Unexpectedly pregnant or have a small child and don't know what to do? We are a happy family of three and have two problems that we are hoping you may be able to use to your advantage. One is that we are having a hard time having a second child and would love to adopt! And the other is that even though we are financially very comfortable, we cannot afford a live-in nanny. Since I (the mom) work from home I want to either put aside my work for a while and dedicate my time to raising a second child, or have some more support so that I can work more. I am from the Central Jersey area, but we live in Europe at the moment. We are looking for someone who is interested in living with us for free in return for some child care, or who is looking for a great home for their little one and would like to KNOW the family their angel is going to. I know that posting on Craigslist is a bit out there, but we would of course exchange emails, maybe phone calls, pictures and info until both parties are satisfied that everyone is friendly, sane and real. Hope to hear from you!
Submitted by Anonymous Reader.
Since I am still receiving requests for CL-WTF, what I have decided to do is Publish Ads one at a time. I am just too busy to put that Feature together anymore. However, in order to take such a coveted space all alone, they must be really insane!
If you want credit for your Submission, please leave your name or moniker, otherwise it will be posted Anonymously.
I am very confused.
Are you asking for a child at the end there? Maybe I just don't understand this post.
You cannot ask someone to ask nothing for the exchange of living with you. You would need to give Nanny an allowance so that she may survive and buy herself clothes etc.
But I am still very confused.
I don't even know how to respond to this?!
And to think I'd seen it all. Great find, OP!
WTF is right. They want a nanny for free, and they want to take the nanny's child for free. I have no words for this.
PS Congrats on doing WTF one at a time. What a great idea!
Yes..this one is most definitely quite insane.
I am flabbergasted that someone would post something like this on CL....as if they were looking to buy a refrigerator.
I can't get my head around this one.
I can empathize with people who badly want a child , but this is just a mess.
It's like they want a toy or something
Believe it or not, I actually know a girl who went for something similar to this. She was in her young-20s and had two toddlers and her husband had just run out on her so she was at her wit's end. Some kind of church group found her adoptive parents for both her babies and didn't charge the parents anything. The kids are doing fine and my friend gets updates every so often on them, but I always thought the arrangement sounded so fishy. I hope I never see this church group advertise on CL like this!
I'm glad it worked out for that woman and her children. Ican't imagine having tomake that choice.
It's still scary to me.
I mean Craigslist!
I guess if you've been trying through IVF or waiting to be approved for adoption for years and still no baby I can see why you might go this route.
I can also see if you're in a tough situation no job, money, no support from anyone you might go for this.
Slightly off topic, but it's one of my goals in life to be able to help women in tough situations that don't want to give up their children and need support.
So many people prey on people on both sides of these situations.
I can also understand people seeming desperate when they want a child. But this post gives me the heebiest of jeebies.
It's probably me being judgmental, but the part about being from Jersey but they're now in Europe jumped out at me. It's like she was doing some handbag shopping while on vacation only she's shopping for a baby.
YAY, CL-WTF is back! LOL
It seems strange that one would be looking for a nanny and a baby to adopt in the same ad. Are they suggesting that they want to adopt the nanny's baby, or are they multi-tasking? Adopting a baby and hiring a nanny are two totally separate things that deserve two totally separate ads.
Wow you can't be sane or real if you think you're going to get a good quality childcare/nanny for FREE.
You say you're ''financially comfortable'', yet you can't cough up a decent amount of money to give each week to a nanny? hah, goodluck on that one.. The only 'Nanny' who will agree to this would be a homeless woman who will milk you for all your worth and only be in it for the free housing an food. She'll probably snoop threw your things while ignoring your little ''angel'' of a child.. Because a Good quality Nanny will come with a pricetag.
This is so odd but I have heard of something similar. A friend of mines younger sister fell pregnant at 19 while she was working in a really fancy restaurant. The head chef sat her down one day, looked her in the eye and told her to give him a dollar amount to sell the baby to he and his wife. There is also a sad side to all of this as it shows what lengths people would go to for a baby but also how some richer people think they can buy anything.
Att. English lit. majors:
Isn't this a plot in a nineteenth century novel? Poor servant girl gives birth to baby and the family adopts it. She continues to work for the family and her son grows up to inherit the estate and title, never knowing until she is on her death bed that the scullery maid is his mother?
wow. just wow. I thought slavery was illegal
As a birth mother, I am appalled to read this submission. Placing my son for adoption was the hardest decision I have ever had to make and I am fairly confident it will be the hardest decision that I make in my lifetime. Seeing people being so callous as to think it is appropriate to post on Craigslist for a baby is offensive to me and any other woman who has done the same. Not to mention, there are TONS of people who want children and cannot have them, they spend a lot of energy, money and heartache in hopes of adopting a baby and this lady wants to skip all that work and have a baby just fall into her lap?
What the ....???? Wow. That's some strange $*it right there.
Sorry guys i really should have put my name when i submitted this. I think you can still find this ad on craigslist if you look for live in nanny jobs in north jersey.
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