To the person that had nothing better to do last night: I know who my Regulars are... stealing their monikers and leaving a bunch of crazy-ass comments in their name got all of yours deleted. Just in case you didn't know, you left your IP address. Do not come back.
Oh my god, I am trying not to bust out laughing at that picture because my MB is in the next room and I have no desire to explain. But that is too funny...though I have no idea what crazy-ass comments you're referring to...better not ask.
Hahahahaha....LOL for this.
Love love it.
I had to delete over a dozen trash-filled comments from an idiot trying to pose as some of you regulars.
Too bad all that work was for nothing. ;-)
Lol, ooooh, who did he pretend to be? :)
love the pic!
why do I miss all the good stuff? :(
hey did anyone try to be me?
You should have taken a screen-shot of the crap first so we could all have a good laugh at the troll.
You don't really want me to name names, do you?
Let's just say it was the "usual suspects", lol... and a few others.
people always like to be me.
it is quite inreresting, however, they can't get my tone down and they say things that are out of order from the normal way I express my opinions
MPP what is funny is that everyon wants to know now! I didn't see the comments either
can I email you please? I need your advice.
I don't think many people got the chance to see the comments because they happened in succession and I deleted them right after reading them. It was so obviously someone trying to start trouble.
Omg i'm stealing this picture lol too funny and so true.
Btw Mary Poppins - Goodjob. I bet whoever did that thought they were slick and thought they wouldn't be deleted/blocked because they didn't I bet they're on there way to the local libery to hop on that computer to ''get the last word in''
UMass... my email is reedinaz@aol.com
hit me up anytime :)
CYM Phoenix, thank you!
Who Cares,
Did it ever occur to you that I could just delete your comments?
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