I saw your nanny... and she is awesome!
Location: Powerhouse Park in Del Mar, CA
Time: approximately 11:30 am
Your nanny was playing with three children, two blonde boys and a red-headed girl, all around two or three years old. It was unclear to me which children she was responsible for, as she gave each child her utmost attention. They were laughing, running, swinging, talking, singing, dancing, laying in the grass together and having a blast! Her individual and group attention was unparralled, and I applaud whomever the parents might be who are fortunate enough to have her on their team. You have truly found a gem.
I was close enough (swinging with my infant on a swing nearby) to overhear her calm, collected, and affectionate way of reminding the children to "make good choices" while also being very aware of where each child was and what they were doing. She affectionately referred to the group as "her homies" and was a pretty, Caucasian girl with long blonde hair and a black and white shirt on. The children seemed very comfortable and loving toward her, and she back to them. This was a refreshing sight, and I am jealous of the family or families that employ her. This nanny is on top of her game, and has given me higher expectations for any future employees of mine than I ever thought I could have. Unfortunately, I didn't get her name, but if she's this good at the playground, I'm sure she's just as great in the home, and with a spirited bunch like the children in her care, mom and dad will know who she is. Can I steal her?
I'm very happy to read a post about a outgoing, capable, and respectful nanny. Props to the OP for posting...
I think I may be this nanny. THANK YOU!! I care for all three of the kids in a nanny share, however yesterday I was only in charge of one little boy... But all three tykes kick butt! This was very flattering, and I will keep up the good work. It's a good feeling knowing those of us who do a great job don't go unnoticed. Thanks again!
She is my nanny. I was there yesterday too. She is awesome. So nice to hear someone else recognizes how fortunate we are. I am part of a nanny share with 2 other moms. Sometimes she watches all three and sometimes just one. It just depends on the mom's schedules. We just filled a vacancy with another mom. Too bad we didn't run into you a few weeks ago. We may have some room this Fall. So, no you can't steal her but you may be able to join us. Again, thanks so much for the props. It is so wonderful to receive unsolicted validation for our "good choices". She is the perfect nanny. All three children are above average and we give her a lot if not most of the credit!!!!!
She was our nanny and my son's preschool teacher on the east coast...she does totally rock! She genuinely loves and cares about all of these children. (Our kids can't wait to see her upon our visit to the San Diego area next week.) So glad she is appreciated as much in CA as she was in MD!
How did the San Diego family recognize the nanny as being their former form this post? I hate to question a positive sighting, but now this sounds fishy!
7:57 I agree, now both posts about recognizing the nanny seem fishy....possibly the original post now too.
I agree, something isn't quite right here. Each of the posts are from the same day. Nanny, Family & Previous Family all post less than an hour apart.
Do Nannies really think they are besting their cause by excusing neglectful behavior or submitting false posts? I mean I don't even understand what is going on here in this post. I am damn sure that although I might spot my nanny and child on here (because I knew what the child was wearing and what they were doing that day) I dont understand how a former employer in San Fransisco could have possibly known that. I mean give the readers of this blog some credit. I think most of us are educated professionals!
Unlike others on this string who are responding as "anonymous" and more ridiculously about something they know nothing about, I will proudly say that this story is about our nanny, who is absolutely incredible and the only reason both my wife (who posted on this string earlier) and then the person from the east coast even heard about this site is that our nanny - the one in the story - told us about this site. I would have NEVER read it otherwise, so please don't give yourselves too much credit saying that a nanny is making a false post to bring attention to her, because her employers wouldn't even be reading it. Don't spoil this for her, I am sorry we even responded in the first place. For I am VERY proud of her and not just for this story, but I know she is TERRIFIC and so does our daughter. I can give you all many, many stories of how good she is. And trust me, they would not be "false posts".
Off the topic, I think the term "educated professional" is a crock. I have known many people who think of themselves as such and are just idiots.
One woman I nannied for was a doctor and she didn't even know the mortgage company they bought the house with. She also didn't wash her hands after changing a diaper. And she was a doctor!
So I always wonder about anyone who feels they are an "educated professional." I have met many people in my life who are educated and are just plain stupid. Likewise I have met many people who are not formally educated who are smart and professional.
That being said, I don't know if this post is real or not. I am assuming it is, I see nothing to the contrary. However, I hate posts like this: nobody wants to read the good ones. Admit it: we like the dirt!
The nanny here... I felt great after hearing about this post and sent a little "bragging rights" email to my friends and family... sorry for being a little excited. Come on, people. Give me a little chance here. I was very happy about being noted on this usually gossip and catty commented inflicted site. Sorry I wanted to let my friends and family in on my five minutes of happiness. Way to ruin it for me. I hardly ever comment, but in my own defense, wouldn't you tell your loved ones about your great accomplishments at work? Being recognized as an exceptional employee, no matter what line of work you are in, deserves a little recognition from your loved ones.
a blogger profile that is not connected to a profile or your own blog is ANONYMOUS.
To the excellent nanny: I hope you don't let the people on this site ruin your ego boost. Most of them are bitter, and even the one's who aren't bitter (and I count myself among the latter group) read this site, as a commenter above pointed out, for the dirt. It's like a gossip column, and ultimately, positive gossip is not that exciting.
I do hope you keep up the good work!
I laughed out loud when I read the above commenter who asked, "Do Nannies really think they are besting their cause by . . . submitting false posts?" as if all us nannies are continual concerned about PR! We're not the Dairy Farmers of America, people! We're individuals who are freelance employees. Some of us are wonderful specimines of humanity, some of us are drug addled whores. I don't worry about the whores because I'm not one of them and there is no way that their actions could possibly reflect poorly on the job I do.
I do hope they all continue to get seen and reported on this website, though, both because they should be fired and because it's so incredibly entertaining to read about. As for the angry, conspiracy theory moms: Keep up the good work, you're just as stimulating to read about/from as the neglectful, sugar-toting, cell-phone addicted nannies!
I am a friend of the wonderful Nanny in mention here as well as a former coworker and I will say that I never would have even heard about this website if it had not been for the email from said friend. It was sent to a group of us, including her former employers, which is how they knew to come to this site and back-up the wonderful qualities that were noticed by a stranger. Upon reading what was so nicely put by an observer I am very proud of her and was going to simply call her to congratulate, but having read several posts by skeptics I thought it would be best to add my thoughts here. For those of you that believe I am said nanny posing as an observer as well as posing as others to plead her case I say you are more than welcome to ask for my email or other contact information (be warned I am in Maryland and it will be long distance for you) and I will gladly personally attest to what a wonderful person she is and how loved she was by all the children that her and I worked with together.
To my best friend I have this to say to you: forget the naysayers and the skeptics and understand that those of us who know you, as well as this individual and probably many other strangers who have seen you, fully appreciate the time and consideration you put into your job and how you care for and about the children in your care. You have impacted the lives of many children in such postive ways simply because you are one of very few who treat the children as more than a job. It is undoubted that any kid who has ever been in your care, if asked who you were, would most likely say "my friend" before they would say "my nanny" or "my babysitter." I have watched you interact with children many times over and I know that even the children that were unruly whom you had needed to discipline on more than one occasion, missed you terribly when you moved to the other side of the country. You are absolutely wonderful at what you do and every family would be privileged to have you as their child's teacher for even a short time. Keep up the good work!!!!!!
To the skeptics: I understand you may have never been blessed to know her or someone like her and so you want to believe that it's impossible for someone like her to exist... but unless you are 100% sure you should never try to take away the praise that most often does not come EVER in working with children. As you can see from the pages of this site people always want to point out the wrong and good deeds go unnoticed. Say what you want about who I MIGHT be or what I'm getting out of it... I never would have felt the need to gush over her if you people had not tried to take her good deeds away from her. I couldn't let that happen- how would you feel if someone tried to turn something so positive into something completely negative for someone you love? I'm simply defending her honor.
"Go 'head girl!" :)
Her nickname is "head girl" ?
What does that mean?
No that's not her nickname I was trying to say "Go ahead girl" like some people say. Kind of another way of saying "Keep doing what you're doing."
I wasn't going to respond to this awesome recognition of our nanny until I read some of the ridiculous negative comments. It was my son that she was watching and the other 2 lovely children are also part of our "nanny share." They all love each other very much which was recognized by the positive observer at the park. She is an exceptional woman and deserves every bit of the praise sent her way. We feel very lucky to have her in our lives.
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