.... WHAT?!
1) Part Time Nanny (D.C.)
Looking for an experience part-time nanny to care for my child in my home. The ideal applicant must be certified in CPR and First Aide, have 5+ years of experience, have 4 professional references, must be willing to travel, and have a flexible schedule. Extensive background check, drug testing, and personality testing required. My expectations are extremely high, if you meet the above qualifications and love children send your resume via e-mail.
Original URL: http://washingtondc.craigslist.org/doc/dmg/1652283795.html
2) Need childcare tonight (Pittsburgh)
My kid sitter just stood me up...I am looking for someone who is able to watch my 8 year old son tonight at your home. It would be overnight, till 1p tomorrow. Must be reliable and have clearances and 1 reference for me to call. Please contact me on my cell phone. Thank you for your time, Stephanie 440-522-****
Original URL: http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/kid/1643017871.html
3) I need a last minute babysitter ASAP (Norfolk)
I arranged for someone to watch my 4 year old and 2 year old this evening at 7 and the lady stood me up. She didn't call to cancel and she is not answering her call. I need someone to watch my kids until approx. 1:30am tonight. They are already asleep for the evening. I can come to you. Please help.
Original URL: http://norfolk.craigslist.org/kid/1643077283.html
4) In need of part time care (Norfolk)
looking for part time sitter for a 3 yr. boy while my wife is on deployment. I currently have overnight duty every 5 days so overnight is a requirement must be able to get on and off base to pick child from the CDC on Lil Creek base. Willing to work with his/her schedule but i prefer someone to pick child up from CDC for the overnight portion. Please send me an email in reguards to your location and your rates, my wife leaves wed. so the sooner the better also i have duty fri. so please contact me Thank You.
Original URL: http://norfolk.craigslist.org/kid/1646045147.html
5) we need a date night!!!!!!!!! looking for a sitter tonight (Seattle)
looking for affordable sitter for tonite my husband and i need a break!!!...We have four wonderful children that will be sleep during the hours of care needed. so we are looking for someone with a valid copy of their first aid and cpr certification that can lend us a hand for the evening i would like to confirm and meet you by 6:00 pm can u please contact me if interested..and the care is to be provided in my home. 253-222-****
Original URL: http://seattle.craigslist.org/tac/kid/1651965684.html
6) need a childcare provider today (Norfolk)
I just got offered a job today,and to start today, I know this is short notice,and crazy, but i need someone ASAP,to watch our son,I do have a fulltime job also,but the job that i was offered is partime,my husband is in the Navy, he is Military police, I have to be at work at 1pm til 7pm TODAY, out son does have ADHD, so we prefer someone with experience, he is a hand full, My schedule will change often but ill let you know weekly, I do get paid on Fridays,so that would be your payday also! thanks, Amber you can text me at 757-971-**** or email me
Original URL: http://norfolk.craigslist.org/kid/1644825181.html
7) Last minute babysitter to come to my home! (Norfolk)
I am looking for a babysitter to come watch my two girls in my home tonight. Please email with rates along with other information. Thanks!
Original URL: http://norfolk.craigslist.org/kid/1642919667.html
8) childcare or babysitter needed! (Norfolk)
I am in need of a babysitter or child care provider for approx. 20hrs a week. I have 4 children ages 7,6,3,and 2. I need someone who is flexible because my schedule changes weekly. my house or yours. some days it will be for the two younger ones other times all four. can start as early as sat night because my current sitter is not dependable. email me kimberly4152@**** if this is something you'd be interested in. thanks you!
Original URL: http://norfolk.craigslist.org/kid/1641857699.html
9) Evening babysitter (Seattle)
I'm looking for a local to Orting babysitter for my 5 month old son. Sporatic to date nights, typically on Friday night, such as tonight...
I'd probably put him to sleep, and then it's just a matter of being here in the event that he wakes up, which usully occurs at 10:30 pm to eat, be changed and put back to bed, but we'll usually be home for that...
Would be nice for a student needing a quiet place to study...
Pay would be 8/hr for <18years,>18years.
I also like the barter system, so if you wanna take music lessons on violin on viola, that could be a nice exchange.
Or if you wanna take cooking, baking or sewing classes from me, that could be arranged..
Original URL: http://seattle.craigslist.org/tac/dmg/1652134752.html
10) Babysitter needed (Phoenix)
I need a babysitter for my 7mos old daughter tomorrow for a couple of hours in the evening and if available for an hour during the day. Please respond with related experience and a little about yourself if you are interested. Thank you!
Original URL: http://phoenix.craigslist.org/nph/dmg/1649217086.html
11) Temporary babysitter needed ASAP (Norfolk)
Original URL: http://norfolk.craigslist.org/kid/1651437435.html
.... HOW MUCH?!
12) Nanny Wanted (Atlanta)
Looking for a mature, dependable and responsible nanny to take care of my 3 year old son in my home starting immediately.
Light meals and snacks would need to be prepared as well as light housekeeping duties ie: keeping the house clean during and after play and activities, as well as, some laundry. Please be willing to read to him and take him outside to play. I prefer that he doesn't watch television unless it is an interactive, educational program preapproved by me.
Also, I have a 9 year old son and a 12 year old son who would need to be watched during school breaks or if they are home sick from school.
Must be able to be at my home between 6:30am and 7am M-F and work until at least 5:30pm. Some Saturdays. My hours may increase starting this Spring, but we can discuss that later.
During school days, I would ask that you assist my 9 & 12 year old getting off the bus and scheduling constructive indoor/outdoor play once homework is completed.
Please have reliable transportation, a clean/active drivers license, clean background check, non-smoker & drug & disease free.
Okay to bring your small child with you during the day.
I can pay you $120/per week.
If interested, I can be reached at: 404-387-**** or by email to the above link. Thank you, Amy.
Original URL: http://atlanta.craigslist.org/nat/kid/1642175754.html
13) nanny in my home (Norfolk)
Hi, my name is April i am a single mom and I have 2 children one boy 5 years old and one girl 2 years old. My son goes to ghent elementary and he would need before and after school care as well as my daughter for all day care. I am a single mom working at least 50 hrs a week. I am looking for someone that is full time monday-friday from the hrs of 7 am and 6 p.m..with the poss. of working some nights and poss weekends with the same times, for extra income. My son this past year has been diagnosed with bipolar and adhd. So I am looking for someone that has a lot of patience. I also have to check with the school to change his bus stop or he will need drop off and pick up from school. I am offering $150-200 a week with all extras i will cover as well please email if this interests you. starting date is monday march 22nd. Thank you for your time April
Original URL: http://norfolk.craigslist.org/kid/1644029125.html
14) Once again.... in need of long-term sitter (Seattle)
So... this will be the 4th time in a year that we have had to resort to placing an ad on Craigslist for a sitter.... We think we've found the right one.... but then something happens and she has to quit. We are very understanding that you have a life, but we both work 40+ hours a week and HAVE to have a reliable sitter.
We have 2 girls. Jayden is 7yrs old and MarLeigh is 1.5yrs old. Both girls would be dropped off at your house at about 630am every Monday, Tuesday and Friday (no holidays). Jayden will need to be taken by you to West Hills Elementary for school at about 830am, then you would only be watching MarLeigh until about 230pm. I work at a prison which is open 24/7/365.... so my hours are subject to change, but this has been my schedule for several months now and you would never be working before 630am or later than about 330pm or on the weekends or holidays.
Our current sitter is my unreliable sister... but our ex-sitters all accepted $100/wk. We can pay a little more if needed for the 3 days/wk. We will also provide all the diapers, wipes, snacks, and even some toys if u need them.
Please email me at ahosking84@**** with your location, rate and phone number. Thanks!
Original URL: http://seattle.craigslist.org/kit/kid/1647688295.html
15) Desparate Mom (Norfolk)
Hi, I am a military wife looking for a favor by a trusted person that I can use for long term
I need someone with Military stickers and ID to pick up my son on my husbands duty nights
My son will be at the CDC youth center on the little creek base
Their hours are from 6 am - 6 pm
You would have to pick him up, Let him stay with you that night, then return him to the cdc program the following morning
He is six years old and very loving.
I will pay $ 5 dollars for his dinner ( Mcdonald's on base) or whatever you provide
$ 5 for gas/ inconvience
and $25 dollars for him to spend the night with you. Total of forty bucks per night. about 4-5 nights a month (once a week)
If you pick him up around 5:30
from 5:30-6:00 dinner
6:00 - 6:30 homework
6:30 - 7:30 TV and Play
7:30- 8:00 Bath and story time
He will sleep from 8 til the following morning when you get him ready and drop him to school (This is just a suggestion)
I will need you starting in August. If your husband works on that base I would not mind him picking my son up and bringing him to you.
Please if you can help or know someone who can let me know. Thank you!
My name is Ramzi 601-291-**** or 757 962-**** or email me back
Original URL: http://norfolk.craigslist.org/kid/1641385268.html
16) Childcare needed ASAP (Norfolk)
Child care needed in our Virginia beach home for two boys ages 3 & 4. Hours are Mon.- Thrus. 8am to 6pm and Fri. 8 am to 3:20pm. You are not required to do heavy or major house work just watch,pic up toys in front room, play with and do crafts and flash cards with the boys. breakfast is ceral and milk and lunch just needs to be warmed up or sandwhiches that may require slight assembly. The pay is 145.00 per week and pays every two weeks on my paydays. We are willing to consider drop offs at your house if it is close to home or to my work which is off exit 4 on 264 but this would extend the 6 pm to 6:20 giving time for traffic. please call me at 757-340-**** Thank you or email me at jenniferalisacurry@****
Original URL: http://norfolk.craigslist.org/kid/1644695566.html
17) Single Dad needs help/roomate (Seattle)
I'm a newly single Dad who is also new to the area from SF. I need help with my three year old son. I'm looking for a roommate that could watch my son in the evening. 130pm-11pm, Mon - Fri. Your rent will be paid in return for watching my son. A background check would be required. I am easy going and organized. I prefer a woman. Look forward to meeting you.
You can email or call 408.422.**** Thanks, Michael
Original URL: http://seattle.craigslist.org/see/dmg/1649078938.html
18) RE: Need care in my home (California)
Now I am usually not the one to reply to another posters ad. For some reason this one just seemed to bug me.
I think it is great that you are looking for a good person to take care of your daughter and older mother. But, you really only want to pay someone 150.00 a week/ 600.00 a month to COME TO YOUR house cook,clean,do pre~school and drive? Works out to a whole $4 per hour. What planet do you live on??
Do you really expect someone to work for that amount of money? I mean would you?
This is different than using a daycare/elder care where a provider can make more money by taking other kids.. You want them to come to your house! This would be their only source of income. I know most daycare cost 125~200 a week alone for those hours and than add in an elder person, cooking and the pleasure of washing your dirty clothes as an added bonus too. That is just crazy.
I know times are hard and even if you get someone to take the position how long do you think they will stay? Or before they start stealing things from you or worse.
All I can say is good luck!!! Your gonna need it!
Original ad:
I am looking for someone to come to my house and watch my 4yr old girl and fix meals for my 74yr old mother. I want someone who enjoys doing preschool activities, has transportation, lite cleaning-cooking. Creativity a big plus. Perfect for a mother with one child home during the day. Hours now 8-3:30 and pay is 150.00 per week- not alot of work just play with my daughter and help mom, schedule will eventually be 6:30am to 5pm. Pay will increase at that time.
Original URL: http://sacramento.craigslist.org/kid/1649401785.html
19) Part-time Nanny needed (Milwaukee)
1. At least four years experience in childcare.
2. At least 3 family related references. Also include any letters from former employers, teachers, ministers, and others, with phone numbers and addresses for verification..
3. A copy of TB test, Sudden Infant death Syndrome (SIDS) & Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS). (Willing to pay for SDS & SBS & CPR Classes )
4. Copies of any certifications you have received, such as Red Cross, CPR (you will need a current CPR certification within the last two years), or certificates in childcare courses.
5. Must be bilingual – Spanish preferred
6. 20 hours per week Mon - Thur 3pm - 8pm
7. Must pass background Check & eligible to work in the United States.
8. Please email if you are interested
Pay is $150.00 Weekly (willing to pay more if have Drivers License, Own Car and Insurance)
Original URL: http://milwaukee.craigslist.org/kid/1643638501.html
20) Nanny Needed (Milwaukee)
We are looking for either a professional nanny with experience, or a college student in nursing or education that has experience with kids. You will need to pass a criminal background check along with personal reference interviews. We have 2 children 3 & 5 and are looking for full time M-F 7:30 - 5:30. I DO NOT believe in children "zoning" in front of the TV. I believe children belong playing outside. I have strict rules for cargivers about cell phone useage, computer surfing and TV watching. I want someone with a strong work ethic that will not call in sick repeatedly or be unreliable. I want someone who will put as much time and effort into my children that I do, and will love them too. Pay negotiable $250-350/wk.
Original URL: http://milwaukee.craigslist.org/kid/1650846275.html
21) Need a loving and responsible sitter (Arkansas)
I am looking for a sitter in the Rogers, Bentonville area for my 2 year old daughter. Will be some full days ( early morning to 2 or 3 ) and some half days ( drop off at 1, picked up NO LATER than 6). I will pay 65 a week. This in non negotiable. I can't afford more than that. If interested please email me. I really need someone ASAP.
Original URL: http://fayar.craigslist.org/kid/1641188970.html
22) I need childcare (Seattle)
Hello, I have two kids my daughter is 4 and my son is 3, my current babysitter doesn't know if she can watch them anymore cause I lost my job and was out of work for a couple weeks, but now I am back to work. Please let me know if this suits you and if you can take them.
I can only afford 30.00 a day for both kids. thats 600.00 a month fulltime care. around 8-9 hrs a day,(m-f) if i can get someone locat commute won't be bad at all! Thanks please email for questions or a YES I CAN HELP!!!
Original URL: http://seattle.craigslist.org/oly/kid/1650370563.html
23) Flexible sitter needed (Norfolk)
I am currently looking for a sitter to watch my 3 children. My schedule will be changing soon and the hours are currently unknown. The center I work for is open 7 days a week from 7 am to 10 pm and the commute is 30 minutes so I would need you to arrive 30 mins before the start of my shift and I would return home 30 minutes later. It’s highly unlikely that I would work until 10 pm but is possible. The position may require extra hours to be worked as I might be needed for overtime. I am looking for someone that is dependable, can show up on time, and is flexible to the needs of my job as a single mother. You must be good with children and want to do more than sit on the coach and watch TV. Also it’s very important that they have there own transportation.
My current sitter receives $150.00 per week if she works the full week and more if she does overtime. I am looking to pay roughly the same rate. The children are 7, 4, and 3. They are watched in my home so it’s a comfortable environment for the children. My kids for the most part are self sufficient. The oldest goes to Lee Hall Elementary he has to be up for school by 7:55 am and he walks to and from the bus stop. He is aware of the time he has to leave.
If you are interested please send an email to Janice_22_236666@****. Please include your number. I am looking to meet people as early as Sunday to set my expectations and hopefully meet the perfect sitter.
*Once the next school year begins all three children will be in school so the hours and rate would decrease. Thank you, Janice
Original URL: http://norfolk.craigslist.org/kid/1651248634.html
24) Full-time Nanny needed for infant (D.C.)
Full-time female nanny needed for 2 month old to come to our house and watch child from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday-Friday until June 15th. You must speak some English, have experience and excellent references, your own transportation, and not be afraid of large dogs. Background check will be obtained. The job requires the safety and care of a 2 month old as well as light cleaning. Pay from $200-250 a week. If person works well for family, job can be resumed September 2010 for the school year with increased pay.
Original URL: http://washingtondc.craigslist.org/nva/dmg/1649513358.html
25) Carer wanted asap 2 weekday afternoons $175/weekly (Pittsburgh)
Anyone reliable and responsible available monday and tuesday from 2 pm to 4 pm? One preschooler, my home. References would be great. Daily or weekly pay.
Original URL: http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/kid/1651829109.html
26) Nanny/Niniera/Mother/Eng/Espanol/NEEDED THIS THURSDAY AND maybe FRIDAY (California)
Hi .
I am looking for someone to come over to my house on this thursday around 7.45 and be able to wait untill i come back home wchih it might take up to 5.30pm hopefully before that time depends on traffic.I d like to pay for it between 25-40$ /depends on how many hours.i can do 40$ but thats the maximum for about 8-9 hours or so. And i might need you on this friday as well between 9-1.15pm and i will pay for it 20-25$.Id like someone whos ok with a puppies and have no allergies. You will have to prepare some light meals for breakfast lunch and a snack or just warm it up.My doughter is still in dipers and you have to be comfortable with that as well.
Id like someone who will be able to come over to my house once in a while when my husband and i would like to have a date night. I need you to be able to do an on call for example saturday night,or friday. Please contact me via email at syrek82@**** or my cell 916 317 ****.
If you are a mother you can bring your child over to my house and if you live close to the arden fair mall and you're available in between those times please contact me.
YO,NECESITO UNA NINIERA PARA ESTE thursday 7.45-5.30pm.Para este thursday maniana yote pago 40$ y para este viernes 9-1.15.pm 20-25$
Mi nina tiene 2.5 anos,
Si usted habla solamente espanol,este no es problema.Yo entiento practicamente todo...
Yo no ablo mucho espanol,.LLAMAME AT 916 317 1550.
Thank you. gracias.
mi correo es:syrek82@****
Original URL: http://sacramento.craigslist.org/kid/1647892589.html
27) Permanent Saturday babysitter needed (Seattle)
I just moved to Ocean Shores and I am working as a massage therapist at the Quinault Beach Resort and Casino. I work tuesday through saturday and I need someone to babysit my 5 yr old son all day every Saturday from 8am to 10pm. You must be able to pass a backround check and I will pay $4 dollars per hour wich would add up to more than $200 dollars per month! If you are interested please send me an e-mail at meghanclaussenlmp@**** and I will get back to you asap! Thank you soo much, Meghan
Original URL: http://seattle.craigslist.org/oly/kid/1651608740.html
28) Tutor/Nanny/House Manager Needed! (Mississippi)
Seeking experienced childcare provider with education background to tutor/mentor/care for my 6 and 9 year old after school daily approx. 40 hours per week. This will involve research, planning, organization, oversight of these two advanced children to supplement their education as well as provide a positive caring influence.
Additional responsibilities include caring for satisfying children's physical, emotional, intellectual, and social needs.
Childcare Responsibilities
• Prepare lessons and classroom from noon 2 pm
• Pick kids up from school at 2:15 pm
• Supervise and supplement school curriculum including but not limited to:
Tracking childrens' progress and any difficulties
Overseeing AR reading progress and goals
Managing childrens' calendar/events/activities
Monitoring all communication from school and relay pertinent information to parents
• Conduct age appropriate activities, crafts, entertainment
• Plan and accompany children on stimulating outings
• Supervise playtime with children's friends
• Transport children as needed
• Prepare meals and snacks for children, and involve them in the prep
• Provide/oversee physical activities for children
• Clean up after self and children
• Maintain children's play areas and room
• Children's laundry (supervise and assist kids with laundry management)
You will be provided necessary materials/supplies as well as computer to fulfill their needs. Basic MS Office skills required.
Household responsibilities:
• Manage household responsibilities during morning hours (listed at bottom)
Additional responsibilities will include assisting with general upkeep of home (light housekeeping)
Management of inventory of pantries and supplies -- including going to Sam's Club/Wal Mart to replenish
We have two dogs (yellow lab and mini-dachshund) - with whom the kids are very involved, so dog-lover is a must
Occasional weeknight evening as well as weekend babysitting when we have outside obligations
References required. Background check will be conducted. Please reply with resume. $12/hr.
Original URL: http://gulfport.craigslist.org/edu/1614338229.html
29) Need childcare in my home (Ohio)
I am looking for someone with experience in childcare to babysit in my home for 40 hours a week at $600.00 per month. My home provides everything needed to watch my children and all i need is a woman (preferably older woman) with experience to be here on time in the am and leave by 5:30 pm, 5 days a week. Expect to conduct a background check, provide personal references and i will need to claim the sitting money at the end of year. Thanks
Original URL: http://columbus.craigslist.org/kid/1621615542.html
* Response from CL readers:
30) RE: Nanny Ad for $600/month (crazy world)
Please parents,
If you are seeking care for your children at $600 you
need to look at a daycare.
$150 a week for full-time - you do the math.
Please think, would I want this job?
Is you answer no to yourself - then get real!
Do people not even expect min. wage anymore?
Please care providers, nannies, etc.....
don't settle for less. You can love what you do
and be great at it and at least make min. wage to
pay your own bills. hauh....
respect towards one another...
Original URL: http://columbus.craigslist.org/kid/1621800667.html
32) RE: Nanny for $600 a month
I saw that ad too and thought she was nuts for thinking someone would actually do that. It works out to $3.75 per hour, and she expects the person to pay taxes on it too. Which would be about $75 to $150 in taxes.
She didn't say how many kids she has, but she did say "children" so there's at least 2 of them. Only a person who is extremely desperate for money would ever agree to watch 2 or more kids for less than $500 a month.
I already know that people are going to say, "times are hard" or my personal favorite "I don't make a lot of money, so I can't afford to pay a lot" etc....
Well guess what?!! If you can't afford to pay a decent living wage for a nanny to come to your house, or even for a home daycare situation, keep your knees pressed tightly together and stop breeding!
Special thanks to the following Readers for their Contribution to this weeks CL-WTF: Krupitzerb, kiddiepsyc, emjoyneely, Cinder38, MissDee, mbargielski, hungrycollegestudent and rivkakehaty... all of you did an amazing job! Remember, CL-WTF will be Posted every Saturday. Please send next weeks Ads HERE or use MEEBO. And please don't forget to include the Links!
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