The parents of missing Madeleine McCann left their three children alone in their apartment every night of their holiday because they did not want a stranger to babysit. Doctors Kate and Gerry McCann decided not to employ a £10-an-hour babysitter to look after Madeleine, three, and two-year-old twins, Sean and Amelie, while they went for dinner, because they "don't like leaving them with strangers", their family said. Mrs McCann's mother, Susan Healy, said the couple had made a mistake in leaving the children alone, but criticism of them was totally unjustified. (source- Daily Mail-UK)
It has been widely reported that the McCanns were only metres from their children and could see their apartment from the dinner table of the resort's tapas restaurant. This is not true. The McCanns' flat was outside the complex and, crucially, outside its security doors. To check on the children, they had to leave the complex by the security doors, turn left up a main road, climb the back stairs of their end-of-row flat, go in through the rear french windows, which they had left unlocked, and walk to the front of the apartment where their children slept. That room overlooks a car park and another main road. (source-Sydney Morning Herald)
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
National Missing Children Center
Missing Children in New York State
Bring Madeleine Home Website
I do think the parents are to blame but regardless I hope that the child is found. Their lack of common sense does not mean they love their child any less. In this time of trama people should be focused on finding the child, although this probably would not have happened if she was not left alone.
10 pounds is about 20 dollars.
I am sure that it was the nanny's fault, even though they did not have a nanny. Because for every thing that happens to a child, it IS ALWAYS THE BABYSITTER TO BLAME. Horrible nanny
I am just sick over this story wondering what that poor child is going through. She is obviously a very loved little girl. This, my friends, is one of my biggest nightmares. I can't imagine what they were thinking when they left their children alone though in an unlocked apartment in a foreign country. I am really hoping that they don't pay the price for this for the rest of their lives. I really hope this story has a happy ending against all odds. I imagine it being my own child and it rips me apart. Poor thing was probably carried out sound asleep, and woke up to terror.
This pisses me off. If this would of happened in the USA you would be arrested for child enderment and the other 2 kids would of been taken away.
This is sad. I hope the kid is found soon. Of course the parents were not smart for leaving the kids unattended and far from view. However the parents' mistake does not justify the 'abduction'.
If these parents are doctors, they surely could afford to bring their own nanny. Yes, a nanny - that very important person who can watch the kids while the parents go to dinner. $20/hr is nothing compared to a kid's safety.
In 1997, a toddler was left in a stroller outside a New York restaurant while her mother dined and drank inside, prompting diners to call police. After being arrested for neglect, the mother said the practice was common in her native Denmark and sued the city for false arrest. The charges were dropped and she was awarded $66, 401.
Oh that is just plain sick! When people come to the United States, they must leave crazy practices in their native countries. This woman endangered her child and was rewarded with $66,401! What has the world come to?
In some countries, people are openly stoned for adultery. Does this mean that people who come from those countries can do the same here, and then turn around and sue the U.S and walk away with thousands of dollars?
Cultural correctness is a nice thing, but can also be a curse because people turn around and use it to bite the hand that issued them the right to practice their culture on American soil.
Imagine asking a child for their imput? "Is it okay if mommy and daddy go out to dinner and leave you alone in this strange place". Of course not. You would never ask that. That's a lot to live with. I don't always like having my nanny around. Sometimes she annoys the piss out of me. But if I can't give my children the supervision they need, she's here. I don't do it for her. I don't do it for myself. I do it for my children. Imagine explaining to the twin two year olds how mom and dad cost them their sister.
I didnt realize she had a website and then I see it here. Interesting that clicking on her picture doesn't take you to her website. Is that a social commentary of sorts?
8:55 I wish I could say I agree with you that this is an obviously very loved little girl. But I just can't understand leaving not only a 3 year old but two 2 year old TWINS alone every night! If the parents didn't want to leave the children with a stranger they should have stayed home. This story is very sad.
Shouldn't the very fact that the little girl is missing be evidence that this kind of thing should NEVER be done?
"Any suggestion they were neglecting them is completely insulting." - from the article "Madeleine's parents didn't want to leave her with a stranger"
Even if they were checking them every thirty minutes, that would leave doors wide open for someone to 'spy' and realize they had a routine.
And to say they did nothing wrong in being away from their children is to say that there is nothing wrong with parents doing this in the future. Perhaps they were unwittingly neglecting the children, but in my eyes leaving a child unattended like that is unacceptable. As nannies, we would never get away with something like that, would we?
Sick people. very sick. My prayers are with the little girl.
Can anyone confirm that the parents even checked the children every 1/2 hour?
My friend has been to this resort and she said it would have taken the parents 15 minutes to get to the hotel/resort from the restaurant..you're telling me they checked every half hour? Oh please! I can't imagine what they are going through but they DID leave their children alone!!! Who in their right mind does that? Especially when you are in a different country!! My friend also mentioned that when she took her children with her they used the day care facilities and on staff babysitters if they were ever going out. This is not a cheap resort, I'm sure the hotel ensures that the day care facilities and staff are qualified to their job. Also the twins would have been easier to abduct because of their location in the hotel, so why did the 'abductors' only take the 3yr old and not the twins?
These parents sound like narcissistic assholes. I'm sorry for the loss of their child. I'm sorry for the loss of every child. Especially the many children who are not model looking blonde, white girls that no one hears anything about! What about helping and supporting some of the parents who lost their children through no fault of their own instead of lending unending support to these two wretches?
I think this is a sad commentary on the luxuries the parents are willing to afford themselves while not the children. How much for dinner for these parents? What does it cost to take three tiny children along with you to a resort? They don't eat much. And if they babysit themselves, I would guess nothing. Ridiculous!
i agree with the others! how can anyone leave TODDLERS ALONE?! I'm sorry but not wanting to pay 10 pounds because they 'don't like leaving them with strangers' is the dumbest thing to say. So leaving your toddlers alone is better than someone strange watcihng over them?! How is that better?!
I don't know what happen but I imagine that the little girl probably walked out by herself and then may have been taken when she was wandering around. Probably why the twins were left alone??
I spent some time last night googling this story.
The really odd thing is that the parents left the kids at "creche" (read: resort daycare) periodically during the day.
I thought they didn't want to leave the kids with "strangers?"
Unless I read an inaccurate account, something is rotten in Denmark. Or I should say, Portugal.
God I hate blaming the parents because they will be in pain every day for the rest of their life, but hell....they are to blame.
I slept with my children last night and hugged them closely to me.
I just hired a wonderful first babysitter for my daughter:
excellent references, nice kid, a college graduate, my daughter loved her: and I'm still nervous!!
What was wrong with these people? Stupid is the same in all countries... I feel bad for the little girl and for her siblings because they have such dumbass parents. These parents should be on their knees begging for God's forgiveness.
I certainly understand them not wanting to leave their children with the resort childcare staff. I wouldn't.
But the answer is not to leave them without any supervision.
I would give my right arm to eat in a nice restaurant in peace without having to take care of my children's needs every 2 seconds.
I know what my priorities are though, so they either come along with me or I stay at home.
Childcare during working hours is a necessity. After hours or on vacation it is not.
My thoughts? Some FAMILY vacation!
was the daycare nursery cheaper or free? If so, that tells a tale. We already know that to go out in the evening would have cost them close to twenty bucks an hour. I'm thinking "cheap, cheap, cheap and selfish, selfish, selfish"
Yes the three yr old probably woke up looking for mommy and daddy and when she couldn't find them wandering out the door to look for them....possible yes..but didn't they say the windows that were closed when they left the children were open when they returned? Something just doesn't add up in this story. Why why why not take the twins as well? And this is a case of neglect on the parents part. I'm surprised the twins haven't been taken away from them and placed in custody with other family members.
Well the parents saved the 10 pounds, but have aquired £73,505.58 according to her website, to assist in finding her.
I hope it was worth the little bit of savings...
My husband and I bring our kids whenever we go out to dinner, even though we know that our toddler will try very hard to throw his toys in everyone's food. Better to have them around and being little brats than leave them home alone.
I read the article and I cannot believe that all four couples left their children alone every night. And they're all doctors?!? My child's doctor always stresses the importance of constant supervision.
The parents' relatives' comments defending the parents' actions are making it worse for the parents.
These parents are both doctors! I guess they didn't learn any common sense.
Anyone trying to defend their choices is wrong. They didn't want a stranger to watch them sleep, but it's okay for a stranger to steal one?
While I feel that it is indisputable that the parents messed up, I also agree that criticizing them is unjustified since they're already receiving the worst punishment in the world- their child is missing.
JMT would defend them only if someone called them gay.
Back to the subject...
I highly doubt that this is a case of the parents being cheap. 2 doctors don't fly to a snazzy resort and then try to save a few bucks on childcare.
This is a case of them not exercising common sense.
I feel bad for the parents but they are lying. They didn't go check the children every half hour. That would have left one of them sitting at the table for periods of 20 minutes or so solo. And that would have defeated the purpose of their pricey solitude. I take a family vacation with the children and I take vacations just with my husband. And we're not doctors. You just need to have priorities in your life. Children didn't seem to be one of them. Mere accoutrements were they?
I disagree 6:24.
The snazzy resort and dinner out was all about their comfort with no regard for cost. They sure did not consider the comfort of their children.
True - how much can three and two year olds appreciate a trip to another country? Why not leave them home with all these family members who are so concerned with defending the parents? And we can criticize the parents precisely because they were so wrong. They haven't begun to suffer. Cheapskate idiots.
they took the kids on vacation because they didn't want to pay for exended childcare just like people take babies to the movies and annoy the Hell out of the rest of us. As for them being doctors, don't forget England has socialized medicine, the fastest way known to a quick death from a common cold or cold sore.
Anyone wonder what the kids had for their dinner? And last but not least, don't forget England is the country that gave us Louise Woodard, the baby killer au pair. BTW, she now has her own baby. Shudder.
I absolutely wonder what those children had for their dinner. And since the children are napping age, did they spend their afternoons napping away too while the parent frolicked on the beach?
As a citizen of the UK I resent the implication that we are less sensitive or savy to the issues of children. These doctors and their friends have been called in the press everything from party animals to swingers. I must wonder if there is not a morsel of truth that lies somewhere therein.
Nothing wrong with being party animals. I don't care about their sex life either. Leaving the children home alone is what is concerning. It's just flippin' stupid!
It seems, 7:51, that you may be more in tune with the issues of your fellow diners. :0(
"Jon Clarke, 34, a physics teacher in London, said that British parents were not encouraged to take children to restaurants and that he would consider leaving his own 3-year-old alone if it was in a safe place where he could easily check on her.
"If you take children to a restaurant in Britain," he said, "it's more often the attitude that the children shouldn't be there, whereas in Spain, Italy, France, they're more welcoming."
According to the article, they have a nanny back home they can trust. Makes me wonder why they didn't take the nanny along.....
I am sorry their daughter is missing and I really hope they find her soon . Hopefully, the parents will never ever leave them alone again. Leaving 8 years olds is pretty much OK for a while. They understand what's going on but at 3, the world is still a big ,bad place. An 8 year old would know how to use the phone and call, a 3 year old may not.
Good point, 2:10: just because someone is a doctor, doesn't mean they can't be a total dumbass.
I do feel bad for the parents, but I also feel angry towards them: they were negligent.
I think the parents are 100% to blame. Even if they weren't concerned about their children being kidnapped, weren't they at all worried about what would happen if one of the children woke up and couldn't find their parents? Checking on them every 30 minutes is nothing. A lot can happen in 30 minutes.
no matter what, a child is missing. we can pick apart what should have been done or how this could have been prevented. but the point is, she is missing. i am sure her parents feel horrible about this.
the most important thing is to find her. now.
Yes, the most important thing is to find her but equally as important is to get the message out that what these parents did was WRONG and if other parents see this they will never do what those parents did!!!
How many other parents have done this? American Parents?
They will pay the highest possible price for their decision. My heart aches for them and for anyone, anywhere who has ever lost a child.
These parents are 100% to blame! Do not take your children on vacation, if you are going to leave them alone every night! How totally selfish! Order your food in! I hope the child is found safe, but she should not be able to go back to her "loving" parents! They are totally neglectful!
so much attention is being focused on this privileged child who's parents showed little or no concern for her safety, what of the many children in new york city who have had children snatched out from under them, despite taking every possible provision to safeguard thier children? why aren't people offering up rewards and making speeches about those children? not blonde enough?
who can't recall times when they may have briefly had a lapse of judgement that could have resulted in injury or worse to a child? However, these supposedly learned people routinely left their tiny ones alone while they went out without them. There is NO excuse and I do not believe this will end happily. Probably someone in the resort who was a pedophile caught on to the open-door situation and took advantage.
This country is so full of double standards its crazy. Granted there is a little girl missing but why is it that when a kid other than caucasion is missing no one pays attention. Its sickening. I can name at least 10 kids in the last month that I know of that have been abducted or missing that were not white. Not one word heard about them. So a little girl in another country is missing and American run their asses over there to help. Its the parents fault for leaving this kid in the room alone. Another double standard because if this was a family other then white, people would be outraged and want these parents to pay. Instead people are so "saddened for the parents loss" and this is a "tragic accident". But a couple a years ago a black mother left her kid in the car for minute a stray bullet hit her kid and killed him. The mother was arrested for child endangerment and got her kids taken away. If this little girl is dead nothing will happen to these parents. They should be punished for leaving their kids in the room alone. They will get a movie deal and a book thats it. And it makes me sick. These parents are horrible and shouldn't have their other kids. I don't care
It is astonishing that the parents left their young children alone. Despite this poor decision, this story is so sad. Our thoughts are with the family, and we pray for a safe return for Madeleine.
I'm just curious about these 10 abducted/missing non-white kids that we haven't heard one word about. How did YOU hear about them?
But I definitely see your point though and agree with you that the news is spashier for blonde children. I recall the Tsunami coverage and only seeing blonde tourists on the television screen.
What a world we live in.
are you serious:
agreed: our country is so screwed up. We like to think of ourselves as so ultra liberal but we're not: we're racist. It makes me sick. My heart goes out to the little girl and to all missing children.
Very well said, 9:04.
Some Americans are racist, some are not and some are just resentful because they think the minorities get unfair breaks. Jane Doe has provided an Ambert Alert on this page and this blog should be notified of any missing children via the link. I do not discriminate against a child no matter what race or socio-economic class he may represent, but I want every child to have a safe environment in which to live and for every missing child to be reunited with his family and loved ones. My prayers are for all missing children.
8:00, you're right our country is screwed up! I work for a news station and I'm sure there wouldn't be a such a media wave if it was a 'non-white' child! Of course the media doesn't bother to cover the hundreds of innocent Iraqi children who have been killed because of the war...rest assured though if they were white american children killed in the war, our station wouldn't be able to get enough of it...so much for freedom of speech...
7:28 shut up seriously. Thats not the point of how many "serious" has heard of. Walk in any Wal-Mart or supermarket and the walls are filled with missing children. 9:04 is right Americans are full of BS. I don't get it but as an African American I would hate for my child to be abducted or lost because no one would care. These parents are stupid, selfish, and horrible. They don't deserve to be parents. If this little girl is dead I hope that they live with what they did for the rest of their lives because it is there fault. Its a catch 22 situation. Most people are sad that this little girl is missing and want her safe return. But safe is not with these parents. Lord knows how many other times this has happenend. I hope they never get any of their kids back.
Pull the stick out of your hole and try reading again.
How sick some of you make me...how dare you make a racial issue out of this? Anything to play your race card! Shame on you..here are a few statistics for you..
in 1998 whites 16,993 blacks 1439
in 2004 whites 13,157 blacks 1605
in 2005 whites 12,304 blacks 1612
Those are the number of children missing in those years as well as their racial backgrounds... you are a bunch of dumb asses
when you have over 16,000 white children missing and just under 2000 black children missing ..you are going to hear more about the bigger number beacasue there are MORE CASES!!!!
Everey missing child deserves the most coverage they can get ..hoefully leading to a safe return home.. another statistic..
more white families have a stay at home mom than other racial backgrounds
Most white families only have on average 2 children
Black/Mexican families have on average 3 or up
these last 3 stats alone are going to give the white family the upper hand when it comes to time for the media,financial stability to plaster posters everywhere as well as time to do so..if you have 3 other children to take care of and money is tight and childcare scarce you will not have the same amount of time or money to dedicate to your search.
You may not like this and I know I will be attacked by all of you PC'erS..but facts are facts. you can look the stats provided up on
Your call for racism is out of line..your remarks should be aimed at the horrible parents who would leave 3 small children alone because they are selfish and ignorant. Their relatives pity obviously reflects the parents"no accounutability" attitude. My mom would kick my ass if I left any of the 3 of my children alone so that I could go out and then she would sue me for custody!! My husband & I hope that this child is found safe and that she and her twin siblings are taken away from such neglectful parents .
BTW I am very aware that I used words like Mexican, black & white..I am not a PC drone/lemming..if this offends you..tough shit..parents leaving their precious children alone and helpless offends me!
Will you marry me? It would have to be a gay marriage though. JMT could officiate.
406..I am afraid I like my husband & his boys a little too much!!
Love the sense of humor though..I have no doubt we will be hearing from jmt eventually.....
after all he and 904 always patrol these boards and they just love me!!
Yup 2:00
You're right and what race is more like to be homeless? Whites! Thanks for the lesson hun.
2:00 that might be true but usually african american kids that are missing are almost always considered "runaways". My husband is a police officer and has been for 17 years. Thats where I get my information from. So if my child is missing and a minority my child is going to get classified as a runaway. Runaways are not paid much attention to by anyone. Remember the girl that was "kidnapped" by a guy that she met on myspace? Well come to find out she willingly went with the guy she met (she was 14 and he was 25, by law it was kidnapping) She was a white girl from a middle class family. An african american girl the same week was actually kidnapped from her home in my town and she was deemed a "runaway" by the media. She was on television for half a minute. Come to find out she was raped and killed her body was dumped in a field. Her attacker? A white man who said she seduced him and people believed him. My husband has worked cases of African American children who have actually been kidnapped, gone to the media and no one will pick up the story. It is about race. Are you that blind? Look at that little girls picture. If that was a little hispanic or black girl no one would care. There would be no picture on that blog. Same thing about the nanny postings. I bet most of these people have seem people other than black nannies "abuse" these children. People are more interested in those cases. Forget African Americans what about Asian kids that get kidnapped or any minorites. I swear if you are not white hold on to your children tight because you will get no help if they go missing. Sorry to say but thats how it is.
So basically 2:00 what you are saying is that whites are more careless and stupid when it comes to raising their children because they keep getting kidnapped. You proved your own point. It is about race. White people are worst parents because according to you the don't know how to watch their kids. Blacks and minorities who have 3 or more keep more of an eye on their kids. Wow! Interesting point I learn something new everyday, white people don't have a kids they might get kidnapped. Your a dumbass 2:00!
Or maybe she's saying that there is more of a demand for kidnapped white kids on the pedophile circuit, so those are the children who are stalked until their parents make one tiny mistake.
Wasn't there someone here recently hemming and hawing about minority children who don't get adopted as fast as whites? They were basically indicating that there is a larger demand for white kids.
So, if we all put 2 and 2 together, what do we get?
"Mrs McCann's mother, Susan Healy, said the couple had made a mistake in leaving the children alone, but criticism of them was totally unjustified."
Grandma thinks they're good parents.
Bunch of fucking idiots I say.
I also note a lot of anonymous comments.
What gives ladies?
I think that the # of anonymous comments grows because people follow the example of others. I just loathe anonymous comments. No one knows who I am. But I still wouldn't sign off as anonymous!
Ro: shut up.
Love Anonymous
What a bunch of f'in whiners!!!!!The stats that were shown are realistic! I looked them up on 2 different web-sites.. So what... now the police department is an enemy because they racially profile your child by placing him/her as a runaway???
If for whatever reason you feel better by critisizing whites..then do it..but facts are facts and all of you poor,pity me because I am black and don't get the same attention as whites do can go to hell. Just remember that the next time you are hired for a job that you are not qualified for in any way but by skin color!! Get what you want because you work hard for it and not becuase you are a
MINORITY" and the senate passes a law stating you "deserve it"
wish I got the same freebies,medical and housing that the "MINORITIES" in my town get!! You get freebies..we get media attention when our children dissapear..real fair..huh????
I went to hud to get help with housing..I was denied..however..if I was pregnant & not married,in rehab or on welfare I would qualify withing 20 days and be placed in a subsidized 1 bdrm apt.
Guess who filled the entire line of qualifying women...not 1 white woman thats who...so if you really want to talk racism..lets go ...but all of you poor pity me because I am black...sure as hell won't like it!!
This was not about race..this story was about a bunch of dumbass parents to selfish to put their children before themselves..as well as an ignorant grandma who has the balls to go to the national media claiming her daughter and son in law were loving parents who "made a mistake"...
everything is not about you..slavery ended a long..long..long-ass time ago and the USA has more than made up for what all of our dumbass great grandparents x 20 did..so let it go and stop crying poor me..if anybody is facing racism it is the white man trying to get a job,qualify for a business loan or student loan!!But bow if we are Native American,Black or Mexican..here you go..here is your check.. so NOw MY children are paying for it..
If I offered a scholarship for white students only wanting to be doctors..what do you think would happen to me??
Or a magazine called"whites'
or if I used the N word everywhere I went..see Its okay for you to do it but don't sit their and claim racism when we do it!!..it is you who promote it..excepting for a few exceptional musicians dating back to the 60's the majority of young blacks get on the radio and promote racism24 hours a day..why don't you go bitch at them..you want things to change..start with your own sister..and then when you get that all cleaned up..you can come bitch at me!
Signed a pissed off white women who would never leave her children in a hotel to go get her grub on!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS you be shocked as hell if you saw my family tree!!But they unlike you don't bring up race every other minute of the damn day!
Damn someone is experiencing white guilt on a WHOLE other level. Get some therapy sweetie and lets hope shes not a black woman because that would be a bad situation...lol...your a weirdo...
I personally think the parents are as much to blame for the abduction as the abductor him(?)self, and should be prosecuted for their abuse and neglect.
Now the parents have been named as suspects.......
What do I think?
The selfish ass parents went on a family vacation and wanted "me" time. And their little girl was not down with her 7pm bedtime. She previously gave them a problem on another night when they were trying to LEAVE her and her siblings. She actually ran away and was lost in the complex for a half hour. So she gave them a three year old tantrum, "mommy dont leave me to go drinking" and they killed her.
They need to fry.
I'm glad they are suspects. I never believed the girl was kidnapped from the get-go. As everyone in this blog have already stated, if they wanted a vacation without the children then arrangements should have been made. There are no excuses - period. The parents have no pity from me.
Holy shit Batman. This is an old thread and I'm just reading the whole thing, and I see that the amount of ignorance being spewed here rivals that of the McCann "parents".
Why is this board always going back to race issues and now the European thing?
1. Parents who have money in England tend to have nannies and PAY THEM EXTREMELY WELL. Nannying is a very valued career in England. It is the ONLY country in the world that has four of the TOP Nanny Schools! There are Nanny degrees basically! In America nannies are not as respected or gone through as much as in America.
2. Children are abducted and abused every minute in America.
3. These parents who happen to be Doctors will never admit to neglect at this point. Can you imagine the public lynching they will get. They cannot go backwards at this point because they may and probably should be charged and thrown into jail for outrageous neglect.
4. Remember the whole media around Jon Bennett? Yep it was the mother who was responsible for this! So there is something to be said about this. It is blatantly obvious. She lost her temper plain and clear when the child probably would not perform correctly. Scary Stuff! I would not be surprised if something comes out in this case WATCH CLOSELY.
5. Of course this is a horrible situation and these parents are suffering enough. They have to live with the fact they messed up and lost their child over it. ( I really believe they should be investigated and charged on this).
6. In certain parts of Europe it is normal to have your children up late and at restaurants with you. In countries like Spain it is very custom for the children to run around and be looked after by the community. Restaurants are not that horrifying in England. These parents were just not putting their children first.
My personal opinion.
They will have to live with this which will eat them alive. The child is probably not alive at this point and if she is she has probably not become not barter for money but someone sicks property. If it was a hash job on a kidnapping situation wow they may of had to kill her or they could of put her back into the community.(There was no evidence of this type of crime. She wandered out most likely to find her absent parents and fell pray to a very frightening person. This was probably extremely organized. This happens all the time and frankly if the children were left alone for such long periods of time she has become very easy prey to who knows who. These people spend a lot of time stalking the innocent and frankly these parents were naive and stupid to think any different. They will suffer to the point they will hope she is dead at this point.
I will be so shocked if she will ever show up.
I tend to stay away from the upsetting posts but wandered across this and thought I would put my two cents worth (no fun at this post whatsoever)!!!
I was debating putting my comment as anon as the nature of this subject is disturbing but, I have enjoyed this board and feel at this point I may become a regular. I feel we are all a little careful about what we say about missing children in fear of saying the wrong thing here or being attacked.
'If this would of happened in the USA you would be arrested for child enderment and the other 2 kids would of been taken away'.
Er.... No it would not! Check the Jon Bennett case again amongst hundreds of others. In AMERICA THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN AND PEOPLE GET AWAY WITH ALL SORTS OF STUFF HERE!
This is such a stupid thing to say. In America what would of actually happened is years of public media nonsense and a court room circus which most of time time JUSTICE JUST DOES NOT RULE.
"And last but not least, don't forget England is the country that gave us Louise Woodard, the baby killer au pair. BTW, she now has her own baby. Shudder".
Another ignorant posting. Let us just look at the facts here. ENGLAND is not the issue here!
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