Please people, be fair and considerate to one and all, and stop with the discrimination and prejudice.
"The poster that said the op should not have taken the picture of her backside shame on you, her backside should not be on public display in that manner."
and because she is a white woman she must be going to PLAY TENNIS.
How do you play tennis with a child in a stroller? where is her racket?
There are a thousand ways to be a hoochie and this nanny has it down pat.
And, she is begging to have her picture taken. She put her ass on display!
Nope! Too much skin for work. Not only did her outfit start off short on fabric, but she has it all pulled up and knotted tight. If she's heading for the pool, then she should change when she gets there.
She should be setting a modest example for the little girls and boys she encounters all day. I totally agree with 2:19 above, this one found a way to be a high-class hoochie.
if you touch it, it gets bigger.
i mean if you click it, it gets bigger.
the picture.
It is amazing how hard some people work to look like tramps. Just because something is designed by someone, and costs $100 doesn't mean it should be worn by anyone.
1) her calves are kind of big.
2) I think you meant $1,000. $100 buys a bra,underwear & socks.
I don't think she looks like a tramp at all: she is wearing a tennis skort, big deal.
I agree with the poster who said that the only women who would have a prob with this are the ones who don't look as good.
And yes, I would have a problem if a fat girl of any color had it on because that's just gross. Nobody wants to see that. But if you look nice in the skirt, which she does, why not wear it? The picture was taken without her knowledge and that is wrong, and I also think it's wrong to publish it. I'm sure if she had a chance to "pose" and was not pushing a stroller with a 25-40 lb. kid in the hot hot sun it wouldn't be riding up like that.
You women are unbelievable. So jealous and catty. This is in no way an abusive situation and this picture is not doing anyone any good.
I really can't believe you all.
To the woman who said that since her nanny has lost some weight they are noticing more skin? You are the dumbest one of all. Of course your husband is noticing. And if you are angry that your nanny is starting to look better than you, you need to get yourself to the gym, hon. Don't blame it on her that you're a cow. She should be able to wear whatever the hell she wants.
As for the rape debate? Come on, girls. Rape is rape. Yes, you shouldn't dress like a whore, but the woman in this pic is only dressed as an active nanny in the hot sun. Get over it.
Honestly, instead of posting a pic of this poor woman could you not just describe what she looks like. It is horrible that this was posted and I hope the web page owner takes it down. How would you feel if someone took a picture of your and posted it on the net? I doubt you would like it. Please take down the pic.
Well, that's pretty much what she's wearing anyway, right? hehe
Dang... I want my legs to look like that...
Jeez! I hope that tiny piece of fabric doesn't cost $1,000. That much money could get decent summer skirts for 100 women.
Her calves are kind of big?!?!?
I hope you're not a parent, 3:09, 'cause if you I fear for your soon-to-be-anorexic children!
annie, excellent comment. i wondered about jane's motive when i saw this post. it actually came up again on my bloglines after i saw it the first time.
In response to the comments about rape... This is perhaps a bit off topic but I feel it needs to be adressed.
Rape is not about sex, it is about power. It is never the victim's fault. Ever. No matter what the circumstances may be. To say a skimpily dressed woman "invites" rape is akin to saying BMW drivers "invite" car theft. Sure, they are perhaps more likely to have their cars stolen than those who drive Hyundais, but it is 100% within their rights to drive what they choose. No judge or law enforcement official would ever place the blame on a BMW driver for driving too tempting a car. The same applies to victims of rape. It doesn't matter what they wear, how they act, what decisions they may have made to put them in compromising circumstances. A crime was committed against them. Only a rapist is able to control what a rapist does, not his or her victims.
Are you people seriously that thin skinned and neurotic? Do you know how many times per day you are caught on camera? What about how many times your car has been snapped and placed on a blog because you parked wrong? Or what if someone saw you throw out that ciggarette butt and snapped a picture of you? There is a blog for that too. There is a blog to out bad tippers, bad boyfriends and bad drivers. Most of those rely on photographs and have from the start. I have thought from the beginning that rather than describe a nanny, you should just take her picture. I really think this has to be one random nut posting again and again. I had 6 people gathered around my desk and we were all laughing our asses off about the picture. I would love for someone to take a great picture of me like that. People who work hard for their body don't mind showing it off. As demonstrated by her outfit.
Oh and, in case you missed it- this apparently didn't qualify as a bad nanny sighting, it seems to be catalogues under "random rants".
I think I may have to go fire WP so I can write my own op ed piece about the whiny, think skinned, overly sensitive fear mongers that are on this board.
PS On my computer, that picture comes up as being 1 2/2 inches across. We have no idea who this woman is. We don't even know where she lives. So cool your jets.
Or are you just a prude?
I don't understand what the motive is? Am I missing some secret? Don't posts always go up on a blog as they come in? Or is this some grand marketing scheme concocted by the evil and perilous Jane W. Doe. Isn't the first post on this blog always the "heres how to submit your sighting" post?
Anonymous at 312-who are you to demand that a picture be taken down? Stern language from an anonymous poster.
I can't believe people are freaking out over this shot. I don't see anything wrong with it at all! She looks great.
Come join my group on Flickr.
Let me just say, Annie, that maybe the parents don't see the nanny dressed this way. I think it's a bit much. She is on duty. Yes, it's hot today, but hey, there are more conservative shorts and tops that could be worn out on such a day. This woman is at work. It's inappropriate because it is a bit extreme in what it reveals. The black nanny who wrote in above had it right. There are some real hypocrites on this board. I can just imagine the comments if she was fat, black, a male, or a parent. Whoever made the comment about a nanny putting her asscheek up in some two year old's face had it right also. Modesty is called for when on the job, nannies.
Someone told me a picture of me was on some spy photo site so I went there and sure enough, there it was and didn't I just happen to look like a million bucks? No complaint came from my way!!
I would absolutely complain if that was me in the picture and I had cellulite. Or if I looked bloated.
I think the people complaining that it might be inappropriate attire for a nanny are correct.
I think the people who are so against the picture are just pissed off that they have to look at some woman with a great body.
They are out there. So why not get off your sofa and join them in a little jog around the track?
Just today, I left the store with groceries and near my car were three men taking a break. I could feel their eyes leering at me as I put my groceries into the back of my car. I almost didn't want to bend over to get the dog food from under the grocery cart and I had on a very demure Tshirt and some loose fitting bermuda shorts. If the nanny had a brain, she wouldn't want to stir up a bunch of men while out with a baby. Save the man huntin' for later, 'cuz that's a sight any normal man is gonna gawk at.
Last summer, I had taken my daughter out on a walk wearing two layers of tanktops and running shorts. I was so hot, I took off the top layer and tossed it in the stroller. Some busboy type followed me for awhile so I ducked in a store. It was turning into one of those dark, dark afternoons where the skies were about to open up. I left the store to make a quick walk home and there he was outside. I took a chance while a male walked by and I said, "I feel like you are following me, I am going to the call the police". He didn't speak any english and just leered at me. The man looked at the guy and said "go on, get out of here" and the guy took off. Then the man (a Wall Street type) looks back at me with an expression that clearly said "what do you expect for what you are wearing". It isn't right. But...
No matter what anyone said with regard to rape in the above comments, a defense lawyer will use anything he can to get his client off, including how the victim was dressed at the time of the incident. It is not as bad as it used to be but any victim can expect her entire past to be subject to inspection and public dissemination.
I don't ever blame a woman who is sexually assulted or otherwise attacked based on her dress or anything, but it is a matter of example if nothing else. I would not want my daughter thinking that type of outfit was appropriate in my eyes and would let anyone taking care of my children up front what is acceptable and what is not.
3:11, you call us catty? lol, take look in the mirror
Guess what, 3:11 You said:
I'm sure if she had a chance to "pose" and was not pushing a stroller with a 25-40 lb. kid in the hot hot sun it wouldn't be riding up like that."
Your remarks prove a point. Since she knew she had a kid that she would be pushing in a stroller in the hot sun, causing such an outfit to ride up, she should not have chosen that outfit to wear. Get it? You dress for the job. Also, don't think that a pervert might not be among the men at the construction site and when a trigger goes off to a sexual predator he is likely to do anything and do it without regard for leaving the job site and whether a baby is present or not. Such men often stalk their victims or follow them and act impulsively. Mothers have been raped and murdered with their children looking on. If she were my nanny I'd definitely have a word with her about the proper attire to be worn out on summer days when with any of my children. Why invite trouble?
honestly I wished I did look as good as the nanny in the picture, but more than honestly that is not appropriate wear for ananny at any time. Period. We set examples for our kids/charges to follow, or am I wrong
I wouldn't wear that outfit to the gym. I use the stair climber and eliptical trainer. How foul would that be for other people? So if I wouldn't wear it in a gym full of hot guys- probably the best place to show off my body (next to Key West) why would I want to do it at a playground filled with grandmothers, nannies and toddlers?
Sorry, but it reeks of desperation.
You obviously don't have a teenaged daughter or don't care about her if you do. If you did, you would understand how a parent would feel if their kid, even if their adult kid, wound up on a site like this.
You should be able to go to your job as a nanny and not have some jerk take your picture. I totally agree with the posters who have said to take this picture down. It's not right. Maybe you wouldn't care that someone took a picture of you and put it online, but I would and I would be really angry if it were my daughter or niece who's picture it was. And believe it or not, some women who look good actually don't want their pics taken by random strangers and posted online.
But I'm glad you got a good laugh at the office at someone else's expense. Remember Karma is a bitch and I hope someone takes a picture of you doing whatever it is you do: it's probably not looking good in a skirt, it's probably picking your nose or something, but still...
you sound like the same angry poster. redundant almost.
last thought-
when you dress like a clown, with a white face, giant shoes and a big red nose and walk down main street, people are going to look. maybe laugh.
and when you dress like *that*
people are going to LOOK.
And even if it was you niece, how would you know? Unless you are spending way too much time checking out your niece's ass.
you sound like the same poster from the barefoot child post. the crazy chick with mega projection issues.
In 2 days this picture will be gone. The front page only holds so many posts.
I feel a description in more than enough on this blog. There is no reason to post photos.
I would never hire a nanny who would wear this in front of my children. We have high moral standards and dress modestly. At the gym, fine. But not around the house, down the street, shopping. It's kinda sad that this photo doesn't shock me, though.
908, you really shouldn't be pointing fingers and using the word angry. Your post reeks of it.
dude, it's not porn.
she's facing the opposite way.
and if it were me, i would never take time to descrivbe someone. i dont write so good.
but im kind of snap happy.
4:43 PM
Thank you! I would like to add though, while we can predict that a valuable car is more likely to get stolen, there is no way of predicting what woman will be the target of a rapist. Rapist's psychological profiles vary too widely. One's rage is aimed at prostitutes and he goes after them. Another associates humiliation with women with a certain color hair. There was one who was abused by his grandmother, and raped and murdered elderly women. As you said, it is not about sex. A woman dressed very conservatively might trigger a rapist who was abandoned by a woman who dressed like that, while he will have no response at all to a woman dressed suggestively. Rapists are sick. They don't respond to the same stimuli as normal men. And normal men don't rape.
why do you have to go to extremes?
We are not talking about someone getting raped. I am talking about unwanted attention. That nanny that was the lead in to that AMAZING photography display in Brooklyn? The large nanny with the noble expression? That's the kind of image I want my nanny to project. And some little slip of a woman in a cut up to there skirt does not convey it. I would be more worried about guys trying to chat her up and exposing my child to even more creeps than my dc would normally be exposed to during one nyc outing.
And kudos to the OP. Great picture.
I don't mean to be a debbie downer but coming from a rape victim I take offense to your comments. My assault happened when I was wearing jeans and a button down oxford shirt walking home from high school. I was not dressed in a manner that would make someone be "tempted" to do assault me. No one asks to be raped or sexually assaulted. I don't care if the person was naked, it does not make it okay for ANYONE to touch you. Think before you comment. Thank you!
anonymous-114 AM I dont know who you are talking to?
Earlier someone made a comment about courts using how someone is dressed to help in rape cases. I should have been more clear. I was addressing the whole issue. My comments were made to make a point. I shouldn't of said that I was offended. Those were the wrong choice of words. Sorry....
I didn't make those posts but what I deduced from that is that although we understand rape and we understand that women are the victims and things are NOT supposed to happen in court, things do happen. Being raped has nothing to do with your sexual history, how many partners you slept with that week, what you wore or what you had to drink, but I've seen creepy lawyers find a way to get it in. $$$$$ Justice.
I sure heard an awful lot about the sexual history of that poor girl who was raped by Kobe Byrant.
fat calves?
I think she has great legs!
To the poster who commented, "And even if it was you niece, how would you know? Unless you are spending way too much time checking out your niece's ass."
That doesn't even make sense: you are missing the point entirely and being juvenile too, and I agree with the poster who said she wouldn't want a pic of her daughter or niece up on a website, regardless of what she looked like. I wouldn't either! As far as the skirt being revealing, I disagree: it looks to me as if the nanny is bending over to check the baby in the stroller, so it is riding up a little. I babysit for a mom who plays tennis alot and she wears a skirt like this one and when she is getting ready to leave, and bending over to pick up a toy or the baby or something, it rides up a little, but only a perv would have a complaint about it. When you are caring for children, your shirt slips down, your shorts ride up, etc. and it's no big deal. You need to be comfy when you are doing childcare and I see nothing wrong with this girl's outfit, it's pretty typical of a 20-something nanny in warm weather.
I wouldn't wear it, because I'm 175 lbs and pushing 40, but you can bet that if I were 25 and had my old body, I would sure wear it and think nothing of it. It's not like she's wearing spiked heels and a tube top.
Jealousy is a mean one, yentas....
dude you can put a picture of anyone ANYwhere as long as you don't show their face. And they don't have to be facing the other way. They can be looking away at an angle, have an object in front of them, have a black bar just across their eyes or be in semi disguise. ie costume.
I would like to know what is your specific complaint because I do try to understand you numnuts.
This woman is completely anonymous.
You cant even tell what stroller she is pushing. We don't know who she is.
So what are you raging about? You said you have no problem with the skirt since your boss plays tennis in similiarly skimpy attire.
So what is it?
Give me a concise argument instead of a bunch of whining.
If your niece was photographed walking down a non identifiable street- and she is over 18, and you cant see any part of her face, what would your problem be?
I think it's sad that we are reduced to namecalling. To the "numnuts" lady: are you seven? It seems like it.
Namecalling. Not usually.
I am just frustrated by your ignorance. There is a lot of fear mongering going on here. My nanny has a website. She puts pictures of our children on their all the time. You never see their faces. The shots are blury or the child is holding a toy that prevents them from being identified. I am not worried that harm would come to them. Yes, I am glad she asked me but she is my nanny. Not a stranger. I cannot control who takes a picture of me when I leave my apartment. If you don't understand that we have no "privacy" anymore, you are just behind the times. There is nothing wrong with posting a picture of someone anywhere as long as you a)either have permission to take the photos or b) obscure the identity.
This is not just my humble opinion, it is FACT.
Re: namecalling.
you "don't usually?" I'll bet.
As far as putting pics of my kids on the internet, I wouldn't do that. I think anyone who does is foolish. You have no idea who views your nanny's blog.
there are many different triggers for the different types of rapists. Yes, it's about power, but don't think it is only about power. It isn't. Think male hormones.
Clothes contribute to reasons to rape
I agree there is no excuse for a man to rape a woman and this crime shouldn't go unpunished, but one of the last opinion articles entitled "Rape isn't caused by clothes, only people" (SN 10/11) was obviously written by a female who couldn't possibly understand what it is like to be male.
It is considered a myth that how a woman dresses is a sole cause in a rape case, but that does not mean it is not a contributing factor or condition to triggering a man to commit rape. Myths are opinion based, just like theories that are not always proven right or wrong.
Whenever I walk down the street on my way to class I usually do not pay much attention to females in a lustful way unless she is either very attractive or in fact wearing clothes that show excessive skin. The fact is, men are stimulated by sight, which is obviously common sense and it is important to understand that males and females are influenced by different things.
It would also be common sense to conclude that a woman who dresses in revealing clothes will obviously stimulate male hormones a lot faster than a female that's dressed properly. Not all men who rape are mentally unstable and target any random woman to rape at any given time. There have to be some motives involved, such as lust or passionate desires.
I don't think anyone would disagree with me, at least not any males, if I stated that in most cases a scantily dressed female causes more lust in a man's eyes than a woman dressed casually.
Obviously, a man who commits rape is at fault, not the woman, because he failed to control his own urges. But girls, with all due respect, do you honestly think a man is going to stare at your breasts any less if your shirt doesn't reveal your cleavage. Sorry to say it girls, but yes, men will pay attention to your breasts whether you wear a skimpy shirt or not.
Yes, in our society you have the freedom to wear whatever you want. But it doesn't mean it's a good idea to flaunt yourself with the clothes you wear when men are more aggressive and have a more difficult time dealing with sexual urges.
Now what kind of men do you think skimpy clothes will attract: A decent man or a man who might want to take advantage of you to satisfy his sexual desires? Sounds scary, huh?
I respect a woman who cares about how she dresses because it shows that she respects her body and other people's opinions about her.
author: Matt Cook
zoology sophomore
Children without their faces are not children! Just what do you think could possibly happen? My nanny blogs under a psuedonym. She doesn't even reveal her city.
I am curious. Please tell me what could happen?
A predator on the internet (where he could simply google something like "blonde child") goes scouraging through the blog database and happens up on the headless photos of my children. Then based on their clothing alone decided that he must have those children and hunts down my nanny? And my children?
Please help me connect the dots to your craziness.
Are your children allowed to walk over to the neighbors house without elbow pads and a helmet?
May I suggest that you stick to zoology and learn to control your male impulses? Humans are quite capable of doing that, while the animals you study are not.
I think she's too chubby for that outfit and that it is inappropriate to wear clothes like that to work, especially if you work with children.
So, Matt Cook, which is it? Skimpy clothes contribute to rape or it doesn't matter how much women cover up because guys will stare at our boobs anyway? I don't get your point.
Regardless, covering up skin shows respect. It also removes us from our animal state as much as possible. If you go to court or an important business meeting dressed in next to nothing, it looks ridiculous because you are interacting in a cerebral atmosphere. If you are going out for a sexy dinner or relaxed barbeque at the beach, then literally let your hair down and be free. Most of us operate somewhere in between. That nanny should be a little more modest (regardless of how hot her bod is)simply because she is working, with children, and is expecting some respect from her charges and their parents.
Too chubby? I don't see an ounce of fat on her!
Is your last name Flockhart, Boyle or Olsen, by any chance?
I find it funny that anyone would call someone crazy for choosing not to put their kids pictures on the internet. If you want to, fine, but poster @ 1:15 I feel your judgement is a bit harsh and doesn't really address the issue.
I agree with keeping my children's pictures private. I have two kids who are both under the age of 5 and I would never let my nanny post their pictures on her website for numerous reasons, the first one being that you don't know her friends. Of course a random stranger cannot google "blond child" and find her page, but if her friends know her, they know about you, and the danger would be someone seeing it who does know your children or know of them.
I am not faulting parents who post their kids pictures online, nor am I faulting them if they give permission to others to do so. It is their choice. But I choose not to, and I am far from crazy.
Because you are a concerned parent who actually reads the news and knows about internet predators and how easily they can target a child, and chooses to keep photos of your child private and for family and friends only does in no way make you crazy or unreasonable.
1:15, you are the one who sounds unreasonable. I hope you don't teach your kids this intolerance of others' opinions. Someone disagrees with you and they are crazy? You sound immature.
I think you are mistaken and off base. Perverts and predators know where to look. An image like this:
is not going to cause any harm to come to the child posted. Unless of course you post it on a blog with the child's name and address.
Please stop posting as anonymous. It makes it too hard to reply to you.
Below you will find statistics, information and studies regarding the
relation of rape and the blame on clothing.
Utah State University Sexual Assault and Anti Violence Information
Myth: Rape victims provoke the attach by wearing provocative clothing
- A Federal Commission on Crime of Violence Study found that only
4.4% of all reported rapes involved provocative behavior on the part
of the victim. In murder cases 22% involved such behavior (as simple
as a glance).
- Most convicted rapists do not remember what their victims were wearing.
- Victims range in age from days old to those in their nineties,
hardly provocative dressers.
Utah State University
I agree. Too much has been made of the anonymized child and this anonymized pic of this anonymous woman. Who is she? I sure as hell don't care.
OP asked, "By dressing this way, don't you imagine that she could unwittingly put your child at risk?"
I answer, "yes. she very well could. She would definitely attract a lot of attention. In NYC, when I am walking to get a coffee in normal office attire, I have men who approach me and get in my face asking for my 'digits'. Men are way too agressive and way too inavsive of female's personal space in the city. And this is when you have a disinterested look on your face and are dressed in prim business attire. So any men flocking to talk to this women are going to be in your child's space when they otherwise would not. For all we know, the chain of events could lead to some bumbling macho contruction worker spilling his thermos of hot coffee on the poor child in the stroller!
I sell family websites where you can post pictures of your children to share with family around the world.... but they are able to be password protected. This is a wonderful way to do it safely!
Her shoulders look broad, her arms heavy and her legs lack definition so, yes, in my opinion, her body is too heavy for that outfit.
I'm shocked by some of the reactions to this picture. Her privacy is invaded? Is that what you think when a woman wears a shirt cut down to her bellybutton and dh accidentally gets distracted?
I don't know where in Westchester you are. It looks like a tree lined town. I can't just imagine the sahms glaring out their windows. It just isn't necessary!
You sound like a thoughtful young man. Yes, suggestively dressed women will stimulate lustful thoughts, but... There is a HUGE leap from feeling "turned on", to brutally forcing a woman to have intercourse against her will. As you indicated, if a woman wants to be respected by nice guys like you, she should not dress like a hooker. At the same time, dressing like a nun will not insure that she won't be victimized. Rape is not about hormones.
What would you think of a nanny who came to work wearing 4 inch stilettos and a mini skirt? Imagine this nanny pushing a stroller or chasing kids around a park. What kind of impression would you have of her?
Think about this nanny in a parking garage or other area that is deserted during the day-anything could happen, and yes, she could get raped. What could also happen is that she could get stalked and then raped.
If my nanny came to work like that, I would send her home. If the problem persisted, I would start looking for a new nanny and send her to a stylist for a makeover....
I find it insulting that a woman would wear this type of outfit at while working. I've had many outfits that looked great at home, but when I would pick up a child, or lean over just right, I would give anyone a great view of my chest. I do not wear outfits that show off my body, no matter how I move when I'm at work. Those outfits are saved for my days off and for get togethers with friends.
You fat cows astound me. You must hire the fattest ugliest nannies you can find so they don't look better than you.
Come on now! For all we know the mother could approve of the outfit. Who am I to judge someone just because they have a nice body (I wish I had her butt!) and not a trace of cellulite or varicose veins in sight. I do envy her figure, but I don't want to adhere the scarlett letter or brand her a witch because I am scared my husband would find her attractive. I TRUST my husband. I also know that rape or assault has nothing to do with appearance. Otherwise, rape would never happen in countries where women wear burkas. (It does, and the women are stoned).
Should I start wearing a burka instead of a string bikini to the beach, to prevent putting my kids at risk? Or is it ok because I am a mother?
1138, you sound like a lovely lady. There are other ways to satify you delicious husband besides having cellulite free legs and a perfect butt. I do have a problem with mothers wearing string bikinis on the beach. It just strikes me as desperate.
HAHAHA 11:42. No worries here. I don't wear a string bikini, that would cause my mother-in-law to have a seizure. Anyway, my point is, why are we ripping someone apart when we don't know the whole story?
I think I know enough. Scantily clad ho-type nanny walks her charge down a public street in clothes that scream "look at my ass".
This nanny is dressed like a hoochie! Say what you wish to justify her indecent exposure. The BOTTOM line...she is a hoochie mamma.
never. not in a million years would I want her working for me. Kudos to her for her great body. I have a live-in nanny and if she looked like this working out, I would hope she left the house with clothes on top of this!
I am laughing so hard at all the fat SAHMs on this board who can't handle the sadness of their pathetic lives. It's so obviously a case of guilt transference based on their feelings regarding allowing younger, prettier women to raise their children. It kills them, but not as much as it would kill them to lessen their almighty income.
No wonder why other countries hate us so much.
I'm a SAHM who doesn't think this nanny is dressed appropriately at all and part of my problem with it is that she doesn't have the slim, athletic build this outfit requires to look good.
9:22AM, you seem to have issues with SAHMs. Are you one of those working moms who want the kids fast asleep when you get home every night at 8:30pm. Maybe you are one of those who have some out of town business trip every other week, and expect the kids to have some respect for you when they are 15 years old and smoking marijuana, and you don't seem to know how that happened?
OMG if my ass looked like that I'd walk around naked
HOLDING mirrors to admire myself!!!!
I'm sure the kid's Daddy really appreciates it though.
OMG now THIS is a post I agree with.
To the original poster: thank you for coming here and sticking to the facts. You didnt call her out of her name or even reveal where you are located. This makes me take your post seriously.
I cannot believe her employers haven't said anything to her. That is inappropriate! I make sure all my clothes are modest when I am working. Any nanny who shows up to work like this is NOT a professional!!
My name is Romg,
The way this women is dressed is how she feels comfortable, Its not like she is wearing a thong and stripper heals really!!!, Come on now. Many moms were this, Even I wear this(Ekk kind of nasty)
She has her own style and if the parent has something agenst it they will do what they want, But as I know it shes still making that money while your taking pics of her so you can go jack off, Totally discustiong
Buahaha this is just hilarioiius to me! To the people trying to put her body down, you are obviously extremely jealous and nit picking...'chubby', yeah right in what world? haha I don't know one man that would ever call her chubby (she actually has quite the ideal body, guys dont like sticks that look like little boys!) As far as her outfit goes, it's a bit too revelaing for her job, but I agree that it probably rode up when she was walking...we can't always predict what our clothes will do when we do activities. Also, I don't see it as a negative that she has confidence, maybe she'll teach the kids some! I'm sure her employers know what she wears, leave it to them to decide...maybe the mom has a hot bod too and isn't jealous like a lot of you. I'm sorry I'm finding it sooo funny that she's making some of you bitches SO jealous, get over it! Well, gotta go, time to drag otu that mini skirt, you guys all make it so worth while!
I happen to be a very attractive woman, and certainly is comparison to that whore up there in the picture.
Having an attractive body is no reason to display your parts like a hooker. The only reason hookers flash skin is for money, and the babysitter was already going to get paid. Maybe she was looking for some "after work activities"?
Also, dressing like a slut does not show "confidence". It shows "stupidity" and "disrespect".
The only way to teach the kids confidence is to have a confident attitude, not flaunt your ass.
Once again, I am not a fat, chubby, or insecure woman. I'm happy with my life, and confident enough to laugh to myself because I KNOW there's not a chance women who dress like total WHORES will get anywhere in life.
are you 100 percent certain that I won't get anywhere dressing like this? Most of the fat chicks I work with have 6 year degrees, but I am making giant leaps and strides over them. And that has nothing to do with my agility and years of training as a gymnast.
We blame the media for covering Paris Hilton in jail-but how many of us were tuned in and talking about it? They (the media) give us what they want. Somewhat like myself.
So 9:29 what do you do to compete against hot chicks with 6 (actually 7) year degrees like me? And what exactly do you do for a living where brains don't count for anything (obviously)? And from what I've seen it's women who aren't so nice in the face or who were molested by family members who need to dress like total slutbags for some attention (like the nanny above) and, apparently, you?
Maybe thats why she got the job.
Get a life woman. IF she's a nanny, don't you think her employers must know how she dresses? u r not right in the head.
Have u thought that she may b the child's mom? Let's know how you figured that she wasn't ?
It doesn't matter where this pic was taken. U need to get a life. Nobody is going to seek this woman out. Especially if she's a NY'er...and I think she just might be.
excuse me... i live in boston, where the weather is pretty comparable to NY... i am a nanny too. i can not believe that you have the nerve to take a picture of a young woman leaning over a stroller and pretend that SHE'S the one who has problems. it gets freaking HOT when you're in the sun at the park all day running after children. look at her... she's wearing sneakers, she has rolled up her shirt... i don't think she walked out of the house that morning with the agenda of looking slutty... i'm pretty sure she was trying to avoid heat stroke! GET A FREAKING LIFE DUDE and stop taking pictures of girls! i swear if that were me, i would press charges for invasion of privacy. haw dare you!
If you are walking down a public street, you cannot expect any right to privacy.
I have a little brother that is 12 years my junior, I am often babysitting, or just generally spending time with him and in no way would i ever dress that way around him. Even though we have a brother sister relationship, I wouldn't want it to lead to him thinking that it is in anyway acceptable for a woman to dress that way. For that reason i believe it could cause harm to a child, depending on the age.
I found that anon comment funny.
"She's a Ho"!
Honestly that was funny....this is just a fact in this persons eyes..........hilarious! No analyzing just calling it as it is!
Anyway it looks like a tennis skirt and shorts deal that Nike makes, I have many of them but I have to say I am aware if it rides up. And mine are longer and I am very tall. This one is particularly short. While in work one must always dress appropriately and baring too much flesh is not appropriate. Peek-a- boo mini's is not a good idea when working with children.
Casual- sure!
Comfortable- absolutely!
Colorful-Why Not?
Skimpy-Not acceptable.
Short is fine but ass cheeks hanging out is just WRONG!
This is way too much...........her shoes are fine though! Now ANON if she wore white stilletoe's! I think "NANNY HO ON THE PROWL"! Would be called for.....
But, hey this has given me endless giggles....
I do agree and think its bloody creepy city time that this picture was taken by someone and posted.......
Just off the subject slightly a woman looked at my breasts the other day and scowled at them and tutted as if they personally offended her. It was if I had just vomited on her shoes! Her face got all wrinkly and disgusted! It made me look down to see what was going on and sure there was a little cleavage and they are a handful but, hey I was alone and it was hot.......I cover up more sensibly while on the job. I have worked for families who require a strict dress code and I have to say that I adjust it a little to my taste. In my spare time I bring out all the stops! I show my tattoos put my piercings back in and when I can dye my hair and wear as much lipstick as I can! When I am working for a rock n roll family I can be a little more relaxed but, its funny that I still think of myself as a conservative dresser and never bare sexy skin.I may be a little quirky but, I do not think revealing naughty thought body parts is a good code of dress for children. Hey! Someone could sniff at my look at complain.....but, you will never catch my bottom hanging out while I push a stroller.....
However with friends children I am not too fussed how I look......my standards on the job while being a professional is just the way it is.
I always enjoy watching women dress up with their children and see what they can get a way with..4 inch heels and hot pants with a double stroller toddling down to the supermarket with full club make up on buying some eggs........RESPECT!
I recently nannied in a country where honestly the women all wore short skirts and high heels and were very very sparkly and slutty. It was very cultural and to not dress like this with your children kind of had you sticking out like a sore thumb and feeling drab. It was very normal to see outrageously sexy get ups and strollers and no one blinked. It took me a little while to adjust.
i just seen such sexy nannys in flicks, thnx for the pic anyway
Ok, heres the thing:
I am a nanny and it is VERY important to be comfortable when taking care of children. But, this nanny's butt is hanging out of her scort..Not Appropriate. Shorts and a tank-top is one thing but really, this is taking it a little to far. Also, about the women causing thier own rapes.
I don't believe women cause thier rapes, and I don't think if every woman covered up every inch of skin on thier bodies, rapes would stop. However, when a woman exposes her body to the public eye and then getting angry and offended when it causes unwanted atention is idiotic. I'm not saying every womman who wears a mini want to get raped, but if your not looking to get a mans attention, sexual attention, then keep you goods under wrap ladies, come on.
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