
Bad Mom or Bad Nanny?

My nanny friend is mad at me. Did I do something wrong? I am a nanny too and she got me a part time job with her NF, neither one of us can work full time. I should not have taken the job because she is always complaining and even in tears sometimes over the actions of her MB. So s few weeks  ago the MB royally cheats me out of about $90 and I quit. I went on a  a private FB group to vent my feelings and it got back to the MB. She has not fired my friend but she is verbally harassing her and has even cursed at her because of what I wrote. My friend is blaming me. Is it not ok to vent my feelings when I am the one cheated and did nothing wrong?


Anonymous said...

you should have taken her to court, just going on an internet site does not accomplish anything

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Court sounds perfect... over $90. Because, you know, court fees wouldn't cost more than that or anything.
And gosh, another gem.

Corina said...

Small claims court. If mom was found owing money her fees would be refunded. The mom would have to pay the fees. But yeah I agree not worth the aggravation of dealing with all that.

Jose M said...
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Jose M said...

I would suggest you must get the nannies from registered sources. This is not a single case in USA . Refer this blog neighborhood nanny hiring in Nj

Anonymous said...

Honestly I'd never in a million years air dirty laundry online, especially about a family I worked for. This is because I care about future jobs, I don't want it getting around that I post things online using enough detail for someone to recognize the family. Not that it's okay for her to short you money owed, or for her to be mean to your friend. But I'd say your end of this issue is on you, I don't find it professional to rant online. It's one thing to seek constructive advice from fellow nannies in as confidential a way as possible, and perhaps you did, but you also have to understand why a family would be upset to read about themselves online. I also wouldn't pursue court over $90, generally I chalk those up to a life lesson and walk away. I'm sorry it has soured your friendship, that would also be why I discourage mixing work with family or friends.